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#REDIRECT ADanceOfAngels
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== Love and Chains ==
''The Quicksilver Zephyr... ''
Sailing above Monte Rubro, the area of insane Wyld that is now wreathed in shadows and deception...
The Prince waits. He had called for Cael, after the ship took off... he needed to talk. Somewhere everyone else would not just walk in... it had to be a private conversation.
He felt too guilty for it to be anything else.
'''Cael: ''' It's then that the door next to Alex slides open with a smooth whisper and he hears Cael's voice calling out from within.
"It is customary to knock Prince Alexander, if you wish for someone to know you are there, but please do come in."
Cael gestures from his seat at the writing desk towards one of the others in the room. "A drink?"
'''Alexander: ''' He walks n, "Oh, please... something soft, preferarbly. Or sweet. Such as a juice or wine." He nods, sitting down close to him. "I hope I am not interrupting anything... I just... have many questions. And, um..."
'''Cael: ''' Cael nods, and pours the prince a glass from the winebottle on the writing desk and offering it to the Prince as he takes his seat.
"Not at all, Alex. I belive I said to you when we first met I would always try to make time for your questions."
'''Alexander: ''' "Well, um... do you remember when we first met, that I mentioned... Nightmares?"
"All the shadows, the fear, lurking inside me...?"
He syas, tentatively... why was that even acceptable compared to everything else he had to say?
'''Cael: ''' Cael makes no vocal response, but none the less, his whole demeanor suggests that both he does remember and that the Prince should continue, that he is listening.
'''Alexander: ''' "Well... me and the Pale Angel, we... we got together. She was... sweet. So sweet..."
He says, a little guiltily for some reason. As if there was a problem with saying it to him...
Not something he could remember... or could he?
"But, see, a few days later... I met this girl at a party. Kanti..."
"She... is strange. She... wishes to be owned. Wishes to be someone's slave... and plaything. She asked me for it... begged... she..." He looks away, "I... she.... well, she told me to hurt her. She told me she loves the woman who scarred her, and I told her I would keep her safe from harm... but she would have none of it. She told me she wanted to be hurt, or else I should give her to the Dark Angel, her previous mistress, to be hurt... and..." His voice breaks a bit..
"I... she appears as a dark thing to me. I feel the void from her scars... and..."
"... and I told her I could not do it, because I felt this... frustration, this desire to let it all out on her flesh, and it would be overwhelming... and then she begged.. told me she was a dark little thing who needed punishment... and I... punished her. I took her... so hard. Broke furniture, made her bleed a little, had my aura redden her skin."
"And... she loved... and... Ryshassa found out..."
'''Cael: ''' ''I am hardly unaware of your relationship with the Pale Angel, young prince. ''
''And then this ... this is ... new. If not entirely unexpected. It was not hard to see that Kanti needed to belong to someone, or to see her scars ... but she had not seemed so broken. ''
He makes a simple gesture, for the Prince to go on, to finish his tale or ask his question, face, eyes, posture making no judgements yet.
'''Alexander: ''' "So... Ryshassa told me not to do that..."
He held his knee close to himself, ashamed. "She.. looked at me like it was so wrong."
"And everything... everything I have been doing, Cael. I was inside the Pale Angel a scant few hours after I was inside Kanti at the party... and then was all sweet with her... I let Kanti feet a lady who was also a rose... and who was... making out with her, like... men and woman. And both... both knelt before me and..."
"I don't know what I am doing, Cael..."<br>
"And I don't know what I should do, now that Ryshassa knows..."
'''Cael: ''' "What it sounds like, Alex, is that you are growing up." Cael says, after a sip of his wine. "And that comes with doubts, and with worries and with concerns ... and with slightly wild times."
"That is not to say that the worries you have are unfounded, or are foolish. That you have them at all is good, it shows you are beginning to see that all was perhaps not as simple as you saw it before."
"As for Ryshassa knowing ... what does that change?"
'''Alexander: ''' "It makes me feel ashamed! Of looking at Ryshassa, or myself on the mirror... and certainly Kanti, who will ask me for more! Or the Pale Angel, who might be told that by Ryshassa... I... it makes me feel very ashamed. Especially because I want to do it again. To pour all that fear and frustration into her body, it felt so... liberating..." He sighs. "... and I do not want to lose Kanti. She... is too scared of the Dark Angel, who can take her away from me..."
'''Cael: ''' "I would not worry that Ryshassa will tell the Pale Angel or anyone else. She is not the sort of person who gossips or to say things to be spiteful, as I'm sure you must know too." He says calmly, seriously. "As for the shame ... there is nothing intrinsically wrong with wanting to dominate someone, with wanting to redden their skin or make them bleed. Just as there is nothing instrinsically wrong with desiring those things, even with desiring to be owned."
'''Alexander: ''' Alex takes it to heart, still a bit ashamed, but loosening up just a bit...
"There... isn't? Ryshassa shot me such a reproachful glance..."
