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#REDIRECT ADanceOfAngels
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== Dark Jade ==
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' Opal moves more akin to light playing over rippling water than any motion of muscle and flesh. Austere still in her white robes, her cascade of snow white hair falling free in a rivelt of curls down her back, she departed the mountains, the crystalline treee well secure, and came back to the actual city.
She blinked twice at the sudden change in light, and began to make her way toward the Red Lantern District. She had to see about shoring up somemore walls and seeing if she couldn't make things a little more permanate.
'''Selina de Windia: ''' As before, she steps out of a shadow, flickering in the light for a moment before becoming permenant. Amusing, that. And the woman before her was more like the light.
"A busy little bee, I see?" She asks Opal, sweeping up nearly soundlessly behind her, like a phantom.
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' She comes to a stop at the sound. The Dark Angel had powers that masked her all too well from her visual acuity, which was sharp even for her people, something that unnerved her a little more than she cared to admit. She calmly turns around, just a bit too proud to react to Selina with a start, and effected a bow. "Madamme," she states calmly.
She turns her head slightly to look toward the Manse which now was prominent on the skyline. "It was an undertaking, yes."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "About those undertakings." Selina begins, remembering something she had thought of on and off throughout the day. These subordinates and sworn people of her's...what was she to do with them? And as the war drew closer to an end...how would she make sure they were not used against her by another? There were a few solutions to that knotty problem.
"I seem to recall, once, you swore yourself to my service?"
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' "Until the city was out of its current troubles, yes. It is why I accompanied you on your mission, and why I provided protection for you during your fight. I do tend to keep my promises within the bounds of the agreement. I am not slavish to them as Days is, but I do not try to weasal my way out, either." She frowns a little bit at this. No, it would not be good to tell her why she had to swear herself over to an Exalt.
''Just what are you playing at, Dark Angel.... ''
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Selina puts one gloved hand inside the pockets of her greatcoat, pacing around Opal slowly, the other feeling the pocked hand's arm (twice covered with the long glove and greatcoat sleeve) absently. "Tell me. Why did you swear such a thing to begin with? Conventional wisdom holds that you do not swear oaths needlessly. Usually there is a reason for this."
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' "How else would you trust me, to be frank? Exalts can never stand another being to be their equal in something. Thus, if I am not subbordinant to one, I would be thought of as a threat or nuisance. I had also sworn to Iron Tears, if you recall, that I would assist him with resolving his little civic discord, which facilitated a need to be included in your clique, as it were." She watches Selina out of the corner of her eyes even as she paces. It was an intimidation tactic, perhaps.
She idly gestures toward the Manse. "That, if not rebuild, would have exploded sooner than you would think. Partially capped demanses are very dangerous to be left as they are," she tilted her head ascanse slightly, wondering what she was about.
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Mmmm, I have heard a bit about manses in my various studies. Probably not as much as you, however. My sorcery tends more toward my...trade." She paces behind Opal's back, and around the other side. "But why an oath? Did you know of Rain too? But then, if you were here, I did not see you until after her disappearance. Tell me Opal, tell me the real reason for these oaths. Are you under geas from a god of some kind?"
She had met some in Nexus and elsewhere who were. Gods occasionally had people do quite odd things in payment for favors.
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' She spread her hands. If a lie would not work, a half truth would have to suffice. "I did not give you enough credit. Yes, there is a geas that has been enacted on me, specifically. The conditions are bisdentine, but they require I do things like uphold my word and serve an Exalt while remaining on the surface. There is a grace period of this, of course. Which I find myself in, currently," she narrowed her eyes a twinge. "Though I fail to see how that is any of your business at present."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Selina stops in front of her once again. She doesn't look smug, nor threatening. Merely...curious. "Any Exalt at all? My dear Opal, this is what concerns me. It is not, specifically, my business what you do. In the larger context, it is my business who you swear to. Not all Exalts are friendly to me, or even trustworthy."
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' "Actually, there is a stipulation. It does not seem to work with Exalts who draw their power from outside Creation. While you, oh Dark Flame of the North, have a rather... unique Essence as I can percieve it, I am uncertain whether or not I can serve you. Frankly, I have wondered if you are not merely a servent of another Deathlord trying to thwart the ambitions of another," she smiles faintly after she says this. "But then, I remember the way you look at Moon and it dashes that suspicion, though it does not completely banish it."
