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#REDIRECT ADanceOfAngels
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== The Mother Of Wings ==
The dinner ends peacefully after that, the almost smile of the Pale Angel crowning it. The conversation goes on, and soon they are done, and the night continues.... the performer takes them around, out of the restaurant and on to the theather, to watch the heart-felt rendition of 'The Chime of the Crystal Rose,' a moving romantic opera that tells the tell of star-crossed lovers over coming adversity to find happiness.
"It was either this or "The Bloody Path of the Anathema-Queen"," Domeil estates, "which I hear is much better, but hardly seems appropriate under the circumstances."
Running on a budget he has been wanting to play with for quite some time, he has a carriage carry the four in the moonlit ride to the park of High Whispers, a great park in upper windia, nice and safe as well... one Selina remembers playing in as a child, a place where nobles could come safely to play, and way greater than most of their gardens, in an open space that seems so wonderful when you can fly and see how high up it actually is...
Coming to it, he leads them to a clearing, where a delicate wire-frame table lays with four chairs to it, a mountain of pillows not too far from the table, and still-steaming coffee over it, yhe servants who placed it there gone, the timing perfect.....
<b>Domiel:</b> "... which was about the time they asked me to leave town," Domiel finishes as the carriage rolls to a stop, bringing an end to the story of his own experience with star-crossed lovers, human and Rhaksha just as the play had featured, in a little village to the south. "Really rather rude of them, I thought, since I wasn't even the one who slept with the girl and everything ended happily enough. Or at least I'd like to assume they did, after the pair ran off. It's always hard to tell, with my cousins..."
As the coachman opens the door for them, the Changeling steps down first and holds up a hand to assist the first of the ladies out of the carriage. It gives him a chance to inspect the setting first, as well, and make certain the Prince's coin hadn't been wasted.
<b>Selina De Windia:</b> "They're always rude when something like that happens." Selina says off-handedly, stepping to the ground after taking Domiel's hand. "Always."
<b>Alex Holysword:</b> "Well, after they had to do all that to be together, they wouldn't just throw it away, would they?" The prince asks, getting to the ground and stretching his body and his wings, then yawning a bit, grimacing as he notices he forgot to help the ladies down. Too entertained with Gasper's story...
<b>Vorpal:</b> Even though the carriage has stopped, Vorpal makes no move to get down. She has spoken little during the entire trip, contending herself to staring absently at the buildings that rolled past them left and right, her elbow leaning against the carriage's rim, her chin supported by the hand, and an oddly vacant gaze in her red eyes. The entire account related so colorfully by Gaspar has, by all probability, gone in through one of her ears and out from the other.
Every once in a while, she swallows abruptly, as if attempting to banish a lump that would threaten to rise to her throat...
<b>Domiel:</b> "I suppose you're right," he sighs, holding Selina's hand delicately as she steps down, then turning back to assist Vorpal. "Still, some people are just impossible to please. Certainly kills one's enthusiasm towards playing match-maker though. Much work to little thanks, then your happy pair scampers off without so much as a by your leave."
"Romance is rather tedious, when it's someone elses." Staring back into the carriage at the pale mercenary for a moment, Domiel finally clears his throat at the silent, almost sullen seeming woman and holds his hand up towards her insistently. "What did you think of the play, miss Lilith? You've been rather silent since we left."
<b>Alex Holysword:</b> "Lilith? You are not coming down? We are here!" He says, happily, after he finishes yawning. Late, for him... "There is coffee!"
<b>Vorpal:</b> "Hmmmm?"
Vorpal turns her head slowly... not because of the effect for intimidation, not to show how she prefers to do things in her own time, without anyone ordering her around. There is no usual glowering in her gaze, only the absently puzzled incomprehension of someone who has just been gently shaken up from a daydream. She blinks at Gasper for a moment, then finally seems to realize that she is expected to say something.
"Oh. Sorry." Starting a little, she stands up and - laying her gloved fingers onto the offered hand with delicacy more fitting for a court lady than a hardened mercenary - steps down from the carriage. "It was... it was..." Her voice trails away, her mouth works, but no words come out. She hesitates, her hand forgotten on Gasper's grasp, her mind entirely occupied by the torrent of feeling boiling within her.
