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#REDIRECT ADanceOfAngels
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== Rock-Breaking Monkey Dance ==
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' The hunt is on!
Well... it's not a hunt, per se. More like a quest. A quest of redemption and mild annoyance and some degree of regret and embarrasment... wel, nix the embarrasment, but she did honestly feel somewhat bad about matters once she had time to sit down and think about it. So, the Child felt it necessary to track down the jadeborn beauty and properly apologize for her actions in a civil and (hopefully) nonviolent manner.
Not that the robe-flipping wasn't '''worth''' the trouble, but it still brought trouble. And that seems to be less in fashion around the Exalts nowadays, so...
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' And the Child finds Opal alone. It is a shaded place, devoid of people. A small cranny away from the hustle and the bustle of the ongoing party.
She sits, the hem of her robe pooled around her like a great lily pad, with only the shapeliness of her legs beneth maring its perfect flatness. Her hair, glossy and white, falls over her shoulders, where the jadeborn seems to be stroking its length is quiet contemplation.
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' For a moment---no. More than a moment. Many moments, and in each of them she ponders a way to try and go about properly saying what needs to be said, running each little scenario in her mind. Most of them end either with a slap or another ward. That discourages her, but only a little.
So, slightly above and away from the woman, she thinks hard, putting words together only to yank them apart again and reorder them. ''This seems so easy for shaped to do! And yet... bah! Stupid woman! She should have just opened her legs the moment she saw me, and this whole debacle would not have happe---STOP that line of thought! That's why I'm here now. Beh, so difficult to change... '' Finally, she seems to settle on an approach, and drops to the ground soundlessly, still out of sight as she steels herself for the introduction.
''Stupid woman, so easily offended... ''
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' She turns her head toward the Snow Monkey, causing the rivlets of her hair to fall away from her shoulder and down her back once more. A perfectly shaped eyebrow arches for the briest of moments, before her lips quiver with the escaping breath of her sigh.
She looks back to the wall, "I believe I owe you an apology," she finally says, in the haunting, mefluous tones of her voice.
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' She opens her mouth to reply.
The look on her face, once Opal's words register, are one of absolute and total shock, jaw dropping and eyes dinnerplate-wide. Her tail stops moving altogether, seemingly frozen in mid-swing to match the sudden lockup her mind's dealing with. Finally, with some difficulty, words come out.
"... wait, you do?"
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' The petals of her lips dip downward into a frown, as she casts her almond shaped eyes to gaze at the Fair Folk once more. Her chest rises, then falls with another heavy breath.
"You were merely playing a prank. And, in response, I imprison you and attack you with something that could dissolve your very being, if the Dark Angel had not interveined. Thus, though it pains me, I am forced to bow my head in apology for my actions toward your person."
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' "Wait. Wait. Waitwaitwait. Okay, yes it was a prank, but I came here to apologize for that myself. I know how you are about keeping appearances and whatnot, and I tried it anyway. Of course, I didn't expect you to fall flat on your face..." She watches Opal; the look on her face has gone from shock to intense confusion.
''Why is she acting like this all of a sudden? She said she'd do it, and she did, and yet... ''
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' Her eyelaces fall in a soft wave as she blinks once, as the Child replies, "Because civilized people do not do such things."
She looks away again, and demurely folds her slender hands in her lap, in the small depression left by the silk as it drapped over her thighs. "Do you know why I hate you so very much sometimes? Besides the fact your a lawless creature of irredemable evil bent on consuming the world."
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' Now that... '''that''' stung, and she visibly winced from the comment, although real anger begins to etch itself along her features. "Exceedingly Sublime Opal, I will have you know that I personally have no desire whatsoever to see Creation burn, nor am I some irredeemable horror! I am a monster, yes! I don't deny this! But I... I like Creation. I '''enjoy''' it, as stale and as hostile as it is. And perhaps that's why... it's a real challenge. A real danger. I could go home and be killed a thousand different ways, and it would mean nothing. But here... every action brings a real consequence, even misstep potentially fatal. This is a real place with real effects and a true, everpresent danger. And while I'm afraid to die, I '''crave''' that tiny little sliver on the ledge rigth before it!"
At this point, the Child's chest heaves as honest aggravation registers; she looks less the Wyld delight as the Cup recedes and the Sword claws forward, her very purpose in life under attack. Still, she bites down what words want to spew out, and instead calms herself. "If I could, Opal... if I could just snap my fingers and be of Creation, a bound and shaped raksha like you, I would. In a heartbeat. But I cannot, nor do I entertain such foolish dreams. I am the Child of Wyld Days. I am raksha. And I make do with what I have."