She gestured toward the Manse again, "How much do you charge for those services you speak so highly of, mm? I am made to create wonders for people who pay me merely with a nod and a brief thank you," she turns her eyes toward the Windian. "I'm sure you would not work for such a pittence, nor be employed for long by one that provided that to you. Perhaps it sounds a little mercenary, but... it is how I feel on the subject."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Merely?" Selina whispers, almost a hiss of steel against velvet, followed by a snort. "Make no mistake, I am a servant of a deathlord, and mine wants to stop the one invading this region." She opens her eyes a bit wider, and a hint of the utter-void black which terrified Kanti washes over the very fringes of them, eating light like an inverse beam of sunlight, for a scant second. "I '''am''' sworn to the Dead Gods."
"But I am not merely that." She shakes her head. "I have goals of my own, which do not involve blighting the north with that foolish dead religion practiced by walking corpses and vain ghosts."
"As for your services...it depends on my generosity. But not for long would I work for so little, no."
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' She frowns a little at that statement. "Ah. I am not permitted to align myself with an enemy of Creation, frankly. And servents of the Deathlords rank high amongst them. So, I am afraid we are at an impasse. And, frankly, what I have seen of you leads me to doubt your generousity." She takes two steps two the side, and picks up a long bit of discarded branch, and walks back, and begins scratching something in the dirt.
"I could perhaps swear myself to Kanti or Fiona, but I do not know. You are their caretaker, of a kind. And so, they would serve your Deathlord by proxy, if not by intent. As I said, it is quite the complex little geas." She continues sketching, wielding the branch quite deftly. "Tell me of these plans, if you are so inclined."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "You could swear to Moon." She says with a lopsided smile -- almost a smirk, but not quite insolent enough to be one. "I am fairly sure he would stand against me if I did, willingly or no, some apocalyptic work of my erstwhile 'masters'. If I were to bow to their will enough to do such, anyway. I am not in the habit of doing so -- swearing to them was for want of a certain type of power, not because I want to make the world worship the foolish dead."
Selina chuckles and purses her lips, thinking. "I want to regain my rightful position in Winlandia. And then I would like to help unite the North against all oppressors. Including the vain and grasping dead."
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' She lifts an eyebrow at that, and a odd looking design quickly is taking shape in the dirt. It looks a little like an Elemental Lens, something the Dark Angel had most probably seen, or at least heard of in her time. "I adore Moon, but he would... no. It would not work out well. Moon would not put me to use effectively. He would probably demand I shed my robes and show my myself without my defenses, and make me wear a kerchief and swear profusely, or some such," she glanced over to Selina, before continuing.
"I am a noble in my own land. However, while on the surface I have been subject to certain... indignaties. I have made weapons that had made the powerful into the godly. That... '''''thing''''' laid hands upon me. That creature of Chaos Iron Tears demanded truck with you. I would have to continue to endure its presence if I stayed with you."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Selina cocks an eyebrow at that, flicking her gaze down toward the design in the dirt, then back to Opal. "I am afraid, that as long as you are with this group of exalts, in any capacity, you will have to deal with Days. She is very likely going to want to get to know everyone, and then, if what I have heard about the fae is to be believed, will want to stick around us all for quite some time."
"As for Moon, I can probably guess the nature of this 'some such'." And she could, ending the sentence with a sultry narrowing of eyes, gauging what the odd earth -fae- woman would look panting Moon's lap. A pretty picture, though Selina could think of others as pretty she would like her lover to appear in. Her voice returns to normal, as well as her eyes. "But if you really did not want to, I am sure he would not actually make you do such things."
But she wasn't done yet. She looks at Opal with a more critical eye.
"I am also a noble in my own land. One of the highest. A demon had me, against my will, until I loved the act. Do you have the faintest idea of what sort of violation that is? Of what it will drive a person to do in order to make sure it is never repeated? And now I dream of it, every so often, and wake suffused with desire, '''aching''' for his touch." Selina's voice has grown husky with that topic, and angry as well, but then she pauses, manages to still it back to normal. "And that is but one of the insults done to me in my lifetime yet. Pray you do not know indignity of that kind in your own."
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' A subtle line is made as she continues her design, which with its marking she finishes. It is an amplification device designed to harness essence, to be sure, but it is... different. The device seems to be able to channel the necrotic essence Selina often uses.
