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Setting up the Pieces

Everything in the world has a purpose, a reason. For you, Ledaal Calistas, 'Calis the Snake', finding that reason, the reason behind every problem around you, has been your life. To find the solution of a problem with your mind, to find it answer as if the world was a simple puzzle waiting to be solved, your way.

But there was no riddle to be solved in the pleasant evening, the first of the first week of Resplendent Air, a could wind blowing from somewhere far to the west on your Manse, the scent of the sea and far-away turbulences coming with it. No riddle except why a messenger boy approached your Manse as you look at the window, too nimble and too careful to be a simple messenger boy.

In the past, Calistas would already know why he would have been summoned - cases the like he would take spread like wildfire, at least, through gossip. But in this Time of Tumult, problems and scandals spread like gossip used to, as the Realm overburdens itself on problems and quarrels - as such, he is only left to wander as you see the messenger approaching from the window...

Calistas: In a way, Calistas is pleased to see there might be work to be done soon - it has been some time already since the last case, and the sorcerer is well-rested already, even slightly bored with his studies and games of Gateway. Of course, one will never need to stay idle if one doesn't want to, but problems of others are always so much more interesting than the ones created by yourself.

For a brief moment the sorcerer wonders if he should go out to greet the messenger personally...

...but then again, Calis decides and lets the next arrow fly from his bow, across the study and into the target nailed to the far wall, there is no need to walk out to meet trouble when it is firmly heading towards you...

Dane: As he wonders, there is a knock on his door, and he hears the voice of one of his servants, Dane. "Lord Calis?"

Calistas: "Kindly send the messenger in, please", Calistas responds and sets his bown down to the rack, next to the quiver of arrows.

Dane: "As you wish" Calis can hear Dane's footsteps as he goes back, voices reduced to a distant buzz, and then footsteps again, of more than one, this time. Dane unlocks the door, and Calis can see both his dark-skinned servant and the lithe, clear-haired messenger boy. "He is here, Lord Calistas."

Calistas: The matter was obviously of some importance - not critical enough to warrant for an use of a Charm or an Infallible Messenger, but still, this messenger did not seem terribly sloppy in what he did. "Thank you, Dane, I will take it from here", Calistas turns towards the door, his hands joined together behind his back. "Please come in." This should be interesting.

Messenger Boy: The boy makes a courteous bow, "Lord Calistas. I bring an urgent convocation of Senator Ledaal Martin. He wishes to see you on the Garden of Sublime Wisdom, and kindly asks you to hurry." The boy has a bright shine on hsi eyes, but he says nothing more; Calistas is, of course, familar with the Palace of Sublime Wisdom - The most important Ledaal Manse on the Imperial city.

Calistas: Perhaps the boy was related to Martin somehow - even as Calistas walked across the study to pick up his well-trusted walking cane, he idly searched through his memory, seeing if he could remember whether Martin had any sons or grandsons of that age. Somewhat unlikely, though - to send a Dynast youth into an errand like that, but then again, it wouldn't have been entirely unlike that cunning old fox...

"Thank you for your efforts", the sorcerer replies, turning back to the messenger with the cane in hand. "I will be there shortly."

Messenger Boy: "Please." The Boy leaves a scroll, with the Ledaal sign, over Calistas’ study's table, then bow and leaves, swifly, as if he had other matters to attend to, and soon.

Calistas: Or could that boy be a bastard of Martins', someone he had taken under his wing and used as a reliable messenger?

Calis chuckles by himself as he picks up the scroll and breaks the seal. Too much of boredom, yes - now he was conjuring problems out of nowhere to ease his mind.

Messenger Boy: Inside, there is only a vain invitation to a gethering two weeks hence - nothing that would require any hurry. Calis can clearly see that is only to be a reason for the boy's errand if he was caught - and a way to have the Ledaal seal without actually writing compromising content.

Calistas: This confirmed Calistas' suspicions - this was a matter of some importance if they were willing to go through such trouble for secrecy. Very well, then, his next destination would be the Garden of Sublime Wisdom.

Without wasting more time, Calistas strides out from his study, calling out for Dane.

Dane: The servant hurries to the study, picking Calis on his way out. "You called, m'lord?"

Calistas: "I will be heading out for a while. Please watch the Manse while I am away." Pausing for a moment by the door, he turns back to his servant and adds: "If my beloved wife comes by while I am gone, you know what to say."

