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== Revelations ==
<b>Alexander: </b> Hours passed since Ryshassa's magnificent performance...
Idle talks about the weather, the Realm, music... time passes, as it does on wonderful moments such as these... Jugen was busy, but had told Cael he would see to hsi request later that evening, but had said nothing so far.
And it is already the first moments of the evening, the last rays of Dusk, a flaming sunset that can be seen from the window of yet another tower of the Theather...
The Theather is like a tree - it even looks so organic in style, in smoothness... it has seven branches which lead to seven towers. And is on the trunk, in front of a great window, that Alexander stands, watching the Sunset.... and then looks back at his companions, hopping back on one of the many cushioned places on the floor of the place, so southern in style.
"Was a wonderful evening..." He says, stretching on the pillows, loking so much smaller now, "Been <i>ages</i> that I did not relax so much! Thank you all... but... hmmm. I suppose it is time to make plans, is it not?"
<i>We have been disorganized for too long. Time to organize, to lead.</i>
<b>Sweet Melody: </b> Falling Dusk has moved away, but Melody is still around, lazing about the pillows, drinking in the music Serenade, her violinist, the beautiful, calm music that fills the room in the same pace as the falling snow covered by sunset flames....
<b>Alexsei: </b> Removing his spectacles and gently cleaning them, Alexsei gives an emphatic nod to the young prince. He has chosen to reamin standing, his mind obviously racing to the many things to come, the many struggles that would stand in their path.
"It has been wonderful to get to know you better, and there are many more things to see and say still, namely Cael's fascinating ship..." He smiles at the thought.
<i>As fascinating as such a device may be for one such as me, there will be a time to see that - and we have more pressing matters for now.</i>
Placing the spectacles back to the bridge of his nose and pushing them up to a comfortable level, Alexsei folds his arms behind his back before turning to the young heir to the throne of Whiteshield. "I am one who believes in knowledge as one of the the greatest allies one can count on. I believe our intentions have been made clear for now... We want to help you restore the north, and bring back a sense of order to the chaos that has been plaguing it - I will not speak in Ryshassa's place, but I believe we fight for the same reason: to ease the pain here in the north. As such... we will place our allegiance in you, young prince of whiteshield."
He lifts his chin slightly, the black of his silken priestly robe seeming to absorb the rays of the dying sunlight as he pauses to let the words sink in. "Now, should you accept us as allies... I think it would be to our advantage that we know of the current situation, so we can better plan what our next step should be."
<b>Ryshassa:</b> Ryshassa nods emphatically. "I enjoyed our time together thus far, and am grateful for the brief respite -- but we have come to meet you for a reason." She pauses a moment, shifting to a more comfortable position on her cushion, allowing the graceful, meandering drift of the violinist's bow on strings soothe her nerves. So much of importance to speak of -- she feels at the cusp of something deeply profound, yet floundering for a direction upon which to proceed.
"I must admit, we are woefully uninformed as to the specifics of what has happened thus far. Of course, there is the fall of Whiteshield," Ryshassa glances sympathetically at the prince, despite knowing such simple gestures offer little in the way of comfort, "and the moving of the Bishop's troops... but perhaps you should start from the beginning of what you have experienced, so that we are sure to know the most pertinent details..."
"...if you do not mind." She bows her head apologetically, but the expression on her normally serene face is restless, almost impatient.
<b>Alexander: </b> "The beggining...."
His mind begins to race back to the past few weeks.
So much hurt. So much pain, so recent, yet. The scars his Exalted constitution managed to heal, his soul could not... too human for it...
Screams. Gloom. Terrifying presences.
So... much...
"I... how to begin...."
"Give me a moment..."
<b>Cael:</b> Cael sits back in his chair, sipping at some wine. "Well, as I said before I for one would be most grateful for your aid and so would Alex I'm sure."
Cael watches him with sympathy for his pain. "Take some time Alex."
<b>Ryshassa: </b> "I'm sorry," Ryshassa murmurs more softly now, frowning, her caring nature coming more to the forefront. "I don't mean to push you -- I have just... spent much time doing so little, and I feel I can do so much more. I realize the memories are painful, though, and... we do not need to know more than the cause and effect."
<b>Alexsei:</b> Alexsei nods emphatically as the young prince painfully plunges himself in the recollection of his painful recent days.
<i>The young man has shouldered much pain and strife - he is still quite young, and is elevated in a position that make many people look up to him... A tremendous responsibility, and one that will demand support from his companions... </i> Alexsei shifts his gaze slightly towards Cael, then Ryshassa.