She casually tosses the stick away, and considers the woman in a new light. She did not know why this story left her lips, but something in Selina's kindled something in her own. "I loved a man once. He was a great warrior amoung my people. I never felt so complete. However, I was being decieved. He had been touched by something of the Wyld, I believe, and it had driven him insane. He... was discovered, and with a weapon I had made for him, slaughtered many," she lets Sel have a very long look at the Necrotic Amplifier, before she gives the design a gentle brush with her foot, and ruins it. "So now we have shared something of ourselves, a hidden pain. I can sympathize with your aim, for I long to be again in my home. Perhaps I shall assist you."
She then narrows her eyes a little bit at Selina, considering her. "But, again, I fail to see why I should."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Why should you? I am not a harsh mistress, and I have many...secrets to share." She leaves that, however, until later. Selina knew vaguely what Opal was, but not exactly where she came from. But she had heard rumors of the Mountain Folk and their ruling caste, far second and third hand, distorted in the tellings. Worth a shot nonetheless. Some seemed to look much like Opal.
"Tell me, where is your homeland, exactly?"
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' She points down. "Under the Mountain, of course, under the Blessed Isle. We have settlements that have branched off, of course, and that will not tell you exactly where it is... but it is around there." The thought of secrets seems to kindle an interest in Opal, and she seemed to tap her finger against her chin as she mused over this. "What would you require of me, specifically?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "At the moment, I actually require very little. In the future...I cannot see what that would call for." In truth, as tyrannical as Selina could be with her opinion, when she actually had power she did not throw it around too much. "But, perchance, have you ever heard of a woman called Myria? Moranine later, of course. A First Age Anathema. She built many wondrous things in her time."
"I was her."
* Opal remembers fire. She remembers magic.<br><br>Souls burning, the screams of many Jadeborn crying in unison....<br><br>''Moranine''<br>''Sati''<br>''Fintan''<br>''Bastian''<br>
Names burn through Opal's skull. She remembers fields of dead humans. She remembers them crystallized, she remembers them walking, an endless of war machine of the semi-dead, of the depths of the Earth.... she hears words like golden fire. 'Kill them all', she hears. And hears the scream of souls of order and chaos rent asunder....<br><br>Myria, Myria, Myria... mistress... working under her. Working, toiling, crafting...<br><br>So far above the Earth, in the Mountain... a weapon close to the Clouds.<br>Selina sees that last part, too. Opal was there.<br>She was there...
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' Memories were like an icy fog, and frozen in that eternal instant of revalation, she takes in a small breath of air and lets it out before closing her eyes and placing two long, slender fingers against her temple. She remembered a woman in her former glory, terrible and demanding.
She opens her eyes and takes a moment to compose herself, the expression of distantly remembered pain crosses her face. "Perhaps... it would be merely repeating the mistakes of the past." She gently kicks away the stick at her feet, and looks down at the discarded blueprint. "Perhaps that would be for the best."
'''Selina de Windia: '''Selina'd never seen that memory before, that vision. Which, of course, did not mean it wasn't floating around in her skull somewhere, it just meant she'd never seen it. It gives her the beginnings of a headache, but she looks at the other woman regardless.
"You don't want to then?"
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' "You are... outside the bounds of the oath. If I were to, I would incure the wrath of the geas. Kanti, perhaps, would be best for me to serve... should you desire favors later on."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "I desire not to be betrayed." Selina looks straight into Opal's eyes, holds her gaze with her own. An iron will in it, and more hidden behind that veil. "I am tired of being betrayed and used."
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' "I have not betrayed and used you, Dark Angel. Like the black rose that grows upon the half dead vines of Sijan, I know you too have your thorns. But that besides, I have something that trolope of a Fae does not have: moral boundries. It would be unethical of me, frankly, to do that.
She calmly has a seat on a turned over bit of crate, steadying it and gesturing toward Selina. "You have had too many individuals of poor quality in your life, oh Dark Rose of Nexus. I would hope you recognize those of quality that come to you." The way her tone drops slightly, the way the corner of her lips curls upward slightly, there could be no mistake that she was not talking about herself.
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "What if, say, the Windwraith, or our little Prince, tried to get you to put your talents to work against me?" Selina had never really trusted either of them, beings of the light as they were. They were too opposite of her, and she felt vague feelings of distrust for them regardless of that.
''They are opposite ends of that which would oppose me. ''
The subtle manipulator, and the straightfoward holy man. She was waiting for them to object to something about her existance. Or the boy, anyway. Once he got comfortable enough with his power and position to do so.
