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#REDIRECT [[ADanceOfAngels]]
* - Back to [[GoldenCat/FifthMovement|Fifth Movement]]
* - Back to [[GoldenCat/DanceOfAngels|A Dance of Angels]]
== Gallery of Chaos ==
'''Seventh Moon: ''' They laughed. They drank. They chased skirts and ducked bellow them. People were having a merry time of the evening, dancing through the night with scarely a care for why they were even celebrating. It was no longer an event to commemorate the victory that had been one, if it had ever been. It was just a night to have a good time.
The only problem was, some tastes differed in what that meant.
"Y'wanna take the first shot?" Moon offered Iselsis politely, grinning as he gestured towards the crowd beyond the doorway.
They stood ignored at the servants entrance to the main hall, where the bulk of the festivities were slowly moving as people gave up the chill embrace of the open air for the close warmth inside. Moons eyes were on fire, blazing in barely held eagerness to get this party ''really'' started. His hands curled and unclenched rhythmically to the music filtering down from floors above, creaking the leather gloves he had yanked on.
'''Iselsis: ''' She shrugs a little, "Nah, I'm the new girl. If I start the fight I'll be looked down on for it. Whereas if you do it then I'm only covering your ass and being a good teamplayer. See how that works?", she grins a little. She'd left her shoes back in the kitchen, and was eagerly awaiting for her one true friend in this horrible town to show up, along with Moon's gang.
'''Seventh Moon: ''' "Good." The Lunar chuckled darkly. "Was hopin' ya'd say that."
Flipping up the collar of his coat, Moon hunched back into the heavy jacket and strode out onto the floor, casually bumping aside dancers and brushing off the occasional inviting hand. The ground soon opened up before his intent, a path through the bodies shockingly clear. Moon had already picked his target out. He was a huge red-headed fellow, taller than Moon himself, pinning some leggy thing in a saffron skirt up against a wall. Probably a soldier of some sort, sure as hell had the posture for it. Boy looked like he had a plank of wood hammered into his spine even while he tried to slip a hand under his partners dress.
No hesitation. No pause. Moon stepped up behind the red-head and roughly prodded his shoulder. "s'cuse me."
'''Iselsis: ''' Ise of course was right on his tail. Literally. Why bother making a path through bodies when you can just walk after a veritable steamroller clearing it for you?
After a while she notes his target, and appears from behind the taller, wider lunar, stepping out to the side, a cute grin on her devilish face. Good cop bad cop anyone?
Only they were both bad, Ise just liked pretending she was good.
* The figure looked back, and not to look at Moon. Just to show a menacing face, not caring who was there, and snarl, "Get lost!" even as his annoyance made him touch something a little too harshly, making the lady in saffron whimper... "Busy here."
'''Seventh Moon: ''' "You sure as fuck are." Moon agreed with ominous cheer. And then he hit him.
Moons fist hooked up through the air, leathered fist colliding with the red-heads check with a sharp crack. The force of the blow swung the man off his partner, rolling him away to the side. Stuffing a hand down the front of the saffron womans blouse, Moon yanked her away from the wall and straight into him. He closed his mouth over hers while a startled yelp was still in her throat. Moon held the kiss until he was sure the big mans head had stopped spinning enough for him to see it and then practically flung her off to the side. Stumbling, but at least out of danger. For now, anyway.
Taking a step back, Moon grinned and waited to see if the big man would keep his feet and come after him. Be damn disappointing if he didnt.
'''Iselsis: ''' Ise watched on bemusedly, giggling at the big soldier man. She figured he'd be down for the count. Either way, she watched, and smiled like it was really funny, her wings spread behind her, hands clasped primly behind her back, and rocking slowly from the balls of her feet to her toes, and back again.
* The man did not go down, just shook his head, letting adrenaline and anger come in and take the confusion and relaxation away, and snarled again. "Oh, you asked for it, you little ''punk! ''" He jumped towards Moon, a fist to the Lunar's face...<br><br>While everyone around turned to see, some, his friends or foes, cracking knuckles...
'''Iselsis: ''' She let moon handle the soldier, turning towards the others who would soon surely join in the fight, almost beaming cutely at them. She takes a few steps forward, standing in between Moon and the others and starts rocking back and forth again.
"Now now boys! He's already taken, but I'm sure I can accomodate you."
* Three stop in front of her, two of them just as tall as the red head, one smaller, but strongly built, his shape almost a square. "Your friend's annoying our friend, ''freak''!" They call, "So get out of the way'"<br><br>And then, three pairs of fists come to Iselsis' way... a punch to her right, one to her left, a kick to her belly...
'''Iselsis: ''' And they hit nothing but air, where the little devil girl was before is nothing but a clear path to Moon.
The smaller one feels a tap on his shoulder, Ise standing behind them much like she stood before them half a second ago.
"Excuse me, but I believe you missed. Hee."
What she lacked in brawn she most certainly could make up in sheer speed.
'''Seventh Moon: ''' He grinned. Wild as a mad man, his face filled with a viscious joy as the red-head recovered quickly a moved in. Unlike Iselsis, he didnt bounce in in eagerness, but it radiated off him like the heat of a flame. "'bout fuckin' time."
Moon had shoved his hands back into his pockets and kept them there mockingly as the fist sailed in towards his face. Because his face was already gone by the time it came in.
"'oughta learn not ta telegraph like that man." Moon offered the red-head as he leaned out of the way of the blow and let the big mans momentum work against him. Before the soldier could stumble past or catch his footing, Moon brought his knee up sharply and sunk it deep into the other man's gut. But the motion didn't stop there. Rocking his whole body back, his knee continued upwards as the red-head doubled over and crashed into the underside of the mans chin.
* They turned around, angry... and for that moment, Moon is forgotten. A little freak played them for fools.<br><br>They come back at her, angry, working together to fight her....<br><br>At the same time, the one in front of Moon went to his knees, holding his gut in pain, at the same time two others came with fists clenched on Moon's back... one hitting him on the back of his head before he can see them there...
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti had left Fiona and Shaliya to dance again, after the young solar had filled her with the sunlight, leaving that wonderful, warm and ultimately pleasant feeling coursing through her, almost no place left for her worried for the moment, working her way up from the gardens towards the house...
'''Iselsis: ''' She giggled as she nimbly dodged the blows coming her way for a few seconds, quick like she were treading on air. They never even had so much as a chance to hit her. Dodge left, crouch down, tumble right, hop back. Air, air, and nothing but air.
''How appropriate really'', she thought.
"No, no, no, no, ''no! '' Let me show you how it's done!" she says cheerfully, like a martial arts instructor might.
She leaps forward, upside down on her hands in front of one of the two taller men, then pushes off again, launching herself in a feet first uppercut at the man.
