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#REDIRECT ADanceOfAngels
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== Sweet Midnight ==
'''Alexander: ''' Late, late night...
The windian lowers himself towards the Manse, the Palest of all angels in his hands. Far away, they can see the lights and mirth at Kadel's, still lit up, as they would remain into the morning. But for those those those two, the night was done... and in an awkward silence, the prince was the angel's chariot, holding Vorpal deFay from her waist.
As they came closer, he leaned down, a quick movement out of the blue, holding her legs, raising his grip, and suddenly... she was on his arms. He had a big grin to her as he touched down - it was easy for him to carry her weight, hard was to balance someone so much taller than himself! And, with the same grin, he finally spoke, his perfect features shining on the moonlight, touching his pale skin like it was porcelain, his hair like it was the purest silver... and hers'..."You did not have to feel bad, you know.You are not what you said you are... and I am sure Opal does not think so either!"
'''Vorpal: ''' Once again, her Prince's sudden offensive maneuver catches her by surprise. No-one had ever dared to touch her so before, and although she is slowly beginning to expect such behaviour from Alexander, old habits could give even the Pale Angel lessons about how to die hard. So, she lets out a muffled yelp as he lifts her again, but this time, the yelp turns into a snarl of irritation.
"Aye", she responds sourly and bats her Prince's platinum head, "She'll think I'm your horny little plaything, as will the rest of the city if you don't set me down this instant!"
'''Alexander: ''' His grin is defiant, that of someone in a play of young men and women, enjoying her irritation, almost. He looks at her, trying to avoid the batting and chuckling, watching her features - her beautiful albino features, colored by the moon in such an astouding way... she was in her element, for sure. She was perfect under the Moon.
"Have I ever told you how you look ''perfect'' when you are annoyed?" His grin broadens, "And I would have no objections to you believing that as well, they probably think that of me if their comments on the party are to be believed... and me, I think like this you are a lady in a prince's arms." He wished someone could paint this moment.
Including the annoyed face, of course!
'''Vorpal: ''' It is amazing, it is unbelievable, it is ''unreal'', but the Pale Angel, the feared general and the terrible goddess, lets out an offended sniff that better fits a pampered court lady. Folding her hands over her chest, she leans back in his strong arms and turns her irate gaze away. The next several moments she spends glowering at the rooftops of the night-time city with utmost, affronted dignity... the sort of dignity that can only be descibed as ridiculous, considering the situation.
'''Alexander: ''' He holds her close, warmly... and then, he finally touches down on the balcony of their Manse.
They are home.<br>
Or at least, on the hotel they are staying in for the time being.
''Home... ''<br>
''I wonder when I will have one again. ''<br>
''Will it be with you in Red Ice, my lady? ''<br>
''Will your mistress allows us to be here? ''
"Heeere we are!" He says, cheerfully, but waits until he is inside to let go of her, letting her feet touch the ground. "Was not that bad, was it?" He asks up at her, fully expecting to get smacked...
'''Vorpal: ''' Vorpal responds to the Prince with chilly silence, her mouth still set into a scowl, her eyes still hard and more interested in the hotel wall than in meeting his gaze.
A strange tremor runs along her shoulders.
Her back is stiff, her hands tightly folded, her white fingers clenched around her biceps with force that probably could snap necks of lesser men...
She's ''trembling! '' Her scowl becomes a snarl as she struggles to maintain the fierce mien, yet the very corners of her lips are rising up on their own accord! A hot blush colors her cheeks as the armor cracks and she twitches visibly, one last, furious attempt to hold the laughter inside...!
'''Alexander: ''' ... and he takes the cue, to finally let out his own laughter! He had carried her, through the Boil, on the faces of all who could see, flying to the Manse where people on Kadel's could spot... and all the while stiffling the same. And now... now... she was about to laugh too!
It was... so good.
He felt free, he felt light, suddenly all the weight vanished...
And after a moment, he leans against a dresser, drying his eyes... "So, what will be our next scandal?"
