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#REDIRECT ADanceOfAngels
* - Back to [[GoldenCat/DanceOfAngels|A Dance of Angels]]
== Dance in Light ==
'''Alexander: ''' Feathers fall gently down to the garden in the middle of the Manse, as a shining angel returns from his flight.
It was a desolate vision, and Alexander had already hurt himself, doing what he could... but there were too many, and only so much that he could do. The place was burnt, broken... beyond any recognition. He could not even dream a place within Whiteshield could become so... dirty. Ugly.
''Is this what they turned my home into? ''<br>
''Is this what I will find in Whiteshield? ''
Still shining with sunlight, he came back to the Manse... a flock of birds following him, chirping their goodbyes as he comes closer, lands... and sees the Crimson Dragoness.
'''Kanti: '''Down below, in the walled garden of the manse, in the middle of patch of green surrounded by bare trees, there is a dancer.
She holds a spear topped with red and green jade and she flows through the twists and turns of the Radiant Viridian Style with ease.
She spins and moves with grace, her dark hair in a cloud about her, as she completes the katas and combinations of the style, spear corkscrewing in her hands, before she pulls back into the ready pose.
Her eyes are closed, feeling only the breeze on her skin, and hearing the birds in the sky, stabbing and kicking with elegant precision.
'''Alexander: ''' The prince lands graciously, the sunlight still about him. Even hurt as he was, everything about him was more gracious, gentle, beautiful. It was the Gem set on his Blade... and Ainerach himself, he felt. They made him even greater than his Exalted station. He was grateful for it.
He walked closer to Kanti - watching her move beautifully, not wishing to disturb her, just to look more closely...
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti continues her beautiful and deadly dance of compassion, hair twisting around her, moving from one kata to another with ease, completing the postures of her style.
Then she feels the sunlight on her skin, and turning towards it, she smiles "Fiona!" and then she opens her eyes and sees the prince there. "I...I am sorry, Prince Alexander." she says, the spear vanishing into a puff of fragrant incense as she curtseys for the boy.
'''Alexander: ''' He sighs as the performance ends. It was so wonderful to see... a wonder he had never seen before.
"Oh, no, it is fine!" He smiles to her courtesy... it was so rare those days. To be treated like a royal. The act of vanishing the spear takes his interest. "So, you can do that too? But in incense... I use sunlight!" He says... and suddenly, seems a little unsure in what to say, in what to talk about. He was curious, however...
"You and Fiona... you two have been through a lot together, right?"
'''Kanti: ''' ''...how can he be so beautiful? ''<br>
''...with mistress it is not the same... ''<br>
''...she is as beautiful, or more, but hers was .. hungry. ''
"It is a quality of the weapon .., not of my own." she says, slightly apologetically, though with a smile, that widens as Alex mentions Fiona then falls as she considers some of the things they went through together "We have. She has been so good to me, through it all."
''even after I hurt her for Her''
'''Alexander: ''' "Oh, I see. Handy one, at least! I am not sure when I developed mine own... in the middle of so many ambushes, it was always good that I could have her on my hand." He says, his hand falling down on the hilt of the blade on his hip. It seems to shine for a moment then... its mere presence giving an air of something holy. As he was himself, his smile catching the light, his hair glinting with his own as he sits down... it was mostly a bland sun overhead, but close to Alex, it was summer.
"Fiona... she is always good to everyone. She used to play with Cedric... that is my younger brother... using her sorcery to help him find things. To talk with me, to help my mother..." He loses himself in memories for a moment, before bringing his vacant smile back. "She... they did not do anything bad to her, did they? Did she?"
He could not help but look at the scars on Kanti's flesh.<br>
And wonder what sort of monster would hurt something beautiful so...
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti sat as he did, moving alittle closer as she did, seeking the summer, curling her legs under her, watching the way the sun within Alex played over him, like it did with Fiona, only so much more so...
''"She'' ... it is not for me to say." Kanti says softly, trying to avoid bringing back the memories, the ones that brought her pain.<ve>
''I hurt her... ''<br>
''...I enjoyed hurting her... ''<br>
''...I hated hurting her... ''<br>
''...I hurt her. ''<br>
"I did my best ... to help her put the things behind her. Like she helped me, with her sunlit touch..." she says, with a strange overtone to the gratefulness in her mind.<br>
''I haven't felt her sunlight in so long. ''<br>
''three days and so long. ''<br>
"She is far stronger than me."<br>
As is only right<br>
Kanti notices the Prince staring at her, lets him, hiding the flinch, the urge to hide, not wanting him to feel bad.