She knocks him back and lands on her feet, crouched, only to do a backflip back up to her former position. Her stance more practiced, like a martial artists, and more predatorial now. "''That's'' how it's done!"
'''Iselsis: ''' "Now, who were you calling a freak, you talentless hacks!"
'''Seventh Moon: ''' Moon stumbled forward as the fist smacked into the back of head head, eyes widening for a moment at the unexpected blow. Spots of light flashed into his vision as the dull throb of pain pulsed a few times and then cleared as he shook his head spastically. He was grinning again as he whirled around towards the men who had ambushed him.
Grinning and then laughing.
Laughing in unbridled joy even as he sprung onto the man who had struck him and slammed the air from his guts with a grinding shoulder that almost certainly broke a rib. Laughing still even as he caught the mans arm in both hands and whip-lashed him around, hurling him face first into a pillar near by. Before the first man could even finish falling, Moon was diving in towards the next, howling out his exhilaration as a high-held fist thundered down onto the nearest head.
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti finally reaches the top of the hill that the gardens were built on the side of. She heard Moon's whoop before she saw him burst round the corner, throwing a punch at the next soldier, and looking like he was having the time of his life...<br>
''moon .... ''<br>
''I should dance with moon''<br>
The fact he seemed to be intent on tearing the party up hadn't quiet regesitered, but he was moving quite fast....<br>
To Moon's perceptions, one moment he was bringing his knee up into a hapless veteran's stomach, the next an overly flexible fire aspect had twisted her limbs into his, her face inches from his.<br>
''I hope he won't be angry... ''<br>
"Moon ... can we dance?" she asks, with a hopeful smile, her eyes shining.
* The first man came to his knees, then srose with a scream to land on Moon's back and try to hold him... while the two on Moon's back, now Moon's front, fell to the ground... and then, Kanti was there.<br><br>The tall man falls to the ground, while the other big one tries to give her a sequence of kicks.. "You ''are'' a freak!"
'''Iselsis: ''' Again she dodges, except this time no fancy tomfoolery. Her form blurs from where it was, and it appears again a yard behind her.
"Have some ''pain'', it's on the house!"
Another blur, but this time the blur came towards the one who had been kicking at her. So caught up in her game, she grabs the man's collar as she whizzes past, dragging him with her, grinning like the devil at him, and then stops abruptly, twisting and turning on her heels before releasing the man, launching him towards the wall near his buddy Moon had knocked out.
'''Selina de Windia: '''Selina feels somewhat better now, having finally gotten that off her chest, but not completely. And then she notices the clamour in the background, looking toward the source. A fight.
''Moon in fight? ''
''... ''
''...Izabella in fight. ''
She pokes Vorpal in the ribs with one elbow, and then looks at Alex, waving a hand in front of his face. "I think some people are being naughty. I'm going to go spank them. With my fist."
'''Seventh Moon: ''' Moon grunted at the duel impact of bodies, crushing him between them. The monkey on his back and the dragon latching itself to his chest. He stared down at Kanti in disbelief, eyes suddenly wide barren of anything beyond... bewilderment.
"... what, ''now? ''" he demanded, managing to wriggle an arm away from Kanti and swing it back at the man clinging to his back. His focus was more on Kanti than that pest though. She ''couldnt'' have been serious, could she? Actually, with her, how the fuck could he ever tell? And she looked so open and hopeful...
Finally Moons elbow caught the man in the side of the head, stunning him to stillness. Before he could tumble away, Moon reached back further and grabbed a handful of hair. Moon looped an arm around Kantis back, bending her down into a dip as he yanked the man off his back. The flailing figure arched high through the air, weightless for a few brief seconds before gravity and Moons arm both pulled him back down sharply into the tiled floor just beyond Kantis head.
Moon grinned at the Terrestrial girl as he righted them both, leaving the groaning body laying on the ground near by. "Aw, why the fuck not? Lets dance, darlin'."
'''Vorpal: ''' Vorpal follows Selina's gaze, taking in the situation seemingly without a blink of an eye. Then, sighing, she lays a hand onto the Dark Angel's shoulder. "I will handle this."
After a quick glance at Alex, to tell him to wait for her return, she leaves the two and makes her way through the dance floor - firm, resolute, cold like an Iranorian winter night. She does not speak or gesture in any way particular, but something about her seems to demand attention. A sheer force of her presence, rolling across the hall just ahead of her like a freezing wave.
'''Kanti: ''' ''he wasn't angry! ''<br>
''...at me anyway. ''<br>
Kanti beams at Moon, and kisses his lips, before pulling her face away, her eyes gleaming in the light of the garden.
"Thank you, Moon!"
And then she waits for him to lead her into the dance, releasing her impromptu clinch at least enough for him to move, though not quiet enough to let him wholely free.
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Mmmkay." Selina says, shrugging. She had wanted to get a chance to punch her sister...and oddly, Moon. It was something she thinks Moon may actually like to engage in. Especially considering how he's enjoying it now.
"But if it doesn't work, I get to whack them."
'''Alexander: ''' The prince's gaze down the party is serious. It is as if he barely notices the fight.
It is as if he sees a sea of shadows slowly rising on their feet, drowning them while they barely notice...
"Do you want their attention, Milady?"
'''Vorpal: ''' Vorpal pauses at the sound of Alex's voice. She looks over her shoulder, half-turns...
It would do him good to practice some of the attention-gathering, she supposes.
'''Alexander: ''' Light begun to pour from him. His eyes begun to burn like white light. He was not human anymore, but an avatar of the sun. No matter how much light came from him, how warm, he still felt cold. And it did show in how his voice was rispid, serious. It echoed like a crashing thunder, and none could help but to stop and turn to him, the natural reaction to the voice of god...
"'''''Stop this at once! '''''"
"''We have something to worry about. ''"
'''Vorpal: ''' Vorpal grimaces. So much for gathering their group in silence without causing undue panic among the other guests. The boy still has much to learn.
'''Seventh Moon: ''' The kiss struck Moon silent for the second time in so many minutes, as brief and gentle as it was. More the source than the act itself. Hesitantly though, he smiled back down at Kanti. Hell, it was turning into a good night already. Why ruin it by thinking to hard?
It was probably a good thing for Kanti's feet that Vorpal and Alexander chose to make their entrance just then. It was ''certainly'' good for the red-haired soldier who was finally getting up off the floor, as Moon's intended path would have taken them past just long enough for a swift kick in the ass.
But both of Moon's dance partners were spared by a sudden icy wind across the hall. Moon paused, as so many others around them were doing, and lifted his face towards the door, his eyes narrowing sharply at the pale woman in black standing there. If it had been her and her alone, Moon would have probably turned his back on them. But then Alex raised his voice beside her. And he was harder to dismiss.