'''Vorpal: ''' The glance Vorpal hurls at Alex when he first begins to laugh is downright ''murderous''. As the tinkling silver bells of his voice fill the chambers with his mirth, however, she finally gives up. Knowing fully well how ridiculous all her huffyness was just now, she throws her hands high into the air and joins his laughter with her own, letting it out of her system after long last.
A moment later, still panting from the effort, she responds to the Prince's question by placing a single finger onto her cheek and making a show of pondering the question very seriously.
"Tea", she states, the sobriety of her voice ill fitting with the sparkling in her red eyes. "We shall drink tea late at night and talk about silly things."
'''Alexander: ''' Alex takes a forming tear out of his eye from the laughter, and thinks on her suggestion, while watching her form on the moonlight.... damn Iria. That dress fit her all too well. "Well, why not? All the servants are asleep, however, I am sure..." He says, as he walks close to her, gliding behind her and holding her by her corselet, "So, am I going to find out if the Pale Angel is skilled in the ways of the kitchen tonight?" He asks, with an almost devious smile. The image of her boiling tea was just...
'''Vorpal: '''"Hmm", she gives his words due consideration, staring at him with half-closed eyes and a funny smile on her lips, her fingers drumming idly against her chin. "Or, should we rather find out how good you will look in a maid's dress?"
''Just wonderful, I'm sure'', she adds silently by herself, her eyes running down the handsome cut of his shoulders once again.
'''Alexander: ''' He moves over to her her front, his touch light upon her dress, smiling... until she asks her question, making his face flush! "Whaaa? But, but, that is to ladies'..." The words come out, as she looks at him... and there was something there. A promise, a desire... "But, if you wish to see me on one... I wonder if there is one of my size around..."
''But if anyone else sees it, I swear I kill myself'' He adds to himself, the embarassment at accepting the proposition clear on his eyes!
'''Vorpal: ''' Vorpal continues to smile at him for a moment, to let him stew, but then turns her gaze away. "Nay, let's just find ourselves something to drink from the kitchens", she replies with a chuckle and, without much further ceremony, grabs him by the hand. "Fantasies are nice, but I've had enough of them for the night", she adds and begins to pull him towards the door. "Let's just be for a change, shall we?
'''Alexander: ''' "Let's!" He says in the same cadence as she does, and soon, they are in the Manse's kitchen... pristine clean, since there was no one to take late night snacks after the Heaven House Girl's shift as maids there was done. Alexander looked around, trying to find the cups, picking them up... "I... hope you know how to make it, really. I... never had much experience with it. I guess I am too used to having other people do it for me..."
''Yes, I am a spoiled little brat. ''<br>
''And you, you have gone to wars... ''
'''Vorpal: ''' "I'm not a cook", Vorpal admits honestly as she brushes her broad skirts closer to her legs, to keep them out of the harm's way, and bends over to take a peek through the stove's hatch. The fire is still burning, but it is low and dimming. Withdrawing, the Pale Angel scans the surrounding floor with her hands on her hips. Soon she locates the box used to store the firewood and promptly proceeds to examine it further. "But I do know a thing or two about it. I used to have aides when I was a general, of course, but a mercenary gets no servants."
The box turns out to be freshly-stocked for tomorrow morning and Vorpal returns to the stove with a few logs in her hands even as she speaks. After a moment of consideration she decides that the pieces are a little too big for such a small fire to handle. She places the other logs atop the stove to wait, then rips one of them apart into splinters with her fingers. "Find us some tea leaves, will you?" she asks absently as she pulls the stove hatch open and begins to set the wood inside, one splinter at the time.
'''Alexander: ''' Alex opens a couple locks, before finally finding out the tea leaves - and having so many of the pots close to it fall as he takes it, many of them on his head, making him fall down! Standing on the middle of the pots, he reaches his hand up to the Pale Angel. "Here!" with a wide grin, trying his best to divert her attention...!
'''Vorpal: ''' The Pale Angel turns from the stove at the racket. Resting her hands on her hips again, she then straightens herself back up and calmly watches the show. A shade of that slanted grin on her lips, an absent part of her mind begins to count exactly how many pots manage to hit the bullseye atop her Prince's platinum head.
