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#REDIRECT ADanceOfAngels
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== Wild Walks! ==
'''Sword of Azure: '''It is not far a walk on the Shaped Lands, although Days can see it feels like an eternity for her companion. Soon, she steps over a hill, and below, Days can see a large city from afar, a city based on the infraestructure of the First Age, with its imperishable stone buildings and roads, now so many burnt.... a myriad of waterways and fountains.... now filled with blood. A mountain seems to cut in part of the city, and on the other side, something makes strange, pale lights flare....
"That is the Capital City of Whiteshield, Days. It used to be... a very interesting place. Nice to dabble in, full of heroic figures whose passion tasted like the finest wine. Now, it is that." The Cataphract curls her lips in disdain.
A figure, almost on the lmit of the vision, rises from the mountain... almost a point of light from where Days can see, white light and a pair of wings, burning in cold flame. "See the light? That is Cetari, city father of that. Their patron god and all that. He was all honor, a very interesting person to know. I used to consider him my rival. Got a couple good shots in, even... the hard part was giving him cause to manifest. But now, he seems like he is manifested all the time... and not a good thing. He changed. He is just not... fun, anymore. A rival who became an enemy..."
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' The Snow Monkey, molded in flesh and clad in gossamer cloth, takes the trip in stride, having long since gotten used to long travel on foot. Still, she pauses as she behold the city of Whitewall, It is not exactly shock that registers on her face, but more pity, tinged with what empathy her Cup can grant. "How terrible. It does look like a place that could have been quite an amount of fun to visit... was this the work of the dead things, or some other danger? I can imagine this city isn't very safe at night anymore."
Pausing, she peers at the figure, brass eyes shimmering a little in the light. "I see it, and... another pity. I can only imagine what was done to him to make him so... banal."
'''Sword of Azure: ''' "The dead." She sighs, "They have no sense of humor, you see. Before, we had beautiful duels at sunset. He used to best me, but the rivalry gave me strength... now, he would simply try to destroy me, as he did... and would have suceeded were I not close to the Wyld. No class, no class at all..."
A hand to her hips, and the sword-lady points at outside the city gates, where great Undead War Machines move, together with so many animated corpses... "No beauty at all, either. The lady clad in lust and shadows has some aesthetics when she does things, but it seems lost on the rest."
"Anyway... this is not a place we get any closer to, right now. Not before we come with any others. It took the worst, you know? So many powers, so many nobles... not even the gods escaped. A pity." She shakes her head, beggining to walk away, "Oh, and I know it is unusual for one of us to know so much about Creation... but at least this place, I used to frequent."
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' The Child can only nod as her companion speaks, taking in what she can hear, see, smell, feel. ''And some of our kind actually find some kind of beauty in these dead things. I do not see it... they seem too bent on ruining things for everyone to be of much use. Ah, well, another challenge to accept, then! ''
"Ah, it is nothing unusual... time, or the right miracles, can open the doors of Creation's dirty little secrets wide. This... isn't much of a secret, though, although I imagine not too many shaped ones know about it. A pity... they'll probably be taken as well, if only because of blissful ignorance." Days smiles, aware of the mild hypocrisy in her comment, but nonetheless not paying it much mind. "So, then. Where exactly will be be going, my newfound teacher?"
'''Sword of Azure: ''' "Not there, that is for sure." She shakes her head, a wave behind her back showing she has no desire to approach any further, "It is crawling with them. I heard stir between them, though. That their forces were defeated on the outside, that there are enemies running loose on the inside." She turns to Days over her shoulder, and smiles, "I want to see where there is chaos, my dear apprentice, and see how much wood we can add to its fire. What says you?"
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' At the word 'chaos', Days' eyes gleam mischeviously, and a rather amused little grin works its way across her lips. ''Chaos! Now that's something I don't have to think about too deeply to comprehend! '' "Chaos, you say. It would be completely against my very being to let this opportunity pass me by. And if we can have a bit of amusement in the process, so much the better. I am with you, completely."
'''Sword of Azure: ''' "Very good!"
The cataphract stops at the foot of the hill, bringing a finger to her lips, and wondering... "Now, where to go, where to go..."
As she thinks, a cry comes from the distance. Something about staying where they are, indentifying themselves... as, up the hill, figures with huge axes and dark cloaks descend...
The cataphract just shrugs, looking at her companion... "Oh dear. You said you were dabbling in the fighting ways of Creation, to compensate your lack of Sword ability, did you not? How far are you in this...?" She says, calmly unsheathing her sword from its purple sheath marked with a myriad of dark-blue runes that have meaning only beyond the world...
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' The Child pauses as well to look in the direction of the approaching men, frowning a tad. "I am well-versed, but I suppose we're going to see how that stacks against these two. I'll save my miracles just in case things get a bit ugly." That said, she twirls with a flourish, falling into a lazy stace. The Scarf lazily wraps itself around her body, and Owl and Serpent rests on her shoulder.