"And being hurt... is bad, right? We should seek to not hurt others, but to make them feel good..."
'''Cael: ''' "Being hurt can be glorious, Alex. Correctly applied, it can bring out such sensations in you. It can make you feel so very good. Being hurt and feeling good are not nessesarily so incompatiable." Something in Cael's voice suggesting that he knows just what it is like to experience such things. On the recieving end.
"Of course, not everyone one thinks that. Which could be why Ryshassa gave you such a look. Or it could be more. At some point, you should speak with Ryshassa about just why."
'''Alexander: ''' He listens... trying to learn. How Cael seemed so confidant, and... soothing.
"How do I know what is the correct way, though? Kanti loved it, but..."
'''Cael: ''' "But...?"
'''Alexander: ''' "How do I know? And what is the correct way?"
'''Cael: ''' "Well, some people like ropes, some clamps, some whips, some crops, some candles, some chains..." Cael says, his eyes sparkling with mischief.
"But there is no truely correct way, there is no magical formula I can give to you that will make it all work, it is something you can only learn with experience, with knowing the person who you do all these things to."
"There are some important things though. The most important of which is to care for the person. Not to push them too far, but more importantly, for every debasement you demand from them, after it all, when you've stopped, you hold them to you and you let them know that you care. That they are special to you, that they are not this thing you beat and hurt and nothing more."
'''Alexander: ''' "Whips? Crops? You mean... like for horses? Candles? People like being ''burnt''?"
He tries to imagine it... and then Cael gets serious. It rangs true on him, deep, and he feels the urge to dart out of the room and go hold Kanti and tell her that, right now. Right now. "I... see. I will. I will do it every time. You can trust me on that..."
... and then Alex draws back from Cael's lips, hand retreating from the other man's manhood, trying not to feel too worried about it... "Like this, Cael...?" He asks, wanting approval...
'''Cael:''' "Good Alex, that's the important thing." Cael says with a nod. "Beyond that, it is knowing the things that they like, the things that they will never like and the things you should never ask from them. And all those differ from person to person, from time to time even."
'''Alexander: ''' "So I should go and ask those of Kanti? But she is... strange. She tends to agree with pretty much everything, but..."
"So, if she wishes whips or crops, I suppose I go look int he stables?"
'''Cael: ''' "Then you will have to be very careful with her, Alex. Knowing your own limits is important. If she does not, then you will have to know them for her. Even then, you can talk with her. I am sure she knows something of what she likes."
"If she wishes whips and crops, there are no stables on the Zephyr ... you might do better to ask me."
'''Alexander: ''' Alex smiles, an almost mischievous smile, like a little boy who finds a secret about family...
"You have that sort of thing?"
'''Cael: ''' "You took all my advice on this subject without thinking that I might practice it at least a little, Alex?" Cael asks the entirely reasonable question, one eyebrow raised.
'''Alexander: ''' "Well.... um.... er..." His hand scratches behind his neck, and he makes a silly smile. "Alright, so that was stupid of me. Very, very stupid." He says, giggling a bit. "Soo... I will go to Kanti, hold her, tell her all of that, and asks her what she likes... though I will still have to learn what I like to use on her. I have never used any of that..."
"What about if people worry, though? And about the Pale Angel?"
'''Cael: ''' "They are like so many things in life. Very easy to use, more than a little harder to use well." He shrugs expansively.
"If people worry about your bedroom habits ... well, they worry needlessly. As for the Pale Angel ... well, she is your love. You will have to speak to her. Or not. Many people keep their paramours from those they love. I think in this case, you would do best to speak with her though."
'''Alexander: ''' "Alright!"
Alex gets up, walking up to Cael... it was always easy to talk to him, for some reason. He... almost felt like an older brother Alex never had. He walked up to Cael, hugging him, confident. Not lost anymore, and now... eager. "Thank you." He says, then walks out... "I will show up if Kanti says she wants one of those things... then you can show me where you keep those!"
''I wonder what she will say, now... ''
'''Cael: ''' Cael wraps his arms around him, kissing the top of his head.
"Good bye then, Alex."
''For some reason, I think I will see you soon. ''
''I hope he learnt at least half of what I tried to tell him today. ''
'''Alexander: ''' Alex had to countain himself from jumping into the room. He is happy, eager, anxious, almost knocking down the door as he enters, a big smile on his face full of anticipation! It was like he had just gained a new puppy.
After such a bright entrance, he walks to Kanti, plucking her from the floor, pressing her against him and bathing her in the warmest, clearest sunlight... "I... think I forgot to say this. I care for you, Kanti. I like you so much... I want to shower you with love, because you mean much, too much for me. Even when I hurt you or use you... it is because I care..." He says, soft words as he hugs her tightly, very very tightly!
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti had been meditating when the Prince ... burst into the room, picking her up and wrapping her in his arms, wrapping her in his sunlight ... clear, warm sunlight that did not burn.