"Well... shit." Moon sighed as Alexs shout echoed through the hall, gently but firmly starting to untangle himself from Kanti. He looked down at her apologetically. "Guess we gotta hold up on the dance a lil longer darlin'"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Oh dear." Selina says in a low voice, following behind the two and waiting for her chance to beat one of the two bloody. She's smiling. Very nastily."
'''Iselsis: ''' And in backflip away from the third man her eyebrows raise towards the two figures in the door. She lands beside Moon and mumbles "I think they're out to ruin our fun. That or there's more deaders, which theoretically means even more fun since we actually get to permanently injure them."
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' Opal, having moved off to the side to contemplate rather odd feelings she had been having lately, has her attention snapped toward Alex, for he was of the sun at its full glory, and none could deny their attention when he spoke.
She rose to her feet, and moved a bit to a possition where she could both see and be seen better by the Solar and his company.
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti's head whips around towards Alex as the magic and the voice that carries it ripples out over the party.<br>
''alexander ... he's so pretty... ''<br>
''he doesn't want me to dance... ''<br>
''he said he did earlier... ''<br>
Beside Moon, Kanti pouts.
'''Vorpal: ''' "This is the last time I will rely on you on these matters", Vorpal mutters under her breath, before turning again and resuming her walk across the hall towards the three Exalts.
Halting before them, she gestures in Alex's direction with her thumb over her shoulder. "You'd better come with us. Now."
'''Seventh Moon: ''' "If this is just 'bout breakin' up a fight, I might have'a few words ta say to 'um 'bout that..." Moon muttered back to Iselsis, keeping his eyes fixed on the doorway. But then, if it was about the dead fucks pulling shit again... some times, fun had to come second.
'''Iselsis: ''' "... Fun's over, I guess.", she mumbles half to herself and half to Moon. Prepared to follow, behind Moon that is. If someone was going to take the most flak, she'd try her best to make sure it was him.
'''Seventh Moon: ''' And sometimes, it didn't. Moon stared at Vorpal hard as she gave her order, giving her a thin smile. "Say please."
'''Vorpal: ''' Vorpal does so. The military way.
'''"NOW!!" '''<br>
The sheer force of her voice is like a solid fist against their faces, an authority of a drill sergeant caring for her beloved charges, a promise to push down their pants and give their little backsides a spanking with a Grand Daiklave used for a stick if she is not obeyed... well. ''Now''. Preferrably, even sooner.
'''Kraken: ''' Kanti winces a little as the nasty ghost shouts at her, pressing up closer to Moon and looking at her slightly reproachfully.
'''Seventh Moon: ''' Moon stared back emptily in the face of Vorpal's shout. Not speaking. Not moving... aside from a small twitch in his lip that was very nearly a smile. Finally he let out a low sigh, reaching up to rub the ringing out of his ear.
"Y'know," he told her as he lowered his hand. "That sorta bullshit might mean somethin' ta someone who gives a fuck 'bout ya and thinks ya someone worth listenin' to. So I ''really'' feel bad ta break it to ya like this..."
There was icy crackle as Moons foot lifted up smoothly and then thrust back down. Silvery streamers of essence roiled off his sole as one thick black boot smacked into the floor in front of Vorpal, elegant tiles shattering into clouds of porcelain dust and the floor shivering around them. Moon smiled at the ghost-general, an unpleasantly similar look to the one hed have her earlier in the night when theyd danced. Hot eyed and wicked. "I aint onea them people."
Moon had barely finished that breath with the floor bellow Vorpals feet imploded out from under her.
'''Vorpal: ''' It is difficult to believe from her scowling, ''I am better than you, so you'd better obey'' demeanor, but Vorpal actually feels a tiny bang of regret as she sees Kanti's reaction. Pouting like a child, so easily frightened...
''...sorry. ''
She has a feeling that Moon won't want to obey her, of course. It is in his nature to contradict anything and anyone who gives him orders. But it does not matter to her how exactly does he react, as long as she'd have the focus of the Lunar's thoughts, as long as she can pick a fight with him. There is a need to re-establish that battle they had been fighting before Selina had arrived and drawn their attention away. To remind Moon of a better, more worthy prey than these innocents guests. To dare him to track her trail, to make him know that she'd be laughing at him and call him a coward if he wouldn't follow.
'''Iselsis: '''"Means 'no'.", Ise adds, as the eternal smartass.
'''Selina de Windia: ''' That decides it, Selina thinks. And so she barely lets out a little giggle of glee, invoking some simple magic to perfectly keep her balance, before she dodges around Vorpal and Alex and leaps at Moon with a savage grin. Coming down on him with her right elbow pulled back with enough force coiled and waiting to knock him on his ass if she connects.
'''Kanti: ''' ''mistress... ''<br>
''moon... ''<br>
''pale angel... ''<br>
Kanti blinks as the three start to brawl together.<br>
''my dance has gone.... ''<br>
''maybe alex will dance with me? ''
'''Iselsis: ''' Ise takes that moment to dive out from behind moon, her wings flapping behind her vigorously to take her... well, up up and away. She didn't really want someone as heavy as Moon knocked on top of her.
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' Opal sees Sel advancing. She sees the Windian leap through the air. And without really thinking, she lifts her hand and calls on her Essence and will.
A hemi-sphere of transparent blue force springs into life between the Abyssal missle and the Lunar. After she has done this, she winces visably at the imagined response from the Dark Angel after this later.
'''Vorpal: ''' Even though the floor below her feet implodes, Vorpal does not fall. She ignores the great hole under her feet as if it was not worth her notice, the wide skirts of her gown fluttering slightly in a soundless, unearthly wind that touches nothing else. Her hair rises up from her shoulders to swirl in the air, creating an odd illusion of the entire woman being immersed under water.
There is no movement. There is no response time. There is only her location ''then'' and ''now'', from standing calm and unaffected as floor is destroyed beneath her, to where she has caught Moon by his irritating face, pale white flame engulfing both her palm and his entire head in a single great streak as she bashes him down to the floor with terrible force --
'''Kanti: ''' ''Ohhh ... blue....! ''
Kanti looks up at the dome of force as she starts to walk towards the fight and towards the Prince.
''....pretty nasty ghost. ''<br>
''...don't hurt moon so... ''<br>
''I want to dance with him! ''
'''Iselsis: ''' She sees her sister and the pale deathknight ganging up on Moon, who she'd grown somewhat fond of in their little bonding experience. Two could play that game!
Her form blurs as she divebombs with incredible speed towards the pale ghostblooded deathknight, "Oi lady, two on one is unsportsmanlike!", aiming a roundhouse kick for the abyssal's head.
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Vorpal would have hit first...but suddenly Selina's point of impact is much, much closer. Snarling furiously at the barrier between her and her target, the Abyssal instead lets out her fury on impudent field of energy. Her elbow comes forward, hammerblow crashing against the shield of essence...and disrupting it. Simple magic devours the essence of the forcefield, and it flickers and uncerimoniously goes out as she slides to the ground along its weakening outline.