"If they prove reasonable, I might only gnaw on their dreams." She grins, thinly.
*Heavy helmets, dark cloaks.<br><br>They continue down the hill, and behind those two, four more appear, wearing lighter cloaks and rough faces. No zombies like those Days had seen from afar, just a few humans, and... whatever the two point men are.<br><br>"Hey you!" They come a little closer, axes turning to them, "Identify yourselves!"
'''Sword of Azure: ''' The Cataphract smiles, pointing her blade to them, her eyes eager to battle. Light catches her blade and her hair, shining in a multitude of colors, her white dress of gosamer and violet gloves never seeming so fine as when they help their mistress in battle. "I am... ''Relentless Prism'', dead thing!"
"And I accept your challenge!"
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' The Child actually relaxes some, taking a less offensive posture while she scans over the two axemen approaching. "And I am known as the Child of Wyld Days. And, as you can see, it might be in your best interest to lay down quietly. Or... don't, I really don't care either way!" Her posture resumes an offensive nature, her tail waving about as she crouches, empty hand touching the ground.
"Prism, hm? I suppose it wouldn't hurt to have a bit of fun, eh? They mgiht even tell us something interesting!"
'''Relentless Prism: ''' She rushes towards them, a smile on her face.
At first, the image is... strange.
A lady in a light white dress, which does not even cover her shoulders, running towards a man in full armor, helmet and cloak... her, white and seemingly feminine and frail, him, a dark thing, on a backdrop of dark, stormy skies....
But at the same time, she is an acolyte of the Sword, a heroine from beyond the world, a creature that lives only for battle...
In the end, her enemy had no chance.
She jumped, and came down, shattering everything in her blade's path, a hard hit to one of the armored things, then moving around and attacking two of the mortals... smiling, reaping the blood wheat like she lives for it!
And not once a drop of blood falls on her immaculate clothes.
*Her blade goes through the shaft of the Poleaxe the Nemessary brings to bear for defense, shattering it with ease. She proceeds to shatter armor, flesh and bone, and the fully-armored man falls, limp.
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' "Now, then! As for you... it's time!" She locks onto the other nemissary, eyes gleaming with violence, danger, joy, madness. With an almost effortless motion, Snow Monkey propels herself into the air, twisting once before she strkes out; Owl and Serpent whips out with a keening screech, the owl-end letting the world hear its cry. "Try not to fall down too quickly!"
*In a blink of an eye, their two leaders have fallen. One cut to the bone, past all defenses, by Relentless Prism, the other run through by the screeching staff....<br><Br>Four mortals are left, spear on hand, to try and do something.... two of them to strike the lady of the sword, another to strike the monkey-woman, in desperation....
'''Child of Wyld Days: '''The Child, effortlessly batting away a spearstrike, turns to Relentless Prism and smiles, brightly. "Indeed, you're a strong one, Prism! Perhaps there's a thing or two you can teach me after all!"
'''Relentless Prism: '''"You are not bad yourself. Although you are too shackled to the rigid movements of the Ring. I prefer to go where the sword tastes me... to live for this battle. To flow..." She smiles at the remaining four men, the smile of a reaper.... "... where it takes me, through '''blood''' and '''glory'''!"
As she says it, she whirls around the men, moving free and light as her dress lets her, a festival of gestures that, with her bare shoulders, legs and arms, seems like a enticing dance more than a reaping of the blood wheat... and then she finishes, face-to-face with Days, as men lay dying behind her... "This, is what I live for."
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' The Child glances about at the impromptu blood festival trhrown in her honor, then smiles, faintly. "You may have a point... but it's a pity. I'd hoped to taste one of these men... ah well, there will always be others." She then claps politely, in admiration of Prism's bloody work. "Not much else to do here, eh?"
'''Relentless Prism: ''' She looks a little uncertain, then nods, "It also gets me carried away at times... I am sorry."
"But yes. And they will know we are walking their lands now... up for a good chase?"
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' "But of course!" Days laughs softly, then starts to bounce on her toes, grinning like a fiend. "These fake legs of mine could use a bit of a workout, anyway!"
Days smirks a little, not hiding the mild ogle she gives Relentless Prism. "Although, if you don't mind, I'd like to follow you. The view is fascinating."
'''Relentless Prism: ''' "Oooh." She giggles a little, walking with a little fanfare for the snow monkey. "I will give you this much, then! Admire all you want..."
With that, she begun to run away, impossibly high jumps as she moves with the swiftness of air about her body....