<i>The Windwraith seems to have doen very well with the prince, and he obviously has won the young man's trust. And Ryshassa... I can already feel that she longs to shoulder the weigh, to soothe the young man of the pain time and Exaltation did not heal or wash away...</i> He turns his glance to the window, where the last rays of the sun are valiently fighting the approaching falling of night. <i>And I... I will have to use my knowledge and my attunement to the strands of fate to make sure this future comes to pass...</i>
<b>Alexander: </b> "For me, I think everything begun when I first met Fiona. I... suppose you know of Whiteshield, right? Hidden by mountains, standing in the sun in the ruins of First Age infraestructure... we still worship.. ed... the Sun, you see. I know how rare this is. We hid it from the Realm, always tried to keep our presence important only to the North, expanding only northward if possible, but mostly keeping to the geographical shelter the Sun has granted us.. we were never as greedy as most other nations, you see. My family always ruled it with the first mission of keeping the people sheltered and protected... hence the very name of my country." He swells in pride as he speaks of it, "And that was hard enough, with threats by all sides, the Wyld ever-growing... the royal palace was much lesser than you imagine, more like a Great Manse..."
"One day, Fiona appeared. She was a Solar Exalted, as we had heard they were coming back.. the members of the Cult of the Illuminated in the city tried to go for her, but my father stopped them, and took her in. The Cult's intentions seem to be on the right place, but they get so many things wrong about the faith... she was better off with us. She... was a nice friend to me. To our family... she came from the East, and wanted to study. To know. She was always in the royal lybrary, devouring knowledge. People at court were always worried... about the Fair ones, the Lover, who is not too far to the North, the Bull, waging war on the other side of the River of Tears... we thought we already had enough problems."
"And then came, this Calibration."
He stops then, looking out the window, to the darkening skies... trying to know how to begin this..."I... it is hard to understand what happened then. So.... hard."
"See... all I heard was screams. I was training... with Otieno, my teacher. He is... was... a southern man, large as a bull, and just as scary. But... but you should see him smile. He could light a room. We went running to see... it... is hard to understand."
"They were there already, inside the city walls. Most of them were Ghosts, I imagined they came in through broken wards. They could have moved from the Underworld, there are a few Shadowlands in... most of them were ghosts. This was a fast attack, I know ghosts cannot stay with the living for long... and zombies, too, but from our own people... slaughtered in their path. A few... creatures, which I believe their dark chosen brought with them." His eyes gave just the picture.
"I could see the Myrmidon, the golden giant, moving back in from the walls... they came from within. I went... saw my mother, brandishing her spells. Saw my father and the guard fighting them back... they looked glorious then. I went with Otieno.. to save my sister."
"I failed."
"Ghostly creatures... with wings, with... tentacles, took her, killed Otieno. I barely survived. Fiona saved my little brother... and his babysitter, Millia... but they did something to him. They did something to him and he never woke up again."
We.. went back to the hall. Mother had blasted so many to ash, but something had... turned the hall into a forest of bones. They cut her deep. Not something, someone. The red-haired woman, the Vestal, she..."
He looks at his hands. He can still feel the blood on his hands... his mother's blood...
"They were deathknights. The Vestal of the Livid Lamasery... she killed my mother, she overpowered Fiona. I saw my father beat back that creature, the Visage of a Thousand Demises... only to be hit on his back by the ivory man. The Disciple of Ivory Blossoms... his blade went through my father. His blood fell on my face... and he... he died then, too."
"We were lost then. I... Millia heled Cedric... that's my little brother... on her hands, and the ghosts came to us, the Vestal had her foot on Fiona's face... and then... I Exalted."
"I took my father's blade, and used one of its abilities, instinctively, sending all of the corpses to heaven. So many of them burned out at once... so many. It was all light then. All light, and souls going to heaven. So much, the ghosts vanished into their shadow. So much, it hurt the Visage. So much, it gave us time to escape... Fiona stayed behind, though. I had freed her, but the last I saw, she was throwing her spells to delay our pursuers... but me, Millia and Cedric escaped..."
Tears rolling down his eyes, Alexander reaches for a cup of water. He was thirsty already.
And relieved, that the worst of his tale was past.
<b>Alexsei: </b> Listening silently, Alexsei finds himself moved deeply by the young man's tale. He had heard of the fall of Whiteshield. Of its demise at the ends of the servants of the Malfeans. But he heard of it as iny other report to the Sidereal takes form - cold, detached facts, describing the situation and it's ramifications. But this tale... From the young heir to the crown of Whiteshield, who has seen so much devastation and slaughter...
<i>The very citizens of Whiteshield, their eternal slumber desecrated, forced to fight their own people.</i>
<i>Perversion of the cycle of Life and Death. This alone was enough reason to make him want to fight.</i>
<i>The end would come.</i>
Pursing his lips, Alexsei turns around, switching his gaze from Cael to Alex. "This is... truly a horrible tale, my prince. Such pain and devastation shall not be allowed again, especially not by those that believe the North - and its people - to be part of their playground." He tilts his head slightly, countless questions forming in his mind. "There are many things I would want to know, but I think what is essential for now is... How does your side fare, majesty? I know taht Cael has shown loyalty to you, but what of the other natoins of the North? And the people that have supported you after these horrendous events took place?"