Dane: "Very well, then. Do you have any idea how long is this while, Lord Calistas?"

Calistas: That, of course, would depend on Martin, Calistas thinks, then speaks aloud: "Hopefully not _too_ long." The sorcerer trusted Dane knew him well enough to interpret that correctly.

And horses. Calistas had to admit he always felt a certain sort of unease whenever walking towards his stables. He did not really like horses, and he had a distinctive feeling that they did not like him.

  • The trip to the imperial city is calm and uneventful - slow, as he had to go without a horse, but still pleasant. The Blessed Isle is always a beautiful sight, in its countryside as well as cities, with beautiful hills and long verdant fields. And yet, in the air, in the couple villages he passes through, he feels some unrest and neglect - where one would see control and Dragon-Blooded aplenty before, now the townsfolk seemed largely on their own, and somehow, the countryside just didn't feel so *safe* anymore.

    But yet, it didn't take long, with only a stop for a night in an Inn, until Calistas gets to the Imperial City - Always, always a wonderful sight. The Spires of the First Age buildings still standing efying the skies, the new, but beautiful buildings rising far... and more people on its gates alone, than he had seen in all of his trip.

Calistas: Calistas moves through all this silently, his ears and eyes taking in what information he can of the current events, but making inquiries about the current situation of the Isle is currently not his primary mission, so he tries not to be slowed down too much.

  • Merchants, Guild Caravans, Farmers and craftsman going to sell their wares, and everything from slaves, to prostitutes to mercenaries seems to be on sale close to its gates. Everywhere, one doubt persists - one question is asked, all around -Where is the Empress? Now, a meager year after her disappearance, all are still certain she will return from this disappearance, but the commonfolk feel like they don't have anywhere to pray to - they feel like their protector is gone, if for the moment, what makes them... nervous.

    This persists all around Calistas as he walks towards the Garden of Sublime Wisdom. There seems to be more Dragon-Blooded on the street than the usual - as if something had called them all there, the disappearance of the mother making all the kids join to party, play, and exchange favors until she returns.

Calistas: Where is the Empress? It was a question even Calistas himself had toyed around with from time to time, but as an expert for finding answers for questions, the sorcerer could easily enough recognize a question that could not be answered... at least, not until some additional information was uncovered. Until then, he would need to keep his mind occupied with another question: "How does the disappearance of the Empress affect the Empire?"

Evidence needed to answer that question could be seen all around him.

  • Something calling each and every one of the children back home to see what they can take and their mother won't notice. And before long, he sees himself next to the Garden of Sublime Wisdom - made at the SFashion of the Shogunate's Old Realm( Being, then, quite japanese) it is quite a low structure, with heavy gates and walls, some bamboos and trees taller than the gates being seen together with the roofs of the Manse. At the door stand two mercenaries with lances resting over theri shoulders - one of the moments that make a Dynast regret he comes with no servants to announce him.

Calistas: But then again, Calistas was hardly your ordinary Dynast - this was one of the personal antics he had pulled off before. Of course, he could have dropped by his city apartment to fetch himself a servant to take care of this trouble, but... Why go through all the trouble?

There was no unnecessary saunter in Calistas' manner as he approached the gates, for he was not here to perform not an arrogant Dynast nor a pretentious fool. He had personal business within, and thus he proceeded politely and matter-of-factly.

  • Then, in a moment, Calistas hears a voice close to his shoulder, "Lord Calistas?" the voice seems... oddly familiar. "Good to see you hurried back." The voice is cheerful, and yet, there is something in it that makes it not the sort of cheerfulness you feel, like it was just the tone, without the actual emotion with it.

Calistas: "And good day to you as well", Calistas responds politely. "How kind of you to stand out here waiting for me".

Now this was odd. Why leave the messenger out here waiting for him?

Messenger Boy: "Actually, I was just eating some sweets accross the street - they have some wonderful puddings! Ever tasted some?" The boy says, making a light jump to the front of the investigator, and pointing somewhere on the back, "'Mela's Sweet Clouds', it's really a delicatessen!" he says, happy, but then blushes some, embarassed. "But, oh sorry... I should escort you in, right? Hey, open the gates!"

Calistas: "That would be most kind, thank you. Would you be so kind as to reveal your name for me?"