''he loves me ...? ''<br>
''he cares for me? ''<br>
''he...does? ''<br>
''he ... really does? ''
"I ...I thank you ... my prince...though it is enough that you own me..." she says as she hangs in his arms
'''Alexander: ''' "No, it is not. It is not enough. Love is not enough, liking is not enough. You need it all, you need to be held and protected. You deserve it. And I am sorry if I did not say how much I care enough times so far..." A kiss planted on her forehead, his grip softening a bit... "I am going to let you know, from now on. Especially after I hurt you. You do still want that, right? You do still like that, right?"
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti can only smile at him, the broken corners of her eyes receeding a little more as he speaks such wonderful, golden words to her, saying how she was needed, loved, wanted, protected.
"To be hurt by you? Yes. To scream for you? Yes." She looks up at him with a mixture of hope and a tiny bit of apprehension in her voice. "Now?"
'''Alexander: ''' "No... no, not now. Just... I have been talking to... people. And I hear there are many things people like to be used in them... like I held your hands with the sheets, I suppose... whips, crops, candles... I want to know, Kanti, which do ''you'' like best?" After the question, he smiles, nuzzling her and whispering into her ear, "'Whatever you wish, my prince', is ''not'' a valid answer, by the way."
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti kisses him back with little soft kisses, before she slowly drops to her knees, posing in the way that he likes.
"But that answer is true, my prince." she says hesistantly as she looks up at him.
'''Alexander: ''' He caresses her face, trying to choose the words... "But, there has to be some preferences... you did seem to like to be tied up, after all. You did seem to enjoy to be harmed in a way your skin reddenned even further by my burning light." He brings his fingers to her lips, expecting her to suckle on them, "So I imagine you would like ropes... or scarves... or... the like, no? To be constricted?"
"I warn you, however... I may have made your thighs bleed due to my violence, but I am not going to whip you bloody. It... does not work for me, to see blood. I have seen too much of it... a sliver of it coming from your thighs was... different. But I am not going to hurt you that much with whips or anything else."
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti does what is expected of her, gently sucking on the fingers he placed there, her eyes looking up in that way that pleads for him to replace them with something else, her cheeks colouring slightly, becoming an every deeper shade of red, as he talks of constriction even as she starts to suckle with a definate note of excitement. She looks a tiny bit disappointed when he pulls them out, looking at her expectantly for an answer.
"...Yes, my prince." she admits in a soft, embarrassed ... and excited voice, her cheeks still coloured "I like it when I am tied and constricted, bound up and exposed for you .. at your mercy."
"...If I were like that, you could do what you wished with me ... "
'''Alexander: ''' "Constricted, bound and exposed at my mercy..." He repeats, loving the shame on her as she says so. Reminded her she was more like the ladies he knew, that she would not say such things with a straight face, and that gave him thrills. She could see it, how thrilled he was... "Hmmm. I see... and for objetcs? Which should I use first, when I see you tied up, at my mercy...?"
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti seems both more embarrassed and more excited as he repeats what she said back to her, looking down at her. ''These things you make me say. '' Her very posture seems to protest, and love it, at the same time.
"You would not want to just push into me?" she says, kissing the front of his trousers.
"..But.." she continues in her uncertain, slightly shamed tone. "...You could strike me with a crop ... could even make me beg for it. You could ... make patterns of your own on my skin, with your flames ... or with the wax from a candle." she looks aside. "....Or..." she falls silent then, and doesn't meet his eyes.
'''Alexander: ''' The prince is very, very amused and pleasantly surprised... "I did not know you could be so ashamed after being so shamele..." He stops nearly taking a step back as she kisses the front of his trousers... blood rushing to it and his face, fighting the urge to push her down now, and a furious blush... and a smile. He took a step down, but he loved it, and was not telling her not to do so again.
Another step foward, and he caresses her skin again, listening her shameful requests... "Hmmm... I like. I will see about coming back soon, then. With a candle. With wax. We still have some time before we get to the Spire, after all..." she takes her face, and lifts it up, wanting to see her eyes right now...
'''Kanti: ''' "These things you make me say though..." she says quietly, eyes still averted, before he lifts her chin, making her look at him.
"Yes...my prince." she says softly, shamed, her large black eyes looking up at him with a need, face still a deep crimson and that shame, that thrilling shame is reflected in them.
'''Alexander: ''' "Yes. Yes, I suppose they are." He says as he looks into her ashamed eyes...
''Gods, when did I become so much of a pervert? It was her wanting it, right? ''<br>
''Now, it seems like it is me... ''<br>
''Was it me all along...? ''
He leaned down, kissing her... and then brings her face closer...<br>
"Get me ready first, will you?" He asks her with a throaty grin.
''I suppose... it is all me... ''
''Was all along... ''
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Revision as of 15:48, 27 February 2009

  1. REDIRECT ADanceOfAngels