She would never hear the Deceiver until the dagger pierced her side. It was one reason she wanted to make sure she had her own allies -- now.
"Far too many, yes."
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' "Mm. Well, then you'll just have to trust that I'll keep my word. I shall pledge myself to Kanti, and as I serve her, you may request what you like. She is your ward, after all, and I could never shield her as well as you. Shield Kanti as you have, and treat me with the respect due to one of my birth, knowledge, and station, and we will have no problems."
She purses her lips subtly, and watched her quickly as she responded.
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "I have no problem with treating people as they deserve." She replies after a moment of thought. "But you seem to be more honorable than most I've met. Though...Kanti?"
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: '''She cants her head subtly in her direction. "Her fate does not lay outside the boundries of the world. Thus, I may pledge myself to her while indirectly aiding you. She is not defenseless, but... of course, you have obviously noticed the way I tend to Fiona and Kanti while I am about them," she sighs a little bit to herself, hating to admit that to one such as Selina.
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "I noticed, yes." She replies, recalling, for one, glimpses out of the corner of her eye when she stood against the Parishioner. A pity she'd let that other demon get away. Another enemy to nip at her heels -- or do more.
"Not Fiona?"
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' "No, I think Kanti would be best. Fiona is too... attracted to chaos. And she might ask me to do things that go against my nature." She frowns faintly, "Why do you ask?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Like what kind of things?" Selina asks curiously, looking oddly at the other woman. It was strange -- she trusted Fiona more than the other two Sun-children. But then, she had been what Fiona was once. And Fiona didn't have a country. Didn't have many of the things she suspected Cael and Alex of having that would drive them to oppose her.
At least, as far as she knew.
"Simply curious."
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: '''She sighs a bit. "Fiona is innocent. She might ask I start dressing or acting differently, or 'loosen up' or what have you. Or even remove my defensive enchantments, to make me more human looking."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Selina smiles at Opal, somewhat amused. "Do you know what kind of effect I have on Kanti, dear? She obeys me utterly." At least, Selina thought she did. But she hadn't started this habit with the Dark Angel, Selina was sure. "And, possibly, any Abyssal. She was the Vestal's toy for quite awhile. It may even be that she will serve anyone."
"Though, I suppose, as long as she is under me, you have no real danger of being used like that."
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' "Mm. Indeed, and I think it is a good arrangement. She serves you as I serve her. If she breaks with you, and serves she that broke her so, I will break with her, and slay she who did it to her. I am not a terribly formidable individual, but I can committ my remaining years to that aim, I think."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Selina blinks for a moment, then looks at Opal with some amount of surprise. "You would hunt down her new mistress, or master?"
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: '''"Should it be an enemy of creation, or one that serves darkness, yes. She has been abused far too much for such a fate to renew it in such a fashion," she arches her eyebrow at Selina. "Its in her own best interests to stay with you, for you at least encourage healthy behaviors."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "That is true." Selina says in a satisfied tone. She would not permit such either, not after hearing the little that filtered to her about the Vestal. Not after all those looks Kanti gave her.
Not after being a surrogate Mistress.
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' "Eventually, I hope to ween her off her dependancy on others. That /need/ she has to serve another," she rises from her impromtu seat, and idly flicks off a bit of grit from her sleeve. "Frankly, Fiona does not need me as much. She'll mature in the long course of her years and eventually become ready to take her place amoung the Princes of the Earth. But.... Kanti has had her life scarred by that... fiend who did this to her."
She takes a breathy sigh, and regards Selina again, "Did you wish anything else, madamme?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "You aren't the only one." Selina says sourly, remembering Kanti's servile nature. It was a pity, really. The girl was actually older than ''her'', but it did not seem that way sometimes. She felt out of place sometimes, a child in an adult's body.
"I...suppose not. Except, what was that thing you drew in the dirt?"
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' "The nature of an Elemental Lens is rather simple, if you know its functionality. One can create varients on such devices to function with different Essences.... such as yours," she idly taps her head. "I have created weapons so powerful that, in my land, I was considered almost holy in my emulation of the Great Maker. Such a toy is easily made, and placed on... oh, your sword there."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "The....who?" Selina blinks, realizing this is a hole in her lore. Given what she was, it was rather embarassing to have such a thing. She at least knew a little about such major powers that this 'great maker' seemed to be part of. "Do you mean a focusing device such as the ones I occasionally see Terrestrials making use of?"