Then Selina notices her sister, in those few half-seconds, and mentally changes her target, mind reprioritizing in the heat of the brawl as fluidly as any machine.
'''Alexander: ''' Those are the people he depends on. They are the North's only hope.
The only hope of Whiteshield. The only hope...
All he had with him...
The hair obscured his eyes, and he did not look anymore.
''My Circle... ''
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Vorpal would have hit first...but suddenly Selina's point of impact is much, much closer. Snarling furiously at the barrier between her and her target, the Abyssal instead lets out her fury on impudent field of energy. Her elbow comes forward, hammerblow crashing against the shield of essence...and disrupting it. Countermagic arcs through the essence of the forcefield, and it flickers, fractures, and shatters into riven shards of disappearing energy as she slides to the ground along its weakening outline.
Then Selina notices her sister, in those few half-seconds, and mentally changes her target, mind reprioritizing in the heat of the brawl as fluidly as any machine.
'''Seventh Moon: ''' "Tch, lotta fuckin' help you are!" Moon snapped up at Iselsis as her shadow passed over his head. There were bigger things to worry about however.
Like the blazing white palm thrusting full into his face.
"Fuck." Moon managed before Vorpal's hand lashed out to knock him off his feet, but the curse was spoken cheerfully, almost laughingly.
Moon crossed his arms between his face, Essence tightening muscle and bone to steel, and the on coming blow seconds before it connected, shifting the worst of the force through his shoulders and arms instead of letting it smash in his face. It was still strong enough to lift him off his feet though and send him hurdling through the air. Moon's body twisted as it rocketed backwards, spine bending and legs rolling to bring him back down on his feet in an almost controlled landing.
He was braced on fingers and toes, body hunched low to the floor like a wary dog ready to leap. His head snapped up to grinned tightly at the Abyssal, waiting for Iselsis to clear the way before he charged back in. There was pain roiling through his arms and blood oozing from his nose where the might of her blow had forced through. The Lunar sniffed once, then hacked and spat out a bloody goblet of spittle in the Abyssals direction.
It was gonna a ''little'' more than that to get rid of him.
'''Kanti: ''' ''...such lights.... ''<br>
Kanti watches as the Dark Angel shatters the blue ward, as Moon flies back from the Pale Angel's assault, slowly climbing the steps between the conflicts, determindly trying not to get involved.
None of them looked like they wanted to dance, after all.
'''Gennadi: ''' Alex may have a flair for drama, but not so much for avoiding ambush, as an open hand smacks into the back of his head. He turns back in shock to see Gennadi smile and wave at him. "Hey! Dumbass! What are you doing standing here and feeling sorry for yourself?"
'''Alexander: ''' ".... good question."
The flare comes again. It fills them all with sunlight. It fills the air. The sun rises at night. ''"Will you all stop that? What came over you?!? Do you know what is happening? Our enemies may be here at any moment! Our cavalry may be dead, along with the nicest, brightest among us!" ''
''"Do any of you intend to do anything but to make the Bishop's job easier?!?" ''
* Gennadi immediately smacks him again. "Do you think they're all complete idiots? Wait, don't answer that. Do you think they can't handle themselves in a childish scuffle? They just got finished with a war, and you don't trust them to play-fight?"
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti appears before the Prince, and Gennadi, flashing the sidereal a smile, her eyes a little over wide.
"You ... should relax." she says, almost solemnly to the Prince."
* Gennadi nods seriously. "Listen to your girlfriend."
'''Alexander: ''' "... Finished? '''Finished?!? '''" He turns to Gennadi, his eyes white-hot suns. "Right at this moment, the General is marching towards Valencia, Cael and the others, and they have no ide..."
He stops his words... "She is not...!"
'''Kanti: ''' "Not girlfriend ... courtesan. A Joybringer should know the difference!"
Kanti almost manages a sage nod.
'''Gennadi: ''' "Girlfriend sounds cuter. I didn't want to do you a disservice." He sighs a bit and looks back at Alex. "Finished a battle, finished a war, it's all nomenclature. Besides, I was just over there yesterday, and I'll be back tomorrow."
* Gennadi pokes him in the chest. "Listen to your courtesan. Kanti! Get us some drinks. The good stuff."
'''Kanti: ''' ''drinks! ''<Br>
''good drinks. ''<br>
''what did gennadi drink? ''<br>
Kanti wanders off considering such important questions.<br>
''vodka! ''<br>
''will alex like vodka? ''<br>
''I hope he does... ''
'''Vorpal: ''' The demon-woman's kick is too quick for the Pale Angel to follow. She barely has the time to look up - her eyes large and wide, filled with an oddly blank stare terrifying in its intensity - before Iselsis' heel crashes into her face --
-- and ''through'' it, meeting no resistance. Vorpal's hair billows suddenly in the wake of the blow, but that is all. Afterwards, the Pale Angel will be thankful of her ghostly powers, for the kick would probably have had enough force behind it to cave in her entire face. But now, she only notices that there is another foe to fight, another irritant to remove, another carcass to make, more bones to snap --
It is not until Prince Alexander's sweet, moving voice drifts into her ears from somewhere far away that she realizes that she is thinking.
''Oh, shit. ''
She swallows, takes a deep breath, and forces the anger to settle down. Even as her body becomes material and she feels the solidity of the floor beneath her once more, she straightens herself to her full (yet not terribly impressive) height and folds her arms under her breasts. "The boy has a point", she says, her voice calm through a terrible effort of will. "This is a serious matter. We can settle our problem some other time."
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti starts to pick her way through the drinks selection.<br>
''This one? ... no''<br>
''This one? ...no''<br>
''This one? ....no'''<br>
''This one? ... will have to do... ''<br>
Kanti disdainfully selects the finest Vokda the North has to offer, and a selection of tumblers, before making her way back over to the Prince and the sidereal, pouring a little of the vodka and presenting it to Gennadi for inspection.<br>
She smiles hopefully.
'''Vorpal: ''' ''There'', she adds bitterly in her mind, ''You got your victory, Lunar. Be a bright boy and accept it now. ''
''Before I truly awaken. Before you and the rest in this hall will truly die. ''
* Gennadi sniffs at it, eyes Kanti seriously, tastes a bit... and then finally smiles. He claps Alex on the back and passes the glass over. "Here, drink this. It'll put strength in your spine and fire in your tongue, all without wasting essence. Good job, Kanti."
'''Iselsis: ''' She kicks the pale angel... and goes straight through, with a few flaps of her wings she makes some distance and crouches down in a ready position, away from her.
But she doesn't make any other moves to attack. She waits. If people stop fighting, so would she.
'''Alexander: ''' "We are doomed, and you give me alcohol?"
His face is disbelief.<br>
His face is confusion.<br>
His face is a torrent of emotions that contradict each other.
"... are you all '''insane'''?!?"
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti pouts.<br>
''alex doesn't like vodka. ''<br>
''maybe wine? ''<br>
''maybe rum? ''<br>
''maybe brandy? ''<br>
''Hmmm. ''
* - Back to [[GoldenCat/FifthMovement|Fifth Movement]]
* - Back to [[GoldenCat/DanceOfAngels|A Dance of Angels]]