"If you feel you must hate me for it... then I suppose you are welcome to. I do not ask for your trust. Only your respect."
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' She frowns very faintly at this, and gives a small nod in response. She gently pats the space next to her, on the hem of her robes.
"I owe you another apology, then. I did not mean to insinuate that. It was my feeble attempt at humor. I might not like you at times, but that doesn't mean I don't respect you, you know."
She leans her slender, shapely form against the nearby wall, arching her back against it once as she stretched. "The reason I so hate you sometimes is because I am jeolous. You are, at any moment, free to do whatever you choose, being ruled only by your own desires and motivations. Though, please stop calling me a shaped raksha. I am not that, so please stop calling me it."
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' "I can feel it. Faintly. Buried under all that beauty." She walks over, taking what seems to be an offer to sit down, parking next to Opal (while not actually sitting on her dress). "Maybe it's not the same, but there's this... feeling. Chaos bent into shape. Maybe you are some different breed, but that's what it feels like to me. Anyway... I'll stop." She curls one leg up, hugging both arms around it as she looks to Opal... and snorts. The contrasts between the women become all the more evident; the pale, flawlessly-carved beauty of Opal next to the rough-cut, yet undeniably Wyld allure of the monkey-woman no more than a meter or so away from her.
"Freedom is what you make of the cage you have been put in, Sublime Opal. For me, it is an iron cage. I may dive into the bars, but I burn myself. Although there's a sort of freedom in trying to fight against the undefeatable." She chuckles, shaking her head. "And even then, I am bound by... two oaths here, and I imagine the Dark Angel will want more from me; the woman would make for an excellent Raksha ruler... she's ruthless enough. Still, Opal. You have a will, yes? You have a purpose, yes? Then, by all means, pursue it! Unless something I know not of holds you back..."
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' "Only my own inhabitions," she states, her lips curling upwards for once, and not downward. She reaches over and idly scratches the Snow Monkey behind her ear. All that furr had to be itchy, after all. "Sometimes I wish the Dark Angel would take me for her own. There is a certain... complement in another wishing to dominate you. However, I doubt that is of her nature."
She looks over toward the Child, and tilts her head slightly, "Perhaps it is that I like to be needed. That I am concerned of people's perceptions of me should I act inappropriately. But, while I wish I could be free in my actions as are you, I am not." She removes her hand from Days, and returned it to its twin in her lap.
"Are my legs really all that attractive?"
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' Surprise. And seeing that the fur-hair didn't exactly itch, it was nonetheless enjoyable to have someone else scratch back there. She did a masterful job of looking like she didn't enjoy that too much, although she couldn't fight off the smile appearing on her lips. "She would not make you. She'd let you come crawling to her, begging to be controlled. That's how her sort work... they let you do all the hard stuff." She grins, eyebrows wiggling, although she sighs when Opal withdraws her hand.
"Well, look. You can easily be needed and still forge your own path. The two aren't mutually exclusive... hell, adding a bit of a personal touch to your ways and means might make others need you a little more. You don't have to lust after everyone and lounge around naked, but it's alright to let some of your own needs shine through. You can't stay repressed forever."
That last bit catches her off-guard, but she finally settles, chuckling. "Opal, darling. You are ravishingly beautiful, and I say this not only as a lecher, but as someone who has learned to appreciate the various subtleties of mortal and immortal beauty and allure. "
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' She smiles a little bit at that, and laughed softly, "I never seem to get flattered like I used to in my glory days." She glanced over at Days, and considered something. She looked away and back at the wall, and frowned again.
"I assume that if I go back out there the Madamme will glower at me and say unkind things."
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' "She seems to have calmed down, but I have quite had my fill of parties for one day. I think that I'll go explore the town a bit; all the pageantry is nice, but there's still a city that I know almost nothing about, and I'm curious. Maybe there's a tiny little demesne hidden around here someday... heh, one day I really do need to carve out my own little hole in Creation..." She leans back, looking skyward while clasping her hands behind her head. "... Opal. I apologize for being an ass as of late... I have to admit, there was fun to be had in it all, but it seems that I'm going to have to coexist a bit better with my allies... and Selina." She rolls her brass eyes. "I'm surprised she hasn't tried to kill me yet."
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' "She's attempting to consolidate her possition. She desires to be a ruler, and to do that, she must cultivate allies, and see that those she has do not fall into her enemies hands," she shrugs her shoulders a little bit. "I swore myself to that Gennadi fellow. He agreed to become my broker, of sorts, and supply with the things I need to further my craft. Though... he did ask I dress more scantily." She wrinkles her nose a little bit at the prospect.