Then, however, she seems to realize what she is doing. Letting out a sudden chuckle, more at herself than at anyone else, she hurls a twinkling gaze over at the Changeling. "<i>Beautiful</i>", she states with a slanted smile, her voice an odd mixture of a little girl and a lady who well knows the power of her allure. "That is the word I should use, yes?"
And let the minstrel decide whether she was meaning the play, or the man.
<b>Alex Holysword:</b> "A little too melodramatic, wasn't it? I... tend to prefer epics." Not resisting it, the prince walks some steps towards the table, enjoying the feel of safety under the moonlight.... "You really picked a nice place, Gasper..."
<b>Domiel:</b> "I'm happy to know you enjoyed it, then."
Domiel attempts not to sound or look too shaken by the look or the tone in the mercenary woman's voice. Her silence had seemed like boredom before, but now he has cause to wonder otherwise. Wistful dreaming? For a woman of such proud and fierce a demeanor before, it seemed so unlikely. Yet
Domiel's eyes move in unison with Lilth's face as she steps from the carriage, to witness the glow of her pale skin against the shadowy backdrop of the park. His lips part in the barest intake of breath, then turn upwards to the smile of a man who has just been presently surprised. Domiel does not relinquish her hand once she steps down, holding on with a moderately possessive squeeze of her fingers. A bold breach of manners, without a lady's permission, but then if etiquette ruled the game, the players would stand yards apart and never touch. Besides, it stood to reason he'd be slapped or worse if it offended.
"Thank you, prince. I had it on good authority this was a pleasant and private place." Guiding the Pale Angel until she showed a desire for otherwise, and moves up beside the Windian noblewoman and sketched a faint bow, holding his other hand out towards her. "Madam Nellens, I have two arms. The first is in good company, but if it suits you, take the other till I can escort you to your seat."
<b>Selina De Windia:</b> <i>You can't have your cake and eat it too.</i> Selina thinks as she looks back at Domiel and her partner, him extending his hand to her in turn. <i>Besides...</i>
Selina shakes her head slightly in a decline of the offer. "That is quite alright, thank you."
<b>Alex Holysword:</b> Alex can't help but to sigh inwardly at Gasper's words.
Oh, he loved being a prince. He loved when his station was respected, the etiquete respected.... but in better moments. Right now, he didn't need servants, or distant noble equals...
<b>Domiel:</b> He shrugs in response to the Windian and gives her a breezy wink. <i>Now, you could hardly blame me for trying.</i>
"As the lady wishes," one fewer women on his arm than could be hoped for, but one enough for any level of good cheer, he waves towards the near-by table where the prince is waiting and smiles warmly at Vorpal. "Shall we then? The coffee will get cold, if we wait too long."
<b>Vorpal:</b> "Absolutely", Vorpal responds with a great deal of definitely fake dignity and takes a very delicate grip of the hem of her cloak, raising the garment slightly off the ground. "We cannot let our gracious host wait either, can we?"
She's playing the high lady now, lifting her nose, prancing around a bit, making it obvious for all to see that she is <i>playing</i> the role... and having darned fun while at it.
And yet, at the same time, there is precision in her movements that speak of actual skill and breeding - although it is not quite as widely known as her skill with the blade and army, Vorpal deFay was a woman of noble birth.
<b>Alex Holysword:</b> Alex walks to the table, taking his seat... "Hope you are enjoying yourselves, at least...." He smiles, yawning once again, and getting some coffee for himself.
<b>Selina De Windia:</b> Selina coughs and then purses her lips, sauntering over to the table on her own, taking a seat without waiting for anyone else, and almost immediately downing all her coffee in one go. After pouring it. She then proceeds to look down her nose at anyone who looks at her askance, for good measure.<i>I think I'm supposed to be feeling romantic right now, but I'm really not.</i>
<b>Domiel:</b> "No, we most certainly cannot." This was a bit more like it. Strolling at a casual pase beside the mercenary, Domiel gave a musing sigh of contentment. A rocky start, but a fine night just the same. Eyes to the stars to the stars peering at them through an opening in the canopy of the trees around the clearing, breathing in the cool night air, it's the sad thought this will have to end soon.