  • The Mercenaries nod in recognition, and he waves a 'hi' and says their names as they open the gates.

Messenger Boy: "Oh, me? Meallan at your service, lord Calistas." He says, politely, walking in, guiding Calistas through the oriental garden, filled with a brittle, snow-white sand and round stones that seem to glitter. The arrangement of the garden is perfect - it feels like, if one stared at it from high up long enough, one would understand all the designs of Mela. Two young Dynasts seem to be meditating on the garden, feeling the Essence that drips from the Manse - yet another seems to be training over the small lake - standing over said lake, his movements making only light ripples over the water. Calistas can feel the awe, the feeling of suntuosity natural to such a powerful Manse, washing over him.

Calistas: Such places are always such pleasant places to visit, and Calistas takes a moment to let his mind wander within the confines of the Manse. But then he firmly grasps his thoughts in reins again and returns to the actual reason for visiting this place,

  • Then he walks into the raised Manse, a step over the Garden, guiding Calistas through a small maze of corridors - he can see many smaller gardens through the corridor, and the maze-like architecture, although it doesn't bother Calistas, seems truly amusing.

    And of course - Impressive.

Meallan: "I hope your trip was pleasant." Meallan says, still cheerful, "People seem to be... tense, these days, don't they?"

Calistas: A messenger boy using such friendly tones with a Dynast? Now who might you be, Meallan? Silently amused by this fact, Calistas responds vaguely: "It is the Unanswereable Question that makes everyone frustrated these days."

Meallan: "Some of the younger ones have asked if you wouldn't be able to find out where our Majesty has gone to. To the puzzlement of everyone else, who have little idea who you are." He chuckles, as if looking around for something, "But of course, all the elders say it is just another absence, that there have been many others... not that that's not just ancient history to me. Oh, I'm sorry... am I blabbering too much, lord Calistas?"

Calistas: Not being very well known is a mark for his competence, actually. He's known to people who employs him, and that should be enough. I'm assuming that he is known to people he regularly works with, and people in places he regularly visits. In other words a guard keeping the gate of the largest Manse of House Ledaal probably recognizes him as an official member of the family. But exactly what he does for the House, that doesn't need to be common knowledge.

"I do not mind."

Best keep his own thoughts about the Empress' disappearance to himself.

Meallan: After some more moments, Calistas walk up a flight of stairs, coming to the room of Ledaal Martin himself. The running door is decorated in many depictions of the immaculate Dragons, and some drawings of stars and constellations. Meallan opens the running door, and inside, old Martin looks up from his parchments, still furiously moving his brush, and his face lights with recognition. "Calistas!"

  • Almost 150 years old and still looking youthful( if not young - his build and body certainly have seen more than their share of life), Ledaal Martin has a long clear-blonde hair tied in a ponytail, and a long mustache and goathee that runs down his face. He has a broad forehead, and in certain lights, his hair seems completely white, what makes him look much older than the usual. The winds about him make his brush whirl lightly, and he refills it with ink to keep writing.

Calistas: "At your service as always, Senator", Calistas responds with a mild bow. "You'll have Meallan here to thank for guiding me here."

Martin: "Oh, but of course. Do come in, and sit with me, Calis - we have much to talk." He turns to Meallan. "You did a swift job, Meallan - now, could you get some tea for me and my guest?"

  • Mellan quickly bows and depart - Martin's table is almost entirely covered by documents, and there is a Gateway board underneath – he can see it is the same one the two hadn't finished playing the last time Calistas had been around.

Calistas: "Thank you, Senator", Calistas responds and takes a seat. Carefully lifting a few unused documents aside to reveal the Gateway board, he continues: "That messenger of yours is an interesting boy. He is a new one, isn't he?"

Martin: "In a way." Martin says, removing some papers from the table and setting them neatly into a "He has been under training in the north for some time... I don't think you have met him before, right? He is... quite handy." Martin's expression is sober as he says so, but then break into a fatherly smile, "But come on - sit down, and tell me - how have you been? And that wonderful wife of yours?"

Calistas: "My beloved wife walks her own paths, but the last time I saw her, she was as well as I could hope for, and there is no reason to believe that it would have changed", Calistas responds, staring at the board thoughtfully. "As for myself... well, Senator, I will admit I have been slightly bored lately..."