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' "Huh. Is he at least going to allow you to be tasteful about it? I have to be honest... there are a few situations where I imagine you nude would be the greatest sight for miles, but otherwise you're a tad to... hm... classy. Yeah, classy. You're not the sort to just dress like a total slut and make it work, or even look genuine." Days exhales faintly, tail patting on the wall. "And... yeah, I suppose we're both useful, in our own strange ways."
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' She idly begins to scratch Days behind her ear again, finding the Fair Folk's furr oddly soft. "Perhaps you could make a suggestion, or help me with it? I am at a loss, I am afraid. The power of my robes allows them to slowly assume whatever form I wish, but it is slow, and I must conceptualize what I want before it happens."
She brushes some of her own glossy white hair from her face and considers, "I think he merely wishes to see what I come up with."
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' The Child can't fight back the urge to 'rrrrr' softly, a half-purr forming from the throat. She chuckles ever-so-faintly, looking to Opal. "... I suppose I could. If you were aiming for something less there, but more fitting your persona, it would do well to create something to better accentuate your figure, making even a full dress look more inviting." She nods, for a moment. "I could indeed suggest... although I'll be less randy about it than at the manse. My apologies if I disappoint." She snickers, brows wiggling again.
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: '''She laughs a little at that, "I doubt there is anything more 'randy', as you put it, than in that Manse. I had thought of giving it to Kanti, but I don't think the Flame Dragon would respond well to it." She looks back at Days, and considers, "What would you suggest then, mm? You do have better taste than I, when it comes to such things. As well as much more creativity."
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' "Well! Stand up... and try to flatten your robes more to your figure." She waits, switching legs to hold while her tail continues to pat the wall, metronome-like. "Once I have an actual idea of your full figure, I'll work from there... shouldn't be too difficult, really."
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' She rises to her feet, and smiles a little bit. ''She's trying to spare my modesty. '' She brushes out the hem of her robe, though no wrinkles could possibly mar it.
"Well, if you do not tell anyone... we shall try something a touch faster." She begins to undo her sash, and once done, she opens her robes, letting Days see the blindingly potent beauty of her figure... pity she had undergarments on.
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' There go those eyes again.
"W-well! At least you're better than what I expected!" She doesn't get up, although it looks like the lower half of her body thinks that to be an awesome idea worth pursuing. "Curves... curves. Well! For starters, something more form-fitting will be the way to go. I'd say.... a more clingy dress, full-length. Slits... on both sides, from bottom to the juncture of torso and hip... and most definitely as little back to it as possible. The rest can be left covered-- to stimulate the imagination." She nods. Her Cup overflowes. Her loins warm some. Nonetheless, the Child shows restraint.
''No point in pissing her off after all this... ''
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' She smiles very faintly. ''So, the creature has some restraint after all. ''
She closes her robes and nods to the Raksha, the smile returning to her perfect face. "Hm. Perhaps. Should I keep this same color, do you think?"
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' "It fits you perfectly. Of course!" She notes the smile, but doesn't say anything. Selina's words dance in her mind, and she finds it strange that she's actually listening to them, if only a small bit. "Otherwise, that's pretty much my suggestion. Nothing more, nothing less."
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' Of course, now that the general outline was in her mind, she began to make additions to it. With the throughness of a liftlong artifacier, she envisioned the new attire in her mind.
"Thank you very much for your assistance, Days. I do not believe I could have thought of anything better. I think I should rejoin the fete. Will you be as well?"
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' Days shakes her head. "I am fine, Opal, I am fine. Do go enjoy yourself, and... again. I suppose..." She finally rises, approaching Opal before offering her an outstretched hand. "I suppose this means I'd like to attempt a fresh start. Trust me, I'll find time to give you grief, but it won't be as vicious." She flashes a teasing smirk, eyes glittering with that deep-down mischief. "Fair enough?"
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: '''She smiles and takes the hand, "Fair enough. Just... be a little more private with it, mm? Public humilation is something that always seems to bring out the worst in me."
She releases the hand, nods to the Fair Folk, and begins to move back out toward the party.
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' "Duly noted. Duly, duly noted." As restrained as she had been before, not even the Sun Himself could stop Days from watching Opal leave. She could only shake her head... although a plan was forming in her mind.
A most delicious plan...
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Revision as of 15:43, 27 February 2009

  1. REDIRECT ADanceOfAngels