In order to defend the dignity of Prince Alexander Holysword, the number she ends up with won't be revealed here.
His triumphant grin sends another wave of warmth through her soul. Shaking her head, she plucks the box from his hands, then bends down until her face is on the same level with his.
"It's a mess", she says softly. "Let's clean it up."
'''Alexander: ''' A moment of silence, of the warmest, sweetest silence he has ever heard. "Let us." is all he says, on a tone to match hers'. But someday, he will identify happyness as picking pots on the kitchen floor with the most feared woman on the North.
Their hands touch quite too many times, and although they are far, far past the point of blushing with anything the like, it is a warm touch. But silences and pleasantries do not last forever, and he finally asks... "Do you think I am being silly? Trying to rebuild the kingdom? Wishing to keep you all close to me?"
"You think your mistress will mind?"
'''Vorpal: ''' "No", Vorpal responds without hesitation, not looking up from the next pot she picks into her lap. If the thought of what would happen to her hard-earned reputation should anyone discover them here, crouching together on the floor of the Manse's kitchen with a dozen jars in their hands like mischievous children, she does not show it. There is a new sort of calm about her demeanor, of certain, absolute serenity one experiences only when everything is all right in the world, and when one knows exactly what must be done next. "No, and no."
For the last one she pauses, then looks thoughtfully across the room. Her hand seems to be moving on its own accord, lifting one jar up and pressing its cool clay side against her lips for a moment. "Yes. She will mind very much."
And with that, she places the jar into her lap and scans the floor for the next one.
'''Alexander: ''' Jam. Herbs. Coffee. Cocoa. He picks each of the jars, some tasty, some who can only evoke tasty to someone who understands the making of food, standing on his toes to place a couple as high as he can. "But we will convince her, right? When we go to Red Ice like I promised. We will tell her we want to be together, and even if I have to do something for her... we can do all of it together!" The last one of the pots is put in place, and the prince walks foward the teapot in the oven...
"So, how do we ''do'' this?"
'''Vorpal: ''' "First, boiling water", the Pale Angel announces and moves purposefully towards the stove. The fire has already been rejunevated by the splinters and they could feel the first waves of heat eminating up from behind the hatch. Hot enough for their needs.
"It won't be that simple, by the way", she continues while searching for a suitable kettle for the water. "The Lover only listens to other people's wishes in order to know how she can twist them to her own ends. She will give you a task to fulfill, then another, then another, then another, all the while saying that you will need to accomplish only ''one'' little thing more to have your dream come true. She needs to be ''defied''."
'''Alexander: ''' "She will dangle it in front of us, like one dangling a fish in front of a kitten, telling it to jump for it, raising it higher, then saying that after only another jump...?" Fond memories of Cedric doing it to his black kitten. He found it mean, at the time. Cedric always loved such games... "You, defying her? Unlike the Dark Angel, you always seemed more... loyal."
He opens a locker, takes something, and pour on a plate, offering it to her... "Cookies?" There is something on his demeanor as he does so. As if he was getting ready for the maid outfit.
'''Vorpal: ''' Strangely enough, Vorpal imagines a kitten, too, hopping endlessly after a treat he will never have, snarling with fierce confidence that, this time, he ''will'' jump high enough to catch that fish. Only her cat is white, instead of black.
"Perfect", she states, plucks one cookie between two fingers and then gestures with it that Alex should set the rest of them onto the table. Meanwhile, Vorpal herself heads across the kitchen with the empty kettle in hand. Locating water is an easy matter. Since the Manse is a home to a god of mechanics and ironwork, it naturally has a system for running water, and kitchen is always the place where the first pump is installed.
"Actually, the Lover came along conveniently just when I needed a miracle to stay alive", she explains while filling the kettle with water. "But still, it is stupid to defy someone of her power. Foolhardy. The only reason why the Dark Angel has been able to defy her is because it suits the Lover's needs. These cookies need jam. See if you can find any."