Then, reaching out and making the next move in their game of Gateway, the sorcerer looks up and gives the Senator a little smile. "But, judging by your message, can I assume that it will soon be changed?"

Martin: "Bored in these tumultuous times, Calistas?" He chuckles, "Oh, I do envy you, young one... I do envy you. You have no idea how much I would _kill_ for some boredom right now - the state of affairs in the city has been... chaotic." as he finishes, Meallan comes in with the tea, filling cups for both, and Martin looks at the table surprised. "... I didn't see that coming.... Calis, Calis, always a snake. But let's see, I am far from a rodent..."

Calistas: Calistas lifts an eyebrow at Martin's move. The Senator had proven himself as a worthy opponent in Gateway many times in the past, and he seemed to be in a fine edge today. "I have heard as much in my peaceful backwaters..." Ledaal Martin might be a celebrated Senator, but it was times like this when Calistas was actually glad that he had not chosen a political career himself. "As a matter of fact, I am surprised that you have sent for me only now - I was expecting an avalanche of work soon after our Majesty's... absence became public knowledge."

Martin: "Well, there has been no work that needs you, so far, really - only the work for mundane spies and petty bureaucrats like me. You see..." As he says so, his open palm begins to glow over the table. A vortex begins to swirl below his hand, in essence-visible air. the vortex swirls, wanting out, and he makes only a few movements with his hand before letting it go, the papers scattering around as the wind blows from his hand around the room... and Calis can feel the wind mute itself, can hear the silence as the room's air is locked and filtrered by Martin's essence. "Meallan."

Meallan: The boy takes four retangles of paper that he had brought in the same thing as the tea, four elaborately-caligraphed Prayer strips. Essence shining through them, he throws one in every wall, where they stay, shining in a faint light. The boy's eyes shine - whatever he is, he is not human.

Martin: The Senator sighs in relief as all this is done, and Meallan nods to him, "Very well, then, now we can leave amenities behind and discuss the true reason I sent for you... freely." He'd say, touching the board and looking directly at Calis. "But first... your move."

Calistas: Calistas looks up from the board as Senator Martin works his Essence, suppressing an urge to lift his eyebrows at the display. It seemed to Calis that Martin had not called him for any ordinary task, this time. Well... he had been wanting for problems to solve, hadn't he?

Sometimes, you must be careful what you wish for.

Returning to the Gateway board, Calistas scratches his chin idly, pondering his next move. "A very delicate matter this time, Senator?"

Martin: Taking a cup of tea from the table, Martin seeps on it slowly, thoughtful - The Senator has never made a hasty move, and he was not about to begin now. He looks at the movement of your pieces, gusts of wind moving his hair around. As he places his cup on the table again with a muffled ring, under the effect of the musing around the room, he shakes his head, "You have done better moves, old friend..." He gazes at the Gateway board - he had all along, but now, it was different, as it he saw it not as a board, but an abstraction, a mathematic calculation to be solved. "And indeed, I called you here for a very... delicate... matter." He says, scratching his chin. "I need you to help me root out what seems to be a heretic cult on the Blessed Isle - and worse, something which has the hands of the Dark Ones. Those responsible for Thorns. Doubtless, your wife has told you of them? My Star-touched friends seem to be very... upset, at their appearance."

Calistas: Leaving the board be for a moment, Calistas slowly leans back in his chair and reaches for his tea cup. "She has said a word or two, yes..." And from what Calis himself understood, they had a very good reason to be upset about it. "Is the Immaculate Order aware of this cult?"

Martin: "Oh, they were *quite* aware of it... before it was rooted out. Half a year ago, the town of Rainfall, to the southwest of Juche, suffered heavily of opression by the part of the Mnemon household collecting tributes there. They turned to ancestor-worship then, wanting the ghosts of their former relatives and heroes to take vengeance on the opressing nobles for them. Most of said household was killed, even the sole Dragon-Blooded there. I had people there, the order was warned, and the cult was stomped, and the farmer were again converted to the rightful ways. Or should have been."

Calistas: "Someone escaped the first culling...?"

Martin: "You see", Martin says, his eyes unfocusing from the board, now lost in memories and stratagems, "I kept sending my own spies there. Even though the new Prefect there, Dawn Ivy, sends regular reports that all is well, and they have a Immaculate Monk now dutifully tending to the temple and the faith there... I still have *my* spies there. And, three weeks agon, they vanished."