<b>Ryshassa:</b> Ryshassa takes a deep breath, gazing at Alex sincerely. Her eyes shimmer, her lips compressed so tightly they are almost white. <i>Such suffering, and so ...suddenly... so much pain. To soothe, to heal, is my duty, and yet there was so much death, and few survivors... and I remained ignorant of this, as it happened...</i>
<i>No more.</i>
Gently, she rests a hand on Alex's shoulder, squeezing it slightly, channeling her concern to him in gaze and gesture and, for a moment, a profound, respectful silence. She watches him pause to take his drink, relief crossing his young, handsome features, though the tenseness in his body remains. How to bring comfort when the dead are already gone, and the damage done? One can only press forward, and make right what was wronged, and soothe the wounds of those who remain.
"A devastating attack, in more ways than one," she speaks aloud, always haunted by the feeling that her words feel so... worthless, so little comfort after the fact. She nods to her husband as he presents what would likely be the first of many questions, holding her own queries for afterward, not wanting to overwhelm the prince so soon.
<b>Alexander: </b> "My allies?"
He asks, after sipping from the water...
"Well... I was rescued by the Pale Angel and the Dark Angel when I met the Dead Hand. They are agents of the Lover Clad in Raiment of Tears, both."
"For a long time, the only support I had was of a Deathlord. They did protect me, and made me swear to go see their mistress afterwards. I... barely managed to make them help me leave Cedric to Windia first... I did not think the Lover would want my little brother, comatose as he is.."
"And I am still sworn."
"The Dead Hand and the Bishop's Deathknights kept dogging at our heels - they almost killed the Pale Angel in Windia, I rescued her from the brink of death. Then I met Domiel... a friend who took my brother to a safe place. And then, when we faced the Deathknights, two people helped..."
"Seventh Moon, a Lunar Exalted. He is from Whiteshield's industrial heart, and came after the Vestal, wanting her heart... and to get me back on the throne. He said how bad things were there... worse than I can imagine. And Cael, as well!"
"As it is, the Dark Angel and Seventh Moon are within Whiteshield, trying to stir the enemy from within. And the only nation that gave us any help is Windia, and although their help is great, it is but a small percentage of their forces - one noble's desire to help, and not a whole nation's. Valencia Silverstar and all the troops her House could muster... as it is, the Pale Angel is with her, handling the troops..."
<b>Cael: </b> Cael, having listened to the Prince speaking thus far, a slightly pained expression coming over his face as the Prince spoke of his lose, his face becoming briefly unreadable as the Disciple is mentioned, before he listens to the rest of the report right up until his arrival.
<i>Ryshyssa was a healer ...? A healer of the body, or the mind and soul too? I hope she can help Alex. I've done what I could for him ... still, two people to help him will do much for him, I'm sure.</i>
<i>And can you do anything for his brother?</i>
He looks to the prince, wondering if he will go on, or if Cael should start to speak ...
<b>Ryshassa:</b> Ryshassa nods slowly. "I was... approached once, by one of the Lover's representatives... this was some time ago. I know she is opposed to the Bishop at this moment and... if her agents helped you then... well, any and all help is appreciated." Worry lines cross her pale brow, though -- such help, she believes, comes with a price. But from what she knows of the Lover, her intentions are at least more hedonistic than downright greedy and cruel.
"So, your... or should I say our, now... allies are currently seperated, in Whiteshield and Windia. What of the Bishop's deathknights, what have been their movements since then? Where will we likely clash with them next?" **
<b>Alexsei: </b> Nodding in understanding, Alexsei ponders as the unlikely list of allies of the Prince is brought forth. <i>Agents of the Lover Clad in Raiment of Tears. Pale Angel? The famous general... Could it truly be her? She had died some time ago... Either this was an impersonator, or she did not die at all... Or... Or she was also one of the Deathknights, the inexplainable exalted soldiers that the Sidereal could not fully explain or understand.</i>
He nods at his wife's intervention, gazing into the distance. "Yes, Sunderer of Veils has come to my wife before. At the time, an alliance with the Lover was... unlikely. But for now, I think we need all the support we can gather - I am not foolish enough to let preconceived notions get in the way of what is to be accomplished."
<i>But I keep an eye on you, young prince. And I will use everything in my power to make sure the the price for such an alliance does not end up too high.</i>
<b>Ryshassa:</b> Ryshassa considers for a moment, listening to her husband speak, then continues on in a firmer, more determined tone. "As I have said, I am a healer first and foremost, as it is the work I have done for many years now. I can potentially serve as a diplomat, though I am of the opinion Cael is much more skilled in such as myself." She inclines her head to him respectfully. "Healing, though, means I will best serve my purpose where the most damage will be sustained. In the center of the conflict. Fragile as I may seem, I am not simply a clinic healer who makes... 'house calls'. I am prepared and willing to heal on the field of battle, and to fend for my own well-being so that the rest can focus on combat."