'''Alexander: ''' "Needed a miracle? Hmmmm. Like you and the Dark Angel did to me!" It... was looked at in a different way now. Their entrance, majestic, dark as they are... and he imagines that as he walks to the locker, once again getting on the tips of his toes to fetch a jam he had seen... strawberry jam. Very, very yum. The prince loved strawberries.... "I can see how the Dark Angel might be. She is... strange, sometimes. I suppose the Lover can have her dance whatever tune she wishes...?"
He brings back the jam, taking a knife and dutifully placing it over the cookies.. "First time I do this, you know. I hope you like strawberries!" He watches her face for a moment, working on the kettle as she is... focused. She was always focused...
'''Vorpal: ''' "Strawberries will be just fine. Just don't spread it too thickly or it will drip all over the place."
Back by the stove, Vorpal places the now-full kettle to heat up. Frowning, she bends down to peek behind the hatch again, then plucks another, larger log and thrusts it into the fire. "She can do it with anyone, not just with the Dark Angel. That is her greatest strength. Even if you swear you will defy her to the very end, even if you spend all your strength fighting against her at every turn, in the end you will probably find out that you have been running by her designs all along. The most daunting thing about defying her is the sheer futility of it."
Satisfied with how the fire is building up, the Pale Angel closes the hatch and gives the kettle a quick poke of finger to check the temperature. It hasn't changed a bit. "But because I love you, I shall do it nonetheless."
'''Alexander: ''' He stops the spreading of the jam over the cookies to look up at her... smiling, his face warm, his heart warm. "I love you too, my lady. And for you, I would go to Red Ice and kneel before her, for you I would give either of you my soul." He finishes the last one, "What if we have been, however? She is the ''Lover'', so, pehaps..." He stops himself, then dismisses it. That was not worth it...
"But you know, this was the most normal thing I have done in... almost two months. Who would know I would do it with you..."
'''Vorpal: ''' ''What if we have been running exactly along the way the Lover has planned for us? ''
It is a discouraging thought and, despite all her self-assured bravado, not one she prefers to dwell upon. No, it would be better to make most of this night. The future can be worried about later.
"What?" The ghost-blooded suddenly looks over her shoulder, a little surprised. "Have you finished already? Bah", she pouts, "I would have wanted to watch you do it."
Dropping her hands to her hips, Vorpal lets out an exaggerated sigh and shrugs her bare shoulders, the movement further accentuated by the low-cut bodice of her dress. "It's funny, is it not? You can lead vast legions to battle, ignite courage into people's hearts, defeat a legion with a one sword and lift a yeddin as if it was made of straw, but you still can do little things as well. You cook, you eat, you go take a piss..."
'''Alexander: ''' "Sorry! I swear next time I will do more so you can watch..." He giggles, arranging them on a plate, closing the jam and going to put it back, more orderly than any boy his age should be. "It is life, right? But you can stop the imageries there, there are somethings I do not want to even picture my lady doing..."
As he says this, he picks the plate, and comes closer to the oven, presenting it to her as meekly as possible, clearly helped by the fact he has to look ''up'' at her, making his best servant voice, "Will you want a cookie, mistress? I prepared them with love~"
It doesn't take much to imagine a maid outfit on him as he doe so...
'''Vorpal: ''' Her hands still on her hips, Vorpal leans forward without another word. Closing her eyes, she opens her mouth wide, her tongue startlingly red against the white lips. "''Aaaahh...! ''"
'''Alexander: ''' Raising from his meekness a bit as she leans foward, Alex can't help but to be... entranced by her pose. Leaning foward with her... bosom hanging... and those lips open... why could he only imagine them open for something ''else''? Why could he barely resist to kiss her now? But instead, he just picked one of the cookies and placed it on her mouth...
And as Vorpal opened her eyes, she saw him blushing deep red.