"You have a brother?" she asks curiously, watching the Prince, trying not to upset him with her questions.
'''Alexander: ''' "Oh... I see. I will respect that, I suppose. Not that she had much time lately to tell me..." She spent most of the last day healing the wounded in the Boil, and was now... practicing sorcery, she had said. Something his mother used to do as well... ''And if she has not said so, it is because she does not want you to know, you silly prince. ''
''And that is what makes me more worried. ''
''That is what makes me '''need''' to know... ''
But he would let Kanti be, for now. He did not want to pressure her... not her who seemed to need even more help. "She is far stronger than anyone will ever realise."
''She damned herself to darkness to save me... ''
''Put the things behind her... '' <br>
''What did they do to her... ''
The prince smiles at Kanti, sat on the white rock formation, and begins to think of his brother. Cedric always made him smile. "I do! His name is Cedric... he is... so wonderful. Cute. Much more energetic and honest than me, even! And he always know what to do and how to do... I was my maid's good little boy, but Cedric drives Millia ''insane''!" He nearly laughs, remembering, "He is fine now. The dead had... done something to him. Something with his mind... " The prince says, more somber, his fingertips touching his forehead reflexively, "They hurt it real badly. Made him afraid of coming back. He is awake now, however... even though he is in denial about everything that happened..."
'''Kanti: ''' "She is." And she smiles more at the thought of Fiona truely free of the darkness and the bad things, ans she feels a litttle guilty, for wishing her free of the Vestal.
''And I worried him .... I should not have said it like that... ''
She listens to him speak of his brother, smiling, her eyes dancing at all the appropriate places, before he mentions the dead, and her face darkens with shared pain, before she brightens a little more.<br>
''it's so much easier to deny things though''<br>
"I am sure he will recover given time, Prince. You should not worry overmuch about him." she says, the reassuring tone in her voice speaking of one who knows such things. "He will speak of it when he is ready." she smooths down her hair, watching Alex.
'''Alexander: ''' "I hope he is here when he recovers..." He looks around, "Well, not ''here'', of course! But he needs a home. We need a family... we need our sisters." The wind blows his hair a little bit on his face, and he takes a moment to take it out... and smiles once again, pleased with Kanti's manners. "You know, I have not seem someone behae like you for a long time, Kanti. Which court were you on, before?"
'''Kanti: ''' ''Where are your sisters? ''
The question hangs in Kanti's mind, but she does not ask it, not until she was more sure of how he would feel to talk of it. It did not sound like they were dead, but...
''I suppose he does need a home though... ''<br>
''home....I have no home.... ''
"I am sure you will find a home for yourself and your siblings, Prince. I am sure you will find people to help you." warming tones in her voice.<br>
''though mistress is displeased with you... '' <br>
She turns her mind from such thoughts, giving a small, apologetic shake of her head. "I am a member of no court, Prince, though my.." ''Master'' "..mentor often took me to visit them as he travelled the world." the substitution made without hesistation, only a strange collection of emotions passing over her face at His mention.
'''Alexander: ''' ''And yet, you act like a royal courtier, like our most skilled servants did... Millia was still in training for half of that. ''
"You learned very well, Kanti. You have my thanks..." He says, with a courteous wave of his hand, the ring Days had given him shining with the wealth of a kingdom in his finger. ".. you make me feel at home.I guess the Dark Angel was right. I am just a spoiled brat, if such treatment makes me feel so well. It just... reminds me of home."
"And of the Home I wish to build. I want Cedric to be just as spoiled..."
His arm comes to rest over the stone, and he watches Kanti for a moment. "What about you, Kanti...?" He leaves it in the air, as if wishing for her to fill in more about her. In Whiteshield and Windia, a last name was a badge of honor and identity. So many times he met people in the balls whom he could recognize the last name of by features alone.... "... where is your home?" ''did you even have one, as you traveled the world? I hope I am not being insulting... '' "what do you intend to do, now?"