Revision as of 06:31, 2 August 2006

Gallery of Chaos

Seventh Moon: They laughed. They drank. They chased skirts and ducked bellow them. People were having a merry time of the evening, dancing through the night with scarely a care for why they were even celebrating. It was no longer an event to commemorate the victory that had been one, if it had ever been. It was just a night to have a good time.

The only problem was, some tastes differed in what that meant.

"Y'wanna take the first shot?" Moon offered Iselsis politely, grinning as he gestured towards the crowd beyond the doorway.

They stood ignored at the servants entrance to the main hall, where the bulk of the festivities were slowly moving as people gave up the chill embrace of the open air for the close warmth inside. Moons eyes were on fire, blazing in barely held eagerness to get this party really started. His hands curled and unclenched rhythmically to the music filtering down from floors above, creaking the leather gloves he had yanked on.

Iselsis: She shrugs a little, "Nah, I'm the new girl. If I start the fight I'll be looked down on for it. Whereas if you do it then I'm only covering your ass and being a good teamplayer. See how that works?", she grins a little. She'd left her shoes back in the kitchen, and was eagerly awaiting for her one true friend in this horrible town to show up, along with Moon's gang.

Seventh Moon: "Good." The Lunar chuckled darkly. "Was hopin' ya'd say that."

Flipping up the collar of his coat, Moon hunched back into the heavy jacket and strode out onto the floor, casually bumping aside dancers and brushing off the occasional inviting hand. The ground soon opened up before his intent, a path through the bodies shockingly clear. Moon had already picked his target out. He was a huge red-headed fellow, taller than Moon himself, pinning some leggy thing in a saffron skirt up against a wall. Probably a soldier of some sort, sure as hell had the posture for it. Boy looked like he had a plank of wood hammered into his spine even while he tried to slip a hand under his partners dress.

No hesitation. No pause. Moon stepped up behind the red-head and roughly prodded his shoulder. "s'cuse me."

Iselsis: Ise of course was right on his tail. Literally. Why bother making a path through bodies when you can just walk after a veritable steamroller clearing it for you?

After a while she notes his target, and appears from behind the taller, wider lunar, stepping out to the side, a cute grin on her devilish face. Good cop bad cop anyone?

Only they were both bad, Ise just liked pretending she was good.

  • The figure looked back, and not to look at Moon. Just to show a menacing face, not caring who was there, and snarl, "Get lost!" even as his annoyance made him touch something a little too harshly, making the lady in saffron whimper... "Busy here."

Seventh Moon: "You sure as fuck are." Moon agreed with ominous cheer. And then he hit him.

Moons fist hooked up through the air, leathered fist colliding with the red-heads check with a sharp crack. The force of the blow swung the man off his partner, rolling him away to the side. Stuffing a hand down the front of the saffron womans blouse, Moon yanked her away from the wall and straight into him. He closed his mouth over hers while a startled yelp was still in her throat. Moon held the kiss until he was sure the big mans head had stopped spinning enough for him to see it and then practically flung her off to the side. Stumbling, but at least out of danger. For now, anyway.

Taking a step back, Moon grinned and waited to see if the big man would keep his feet and come after him. Be damn disappointing if he didnt.

Iselsis: Ise watched on bemusedly, giggling at the big soldier man. She figured he'd be down for the count. Either way, she watched, and smiled like it was really funny, her wings spread behind her, hands clasped primly behind her back, and rocking slowly from the balls of her feet to her toes, and back again.

  • The man did not go down, just shook his head, letting adrenaline and anger come in and take the confusion and relaxation away, and snarled again. "Oh, you asked for it, you little punk! " He jumped towards Moon, a fist to the Lunar's face...

    While everyone around turned to see, some, his friends or foes, cracking knuckles...

Iselsis: She let moon handle the soldier, turning towards the others who would soon surely join in the fight, almost beaming cutely at them. She takes a few steps forward, standing in between Moon and the others and starts rocking back and forth again.

"Now now boys! He's already taken, but I'm sure I can accomodate you."

  • Three stop in front of her, two of them just as tall as the red head, one smaller, but strongly built, his shape almost a square. "Your friend's annoying our friend, freak!" They call, "So get out of the way'"

    And then, three pairs of fists come to Iselsis' way... a punch to her right, one to her left, a kick to her belly...

Iselsis: And they hit nothing but air, where the little devil girl was before is nothing but a clear path to Moon.

The smaller one feels a tap on his shoulder, Ise standing behind them much like she stood before them half a second ago.

"Excuse me, but I believe you missed. Hee."

What she lacked in brawn she most certainly could make up in sheer speed.

Seventh Moon: He grinned. Wild as a mad man, his face filled with a viscious joy as the red-head recovered quickly a moved in. Unlike Iselsis, he didnt bounce in in eagerness, but it radiated off him like the heat of a flame. "'bout fuckin' time."

Moon had shoved his hands back into his pockets and kept them there mockingly as the fist sailed in towards his face. Because his face was already gone by the time it came in.

"'oughta learn not ta telegraph like that man." Moon offered the red-head as he leaned out of the way of the blow and let the big mans momentum work against him. Before the soldier could stumble past or catch his footing, Moon brought his knee up sharply and sunk it deep into the other man's gut. But the motion didn't stop there. Rocking his whole body back, his knee continued upwards as the red-head doubled over and crashed into the underside of the mans chin.

  • They turned around, angry... and for that moment, Moon is forgotten. A little freak played them for fools.

    They come back at her, angry, working together to fight her....

    At the same time, the one in front of Moon went to his knees, holding his gut in pain, at the same time two others came with fists clenched on Moon's back... one hitting him on the back of his head before he can see them there...

Kanti: Kanti had left Fiona and Shaliya to dance again, after the young solar had filled her with the sunlight, leaving that wonderful, warm and ultimately pleasant feeling coursing through her, almost no place left for her worried for the moment, working her way up from the gardens towards the house...