Calistas: Calistas takes a sip of the tea. Very delicious, as always when he visited Martin.

Martin: "I cannot report this, you see" The Senator says, before sipping more from his tea, the winds about him cooling it significantly, "Lest I will expose my network, keeping myself open against strike. They should not know I have spies on Mnemon territory, after all." He looks at Calistas now, purposefully looking deeply on his eyes, "*Now*, if you were to... take a cvacation on that small village to relax from the pressures of your station, and *accidentally* managed to uncover that they are still making heretic activities..."

Calistas: There is a moment of silence. A soft breeze picks up around Calistas, rippling the wide sleeves of his robes as his mind works intently on the problem, rendering it into a number of small, comprehensible packages which are then systematically stored away, to be dealt with one-by-one later. Finally, he stirs.

"Of course", he replies and sets the tea cup carefully down. "I have been somewhat bored lately, so a change of surroundings could work magic on me. But before that, may I be as bold as to inquire a few details?"

Martin: "But of course, you have all the right to, and I shall answer you to the best of my knowledge, old friend. Oh, and you may speak freely in front of Meallan. He is... trustworthy." Martin would then seem to not even notice the conversation anymore, absorbed by the Gateway board.

  • Meallan smiles and nods, "Don't mind me!"

Calistas: "First, what was the situation in Rainfall really like? Even if the good Prefect Dawn Iwy says that all is well, your spies must have touched something suspicious..." His voice trails off for a moment, his gaze taking in the Gateway board. "It seems we are both a little off our edges today..."

Never mind the fact that Calistas himself was losing!

Martin: "We have seen better days, yes... that game last Calibration was especially challenging... you seem to be missing some obvious spots, though." He says, wondering about Calistas’ next move as he strokes his chin, "See, now.... last time we rooted them out, or thought we did, they came back... or so I think. Sending an Immaculate precession again is not going to fare much better, at least, I think not. I wam not making the same mistake twice as far as the safety of the Isle is concerned. Something is deeper threre, under the sun, where an army cannot touch. I want you to go there, find it, to the root. I want to know exactly what is going on there, so it will *not* be back."

One can clearly see that Martin is a Senator - his powerful, commanding voice goes on and on, like a speech in the Great Chamber of the Deliberative.

Calistas: Calistas remains silent, waiting to see if Martin would continue. The investigator knows well that when a Senator makes speeches, it won't do to interrupt.

Martin: "And... I need to know if my suspicions are true. Ancestor cults blossom in Shadowlands. My advisor has been at a loss - no insights, this time. As you very well know from your wife's affairs, only demons are capable of making them unable to pinpoint a danger. Demons.... or the dead. Maybe these are merely ghosts. maybe there is even a Deathknight involved. If so, this is not just bold - but also, dangerous. If they manage to open a Shadowland within the Isle, we will have an bridge to the enemy on the heart of our Realm. I can think of few worse things. In theory, we have an Immaculate Monk tending to the needs of faith in the village, and destroying wayward spirits, and the prefect's small force mantaining peace. My agents reported that some of the villagers seemed to disappear, at night or days at a time, before they vanished."

"Few go through Rainfall, Calis - it is aon a mountain range Southeast of Juche, and roads pass to the north and south of it, not through it. It produces decent harvests and mining, but not enough to call any undue attention - sespecially now. The Temple and some buildings on it tell the story of older times when all of the Isle was well-tended to - but even with the new prefect and monk, I hear they are quite neglected.

Stopping then, the Senator would take his teacup once again, sipping slowly and thoughtfully, making sure he hasn't forgotten anything. "That is everything relevant in this subject, I would think." He says, placing the cup on the table, "Any other questions?"

Calistas: The breeze flickers and dances around Calistas again, signifying the movements of his thoughts. "One or two", he says and leans back towards Gateway again. "How many spies did you have in that region?"

Calistas needs to find all the possible details there was to know about the opposition. If there are ghosts or spirits involved, it would mean a considerable risk towards Calis himself - the sorcerer finds himself wondering idly if his beloved wife would be interested in a little vacation as well.