'''Kanti: ''' ''I please him with how I act! '' <br>
"Thank you, Prince." she says with a warm glow of pride in her voice, "I am glad I can make you happy, even if it is such a small way." looking up into the sunlight, feeling the warmth. "There is nothing wrong of wanting to be reminded of home, Prince. I am not sure why my lady dark angel is upset. I think.." ''hope'' "..she is worried over Seventh Moon." she says, caution and concern in her voice, keeping the undertone of fear as low as it can be.
''Kanti...? ''<br>
''who am I? ''
The question gives Kanti moment to pause, as she considers just who she is. She eventually settles on a full answer...<br>
"Once I was Sesus Magel Kanti, and then for a very long time I was Kanti nó Frevile and now I am just Kanti." she ends with, simply.
''I know of no name of the Dark Angel's to take, and I would not presume to anyway. ''
"I do not have a home, that I know of any more." ''The dark angel has mentioned Nexus. I do not want to call Nexus home. '' "I ..miss it sometimes."
''I want to go back to Her. ''<br>
''Go back and never leave. ''<br>
''Go back and stop her from hurtng so many people. ''<br>
''I. want. Her. ''<br>
Kanti keeps such thoughts from her face, though it takes her some effort to maintain the happy smile for the prince, as she sits there in the sunlight.<br>
"Now ... I am not sure. Whatever my lady bids, I suppose. I cannot speak for her plans." <br>
''why do I wish they do not include me? ''<br>
''why do I hope they don't include me? ''
'''Alexander: ''' ''No, more than the best servants I have seen, it is all so... natural, for her.
The most proper court servant I have ever met, scarred from head to toe, and dressed like... that... ''
His gaze strays on the curves unconsciously. He curses himself a bit, but could not help it, the dress drew attention to them... he still could not hear the screams. He had not come close enough. "That was before, Kanti. She... well, we had some fights before. She called me spoiled. Pehaps she was right... and on Moon. She has all the rights to be upset now. With Moon like that..."
He listens to her explanation. Sesus. So she was from the Realm... and then... not? "You left the Realm with your mentor, then? And married this Frevile...?"
''And then that happened, right? The dead? ''<br>
''You must have lost so much... I hope... I sure hope... I will not hurt you with questions... ''
My lady. The Dark Angel had her now, right?
It made sense... with the scars.
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti shifted just a little, such a very small movement, as she noticed the look, a tiny little movement, but one that made the curves show just a little more, subtly presenting her body just a little bit more. She felt faintly guilty for the movement, but kept her body as it was. She nods to the Prince as he speaks of his arguements with the Dark Angel. "I worry so about Seventh Moon ... my own hands could do almost nothing for him. I tried so hard to make his wounds go, but they would not." she says, her voice overflowing with concern.<br>
''Why can't I heal him?! ''
She nods politely "I left the Realm with my mentor, Prince." She smiles apologetically at him then, and gives a minute shake of her head, and steels herself inside for the wash of emotion that plays across her mind. <br>
Love. <br>
Betrayal. <br>
Comfort. <br>
Ownership. <br>
"Damian Frevile was my mentor. While I was under him, I took his name." she says quietly. <br>
''And when He gave me away, it was no longer mine. ''<br>
''And when He threw me away, it was no longer mine. ''
Kanti looks at him, and sees the thousands of questions he has, and wonders what they will be. Some she can guess, others she is sure will surprise her.
"Tell me more of this home you will build, Prince? It does sound quite grand."
'''Alexander: ''' "Oh, I see. He adopted you, then..."
He hears her words... and wonders. Part of him is shocked by them. That was a surprise. Nobody had asked him that yet. He had dreams... but he did not know how to put them in words. Did he have words? He wanted Whiteshield again. A place to call home again. Did he even think about ''how''?
No, he did not.
And yet, after barely a moment, the words came, alone. "I... well, I intend to win this war. To push the dead back. Then... I want us to be a Circle again. Me, the Windwraith, Moon.... even the Angels. I want to redeem them. There are Solar spirits, somewhere in there... I want to bring them back to light. The Pale Angel, the Dark Angel... and Carina."