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' "Indeed," she states simply. Then frowns a little bit, "the higher Exalted can channel far more Essence into one of their bolts than the Terrestrials, thus, it requires a lens cut to enable it to channel the stronger, more exotic energies. But, forgive me, you probably did not desire a lecture on the nature of Essence manipulation."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' The Windian furrows her brow, then shrugs. "Actually, I would know that better than either. I can do both. The amount of energy that I am able to cram into a bolt of air and lightning is considerably less than one I can put into a bolt of shadow and void."
She thinks for a moment, then smiles wickedly. "What other things can you make?"
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' She arches an eyebrow at that, "It would perhaps be better for you to ask what you need made, rather than what I can make. I have made Daiklaves, armor think as a Yeddim's hide, the robes you see me wearing, and many other things."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Can you make things which would induce mystical states, rather than just material goods such as those?" Selina asks.
She had an idea. Such an evil, wicked idea.
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' She arches an eyebrow, "You will have to be more specific in your question, madamme. I am an Artificier, not a mind reader. But yes, I can make devices that would induce a state rather than a physical benefit."
She frowned a little at that. She would have to be careful just what items she let the Dark Angel have access to.
'''Selina de Windia: ''' The Dark Angel giggles, almost malevolently. There is however, something that stops it from being truly malevolent. A hint of the wrong kind of wickedness, at least for Opal's inclination. "Can you make something that changes people to what they would be if they were the opposite sex?"
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' She blinks a little bit, "I suppose I could... physically, if not mentally at least. But why would I be inclined to make such a device? It does not seem to have much use, besides its obvious entertainment value to madamme."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Selina continues to giggle wickedly, hugging herself slightly as she does so. "Just me? Oh, you are thinking narrowly, Opal."
She was, of course, going to get everyone she knows to use it. Everyone. Whether they initially wanted to or not.
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' She frowned a bit at that, "If madamme wishes to trounce around in a state not her own, it is not for me to state otherwise. It just seems a waste of your Essence and a poor use of my skill." She just shakes her head. "I'll see what I can do."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Selina freezes in her giggling, looking up at Opal as if caught in the act. "Oh, there are much more important things I could ask. But those must wait for later. In the meantime..."
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' She sighed a little bit. This is what happens when you give an Exalt free access to plumb the vast depths of your mystical resources... they act like children in candy shops.
"Yes?" she inquires, dreading another fit of eerie giggling.
'''Selina de Windia: '''"This! Just this!" She responds, already plotting how she will get this thing on the various people she knows. "Though...it should be unobtrusive."
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' She pinches the bridge of her nose, and turns around and begins to walk off, shaking her head at it all.
Selina was obviously mocking her. So much for respecting her possition and learning.
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Hey!" Selina calls, suddenly walking up behind her. "Where are you off to?"
Too many memories of past existences as men had flooded her mind, over the years, really. She just had to see what that was like. And...what some people would be like as the opposite sex.
"At least I'm not asking you to make some sort of horrible necromantic artifact!"
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' "At least a horrible necromantic artifact wouldn't be something that made me blush when I saw it put to use," she said, looking over her shoulder at her. "What possible need would you have of such an incepid toy? I'm sure Sorcery could replicate such an effect without the burden Artiface would place on your Essence."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "There is a spell that can do that." Selina considers, then remembers why she didn't choose that route. "But if you forget what the person looked like before, they're kind of stuck that way."
"Besides, why would it make you blush? It's not like you'd see anything ''else'' happen when it's used."
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' She sighs a bit. "How about a comprimise. I will make you an Artifact that will allow you to assume a male form, as well as to assume a more complex library of them. Masculine, feminine, whatever. I would think such a device would be of use to one of your profession."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "That too." She adds. It would have been of use to her to simply learn the spell, but again, Selina wasn't to hedge her famous beauty and self-image on her memory. Who knows what she would restore herself to!
"I imagine Lunar magic would do such things."
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' "I would require some Moonsilver, yes. But, it would be anathema to them. As I recall, they have an immunity against outside forces changing their shape... or at least a strong resistance. Its how they survive so long in the Wyld places of the world."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "That doesn't matter unless this artifact was to be used on a Lunar." Selina replies easily, then sighs as she considers the other problem. "Now, getting Moonsilver will be difficult..."