Martin: "Two. They were good men, Calis, trained extensively in steath, assassination, and covert operations. I lost tend years of training and two valuable individuals there. A third, moved to there from some other town after their deaths, is consideraly less skilled, but he can at least keep a low-profie and tell meif things don't go *overboard* there. He is called name is Wolf. The ones that vanished were called Marron and Gateau."

Calistas: Calistas glances up from the board for a moment. "Two traines spies, and they vanished almost simultaneously? That speaks of some co-ordination." And with those words, without looking, he makes his next move.

Martin: "Yes, he is. I will tell you of who he is, but he will not be warned of your coming - I can't risk a leak. " He looks at the board, scratching the chin with an audible sound - clearly seeing the normal Calis on that move, and hoping his thoughts move like the lighting of Mela to be able to match it, "And yes, two vanished without a trace, at the same time - it is no small feat.

Calistas: "Hmmm", Calistas responds and picks up his tea again. "Will there be any other contacts who could be trusted? The Prefect? The Immaculate? How far can they be relied on for aid should the situations require it?"

Martin: "They simply cannot be trusted. Maybe they are simply oblivious that anything is at work there - but, I wouldn't risk it. You can talk to them, but try not to tell anything of the reason of your incursion there - remember, anything you find has to look like it is by accident."

Calistas: "Of course."

Martin: "You didn't touch your tea, Calis... lost the taste for the finer things?" Martin then prepares another move, stratching his arms for a moment...

Calistas: "Hmm?" Lifting an amused eyebrow, the corner of his lip twitching at the Senator's comment, Calistas replies: "Investigation, Gateway and tea all have one thing in common: if you hurry too much, you will only burn your tongue... and you cannot savor the taste quite as well, either."

"But then again, one must not tarry too long, either, lest everything will have cooled off and will hold no taste." Sipping his tea, the sorcerer continues: "The Prefect will want to know when there are Dynasts moving through the city, so perhaps a social visit would be in order."

Martin: Martin chuckles, "Yes, yes... as usual, you are right, Calis. I tend to forget this quite so often... see, in the Senate, everything proceeds so slow, that if one does not hurry, even our Exalted lives will run out before we get to a solution!"

Calistas: "The greatest of creatures often move the slowest", Calistas responds mildly.

Martin: "Oh, of course.... and there is no reason why a Prince of the World wouldn't want to know of the state of the place, specially one that has been into the bureaucracy before, like you." Martin replies, ready for another move, "And to pray at its temple, too, after all, aren't we pious members of the Dynasty?"

Calistas: "Indeed. Someone will need to take care of our noble Isle." Then, growing grave again, he continues: "It might not seem very plausible if I simply happen to come there for a vacation soon after these spies had so mysteriously vanished, so would there be any official reason for me to pay a visit? Clearing up the aftermath of a little mistake in the production accounts of the local mining industry, perhaps?"

Then, his eyes sweep across the Gateway board again - and halt. Then, looking slowly up at Martin again, Calistas asks, politely: "Would you... like to cancel that move?"

Martin was obviously very concerned about this matter - this was definitely not like him.

Martin: "Now, why would I?" Martin says - bad moves are many times made without the knowledge of how badly one has stepped into deadly ground... until one finds himself cornered, and perceives how far back his mistakes come from... "Oh, certainly we can arrange that.... of course, maybe you will only find out my agents died while falling off a cliff, or spying on some peasant murder his wife and going for them too.... but, as I have learned, life is *never* so simple... and usually, the worst that can happen... does." Martin strokes his chin again, waiting for Calis' next move, "But we can have it done for you, this reason. Guess we can wait until the party a week hence; You might just decide to go to Rainfall instead of your home, then."

Calistascan hear crickets chirping outside, on the many Gardens of the Garden Manse - already, the night runs high, probably approaching midnight. Each move lasting one hour of play, you two advanced much in the game... and although he has the advantage, the end seems to be far away..

True to the spirit of House Ledaal, there is no sound of debauchery in the Manse, only some far-away sounds of more quiet and learned music, of violins and flutes, melodic and complex melodies, many salvaged from the First Age, or made on the same molds, even as musicians, those on the core of Ledaal are scholars and historians.

Calistas: "Oh, it would need to be nothing elaborate - just one incorrect sum at some point should be sufficient enough to send the petty officials - myself included, of course - scrambling to find out where is the problem." This was the part where Calistas' lack of reputation was an advantage - it was easy for him to move around as a petty nobody official, just another face in the immense bureaucratic system that was the Thousand Scales. "We should not tarry with this matter, though - the tracks will be cooling off even as we speak."