''What will she be called, I wonder? ''
"I want to bring them back. I want to protect my people. We will be a force again... all made of light... and crush the Bishop, once and for all. And all others... we will be at Whiteshield's court, and I will build on it a Manse greater than any in Whiteshield. And keep Cedric, Anne, Millia and others there, protected... Fiona will be the court sorceress.... the Pale Angel, our great general. The Quicksilver Zephyr the flagship of the new Whiteshield..."
"Yes. That is what I want to do."
He begins to return to reality, the light beggining to fade on him, and imagines how his words even sounded... "... if... that made any sense. I imagine you will be with us, then? If I manage to convince the Dark Angel... you like serving her, right? The tatoos... she is like you. I imagine you are used to darkness..."
''I cannot get used to it. Even with Vorpal on my arms. ''
''It just became more.... sinful, then. It fueled my lust. It made it better... and.. and.. ''
''Ah, whatever. ''
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti lays her head on her shoulder as she listens to the young prince talking, talking about such grand wonders, talking about the light, talking about rebuilding. Talking about the dark angel without the dark.
''I..would like that... ''
"That IS a grand ambition, Prince Alexander." she says with delighted congratulation and amiration in her voice.<br>
''So young, and yet some firm, so commanding ... most of time. ''<br>
"I imagine so, yes, Prince, though as I said, I cannot speak for her plans."<br>
''nor guess what they might be. ''<br>
"Serving the Dark Angel ... I ..." Kanti falls silent, the mish-mash of emotions the Dark Angel evokes in her pouring over her in a wave. She cannot lie to the Prince so much as to say she likes it. But it is proper, the right thing to do, she says to herself.<br>
"I serve her, Prince" she says softly and quietly. It is all she can manage in answer to the that question. <br>
''am I like her though? ''<br>
''I suppose I am ... ''<br>
''sarah ... fiona ... ''<br>
''No! ''<br>
Kanti keeps the revulsion, and the part of her that calls out for it deep, deep inside herself, and she says so very quietly, so very quietly <br>
"...I have seen a lot of the darkness, yes, Prince Alexander."
'''Alexander: ''' "Thank you..."
''I did not know half of this ambition until you asked me, Kanti. ''<br>
''Thank you for that. ''
"And I will. We will be grand. Noble we will keep the North safe. We will banish the darkness,"
''The darkness... ''
His hand comes to her, then. Touching her bare shoulder. He feels like he hears screams. He wonders why...
"But do you like it?To serve the darkness?"
''I have seen some that do. I have seen some that made to like the darkness. ''<br>
''Carina gave herself... the Dark Angel wanted Lilith to... ''
"Tell me the truth, Kanti. I ahold the same station as the Dark Angel."<br>
"I know it is not proper."<br>
"I know it is not polite."<br>
"But there is something not right with you..."<br>
"Tell me. Do you enjoy it? To serve her? To serve the darkness?"
''Such horrible scars... so beautiful with them. ''<br>
''Consecrated to darkness, however. I feel it. The same as with the Angels... ''<br>
''And they love it... ''
'''Kanti: ''' The screams under Alex's hands grow in intensity as he asks the questions, as she considers the darkness.<br>
''"please...please no...." ''<br>
''... *whimper* ... ''<br>
''"...ohhh...yess.." ''<br>
''"...st...stop...please..." ''<br>
Kanti looks down, unable to meet his face for the moment.<br>
"The darkness." she says very softly, and then she looks up at him.<br>
Her eyes are large<br>
Her eyes are dark.<br>
Her eyes are full.<br>
Her eyes are far too full.<br>
They show fear.<br>
They show desire.<br>
They show revulsion.<br>
They show need.<br>
They show hate.<br>
They show lust.<br>
They show terror.<br>
They show love.<br>
Kanti's eyes show all these emotions and a thousand more shades of feeling, and then she speaks again, and her eyes are merely dark.<br>
"..I...can't answer that question, Prince Alexander." she says, in a voice far quieter than the screams under his hands.<br>
"I do not know the answer." she bows her head. "I'm sorry."
'''Alexander: ''' He feels something simply ''wrong''<br>
He removes the hand.<br>
Because those were screams of agony.<br>
Because in one of them, she begged for more.