"Pour for me, if you would be so kind, Alex," he asks politely, releasing Vorpal's hand to pull out her seat for her. "And you, my dear? The coffee should be good and there is brandy aplenty to spice it."
<b>Vorpal:</b> "Oh, I'll have a cup too..." Vorpal responds smoothly and courteously. Then, however, she lowers her chin slightly, to give Gaspar a meaningful look over a pair of imaginary eyeglasses. "<I>...dear</i>", she adds, softly, yet with enough of the more familiar Vorpal-voice included to drive in the slight warning about what might happen to people who got too cocky about their victories.
Then, however, the moment passes and she turns away, her eyes twinkling once more as she watches the Dark Angel down her own cup without waiting for anyone else. "What's the matter?" she asks with an impish smile, crossing her fingers over the table and resting her chin onto them. "Didn't you like the play?"
<b>Selina De Windia:</b> "It was an interesting diversion." Selina says off-handedly, pouring some more coffee as the breeze plays through the ringlets of her dyed red hair and white feathers. "But romance has always been a bit <i>dull</i> to me as anything beyond purely personal entertainment."
<b>Vorpal:</b> "Would you have preferred the bitch-queen, then?" Vorpal immediately follows up with a smile and an arched eyebrow, the ladyish tone of her voice in a start contrast with her choice of words.
<b>Selina De Windia:</b> "Sure, though I think I'd prefer something a bit more heroic either way." She takes a sip of her coffee, much more restrained than the last, and smiles right back. "It's called entertainment for a reason."
<b>Domiel:</b> He pales for a moment at the tone of her voice, memories of her violence against the wall not yet <i>that</i> far gone from his mind. A warning is just a warning however and he smiled, pinked delicately in embarrassment but amused none the less, and tips his head in acquiescence.
"Fortune only favors the bold when they live to enjoy the profit of their risk," he sighs to himself, patting Vorpal's hand before crossing around behind her to claim his seat. Picking up his up, he sips at the still steaming coffee and holds the ceramic bowl in his hands to warm them. "Mmm.. I would have thought you would preferred the military drama more than madam Nellens, miss Lilith. Blood and glory. Flailing swords and severed limbs. Isn't that your realm of expertise?"
<b>Alex Holysword:</b> He pours the coffe for Domiel, almost giggling as they come to their blows again. "Ladies, ladies... you always snap at one another, don't you?"
The image of Selina offering herself to Vorpal in the clearing, over the corpses of the Dead Hand, brings a grin to his face, "It is true what they say about people in love fighting, then..."
<b>Selina De Windia:</b> Running a hand through her long red hair after she puts the cup down, Selina tsks. "Sometimes, I just run into people who dance away from me. That's all." Her voice is oh so very innocent at this point, not even looking at Vorpal. More like looking at the night sky above, wings stretched at on either side behind her.
<b>Vorpal:</b> "Fu."
Leaning back in her chair, Vorpal smiles silently and picks up her own cup of coffee. She blows on its surface, once, twice, tastes it gingerly, and sets the cup down. "I see that in everyday life", she responds to Gasper's question, in a bit more serious mood now. "Usually in a form that has <i>not</i> been cleaned and romanticed to fit it better for a stage. Would you be very interested in someone giving you a tour through your own house?"
<b>Alex Holysword:</b> "You would want something more heroic?" He says, clearly surprised...
"What they say about you really isn't true, Kins... er." His hand goes for his face, and he closes his eys for a moment. "...Moranine." he smiles, simply as he had said 'Adrianna'
<b>Selina De Windia:</b> "Maybe you'd like to climb into my head for that one?" Selina asks sarcasticly, downing the rest of her coffee <i>again</i>, then covering her mouth as she sneezes. "Or talk to the little voices in my mind?"