<b>Cael: </b> Cael turns to Ryshyssa as she asks her question. "We're not entirely sure. We know from the Celebrant there are two circles operating in the North. The Circle of Shining Whispers and The Chalcedony Legion. The Shining Whispers are the Bishop's infiltrators and spies. They are ranging the North at present, sowing discontent, trying to ensure that no two nations will see eye to eye, even as their neighbours fall to the dead. The Heirophant was of this circle, as is the .. Disciple, and the Vestal that the Prince mentioned earlier."
"The Chalcedony Legion is comprised of the Bishop's generals and warmongers. We believe most of them are in Whiteshield, though the Dark Angel is trying to lure their forces on a merry chase through the countryside while discovering more of their plans. The Celebrant was of this circle."
"So, that is what we know of his deathknights." Cael finishes his brief summary with another sip of his wine.
<b>Alexander: </b> Alexander smiles, nodding... "I am sure you can help, Ryshassa... I can do some healing myself, but that is not my specialty. To see one like me whose power is all geared towards healing... well, due to my rough mastery, I know enough to guess I will be in awe of your skills." He goes round and round, not really knowing how to say it... still too shaken.
He nods to Cael, "Five in each... Dawn, Zenith, Twilight, Night and Eclipse... they are full. Or whatever they call themselves. We know of most of them... Disciple is a dark version of Dawn, Hierophant was 'Zenith', Vestal is 'Twilight'. That leaves two of them.... the Celebrant was of the Chalcedony Legion, the only we know, aside from the reputation of their Dawn... Dusk, was it? I believe you have heard of our entanglement with the Celebrant?"
<b>Alexsei: </b> "Considering my competencies... I would think I could serve best as an advisor and guide. Also... I have one trick or two I could use against the undead legions that are plaguing your lands, majesty." He pauses, nodding to Cael as he finishes his summary of the enemy's position.
"Hmmm. The Cirlce of Whispers is still unattended to, then. I believe that going against a circle of infiltrators and spies would only put us at a disadvantage, so long as we have only a vague idea of where they would strike next. Engaging such an enemy on their own terrain would prove treacherous at best... Though, if we set the rules, and force them to come out on our own terrain, and push them to engage us by our own rules..."
<b>Ryshassa: </b> "Hmm." Ryshassa closes her eyes, absorbing this additional information. "I... wonder..." she muses, hesitating just a moment before carrying on, "Just how... united, really, are the goals of all those you would call allies? Or, perhaps I should say, 'coordinated'? I would think it beneficial to join one of the other groups -- if they would be willing to accept the additional support. Otherwise, it would be prudent for us to seek further allies from elsewhere in the North. If there are indeed other countries who would be inclined to aid us despite the undercurrent of infiltration and sabotage..."
"I have not heard much in detail about your encounter with the Celebrant, no. As little as I know, it seems to me the Bishop's deathknights appear seemingly at random at times to harangue those who would oppose them. Though there must be more of a pattern to it than that." Or... there had better be. This could be a pointlessly long, drawn out conflict if not. Though perhaps that is the intention...
<b>Alexsei: </b> "The Celebrant... I had some echoes of it, although the details remain obscure." <i>As are morst thing related to these deathknights, sliping through my brethrens' ability to read and predict their actions. </i>
He nods to Ryshassa, his hand absent-mindedly brushing at his robes. "I agree with Ryshassa, however. The enemy forces are united in their service to the Bishop - liked or not, this ensures that they will go pretty much all in the same direction. I think... Ultimately, your allies will need someone to fall back to, my prince. Someone that will unite their desire to fight for the North, and focus it against this threat..."
<b>Cael: </b> Cael nods to Alexsei "We would be fools to take them on their home territory ... assuming we could find them there. Our encounter with the Disciple recently was only by chance, I believe."
"As to recombining with one of the other groups, it is my intention once we have left here to return to the Pale Angel in Windia, where she should have finsihed her inspection of the troops Valencia la Silverstar is providing us with. Joining the other group will rely on them contacting us ... it wouldn't do for the Zephyr to appear above them while they are trying covertcy, even if we could find them."
"There does seem to be a plan. As I said, The Calcedony Legion appears to be remaining in Whiteshield in preparation for the ritual to open the Labyrinth. The Celebrant was to have been a trap for Valencia. The Shining Whispers I believe will be much more random. They are to spread discord, after all, not to defend some fixed location."