Iselsis: She giggled as she nimbly dodged the blows coming her way for a few seconds, quick like she were treading on air. They never even had so much as a chance to hit her. Dodge left, crouch down, tumble right, hop back. Air, air, and nothing but air.

How appropriate really, she thought.

"No, no, no, no, no! Let me show you how it's done!" she says cheerfully, like a martial arts instructor might.

She leaps forward, upside down on her hands in front of one of the two taller men, then pushes off again, launching herself in a feet first uppercut at the man.

She knocks him back and lands on her feet, crouched, only to do a backflip back up to her former position. Her stance more practiced, like a martial artists, and more predatorial now. "That's how it's done!"

Iselsis: "Now, who were you calling a freak, you talentless hacks!"

Seventh Moon: Moon stumbled forward as the fist smacked into the back of head head, eyes widening for a moment at the unexpected blow. Spots of light flashed into his vision as the dull throb of pain pulsed a few times and then cleared as he shook his head spastically. He was grinning again as he whirled around towards the men who had ambushed him.

Grinning and then laughing.

Laughing in unbridled joy even as he sprung onto the man who had struck him and slammed the air from his guts with a grinding shoulder that almost certainly broke a rib. Laughing still even as he caught the mans arm in both hands and whip-lashed him around, hurling him face first into a pillar near by. Before the first man could even finish falling, Moon was diving in towards the next, howling out his exhilaration as a high-held fist thundered down onto the nearest head.

Kanti: Kanti finally reaches the top of the hill that the gardens were built on the side of. She heard Moon's whoop before she saw him burst round the corner, throwing a punch at the next soldier, and looking like he was having the time of his life...
moon ....
I should dance with moon
The fact he seemed to be intent on tearing the party up hadn't quiet regesitered, but he was moving quite fast....
To Moon's perceptions, one moment he was bringing his knee up into a hapless veteran's stomach, the next an overly flexible fire aspect had twisted her limbs into his, her face inches from his.
I hope he won't be angry...
"Moon ... can we dance?" she asks, with a hopeful smile, her eyes shining.

  • The first man came to his knees, then srose with a scream to land on Moon's back and try to hold him... while the two on Moon's back, now Moon's front, fell to the ground... and then, Kanti was there.

    The tall man falls to the ground, while the other big one tries to give her a sequence of kicks.. "You are a freak!"

Iselsis: Again she dodges, except this time no fancy tomfoolery. Her form blurs from where it was, and it appears again a yard behind her.

"Have some pain, it's on the house!"

Another blur, but this time the blur came towards the one who had been kicking at her. So caught up in her game, she grabs the man's collar as she whizzes past, dragging him with her, grinning like the devil at him, and then stops abruptly, twisting and turning on her heels before releasing the man, launching him towards the wall near his buddy Moon had knocked out.

Selina de Windia: Selina feels somewhat better now, having finally gotten that off her chest, but not completely. And then she notices the clamour in the background, looking toward the source. A fight.

Moon in fight?


...Izabella in fight.

She pokes Vorpal in the ribs with one elbow, and then looks at Alex, waving a hand in front of his face. "I think some people are being naughty. I'm going to go spank them. With my fist."

Seventh Moon: Moon grunted at the duel impact of bodies, crushing him between them. The monkey on his back and the dragon latching itself to his chest. He stared down at Kanti in disbelief, eyes suddenly wide barren of anything beyond... bewilderment.

"... what, now? " he demanded, managing to wriggle an arm away from Kanti and swing it back at the man clinging to his back. His focus was more on Kanti than that pest though. She couldnt have been serious, could she? Actually, with her, how the fuck could he ever tell? And she looked so open and hopeful...

Finally Moons elbow caught the man in the side of the head, stunning him to stillness. Before he could tumble away, Moon reached back further and grabbed a handful of hair. Moon looped an arm around Kantis back, bending her down into a dip as he yanked the man off his back. The flailing figure arched high through the air, weightless for a few brief seconds before gravity and Moons arm both pulled him back down sharply into the tiled floor just beyond Kantis head.

Moon grinned at the Terrestrial girl as he righted them both, leaving the groaning body laying on the ground near by. "Aw, why the fuck not? Lets dance, darlin'."

Vorpal: Vorpal follows Selina's gaze, taking in the situation seemingly without a blink of an eye. Then, sighing, she lays a hand onto the Dark Angel's shoulder. "I will handle this."

After a quick glance at Alex, to tell him to wait for her return, she leaves the two and makes her way through the dance floor - firm, resolute, cold like an Iranorian winter night. She does not speak or gesture in any way particular, but something about her seems to demand attention. A sheer force of her presence, rolling across the hall just ahead of her like a freezing wave.

Kanti: he wasn't angry!
...at me anyway.
Kanti beams at Moon, and kisses his lips, before pulling her face away, her eyes gleaming in the light of the garden.

"Thank you, Moon!"

And then she waits for him to lead her into the dance, releasing her impromptu clinch at least enough for him to move, though not quiet enough to let him wholely free.

Selina de Windia: "Mmmkay." Selina says, shrugging. She had wanted to get a chance to punch her sister...and oddly, Moon. It was something she thinks Moon may actually like to engage in. Especially considering how he's enjoying it now.

"But if it doesn't work, I get to whack them."

Alexander: The prince's gaze down the party is serious. It is as if he barely notices the fight.

It is as if he sees a sea of shadows slowly rising on their feet, drowning them while they barely notice...

"Do you want their attention, Milady?"

Vorpal: Vorpal pauses at the sound of Alex's voice. She looks over her shoulder, half-turns...


It would do him good to practice some of the attention-gathering, she supposes.

Alexander: Light begun to pour from him. His eyes begun to burn like white light. He was not human anymore, but an avatar of the sun. No matter how much light came from him, how warm, he still felt cold. And it did show in how his voice was rispid, serious. It echoed like a crashing thunder, and none could help but to stop and turn to him, the natural reaction to the voice of god...

"Stop this at once! "

"We have something to worry about. "

Vorpal: Vorpal grimaces. So much for gathering their group in silence without causing undue panic among the other guests. The boy still has much to learn.

Seventh Moon: The kiss struck Moon silent for the second time in so many minutes, as brief and gentle as it was. More the source than the act itself. Hesitantly though, he smiled back down at Kanti. Hell, it was turning into a good night already. Why ruin it by thinking to hard?

It was probably a good thing for Kanti's feet that Vorpal and Alexander chose to make their entrance just then. It was certainly good for the red-haired soldier who was finally getting up off the floor, as Moon's intended path would have taken them past just long enough for a swift kick in the ass.