<b>Alex Holysword:</b> "No, but I would like to understand you. You both, really.... maybe then I would understand about Carina."
<b>Domiel:</b> "That depends entirely on who it was and which parts of the house they wished to show me," he said with a little grin.
"But then, I don't agree it would be the same as that," he shrugged, leaning back in his chair and resting the cup against his chest. "The question <i>should</i> be 'Would you like to listen to someone else play music you have written?' To which the answer would be, of course, yes. Few things are so flattering in someone else taking interest in what you do enough to attempt to mimic it."
"Would you blush at a rousing opera about the legendary Pale Angel and her righteous savaging of dastardly foes? Would you swell with pride to hear of your beauty and skill immortalized in verse?"
<b>Selina De Windia:</b> "Simple truth in that, Alex darling: Abyssal women are bitchy. We love picking at other people, and each other. It's like our moonblood is on all month." She chuckles, looking at the rest of them for a moment, then stops. "And people like the Vestal? Well, they're freaks."
<b>Vorpal:</b> "No, thanks", Vorpal grunts and presses a palm against her face. "I used to hear about that <i>all the time.</i> It's like the minstrel playing the same tune over and over again throughout the entire winter."
<b>Alex Holysword:</b> The prince laughs graciously, loving Selina's analogy... a little bit of the teenager in him. "So we need to worry about it all month long? Oh, will my sister be insufferable when I meet her again... thankfully it wasn't Elizabeth. If the tomboy became even more bitchy, she would kill me for, like, breathing."
"The Vestal? Who is that, another servant of the Lover?"
<i>Wasn't there a play about the Pale Angel in Whiteshield? I could swear...</i>
<b>Selina De Windia:</b> "No, she is Bishop's", the Pale Angel says off-handedly, throwing one leg over the knee and picking up her coffee cup again.
"Maybe you'll get to see dear little Charmaine sometime in the next few days, Alex." Selina says in a flat tone, then turns chiding. "If you're a <i>good</i> boy."
<b>Domiel:</b> He laughs at her embarrassment and grousing tones. "I am certain you have. But being honored in song is the same tune played on a different instrument than a half-hearted attempted to simply get in your good favor by crowing about you. I'll have to show you the difference, one day I'm certainly going to have plenty of time to write, soon." He muses, staring down into the stirring black depths of his cup.
<b>Alex Holysword:</b> "Like it would be such a wonderful moment.... like you said, your moon blood runs all month. It's hard to forget that the first time we met, I was <i>bullied</i> by you, you know. The part where you saved me aside." He smiles, not trying to throw insults, more hoping this other Abby isn't...
<i>wait, wait....</i>
".... Charmaine." And as he says the word, his voice goes cold.
<b>Selina De Windia:</b> "Met, did you?" Selina purrs, looking at Alex with a sudden focus. "A-aah, then." Her turquoise eyes look straight into his, laughing silently. "Don't worry, I have something...special, planned for her."
And then she dives into the Trance, looking about for more spies.
<b>Vorpal:</b> "I can hardly wait", Vorpal responds with dry tones, still leaning her forehead against her palm. Her voice trails away, however, as she notes the sudden change of mood in Alex.
<b>Alex Holysword:</b> "...Yes. Yes, I did. She was there when Ivory killed... she was... she killed..."
"..and took Fiona, probably killed her as well..."
<b>Domiel:</b> The Changeling catches Alex's tone as well, blinking and looking up from his coffee at the boy. He has to wonder if this is the same 'she' Carina had mentioned before, though it hardly seems the best to mention this to the boy, under any circumstance and least of all now. He keeps his peace, quitely watching to see if the prince seems about to break down again.
<b>Selina De Windia:</b> Selina frowns, sitting up as she coughs and then gets to her feet. She looks about again, trying to appear as if she just caught something out of the corner of her eye and doesn't know where it is, which of course, she did not. She knows exactly what she's looking for.
"Excuse me for a moment." The Dark Angel demures as she begins to stroll toward where she saw the thing, idly, still looking about as if she doesn't know exactly what she's looking for. The night wind blows through her hair as she does, senses scanning the area.