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: '''"I have a small quantity. The one upshot to this whole affair is that I have been able to collect various magical materials in supply. Especially Soulsteel, but lesser amounts of jade and moonsilver as well." She merely glances over at her. "As to my fee... what can you offer?"
'''Selina de Windia: '''"What do you want for this, really?" Selina asks. Surely a woman without a home, a country to support (yet), or much to carry about with her could not want much. At least, she hoped not.
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: '''"Mm, whats fair, I wonder... for dispensing a quantity of my Moonsilver into a project which obviously your enthused about," she seemed to consider that for a moment. "In addition to collecting the ingredients for this Artifact, you must agree to collect three others at a later time of my choosing. Exalts are infinately more skilled at the doing of things than I am. This will not include any other projects you might commission, of course."
'''Selina de Windia: '''At her choosing? That might not be as wonderful as she thought. "Hmm. Where did you get this Moonsilver from again?"
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' "Remember that affair where I came in that Warstrider and errected a barrier to keep you, Kanti, and Fiona from the ghostly assassins that were attacking you? A few of those Artifacts had trace amounts of Moonsilver."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Did you have some kind of contract with Iron Tears which would give you a certain portion of the materials collected from dead enemies?"
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' "No. I am one that picked them up from their fallen corpses, placed them in a tarp, and carted them off to be made better use of. None of you so much as lifted an eyebrow until it became your benefit to have such items. Simply because I had the foresight to do so, makes them mine. And the fact I am no longer in your service, and have hid them well. Besides, I saved your life. You should not begrudge me that which you have no use for."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "You would have nothing had I not killed the Parishioner. In fact, you might very well be on your way to a perverted mistress who makes the faerie look like a blushing child." Selina states flatly, tapping one crossed arm with the fingers of another. "Your collection is something any of us could have done -- a trivial duty of menial busywork. Given that it was my fighting that helped secure these materials, I have as great a claim on it as you. Hiding them well and not being in my service would only serve to get the location tortured out of you should I feel the inclination to help myself to a share of these materials. However, I do not. All the same, I would not advise explaining your ownership of those materials in this manner around the others, should the topic come up."
"However, I could reimburse you in some of the materials." Selina says. "To be fair, and as payment for your labor. I would prefer not to have to run into the Wyld and kill another Lunar to get Moonsilver, however. That is a very hazardous undertaking, and doing so when you want is hardly equal to the effort you spent getting what you have now."
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' She gives Selina a disgusted look. "Ever it is the way of the Exalted to think they are owed more then they are. I enabled you to kill the Parishioner. I spent my Essence in encasing your fight so he could not flee, nor could any interfer. And you make claims of ownership? When I went to the trouble of collecting them? I fail to see how you can stake just claim." She then frowns ever so subtly, "And, I must add, madamme, that I do not respond well to threats. Especially when that person is attempting to barter for my skill."
'''Selina de Windia: '''"Your estimation of what we are owed is off, Opal. I am not being paid for this facet of the war -- spoils are my sole compensation in that area. Yet still I was the one fighting him. Something you could not have done. I am not trying to belittle you, but my exertions '''will''' be properly recognized." The Windian returns, with a cool gaze. "Again: tell me how collecting them exceeds the peril and effort put into killing those who had them. I would very much like a straight answer to that."
"As for the implied threat..." She shrugs. "There it is. I could, could I not? I do not wish to, but if the fact that I could disturbs you, that should say something. It was mentioned as a reminder that there is indeed no law or higher power protecting your right to those materials, regardless of how right or wrong my claim is to them -- it is baiting a beast you cannot control, so to speak. Hence, my advice to not mention it again in that manner."
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' She yawns a little bit at that, and patted her mouth for effect. "Dark Rose, as you cannot get blood from a stone, you cannot get the same from me. You are simply not being civil in the matter. The point is, I collected them. Your thought was only for the battle. The only point at which you wanted them is when you learned there held something that you wanted it those so called spoils. You do not lack in Artifacts, frankly. And those were minor trickets at best, a miricle that there was anything salvagable in the first place."
"You killed those being because they were trying to kill you, not for the trickets of power the Bishop bestowed them. And when you desire something made for you requiring those materials, you demand of me to 'buy' the rights to them from you, with this project?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "And you are arguing semantics. When I kill someone, what they drop is more mine than the person who happens to pick it up." Selina replies stonily, her wings folded back against her, not drooping or perked. "Do not evade my point. The matter of you making something for me is seperate from this -- what I am getting at is your calivier attitude."