<b>Alexander: </b> "No, they look to be very united, lady Ryshassa... The Hierophant and the Vestal, they seemed intent in taking me, and my blade. No doubt to stop what happened next... the Celebrant harried the Winlandia countryside, hoping to get Valencia out - her army was well able to fight flying enemies, and she had war machines who could catch Valencia. Without the Lunar, they could wear down Windia with more ease, certainly she could do so herself.... but those war machines, tall as towers, were necromantic, and could not resist Ainerach. It was just me, Cael and the Pale Angel against her army, to tell the truth - we struck hard, by surprise, and using the Pale Angel's tactical acumen, set her army on fire. I destroyed said War Machines, Cael took the Celebrant, the Pale Angel, her bodyguard. And then, we took apart the undead army."
"They intended to take my blade and myself, so as to not stop Valencia's assassination, and the weakening of Windia. And maybe more... aside from the Disciple, all others seem to have a clear goal in mind. Though there seems to be dissent between their Deathknights and the ghosts - accoding to the Dark Angel, they most powerful ghosts, leaders of the 'Dead Hand' I spoke of, see the Deathknights as... upstarts."
<b>Alexsei:</b> Alexsei nods to Cael, removing a strand of jet black hair from his eyes. "Well then, it seems like joining with the forces in Windia is the most viable option at the moment. I have no doibt that if a major scale battle is planned, my wife's talents will be needed - and I will be able to give a hand with the opposition's undead - as well as trying to conduct research on the matters you wanted me to, related to the First Age."
<b>Alexander:</b> "Also, it was just... <i>glorious</i> if I may say so myself! Anne made various paper-birds, and we threw tons of oil down on the army, which exploded, making all the rotting dead catch fire... and then, Cael spread the paper-birds, allowing himself to float on the currents of heat and smoke, standing over the origami!"
He continues... and although his face is still read and his eyes still damp from the tears, he is happy, recounting the most glorious moment of his life. "The Pale Angel threw part of her oil over the Celebrant - she turned into blood, but was scattered by the explosion! She fell then, and cut through hordes of undead, meeting a twisted chosen of Luna and cutting through him, unscathed! And as soon as the Celebrant regained her form, Cael struck her until she fell! Sorceress and Martial Artist, but she needed <i>time</i> for both things... and they never gave it to her!"
"The War Machines <i>almost</i> took Cael down.... their strands were unexcapable. But I managed to take out them all before it. It only cost me scars all over my body." He says, tapping his chin, still a fading white line from the severe cut which almost opened a new mouth on his face. "The whole army of dead burned. But without their generals, we just... took them apart. Mostly Cael and the Pale Angel... I was too hurt, and not able to move with their grace. Not able to fight so many at once..."
Alexander picks more water. He was babbling. But glory let him forget the tragedies... to remember they might have a chance. That they could win.
<b>Ryshassa:</b> Ryshassa looks genuinely astonished by Alexander's account of their conflict with the Celebrant. "A most creative choice of tactics! And I see Anne's enthusiasm for origami proved quite useful. I would not doubt the Pale Angel's prowess in battle, either. It is indeed glorious that you could have succeeded in such small numbers, though the airship is a definite advantage."
She allows herself a short chuckle at the prince's excitement, not at all thinking it out of place. After such a tragic beginning, to be able to triumph in such a way, with such style -- and against legions of undead. Ryshassa harbors mercy enough for thousands, but the walking dead were beyond her help, and best laid to rest.
"But thank you, both of you, for your patience in answering my questions. Though determined as I am, I have never before been involved in a conflict of this scale."
She then turns to Cael, once again nodding slowly, thoughtfully. "You have a point -- it would not do to ruin the Dark Angel's cover in Whiteshield. The Pale Angel is a general and tactician, and she has worked with the both of you in the past. I would think that she and her troops would welcome the presence of a healer, and an expert on the undead..."
"How long will it be, though, until the army she is to lead will be prepared?"
<b>Cael: </b> Cael smiles with as she hint of pride as she mentions his tactics, and Anne's love of origami.
<i>Turely, I'm glad I could teach her something that interested her. She needed to feel useful.</i>
"Your questions are most welcome. They help to focus the mind, and believe me ... you are not the only one here who is learning of such scales."
"I am sure she will appreciate the aid that you can both offer her. Though as to the army... that, I cannot say. The Pale Angel was going to inspect them the day well left. I have no idea as to their combay readiness."
<b>Alexsei:</b> Alexsei smiles warmly at the prince's account of the shining victory he and his allies had - probably one of the moments he held on to when things seemed hopeless and lost. "That is indeed a very stunning victory, majesty. One that probably stung the Bishop more than he would dare admit. Resounding tales of success are always a good companion in harsh times of war..."
For a momant, his mind drifts off to Sijan, the fights against the undead, his fallen comrades. He was young then, but not as young as the prince - and the scope of the battle was much greater here.