Quickly catching on what the assassin is on about, Vorpal remains seated, sips her coffee and idly activates the powers of her heritage once more, to see if something interesting would come up.
=== The Mother of Wings ===
<b>Goddess:</b> <i>"Looking for something?”</i>A voice comes. From nowhere and everywhere, from the grass at Selina's feet and the leaves of the trees. The place where Selina saw veins of bloated red essence now shines with the translucent image that Selina knows... she knows... it makes her soul drown in <i>deja vu</i>, even if she can't quite place it...
<b>Selina De Windia:</b> "Only if you're a ghost and a spy for the Bishop." The Windian says in a growl, feathers along the base of her wings rising in alarm. "Otherwise, consider it a simple mistake of mine."
<b>Goddess:</b> The form has many wings about her, halos of glowing light above her face, her form darkened, tattoed with gold. It is translucent, so all that is faint, but still, characteristic.... "The latter, my child. Just enjoying the sight and the talks... and making sure you do not do anything to upset my domains."
<b>Selina De Windia:</b> "My mistake, then." Selina apologizes quickly, backing away and then turning around to walk back to the others.
<I>Damn it all, I forgot this city has spirits of its own.</i>
She guessed it was a good idea she didn't attack. Especially if it's the spirit she thought it might be.
<b>Goddess:</b> "Mistake? I don't think you can see me by mistake, dear. Even though your mother was certainly better in knowing what she was looking at. Still worlds above the young girl who used to run around here bossying her little siblings around..." She smiles, her voice still seeming to come from everything around Selina...
"You have certainly grown. And when I didn't even expect you to survive..."
<b>Selina De Windia:</b> Selina halts, looking up at the spirit as she raises an eyebrown. "You didn't think I'd survive? ...I suppose most didn't, did they? I guess it comes as a surprise."
<b>Goddess:</b> "Of course.. you were so young, back then. So pretty, out in the world... how could anyone think you would last?" She says, her translucent shape shining its wings as she smiles at the Dark Angel, looking her up and down.... "Can you come with me for a moment, then? It has been a long time since I have had the company of a De Windia... I was really found of your mother. A pity what you did to her. And your brother seems to always be busy these days... did you drop by to see him?"
<b>Selina De Windia:</b> Lips going into as flat a line as she can get them, Selina frowns as the spirit mentions her mother. "I didn't have a choice in that." Crossing her arms over her chest slightly, she shifts her weight to one foot. "No choice at all. I'm going to fix it...someday."
<b>Goddess:</b> "And how do you intend to go about it, Selina? Oh, or should I say... <i>Dark Angel</i>?"
"What happened to you was... unfortunate. But the world goes on, and the city lives...." Her face seems to look at Selina, <i>into</i> Selina, inside something on her soul, something she still remember the moment it entered her... "I have learned to be wary of the likes of you, in the past. When they seemed more harmless than what you are now."
<b>Selina De Windia:</b> "I do not pretend to be harmless," Selina begins, looking back at the others before continuing. "Because I am not harmless. I am what I am now."
<i>And it's not going to change.</i>
"I have a duty to attend to. My cousin."
<b>Goddess:</b> "And what you are now is dangerous. You know that much. And I trust you will understand that I am wary of you... your kind has always been volatile . And you... are of those new ones, who wear the Void sheathing all of that." She sighs, at the mention of her cousin... Nina's face appearing on her hand, as she contemplates it.... "Your cousin is gone; Safe on a dynastic school, meddling with forces that will probably destroy her before long. Why worry about it?"
<b>Selina De Windia:</b> "We're all dangerous. You as well." The assassin replies, snorting. "If you want to hold power in this world, no less is required."
<b>Goddess:</b> The wind blows through her hair, and her wings, a tiny gust, then settles down. "She will come back, one day. She will rule, one day. Maybe soon. When that day comes, I will be her shield. And her sword. She'll have need of both."