But both of Moon's dance partners were spared by a sudden icy wind across the hall. Moon paused, as so many others around them were doing, and lifted his face towards the door, his eyes narrowing sharply at the pale woman in black standing there. If it had been her and her alone, Moon would have probably turned his back on them. But then Alex raised his voice beside her. And he was harder to dismiss.

"Well... shit." Moon sighed as Alexs shout echoed through the hall, gently but firmly starting to untangle himself from Kanti. He looked down at her apologetically. "Guess we gotta hold up on the dance a lil longer darlin'"

Selina de Windia: "Oh dear." Selina says in a low voice, following behind the two and waiting for her chance to beat one of the two bloody. She's smiling. Very nastily."

Iselsis: And in backflip away from the third man her eyebrows raise towards the two figures in the door. She lands beside Moon and mumbles "I think they're out to ruin our fun. That or there's more deaders, which theoretically means even more fun since we actually get to permanently injure them."

Exceedingly Sublime Opal: Opal, having moved off to the side to contemplate rather odd feelings she had been having lately, has her attention snapped toward Alex, for he was of the sun at its full glory, and none could deny their attention when he spoke.

She rose to her feet, and moved a bit to a possition where she could both see and be seen better by the Solar and his company.

Kanti: Kanti's head whips around towards Alex as the magic and the voice that carries it ripples out over the party.
alexander ... he's so pretty...
he doesn't want me to dance...
he said he did earlier...
Beside Moon, Kanti pouts.

Vorpal: "This is the last time I will rely on you on these matters", Vorpal mutters under her breath, before turning again and resuming her walk across the hall towards the three Exalts.

Halting before them, she gestures in Alex's direction with her thumb over her shoulder. "You'd better come with us. Now."

Seventh Moon: "If this is just 'bout breakin' up a fight, I might have'a few words ta say to 'um 'bout that..." Moon muttered back to Iselsis, keeping his eyes fixed on the doorway. But then, if it was about the dead fucks pulling shit again... some times, fun had to come second.

Iselsis: "... Fun's over, I guess.", she mumbles half to herself and half to Moon. Prepared to follow, behind Moon that is. If someone was going to take the most flak, she'd try her best to make sure it was him.

Seventh Moon: And sometimes, it didn't. Moon stared at Vorpal hard as she gave her order, giving her a thin smile. "Say please."

Vorpal: Vorpal does so. The military way.

The sheer force of her voice is like a solid fist against their faces, an authority of a drill sergeant caring for her beloved charges, a promise to push down their pants and give their little backsides a spanking with a Grand Daiklave used for a stick if she is not obeyed... well. Now. Preferrably, even sooner.

Kraken: Kanti winces a little as the nasty ghost shouts at her, pressing up closer to Moon and looking at her slightly reproachfully.

Seventh Moon: Moon stared back emptily in the face of Vorpal's shout. Not speaking. Not moving... aside from a small twitch in his lip that was very nearly a smile. Finally he let out a low sigh, reaching up to rub the ringing out of his ear.

"Y'know," he told her as he lowered his hand. "That sorta bullshit might mean somethin' ta someone who gives a fuck 'bout ya and thinks ya someone worth listenin' to. So I really feel bad ta break it to ya like this..."

There was icy crackle as Moons foot lifted up smoothly and then thrust back down. Silvery streamers of essence roiled off his sole as one thick black boot smacked into the floor in front of Vorpal, elegant tiles shattering into clouds of porcelain dust and the floor shivering around them. Moon smiled at the ghost-general, an unpleasantly similar look to the one hed have her earlier in the night when theyd danced. Hot eyed and wicked. "I aint onea them people."

Moon had barely finished that breath with the floor bellow Vorpals feet imploded out from under her.

Vorpal: It is difficult to believe from her scowling, I am better than you, so you'd better obey demeanor, but Vorpal actually feels a tiny bang of regret as she sees Kanti's reaction. Pouting like a child, so easily frightened...


She has a feeling that Moon won't want to obey her, of course. It is in his nature to contradict anything and anyone who gives him orders. But it does not matter to her how exactly does he react, as long as she'd have the focus of the Lunar's thoughts, as long as she can pick a fight with him. There is a need to re-establish that battle they had been fighting before Selina had arrived and drawn their attention away. To remind Moon of a better, more worthy prey than these innocents guests. To dare him to track her trail, to make him know that she'd be laughing at him and call him a coward if he wouldn't follow.

Iselsis: "Means 'no'.", Ise adds, as the eternal smartass.

Selina de Windia: That decides it, Selina thinks. And so she barely lets out a little giggle of glee, invoking some simple magic to perfectly keep her balance, before she dodges around Vorpal and Alex and leaps at Moon with a savage grin. Coming down on him with her right elbow pulled back with enough force coiled and waiting to knock him on his ass if she connects.

Kanti: mistress...
pale angel...
Kanti blinks as the three start to brawl together.
my dance has gone....
maybe alex will dance with me?

Iselsis: Ise takes that moment to dive out from behind moon, her wings flapping behind her vigorously to take her... well, up up and away. She didn't really want someone as heavy as Moon knocked on top of her.

Exceedingly Sublime Opal: Opal sees Sel advancing. She sees the Windian leap through the air. And without really thinking, she lifts her hand and calls on her Essence and will.

A hemi-sphere of transparent blue force springs into life between the Abyssal missle and the Lunar. After she has done this, she winces visably at the imagined response from the Dark Angel after this later.

Vorpal: Even though the floor below her feet implodes, Vorpal does not fall. She ignores the great hole under her feet as if it was not worth her notice, the wide skirts of her gown fluttering slightly in a soundless, unearthly wind that touches nothing else. Her hair rises up from her shoulders to swirl in the air, creating an odd illusion of the entire woman being immersed under water.

There is no movement. There is no response time. There is only her location then and now, from standing calm and unaffected as floor is destroyed beneath her, to where she has caught Moon by his irritating face, pale white flame engulfing both her palm and his entire head in a single great streak as she bashes him down to the floor with terrible force --

Kanti: Ohhh ... blue....!

Kanti looks up at the dome of force as she starts to walk towards the fight and towards the Prince.

....pretty nasty ghost.
...don't hurt moon so...
I want to dance with him!

Iselsis: She sees her sister and the pale deathknight ganging up on Moon, who she'd grown somewhat fond of in their little bonding experience. Two could play that game!

Her form blurs as she divebombs with incredible speed towards the pale ghostblooded deathknight, "Oi lady, two on one is unsportsmanlike!", aiming a roundhouse kick for the abyssal's head.

Selina de Windia: Vorpal would have hit first...but suddenly Selina's point of impact is much, much closer. Snarling furiously at the barrier between her and her target, the Abyssal instead lets out her fury on impudent field of energy. Her elbow comes forward, hammerblow crashing against the shield of essence...and disrupting it. Simple magic devours the essence of the forcefield, and it flickers and uncerimoniously goes out as she slides to the ground along its weakening outline.