"I suppose the army's preparations will keep us here for a moment, then. In the meantime, I would be happy to be useful in any way I can. Perhaps by answering those questions you were wanted to ask me, perhaps?"
<b>Alexander: </b> "Yes! There is... much of the First Age appearing lately. Whiteshield is held on its remains, the Zephyr, and our enemies... some seem to know us from the past. Our... allies certainly do."
<i>But I don't really recognize you...</i>
<b>Ryshassa: </b> "Well, then. In the meantime, I suppose we are 'stuck' with one another?" She laughs softly, melodiously, lifting her face towards the sky, the multicolored glory of dusk long faded now into twilight, and darkening into night.
"You know... just as important as it is to me to serve my calling as healer, and to be of great use to this campaign... it is also my desire to become better acquainted with my companions, and vice versa. I know I am a stranger to you now, but I would like you to be able to rely on me, in the coming days. So if there is ever anything you wish to know of me, I will answer frankly and honestly."
"Perhaps I am viewed as foolish, or gullible at times... but I believe our efforts would be best served if we are united not only in goal, but in mutual trust."
She smiles at Alexsei's suggestion, her hand entwining tenderly with his. Silently, through their rings, she asks, <i>How much do you intend to tell them, beloved?</i>
<b>Little God:</b> A little god - one of Falling Dusk's servants, resembling a boy with a black toga and made of stardust, walks in then... a mass of prayer strips on his hands, a shimmering globe inside. "Cael Pattonna? You've got mail. We caught a mystical messenger in our wards... it seems intent in reaching you, sir. Have faith no power from it can escape those wards, though!"
<b>Cael: </b> Cael's eyes flicker in suprise.
"Excuse me." he says to his companions at the window, then walks out of the room, pushing the door to behind him.
"If you could let it through to me now, please."
<b>Ryshassa:</b> Ryshassa furrows her brow as Cael leaves the room, her hand in Alexsei's tensing slightly, but returns her attention to the others remaining.
<b>Prophet of the Ashen Book:</b> He waits at the door, and lets the wards open to show a creature made of darkness... on the small image of a tall man of long white hair, with red streaks coming from his eyes and down his face... part of the darkness as a coat, covering it up to half his face, raiton wings on it. It... resembles a Seraph in form, and purpose, although it is not a Seraph - that Cael knows for sure. Its pattern is... too fine. "Do I address my comrade Cael Pattonna, the Windwraith?"
<b>Cael: </b> <i>An interesting choice of icon ...</i>
Cael nods, once. "You address Cael Pattona, the Windwraith."
<b>Alexander: </b> "Pehaps I am gullible as well then, Ryshassa, because I feel like trusting you wholeheartedly now. One capable of creating such beauty like you did before... cannot be untrustworthy. I remain curious of your capábilities, but I know... oh, I know... that you will have a chance to push them to the maximum. After all... I have yet to leave a conflict unscathed, and held at least one of my fellow chosen, feeling her blood fill the street, on the brink of death...."
<b>Alexsei:</b> Alexsei nods at Alexander, taking in the occurences the Prince recalls. Before he can formulate an answer, however, he hears Ryshassa's voice through their rings. <i>They will understand soon enough, belladonna. I would not be able to forever hide what I am to them... And besides, the only reason I did not speak of it yet is becasue I wanted them to get their first impression of me without any prejudice they might have. I will not lie if I am asked, however - though there are certain things I will have to keep silent until the Gold deem them worthy to know - but that is their agenda, not mine.</i>
"Well, young prince. The essence awakening in you is most probably resonating with that of the others... Forming strange, unexplainable attractions. Often, these are acompanied with flashes of insight - images, feelings, or impressions. Have you experienced anything of the sort?
<b>Sweet Melody:</b> Sweet Melody stood there, silent the whole time, until she moves closer to Alexander on the pillows, petting his hair. Serenade changes her tune on the violin. It changed the whole time... with sorrow, with loss, with victory, with confidence. "It saddens and gladdens me to hear it, your majesty. All those you mentioned losing... they were very dear to me, as you know." She says, petting him more, "But you are alive... as is Cedric, right? And Elizabeth, and possibly Carina... look foward, Alex. To make things better."
After a moment, she smiles to Ryshassa, "I do have a question, lady Ryshassa. Who taught you the lyre?"
<b>Prophet of the Ashen Book: </b> "Greetings then, my comrade-in-caste. I am called the Prophet of the Ashen Book. Pehaps you have heard of me. I must say, you look as I had imagined you to be... certainly, we are a class apart from our fellow Chosen, do you not agree?"
He speaks. He <i>sees</i>! This is not a message, but a homunculi which holds sight, existence there for the sorceror... "In any instance, it is a pleasure to meet you. I see you triumphed over the dreary Celebrant. I would be lying if I said I expected such, in fact, I believed she would make you squeal like a pig before crushing you like a flea."