"I am powerful. There is a difference between that and danger, little Raven. You think what you are is safe? Or Valencia? It is just a matter of time until she becomes more trouble than she is worth... Windia needs not the spark of the heavens." She sighs, sitting down on a bench, the moonlight specially spetacular over the two of them. "Please, do not think I do not like you. I remember the little girl I protected... but, I was there when the prophecy of the Black Wings was uttered, Dark Angel. I am sorry, I am really really sorry it had to befall over you... but it did." She sheakes her head, saddened. "You should not be here. You should be away. Far, far away from here. I recognize you and the one within you, and they are not from here."
"You should never have returned."
<b>Selina De Windia:</b> It hurts, hearing that. Selina knew it already -- had known it before she fell further into blasphemy. She was not welcome here. Not anymore. Swallowing the lump in her throat, and blinking back the sudden tears as the memories go back into their box, the Windian looks away as her voice cracks. "I am...sorry too. I would never come back, but..."
And she grits her teeth and swallows the rest. "The days of those games are over. The Empress is gone, and the Heavens rain their fire on us unceasingly. If we do not pick it up, we will kneel before those who do. Would you have the Bull of the North sitting in the Throne of Winds? Or the Bishop's pretenders? I go to deal with them tomorrow."
<b>Goddess:</b> She smiles. It is... really hard to dislike her. She is the serenity...
The winds on a rainy day, the soothing song on the valleys, the song of the endless windmills....
Everywhere the wind blows.
"A prortector of Windia, you are. So, tomorrow... you will be Lady Defender as you should have been, once?" She says, walking up to Selina, and caressing her face, in a motherly way. Resembling her mother, way too much... "My little girl will battle the darkness as she was meant to do?", She says, encouragingly. "With your... companions?"
<b>Selina De Windia:</b> "They needn't stay by me." Selina replies hesitantly, resisting the urge to cringe back from the spirit's touch. Unworthy, she feels unworthy. "I've gone this far alone, I can do the rest alone if I need to. You cannot break what is already broken, or shroud the night in shadows. The Darkness will learn this."
<b>Goddess:</b> "I trust you." She smiles. "I trust you will do this, and take away the shadows..."
But then, her hand goes away, and she grimaces, "However, I only trust Selina Miriana De Windia. I do not trust Moranine... did you know, child? Once upon a time, the soul inside your own fought the darkness... and fell to it. She was the greatest darkness in an age of light."
Her gaze moves, and the wind sings as it does. She looks where her friends were, and the folliage parts with gentle winds to reveal them.... Domiel talking smoothly, Alex laughing youthfully, Vorpal trying to look collected..."The boy, he looks so harmless, doesn't he? And yet, I see the beast crawling, screaming to be on the surface. Whe nneeded, he was the one to put out the darkness. But he was no better. A paragon of light, blinded by it. He thought he owned us all by divine right. And felling the darkness only made it even more right... he used me.. us... even his wife. His poor wife..."
She closes her eyes for a moment, cringing, and the wind suddenly grows cold. "Things are coming back. The same dance of angels from millenia ago is repeating itself, I see it on the darkness in you, the purity in him... and the brashness on the other. The other, which you will meet... soon."
"I do not trust what is inside you. But I trust my lady of winds, the duchess by right, to do the right. When this is over, will you go? Go away, take the boy, take the other, take the black wings out of here? Will you keep Windia safe from being victim of the same devastation as before, child of winds?"
<b>Selina De Windia:</b> "I cannot leave here, anymore than you." Selina states, shivering a bit in the wind. Odd, that. She hadn't before. "She is inside me, yes." The Windian nods toward the great cannon, sitting atop the mountain, motionless for now. For how many hundreds of years. Maybe not for too much longer.
"In the darkness beneath the mountain, it waits. Calling me. I hear it in my dreams, in my nightmares." Selina shivers again, feathers fluffing out a bit. "Stronger than the loudest command of the dead gods... I don't want to take it and go out alone... I can fight alone, but not that. Not again."
<b>Goddess:</b> "It <i>calls to you</i>" She turns, exasperated, the winds growing fierce... "So, you do know.... you do know.... her hand goes to her face.... child, you must <i>never</i> reach there. It is the reason why you should go. Why your cousin should not come. If it... awakens..."