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' Days smiles brightly, running her tongue along her lips ever-so-slowly as she keeps close to her new teacher, admiring the view and enjoying the mad dash away from possible pursiers. Of course, one has to think in order to avoid pursuit; doubling-back through travelled paths, leaving false trails, and moving through areas that leave little in the way of tracks or signs of passage. Putting her incredible athletic ability to use, as well as her boundless stamina, she leaps to distance her steps, a broad, exhuberant smile on her face the entire time.
'''Relentless Prism: ''' Days' maneuvers pay off, big time.
After two days, and some near-misses, they are sure - their pursuers are as far behind them as they could be! And, as they realise it on a mountaintop, Prism, as she is called now, falls to the grass, laughing merrily. "This was... interesting! But I have to admit... you me beaten in endurance! You just don't ''tire'' do you?"
'''Child of Wyld Days: '''Days shares in that laugh, still standing with her hands laced together behind her head, enjoying the crisp air and the thrill of an exhilirating chase. "I tend not to, no! But you're quite the mobile one! I'm very impressed!" She finally sits down in front of Relentless Prism, all smiles. "Nonetheless, we've lost them. The question is where we go from here. I'm sure you have an idea where to start, but perhaps you should take some time to rest first."
'''Relentless Prism: '''"Hmmm, yes. You might not tire, but I need a moment... to catch my breath." She lays down on the high grass, looking at the sky... "And now, one has to hate those stale, shaped lands. If this was even the bordermarches, we would be in a great castle, in beds of crystal and with beautiful servants giving grapes to our mouths. Here... you have grass."
'''Child of Wyld Days: '''Days cannot help but chuckle... and enjoy the view, of course. But, mostly, she seems to be pondering Prism's words. "Ah, you do have a point. There's something about our home that jus makes this harsh place pale in comparison... but that is, in a way, what draws me. The harshness. The danger. The mystery of a place so dull, yet full of things with vibrant souls, even the most common of them. It's such a strange thing, that..."
'''Relentless Prism: '''Prism sits down, cupping her face in her own slender fingers, looking at Days, and then at the expanse beneath them... "You are enamored with it."
"I now wonder if your prowess with the arts of combat of the Creation-born was just bragging, of course. I would have to see that you have nothing but what you have shown me near the capital city..."
'''Child of Wyld Days: '''Days laughs a little, leaning back on her hands. Those eyes of her gleam, and she shrugs a tad. "Well, it's not good to reveal all of your tricks outright, yes? I may brag a little, but there is indeed something behind the bragging that I can show you... when the time is right of course." She then blinks. "Enamored? Perhaps... but it is still not the Marches. Ultimately, Creation hates us... perhaps I can find some joy in it, but in the end, I will have to return to the place that birthed me."
'''Relentless Prism: '''"I will be waiting for you there... if I ever return, that is. If my Adjuration is ever fulfilled." She points at something then, a cloud on the distance... then a dot... something approaching fast... "See that? Something... running fast. Will pass by here soon. None of those we have seen so far have ran so fast, in such a desperate way. Now, you know what this means?"
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' Days peers forward, eyes narrowed as she tries to make out just what the hell's approaching. "I am not completely sure, but perhaps you could enlighten me, teacher Prism?" Her tail twitches once, twice; she still seems jovial, but there's an edge of wariness to her as she observes te approaching dot.
'''Relentless Prism: ''' "Why, there is only one explanation for such a heckless hurry - we are seeing a messenger, my dear pupil!" She gets up, and her gaze is that of a predator watching her prey run through the plains... "Now, now, such a hurry also means the message is certainly something important. Something I am sure you agree, would be interesting for us to know?"
'''Child of Wyld Days: '''"A message this hasty should definitely be interesting!" Snow Monkey rises, her own look that of a lazy ape watching a gator swim by; amused, but ready to move if need be. "Now, one has to wonder whether or not this message will lead to more... fun, as it were."
'''Relentless Prism: ''' "Who knows?" She looks down... to the valley the messenger was headed to...
"We just have to find out, my dear monkey. And to begin with, we have to come down from here ''fast''!"
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' "You do not have to tell me twice!"
The Child smiles, and wastes little time in leaping on down, using the momentum to propel her down the mountainside with impressive grace borne of inner desire and superhuman capability. All the while, her eyes stay locked on that valley, and their target. "Come! Let's get right down to business, Prism! We shouldn't keep the messenger waiting!"
* With her simian grace, Days manages to get down much faster than Prism... and sees the Messenger coming, if only as a cloud of dust down the road, but to be there soon...
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' "Come to mother..." She waits, crouched, looking for the perfect moment to intercept. ''Oh, whatever could this messenger have for us? I hope it's something worthwhile... although I am having fun, I'd like for there to be some sort of reward... ''
She waves to Prism, body wiggling almost like a cat's as she prepares to go into action.
'''Relentless Prism: ''' Prism comes down soon later, hiding herself close to Days... but not as well. She was a superb fighter, but her ability to hide herself was... lacking. "I strike at the Horse's legs, you jump and catch the messenger?"