He looked on her eyes then, and inched back. Held by them. Scared by them. Entranced by them. He saw some of himself in there. He saw some of Selina in there. He saw things totally alien to him in there. What he understod scared him. What he did not, terrified him.
''And the answer '''was not no! ''' ''<br>
''She was sad. She was scared. ''<br>
''And yet... the answer was not no. ''
A part of him did feel validated. Wishing to dance with the Angels in darkness...
He bit his lip, and white light poured out of him. Warming Kanti like a hot summer day. Burning all darkness away, keeping all darkness away... all outside. Useless on the inside. On Kanti's flesh, the scars burned slightly.
"... I see."
Was all he said, turning his gaze, and letting an awkward silence be.
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti flinched slightly as he backed away from her.<br>
''He fears me. ''<br>
''He hates me? ''<br>
''He wants me? ''<br>
Then the light hits her in a golden wave.<br>
The warmth fills her.<br>
The screams quieten.<br>
"Thank you." she says, in the same quiet voice.<br>
The scars start to burn on her skin, and she bites her lip to keep the whimper in.<br>
"Thank you." a slightly harsh whisper agianst the pain burning on her skin.
Then he looked away, and she let him be, let him gather his thoughts.<br>
''what is he doing to me? ''<br>
''why does he make me feel like that? ''<br>
''why did I say such things to him? ''
'''Alexander: ''' He had expected her to say no. Like a book, he had expected the slave of darkness, looking so depressed with her lot, to tell him how bad they were. To cry on his shoulder. To validate his choices. But Lilith was right. Life was very different from the novels. And she... liked it? Her screams... she thanked him, why he did not know.
After a long while, he turned back to her. "You... like my light?" He said, his hand coming closer again, the faerie ring glinting on it, his warmth even greater, the pain even sharper. "With those scars... consecrated to who you are... I thought it would hurt you. That you would dislike it..." Somehow, part of him understood the bit about pain. But tried hard to deny it.
"You do not seem happy now, however." He had to ask. "You seem... rather... down. Everyone does. You and the Dark Angel, and Opal, and Fiona, and Moon. It must have been so harsh here..."
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti watches him turn back to her, having made no effort to intrude on his thoughts, as he got them into some kind of order.<br>
''if you thought it would hurt me, why did you do so, Prince? ''<br>
''because you can...I suppose. ''<br>
Kanti keeps the pain from her face, though she can't help but take a small. sharp breath as the light sears her, lighting the scars with pain.<br>
"I ...I like your light, yes, Prince. It warms me, comforts me, pushes the darkness from me."<br>
''it cuts into me. ''<br>
''it hurts me. ''<br>
''I like for that too. ''
''why does a light so pure have to burn me? ''<br>
''It should not burn! ''
"I...we...have seen things ... Prince" she says, slowly. and looks down. <br>
''please don't make me tell you... ''
'''Alexander: ''' He mantains the light then, and motions for her to come a bit closer, as he leans back on the rocky formation on the Manse' garden. He thought it would hurt her. But it does not... unlike Vorpal, unlike Selina. She is not quite the same....
"I... can imagine. Like the creature that Moon destroyed, right?"
"We will destroy them all, Kanti. And we will be able to forget all of this..."
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti shivers as the light continues to burn about her, but she moves closer as the Prince bids her, kneeling as she was thaught to do so infront of royalty there on the ground before the rocks, close, but still a polite distance away, feeling the prince's burning light sending pain through her scars.
She nods to his question though. "Ghosts and demons and all the rest of the dead..." she says quietly.<br>
''So many nightmares ... and so many of them I want to have again and again. ''
'''Alexander: ''' The wind comes to break the sun's warmth. It is cold, today.<br>
Farther up, the sky becomes a diffuse, greyed white.<br>
They stand there, in silence...<br>
It is a warm silence, at least. Not as awkward..
"What you were practicing when I came in... what was that? It seemed so beautiful... and powerful."
'''Kanti: ''' "That was the Infinate Viridian Radiance Style, Prince Alexander" Kanti says, with justifiable pride in her voice at having mastered the technique, and pleased to talk about herself. Talk about something that didn't give her pain.<br>
Even if it was His.<br>
"It was supposedly developed in the first age, by a Wood Dragoness and a Solar."