"Yes, yes... you were alone in the end. Alone against all that once trusted you... and that is why you call so strongly...?" She says, not really to Selina, but to the mountain itself....
<b>Selina De Windia:</b> Selina waits for a few long moments as the spirit says that, looking toward the castle and the mountain it sits on. And then she begins quietly. "If I leave again...I may come back at the head of an army. And take it anyway. <i>She</i> knows this...and if she can have it that way, she'll take advantage. I will hold it, but she will wield it. Through me."
Narrowing her eyes off eastward, Selina growls. "I have to show her that I can rule on my head. That I can wield it on my own. All of them. Or I'll be their immortal tool."
<b>Goddess:</b> ".... I suppose." She says, in the most neutral tone heaven can ever utter, her eyes once again coming to her companions.
"And they reunite once again... all of them. And tragedy threads on their wake..." in her vision, she sees the gold of the full sun, the mixed gold and silver of the eclipse, the dark of dusk. And the silver that should be there... "We will always have your brother, won't we?" She muses to herself, "Do you miss him, Dark Angel?"
<b>Selina De Windia:</b> "Take care of my siblings...the ones that still live, at least." Selina says, looking back to the south. Toward the Realm. "Yes, I do miss him. I miss them all. I wish I didn't have to walk this path."
<b>Goddess:</b> "I will. You have my word, that they will be treated like I would my own. The farvored children of the sky..."
"Why did you, then? Only the first disgraced was imposed upon you, was it not, my child?" She says, smiling at Selina once again, fading into an air of concern... "How much did you suffer after you leave my wingl?"
<b>Selina De Windia:</b> "Alot, of...things. I like to think I have had some positive experiences between the rest, though." Selina shrugs, smirking. "You know, of course, that the Bishop's lackeys are in the city? They call him the Shining One. Ironic."
Spreading her wings, stretching them as far as she's able, Selina murmurs a little bit of verse she heard somewhere. Was it the underworld -- one of the Lover's cities? Perhaps.
<i>"Daughter of the Night, she walks again.<br>The ancient war, she yet fights.<br>Her new lover she seeks, who served her and died, yet shall serve still.<br>Who shall stand against her coming?<br>The Shining Walls shall kneel."</i><br>
<b>Goddess:</b> "They are?" She sounds urgent, "No... I did not know. Just as I did not know of you until this moment... even though I heard of the confrontations in Windia, the misshapen corpses clad in Soulsteel... I heard a small cult was taken down, but that was that... I had no idea." The winds seem restless about them, as she hears the prophecy and smiles. "They are too close. All of them... too close, too soon."
<b>Selina De Windia:</b> "I will deal with them tomorrow." Selina says simply, looking back at the others for a moment, marking Vorpal, especially. Her partner. She'd be useful to help save Windia from the Bishop. "I've left note to Valencia, if she doesn't already know. The Lover, at least, respects Windia's neutrality. More than the Bishop anyway."
<b>Goddess:</b> "That prophecy... it fits you, doesn't it?" She says, her gaze drifting in the winds, her form losing coehsion... then comes the voice, the call from the boy. "It is time for both of us to go, it seems..." She says, her voice everywhere again, on the wind caressing Selina's feathers, her hair, her mind.... so gently. "I will keep my eye on you, child of the winds. And worry not, I will keep your siblings safe... I will keep Windia safe. Against anything. Against anyone. I will keep Windia safe, no matter how much I have to destroy."
She vanishes, then. Only a faint singing of the wind... almost a thought on Selina's mind....
<i>Remember.... when you meet the other... take them away. Away from the winds, away from the darkness.... take them away...</i>
<b>Selina De Windia:</b> Minutes, it seems, she stands there alone. Hours. Then she utters "I hope you will." softly, and turns back, turns toward the others, and begins walking.
<i>If I lose to its call, I hope you can protect Windia from me as well.</i>
* - Back to [[GoldenCat/FirstMovement|First Movement]]
* - Back to [[GoldenCat/DanceOfAngels|A Dance of Angels]]

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