"If you want to act like that, Opal, then they are only yours until I find them -- not a hard task for a sorceress of my capability. The very fact that you hid them shows premediated dishonesty toward me (and the rest), as does your initial argument on the matter. I could say these are as much Iron Tears' as yours, as well. Or as much the people of the Boil's as yours. But I will leave that question to ''your'' conscience, not mine."
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' "I did not hide them, that was merely an exageration. As for an unwillingness to share, Moon came to me and request I devest some of those collected goods that he might use them with his mortal followers," she frowns a bit after a moment. "Mm, this banter is pointless. Very well, if you desire them, you may have them."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Selina sighs. Is the woman not listening to her at all? "Actually, I don't want them so much as not want to have to go and get quanities of Moonsilver to replace them from Chosen who would carry very strong lifetime grudges over the matter. That or places like the Realm. Moonsilver is not exactly common."
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' "I know. But... if I can perfect that which I have long sought, then it shant be a problem. You may have the moonsilver contained within if you desire. I have not extracted it yet, so you will know I have not cheated you."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "...why did you say you hid them?" Selina asks curiously, and somewhat impatiently. Maybe the Mountain Folk, if that's what she really was, did have some taint of the Wyld in them like their cousins, and were occasionally lent to do insane things such as picking fights for no real reason. "Is it something to do with the faery being around?"
Possibly a rude thing to ask, but after all that she wanted an answer.
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' "My Lady is perceptive. She would break them just to break them, quite frankly. There kind have always hated artiface not their own, and besides, they have no respect for the work of others," she looked over at Selina. "Anyway, they're safe enough. When do you wish to collect them?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "...which ones? The ones you'll need to use for this? You just use those as need appears." Selina says with some hesitation.
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' "I have not yet agreed. And since you desire them all, I should think they would be better in your most able care," she arches an eyebrow at her. "After all, your kind surpassed mine in wonder by leaps and bounds. Obviously, you could do this thing which I have trained my whole life for. I shall merely go busy myself with my own modest projects."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Selina begins to giggle again, then her pupils slit as the giggles begin to turn into laughter. "Y-you really have to feel you 'won' this, don't you?" With some effort, she quiets the laughter, only occasional snorts and chuckles interrupting her. The pupils, however, stay slit to thin lines. "I expected better of you. The faery is the one who I thought would play games and bait me, but instead I find you doing it to my face first. No, I do not terribly need this artifact -- nor any from you if this is what I must put up with."
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' She sighs a little bit, "I am merely tried of being thought of as everyone's disposal. You are correct, and it was beneth me. I apologize. I shall start the item as soon as I have some time to set aside to it."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' She wagered the damned faery was sitting somewhere and laughing at this. But it was best not to mention such things to the earth-fae, right now. "Well, name a good fee, and I'll pay it." Selina says simply, pupils widening again. "I have no qualms at paying you a fair price."
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' "There is very little I desire, quite frankly. How about you shall merely owe me one. Nothing life threatening, but you'll merely owe me a favor sometime down the road."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "That's fair enough."
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' "Very good. I actually need help collecting ingrediants for one of my own projects, so when I'm ready to start on it, that will probably be it. I'll start on your item when I have time. Hopefully, before the next horde invades."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "With any luck the most likely next horde, the Wyld Hunt after all this mess, probably, will take its sweet time in setting up to come after our heads." Selina says dryly.
"And I will ask Moon about giving you some compensation when he wants your services. Being taken for granted isn't a fun thing to experience."
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' "Mm, but, its my own fault for not asking anything. The artifact you desire is not terribly powerful, but I will probably scale what I desire by what the request is." She smiles faintly at Selina, "Was there anything else, madamme?"
'''Selina de Windia: '''"Nothing else I can think of..." She replies, looking about, and hoping once more that people weren't watching this. She wasn't sure it would bother her so much, however.
''With any luck, Days is off watching someone else. ''
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' "Well, I shall take my leave then. Thank you for your consideration in this matter." She smiles a bit, and inclines her head once more, and began walking in the direction of the ruined house of pleasure.
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Ah. Well, see you later then." Selina says, then spreads her wings, and leaps into the air, catching the winds and soaring up into the heights.
She has a dinner and fitting to attend to, now. With Vorpal...of all people. Hopefully it will go well.
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