'''Alexander: ''' "It ''is'' beautiful... it is a Style? Martial Arts... it is different from normal magic, right? There was something so... ritual, about it. I hear some are practiced in Windia... I even saw one, once. But it was very agressive, direct; Nothing like that. It was like you were dancing..." He says, hearing her words making him think... "A Wood Dragoness and a Solar, is it? Those... must have been great times. We had to hide our Solar Legacy from the Dragons... even though those in Windia seemed eager enough to work with me."
"I wonder how it will be when the war is over..."
'''Kanti: ''' "It is different, yes, Prince"<br>
''So very different''<br>
"It feels so different ... the essence I channel is so pure and alive ... even more than when I heal or dance and then I am channeling the essence of Wood." she says, pleased to explain to the Prince about how the magic works, about how she does her graceful, compassionate, deadly dance.
"They were called White Tara and Green Tara... I can tell you their story, if you wish?" She asks the question. She was not sure what to say about the Dragons, about the future.
'''Alexander: ''' "They are, are they not? You learn them in schools, like sorcery, right?"
This, was also a first.<br>
The first time the new Chosen was able to talk about the powers of the world, the powers of Exalted such as he...
"I wonder how channeling of elemental essence much be like... Sunlight is so warm, so powerful, so... pure. And searing."
"And yes, please. I would love to hear their story!"
'''Kanti: ''' "You do not have to learn them in schools, though that is how they are commonly taught, yes. I cannot speak for sorcery .. you would be better talking to Fiona about that ... she knows more of that than I ever can." Kanti begins to explain, at least as best as she can. "It is much more formalised than normal magic though, which is why it is taught in schools so often. Which is also what gives it it's power ... I should not be able to use the Viridian Radiance style, but I can, because it is formalised as a Style." Kanti says, after a pause to think. That was what he had taught her, yes.
"It feels .... so different, depending on the element you channel...even within the element...wood ... it is so different when I heal someone to when I dance for them..
and Fire..." she smiles whisfully and happily, the worries from before seemingly vanished as she gets to speak
"Fire ... I could not begin to tell you all the ways that fire burns through me..."
'''Alexander: ''' He smiles, listening... and learning. "I will ask her later. Mother used to talk some about it..."
''Burns? ''
"You dance? That pratice was so much like a dance... I would love to see you dance sometime!"
''Burns? ''
"Still... it burns?" He says, a leg bending closer to his chest, as he wraps his hands around it. "Is it part of your elemental nature that makes something like that pleasurable?"
'''Kanti: ''' She smiles brightly up at the prince from her place kneeling on the ground. "Then it will be my pleasure to dance for you some day, Prince Alexander."
''Is it pleasurable? ''<br>
''Well, of course... ''
"It is, Prince. For me at least. I am sure others feel different..."<br>
''but for me, the fire burns and it is good. ''
'''Alexander: ''' "I will love it. I would love to dance with you, if my steps will not be too clumsy for one so graceful..."
''Dancing in the sky again, in the light of animas, pehaps? ''<br>
''No... elemental power is different. She would burn. ''
"Anyway.. you said you would tell me the story of the Viridian Radiance Style, Kanti, she who now waits a new name. Please do... I have things to do, but I would love to hear it! So much of the world I do not know... "
'''Kanti: ''' "I am sure they would not be, Prince Alexander. I will look forward to it." she says with a smile on her face.<br>
''perhaps tomorrow, at the party, if my lady permits... ''
"Oh, I would not want to keep you from your duties but as you wish ... the story of the two taras." She shifts her weight slightly to a more comfortable posture for kneeling, and then she starts to speak.
"In the First Age, there were two mighty and powerful warriors. Green Tara, who was a wooddragoness, and White Tara who was chosen of the Dawn-sun. They had both developed a fighting style, though both were flawed. Green Tara's style lacked offensive power, while White Tara's powerful techiques left even her, a glorious warrior of the dawn, weakened."
"And then it is said, that one day they met, and this is what happened ..." Kanti tells him the story of the style, as it is set out on the walls of the temple manse so far from here...
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* - Back to [[GoldenCat/DanceOfAngels|A Dance of Angels]]

Revision as of 15:41, 27 February 2009

  1. REDIRECT ADanceOfAngels