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' "Fair enough. When you move, I will move."
Inwardly, the Child cannot help but grin at the situation. ''The poor fool won't know what hit him, literally! '' That thought passing, her borrowed muscles tense and she prepares to spring, like a coil ready to unleash itself.
... and the time finally comes.
She has to fight down the urge to yell as she rockets down at the rider, a streak of flesh and white and gold, tearing towards her target in an attempt to tear him gtom his ride and... hopefully '''not''' kill him in the process. After all, she's a tad peckish, and a messenger's no good when he's dead!
*As Days jumps, she gets the man in the horse, just as Prism jumps from her position to cut through the horse's legs with little effort!<BR><BR>The man in Days' arms as they come down is very much a human, traveling light....
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' "Mmmmmm." Days gives the man a gentle, hungry smile, and proceeds to hold him very firmly, not applying pressure, but making it very obvious that she could crush him if she wanted. "I do believe this little mission was a success! Now, teacher Prism... we have our prize!" She shows the man off, making sure that he doesn't try anything.
* The man looks groggilly around, his vision obviously overcome by black dots and the blindness of such a strong pounce... even as the horse thrashes behind him and Days. As his vision clears, he sees Days... and looks scared. "W.. what? What are you?!?"
'''Relentless Prism: ''' "So I see... my onkey girl acts like a tiger, who would have thought?" She finishes the sentence by placing the horse out of its misery, and sees it begin to dissolve...
''A dead horse... able to sustain indefinite ammounts of ride without tiring, I bet. Handy thing. ''
Then she walks towards Days, patting her head. "Nicely done! Now, shall you do the talking, my dear pupil?"
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' Days pauses... then smirks at the pat. ''I'll take what compliments I can... '' "I would be more than happy to take care of that. Now then, good sir..." She flashes a broad smile, canines very evident. "You seem to be in quite a hurry, so I'm going to ask you what is it you're to relay. And please, don't try to resist... you seem like such a nice man... I'd hate to have to do something untoward." Days coos softly, adjusting her grip just so to... ah, accentuate just what the man's held against.
*Fear.<br>Lust.<br>And above all... confusion!<br><br>Confused, he looks up at Days.... "I... I won't resist... but... but what do you want...?"
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' "You're in such a hurry, dear. Tell me... why? What's happening that's so urgent that you tear across the landscape so?" Snow Monkey, even though her point's been made, nonetheless traces a finger along the man's jaw, purring her words out. "Who knows? Perhaps we could be of some... assistance."
''Hah! Assistance! In muddling things, perhaps! But that would be fun, to stir whatever pot's out there... ''
Waiting patiently, Days smiles at the man, casually wondering what his desires and dreams taste like.
*"I...I..."<br>"I..."<br><br>The man's face goes red, and his eyes lose themselves in her face... and suddenly he looks so much more like any man like he did before, the dark brown cloak around him and the symbols of the Bishop's church little more than ornaments, no more symbols of his identity... "I was in a mission... a courier from the Boil... to warn of the uprisal there... the Dark Angel... Seventh Moon... some of the Vestal's whores, and Iron Tears... that's the god of the Boil... they are trying an uprising... trying to take the city back... the Parishioner, he sent me, but, but..."<br><br>His body tries to rub against Days, trying to not show it much... "B-but since there are other messengers coming out... they don't ''need'' me now..."
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' The Child can only smile a little to herself, leaning in to stare into the man's eyes with her own. "I see, I see... I assume these other messengers have gone other ways? Ah, well, I'd love to talk to them, too... but no matter! You've been quite good, my friend, and I thank you for telling us this..." Her grip loosens, but she continues to keep him close, rumbling deep in her chest as she speaks.
''Mine. Mine mine mine mine. Although Prism may want to have a taste as well... ah, it's been so long since I've tasted a shaped thing... ''
"No, they don't need you now. Come with us... I'll be certain to make this detour one you will never..."
She moves, lips within centimeters of his.
"... ever forget." She then suddenly relaxes her hold, and sets him down, nodding to Relentless Prism. "To the Boil, then?"
*"Y... yes, the others went by... raitons..."<br><br>"Yes! Yes, I will go with you! I will go with you!"
'''Relentless Prism: ''' Prism giggles a little, then looks from the place he came from... "Yes, to the Boil."
"A revolution... I have never been to one on the lands of the shaped. This will be... ''interesting'' indeed!"
'''Child of Wyld Days:''' "Good." Her single comment rolls off of her tongue like the sweetest of spices, and she runs a finger along the man's cheek again, giggling. "Very interesting! Come... let's see how the fixed ones rebel!"
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Revision as of 15:36, 27 February 2009

  1. REDIRECT ADanceOfAngels