Then, giving the matter a little thought, he corrects himself: "Or perhaps I should simply wish to see if I could expand my own capital somehow - Dynast social visits and petty officials do not mix."

Martin: "You speak true... remember, though, Ledaal Calistas - in many ways, we are at war. Our cousins, uncles and aunts are each trying to upstage one another on a run to the throne, or to be better off before the Empress returns. As dire as the situation might be there, if you reveal the reason of my suspicions, or leave them open - I, and our house, my lose a sizable asset in this struggle... it can not be suspected. As thus, it would be better if you went as simply... yourself."

Calistas: "You are correct about that, Senator", Calistas nods - he had come to the same conclusion himself. "A moment of weakness from my part."

Martin: "Rainfall is not without a single quality - it is out of all trading routes. Knowing you, it would be quite conceivable you would choose some place of peace and quiet, at least, for a while." Martin looks at the board then, thoughtful "How alike this game the lives in the capital are... long movements and schemes, slowly coming towards goals that seem to shift and change, and yet, the end goal is one and the same..."

Calistas: "And sometimes, we simply lose sight of those goals, focusing only on the matters at hand, and forgetting about the future."

Martin: "For the game, the goal varies... but in our politics, this goal is always one and the same - power. All moves are made to this end" Martin sighs, and seem... tired. Wrinkles appear on his face, and his hair looks paler and older - one could finally see the toll the politicking was taking on the Senator. "Sometimes, I wonder if we are the only ones to understand that the end should be the Realm. We are the last bastion of order and reason on the world, Calis... and they simply don't realise it. Threats pile up, the Neverborn have already made their move... and we are crippled, destroying ourselves. Empires always crumbled throughout history thanks to this, my friend.... and I fear that the realm might also fall... for if we do, may the Dragons help us, so might all of Creation."

Calistas: Of course, Empires also tended to crumble because of ideals as well - with everyone absolutely certain that they were right and everyone else was wrong. But this was something Calistas did not say aloud. "On the moment, the only thing we can do, is our best."

Martin: "Yes, that is all we can do, is it not? I could go on and on about our moves, our alliance with the Cathak, that seem to think like us, and others... but right now, we have a more pressing matter - I am sure you will hear enough of politics during the next week." Martin tries to compose his face again, trying not to look so weary, "So, you have any other requests for your assignament?"

Calistas: "Only one more thing", Calistas responds. Although his face remains calm, his consciousness burns within his head, blaming him for such an obvious mistake. "I will be making a simple social visit, so it should not be too complicated. However, if you would tell me how I can recognize and contact Wolf...?"

Martin: "Oh, but of course. Wolf is a simple man, of shaggy appearance, clear brown, mostly unshaven beard, brown eyes, somewhat long and somewhat unkempt hair. He has a scar on his left hand. He tends to dress in creamy clothes, and wear iron bands. If you want to try to know their whereabouts, or hear from then, Marron has a long black hair, and a feminine face, and Gateau is a large southerner with blonde hair."

Calistas: Calistas merely nods, storing this information away to his mind. "Well, there does not seem to be any other matters to discuss. I will start making preparations when I return home." The sorcerer takes a moment listening to the beautiful music wafting in from the outside, then he slowly leans forward and makes one last Gateway move.

Martin: After it, it doesn't take long, just a brief period of idle chatting, until Meallan scorts Calistas to his appointed room on the Manse, and Martin goes back to his bureaucratic work. After this, the rest of the week passes slowly, with politics and rumors flying around you. A great time to make contacts, as the cloest members of House Ledaal and some assossiates gather for the party, and deals are made daily under the roof of the Garden of Sublime Wisdom. The cold winds seemed to blow ever colder, if soothing, around Calistas, during this week...

The party itself was... as expected. Like someone had taken all the politicking, deal-broking and backstabbing of the whole week, concentrated and distilled it in its purest form, and added fine debauchery to the mix. Unremarkable for Calis, despite the appearance of a couple that had been foiled by past discoveries of Calis, and eyed him with what one could favorably call disapproval, and disfavorably, white-hot, burning hate.

And then, Calistas left for Rainfall...