"But that is not what happened, and so I commend you."
<b>Cael: </b> "I must confess I have not." he adds a slight tint of regret to his voice as he studies the homunculus closer ...
<i>Not that one could read much into them</i>
"But I thank you for you commendation."
<b>Ryshassa: </b> "Indeed... I would offer to demonstrate for you, Prince, but that would require one to be injured, first... and I would rather that not occur unless necessary." A faint smile graces her lips, and she gazes earnestly into Alex's eyes. "I am truly grateful you find me trustworthy, though. My own impression of you is of a young man with pure and honest heart, and a passionate desire to protect what is dear to you."
At Melody's inquiry, the healer turns to her, her eyes demurely downcast for a moment. "Ah... well, the first who ever taught me the lyre was my childhood tutor, Cynis Anafaia... she, well... did not stay with us long, though." Her breath hitches in her throat, but she continues. "After that, well... my lessons came from instructors from my primary school, in Sion... but I spent as much time with them as I did alone, for music was both my leisure and.. one of my only talents, in the eyes of my parents and others."
<b>Alexander: </b> "Y...yes, I have! I know Cael has as well..."
"So many... things. A golden blade... my blade, was there before. Wings of Orichalcum. A flying city. Courts full of the former fair nobility. A blade of Onyx being forged. Our blades touched... and the world shook. A lady of translucent wings, a fox covered in light and darkness. Words that reached to the stars. Translucent wings, making a world within a world, as we cracked the darkness and talked with it."
"Facing my own friends. Killing my own friends..."
His eyes close, as the torrent begins to flow... "So many... names, too. Sati. Daughter of Destruction. Myria. Moranine. Tahira. Pale Blood On Virgin Snow. Thousand Virtues. He Who Holds... many names. Many..." The eyes open, and his face... it looks... strained. "It is... so much, Alexsei. Sometimes, it feels hard to hold back."
<b>Alexsei: </b> <i>Anafaia.</i>
<i>Mortal lover of an Exalted man... Caught in devices not your own, machinations that you did not understand... A victim of fate, losing everything you held dear...</i>
<i>And Gaijutsu gave his life to make sure your daughter would be seen safely out of the Realms. But on that day, you knew she would be taken care of, and would never come back to you... On that day, you lost them both.</i>
Many regrets were lined in the Chosen of Ending's existence. And watching as this innocent woman became a casualty of the great gears of fate was one... Even today, the name could not be evoked without bringing sorrow to Alexsei's eyes...
<b>Prophet of the Ashen Book: </b> He looks visibly disheartened. "Oh? A pity... me, the man who makes the North fall into chaos, did not deserve a mention to my comrade? This deeply wounds me."
"But well... it is a pleasant sight, to finally see you, Cael. I imagine you are with your allies right now? New ones, I believe?"
<b>Cael:</b> Cael passes no comments on his 'commrade's' wounds, imagined or otherwise ...
"I am not entirely sure I can say the same about you. But yes, I am with allies. I suppose I must commend you in turn about your intelligence gathering capabilities."
<b>Prophet of the Ashen Book: </b> He begins to laugh then. "Actually... thta was just a wild guess, mr. Pattonna! I knew there would be guests there... and I had a feeling about it. But it is just that. You see... we can know one another. Our companions, they think power is many things... to crush your enemies. To throw fear in them. To slip a dagger past them. To build something that will destroy them."
He grins, looking deeply into Cael. "Which is why they will never be on our level. The prince, the blade, the Pale Angel, the oil, the ship... to manage it all, to connect it all. To bring them to your cause, getting rid of the disruptive influences. And now, to gather new allies. To make sure the North is not taken one-by-one, torn by infighting, connecting them in the strands of a web, making them more than the sum of the parts... and making them all owe you. Being at their backs all along. That... is why we are on a level above them. And which is why I wished to meet you."
<b>Sweet Melody:</b> "Anafia... I see. Another Cynis, hmmm? Your family... you seem to be a very unusual member of your family. Less... lively, than most."
"And deeper than them as well..."
She goes quiet as Alex speaks. Something in what he says makes her look at him and stop petting his hair... and makes Serenade change the violin melody to an undiscernible tone....
<b>Cael:</b> "But we are in ourselves powerless without people to connect. I may well have brought all those elements together but without them, the Celebrant would, as you noted earlier, made me squeal like a pig. You say we bind things, bind things to each other, bind things to us and this is true, but we are nothing if we have nothing to bind."
He smiles evenly "You say we are above them, I say we serve them, guide them."
He shrugs slightly "Philosophical differences."