Then Selina notices her sister, in those few half-seconds, and mentally changes her target, mind reprioritizing in the heat of the brawl as fluidly as any machine.

Alexander: Those are the people he depends on. They are the North's only hope. The only hope of Whiteshield. The only hope...

All he had with him...

The hair obscured his eyes, and he did not look anymore.

My Circle...

Selina de Windia: Vorpal would have hit first...but suddenly Selina's point of impact is much, much closer. Snarling furiously at the barrier between her and her target, the Abyssal instead lets out her fury on impudent field of energy. Her elbow comes forward, hammerblow crashing against the shield of essence...and disrupting it. Countermagic arcs through the essence of the forcefield, and it flickers, fractures, and shatters into riven shards of disappearing energy as she slides to the ground along its weakening outline.

Then Selina notices her sister, in those few half-seconds, and mentally changes her target, mind reprioritizing in the heat of the brawl as fluidly as any machine.

Seventh Moon: "Tch, lotta fuckin' help you are!" Moon snapped up at Iselsis as her shadow passed over his head. There were bigger things to worry about however.

Like the blazing white palm thrusting full into his face.

"Fuck." Moon managed before Vorpal's hand lashed out to knock him off his feet, but the curse was spoken cheerfully, almost laughingly.

Moon crossed his arms between his face, Essence tightening muscle and bone to steel, and the on coming blow seconds before it connected, shifting the worst of the force through his shoulders and arms instead of letting it smash in his face. It was still strong enough to lift him off his feet though and send him hurdling through the air. Moon's body twisted as it rocketed backwards, spine bending and legs rolling to bring him back down on his feet in an almost controlled landing.

He was braced on fingers and toes, body hunched low to the floor like a wary dog ready to leap. His head snapped up to grinned tightly at the Abyssal, waiting for Iselsis to clear the way before he charged back in. There was pain roiling through his arms and blood oozing from his nose where the might of her blow had forced through. The Lunar sniffed once, then hacked and spat out a bloody goblet of spittle in the Abyssals direction.

It was gonna a little more than that to get rid of him.

Kanti: ...such lights....

Kanti watches as the Dark Angel shatters the blue ward, as Moon flies back from the Pale Angel's assault, slowly climbing the steps between the conflicts, determindly trying not to get involved.

None of them looked like they wanted to dance, after all.

Gennadi: Alex may have a flair for drama, but not so much for avoiding ambush, as an open hand smacks into the back of his head. He turns back in shock to see Gennadi smile and wave at him. "Hey! Dumbass! What are you doing standing here and feeling sorry for yourself?"

Alexander: ".... good question."

The flare comes again. It fills them all with sunlight. It fills the air. The sun rises at night. "Will you all stop that? What came over you?!? Do you know what is happening? Our enemies may be here at any moment! Our cavalry may be dead, along with the nicest, brightest among us!"

"Do any of you intend to do anything but to make the Bishop's job easier?!?"

  • Gennadi immediately smacks him again. "Do you think they're all complete idiots? Wait, don't answer that. Do you think they can't handle themselves in a childish scuffle? They just got finished with a war, and you don't trust them to play-fight?"

Kanti: Kanti appears before the Prince, and Gennadi, flashing the sidereal a smile, her eyes a little over wide.

"You ... should relax." she says, almost solemnly to the Prince."

  • Gennadi nods seriously. "Listen to your girlfriend."

Alexander: "... Finished? Finished?!? " He turns to Gennadi, his eyes white-hot suns. "Right at this moment, the General is marching towards Valencia, Cael and the others, and they have no ide..."

He stops his words... "She is not...!"

Kanti: "Not girlfriend ... courtesan. A Joybringer should know the difference!"

Kanti almost manages a sage nod.

Gennadi: "Girlfriend sounds cuter. I didn't want to do you a disservice." He sighs a bit and looks back at Alex. "Finished a battle, finished a war, it's all nomenclature. Besides, I was just over there yesterday, and I'll be back tomorrow."

  • Gennadi pokes him in the chest. "Listen to your courtesan. Kanti! Get us some drinks. The good stuff."

Kanti: drinks!
good drinks.
what did gennadi drink?
Kanti wanders off considering such important questions.
will alex like vodka?
I hope he does...

Vorpal: The demon-woman's kick is too quick for the Pale Angel to follow. She barely has the time to look up - her eyes large and wide, filled with an oddly blank stare terrifying in its intensity - before Iselsis' heel crashes into her face --

-- and through it, meeting no resistance. Vorpal's hair billows suddenly in the wake of the blow, but that is all. Afterwards, the Pale Angel will be thankful of her ghostly powers, for the kick would probably have had enough force behind it to cave in her entire face. But now, she only notices that there is another foe to fight, another irritant to remove, another carcass to make, more bones to snap --

It is not until Prince Alexander's sweet, moving voice drifts into her ears from somewhere far away that she realizes that she is thinking.

Oh, shit.

She swallows, takes a deep breath, and forces the anger to settle down. Even as her body becomes material and she feels the solidity of the floor beneath her once more, she straightens herself to her full (yet not terribly impressive) height and folds her arms under her breasts. "The boy has a point", she says, her voice calm through a terrible effort of will. "This is a serious matter. We can settle our problem some other time."

Kanti: Kanti starts to pick her way through the drinks selection.
This one? ... no
This one? ...no
This one? ....no'
This one? ... will have to do...
Kanti disdainfully selects the finest Vokda the North has to offer, and a selection of tumblers, before making her way back over to the Prince and the sidereal, pouring a little of the vodka and presenting it to Gennadi for inspection.
She smiles hopefully.

Vorpal: There, she adds bitterly in her mind, You got your victory, Lunar. Be a bright boy and accept it now.

Before I truly awaken. Before you and the rest in this hall will truly die.

  • Gennadi sniffs at it, eyes Kanti seriously, tastes a bit... and then finally smiles. He claps Alex on the back and passes the glass over. "Here, drink this. It'll put strength in your spine and fire in your tongue, all without wasting essence. Good job, Kanti."

Iselsis: She kicks the pale angel... and goes straight through, with a few flaps of her wings she makes some distance and crouches down in a ready position, away from her.

But she doesn't make any other moves to attack. She waits. If people stop fighting, so would she.

Alexander: "We are doomed, and you give me alcohol?"

His face is disbelief.
His face is confusion.
His face is a torrent of emotions that contradict each other.

"... are you all insane?!?"

Kanti: Kanti pouts.
alex doesn't like vodka.
maybe wine?
maybe rum?
maybe brandy?