<b>Ryshassa:</b> "Well, Anafaia was my mother's elder sister. So within the same family, yes. But an ...'ordinary' mortal, if you would." She seems reluctant to refer to her childhood tutor as such, though. "And if you speak if the reputation of the Cynis, then yes. I was... not the typical specimen of such. But I... learned many of their ways... pleasure and pain, under the guise of entertainment. I served in those ways, before my Exaltation. Before I knew I had a reason to exist beyond remaining profitable to my House."
She speaks frankly, as she stated she would, despite the shiver that sends a thrill through her body, the blush that brings color to her smooth, porcelain pale cheeks. Her head moves, slightly, sending locks of her hair swinging forward, framing the soft angles of her face.
<b>Alexsei:</b> Alexsei listens attentively to the names and events Alexander is relating, pacing back and forth in reflection.
<i>Sati. Myria. Moranine... Tahira?</i>
<i>Time stops. The picture comes into focus. The pieces... They fit together.</i>
Alexsei stops dead in his tracks. His skin drains of all color. His kness almost buckle, and his hand slowly rises to his mouth, visibly trembling.
<i>Fate crashes like a spider's web.</i>
<i>And the Chosen of Ending is seized with <b>Fear.</i></b>
<i>No !</i>
"This is impossible!" He hisses, his voice alien to his own ears. And yet he knows know, with the clarity of the crow, that this is reality. The situation they are in. The past... And the future... All of them...
Weakened, he lets himself drop on one of the pillows, crossing his now trembling hands to his mouth.
Violet eyes shine in anticipation of the end.
"If we... do not... The Past... The Past will consume us all!"
<b>Sweet Melody: </b>  "You must have..."
<i>suffered it?</i>
<i>enjoyed it?</i>
Wether it was, her husband was around, and it was not the time to say either... her... husband?
<b>Alexander:</b> Alexander looks astonished at Alexsei...
"Did I... say anything wrong?" He asks, afraid...
Especially because, a part of him fully understands Alexsei. And shivers.
<b>Prophet of the Ashen Book: </b>  "Have it your way. Even if you do not realise the grandeur of your art, you are still what you are. Consider this message a gesture of goodwill - you probably know my rank as a sorcerer now, my name, face, and intentions. And me... I am well aware of yours. You are like me. You are connecting them. Bringing more to your cause."
"And that, my dear Windwraith, is why you are too dangerous to stay alive."
He bows.
And blows a kiss.
"Au Revoir. Unfortunately, for those reasons, I am forced to take you off the stage. If you are the same you have always been, you will run... but on both instances, I believe we will not meet again. Enjoy my gift, Cael... and make of it your life or your doom as you choose."
And then, the spell vanishes... and the homunculi becomes only a dark, oily smoke within the wards...
<b>Ryshassa:</b> Ryshassa rises momentarily from her seat, shame fading quickly into concern at her husband's unexpected reaction... to... something. What the prince had asked him... of course, Alexsei was passionate, even covetous of his knowledge of First Age lore. For him to react in such a way, with anything else but the joy of knowledge, and of passing it on... he must have seen... a fate beyond belief.
She scoots close to him when he crashes back down onto his cushion, pulling her arms around him, whispering softly in his ear. His anchor to the present, now, his wife and beloved, nothing more... Though she will never see the patterns he sees as clear as day in his mind's eye, she will ever be present to bring comfort when the results become clear.
"Focus, beloved," she murmurs, her voice as soothingly constant as the rhythm of waves on the shore, "and tell us of what you have seen."
<b>Alexsei: </b>  Breathing deeply in order to regain his composure, Alexsei turns back to Alexander, his brow furrowed in concern as Violet meets purple.
"No, you have not, my prince. It is not... It is not what you said, but what this all means. For you... and all of us..." He feels Ryshassa close to him now, her whisper in his ear, he soft comfort as he strives to keep his focus as he contemplates the images and what they mean for them.
<i>She... she is the one helping me now. She has the power to shine on her own... </i>
"I... I will need more time to talk at lenght about... About all this..." He says, slowly rubbing Ryshassa's arm as he nods to her, visibly grateful for her deep concern. Somehow, he finds the strength to give the Prince a forced smile as he turns his gaze back at him.
"But... If you wanted answers, majesty... Then you will be served."
<b>Cael: </b>  <i>Such theatrics. Not that he could entirely blame him.</i>
He blows the kiss back.
"Au Revior."
<i>I shall indeed make of it my life to oppose you and your companions, and when we meet once more, I shall let let your hear of my critisism of your actions once more.</i>
<i>In words of gold that pierce you skin.</i>
<i>But until then, au revior.</i>
Cael wafts his hands through the remains of the smoke, then turns and re-enters the room.
<b>Alexsei:</b> Strands of fate are pushed. Alarm bells set in it tingle. Something comes.
Barely ten minutes from then, and he sees them all covered by dark vines, filled with a miasma that leaves them all in stasis from the world... vines that grow on diamond, cloud and spirit, breaking through most barriers to come to them...
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