'''Vorpal: ''' Vorpal takes her time. Her lips crumple and twist back and forth, her chin moves left and right as she slowly chews the cookie into itty-bitty crumbles. She savors every crunch and scrunch, every trickle of jam that is red as blood as her teeth mercilessly crush the opposition into submission. "Mmm... mm... ''mmm! ''" she states over the course of the one-sided battle, then swallows and looks up with twinkling eyes. "Perfect, I'd say."
She does notice the deep red tint of his face, of course - her own mien makes it obvious - but she chooses not to comment upon it. Instead, she plucks another cookie from the tray and offers it up to the prince between two fingers, saying: "''Aaaaahhh...! ''"
'''Alexander: ''' She presents it to him... and his eyes close, his mouth opening to receive it... and he got filled by... something. Mouth open, it seems to neverthless smile.... how could he think those things when this seems so... fulfilling?
He waited for it, biting the cookie and munching on it... savoring it as if it was the moment itself. "Hmmm.... hmmm... you were right... this is better with the jam!"
'''Vorpal: ''' "Isn't it?" Vorpal asks, her gaze softening and her own lips stretching into little smile at the sight of her prince, at the trembling warmth deep down inside.
Abruptly she frowns and straightens herself up - perhaps a little ''too'' suddenly - and throws a glance at the kettle. It still doesn't show any signs of warming up.
"We need to sit down before the water starts to boil, but --" She scowls at the narrow kitchen bench and slides her hands slowly along the voluminous skirts of her velvet dress. "There's no sitting on those benches in this..."
From the corner of her eye she watches the prince carefully, to see whether or not he'll catch the hint...
'''Alexander: ''' "Yes. It is too tasty." He licks his lips, sitting down on the benches, uncerimoniously, and stretching his wings a bit... "Well, we can wait! Wait and see how well is the Pale Angel's tea! I wonder if there are any stories of how it moans and writhes like souls in the shadowlands...!" He jokes, reaching up to her, picking up the darkness of her velvet-gloved hand... and twisting her around, pushing her to his lap!
"If you won't mind to sit on me... you also get someone to bring the cookies to your lips!" He says with a soft kiss on her back, closing his arms around the great general's belly.
'''Chibi Selina (Hyrokkin): ''' makes her sound fat!<br>
'''Chibi Selina (Hyrokkin): ''' ohohoho<br>
'''Chibi-Vorpy: '''  PUNISHMENT!! {mallets the chibi-Sel} <br>
'''Chibi Selina (Hyrokkin): ''' *mallet bonks off of her hardened skin*<br>
'''Chibi-Vorpy: '''  PUNISHMENT!! {kisses chibi-Alex in full view of the chibi-Sel}
'''Vorpal: ''' "No", the Pale Angel states, having been hoping just for this response. Smiling, she gathers her skirts and rests her hands into her lap, leaning her back against the firm wall of his chest, "I won't mind at all... assuming I can return the favor." Then, her direct approach melts into a moment of hesitation. She hunches her shoulders together a little, speaking in a slightly softer voice: "I'm not... too heavy, am I?"
'''Alexander: ''' He shifts a bit so he can be comfortable with her weight above him, and inhales deeply for a moment... he wondered what was her perfume. Or if she was just so naturally scented... but either way, he held her navel with one hand, another coming under her legs... "No..." he says, and then lifts her up, without effort, with his sun-gifted strength... "... you are light as an Angel's feather, milady."
"Pehaps I should carry you more often!"
'''Vorpal: ''' A little gasp escapes her as he suddenly lifts her like so, one hand holding her entire weight aloft with impossible ease. The shiver is visible along her back. The prince can feel the stiffening of her stomach and the trembling of her backside against the palms of his hands.
So strong, so gloriously strong, strong enough to make her feel safe in his arms...!
"Perhaps you should", she purrs in reply and reaches down at the tray for another cookie. "I wouldn't mind it at all. Just... not in public, all right?"
Still smiling, she holds the cookie aloft just above his face. "''Aaahhh....! ''"
A tilt of her hand sends the jaw oozing over the cookie's side. A drop by crimson drop it begins to fall down towards the prince.
'''Alexander: ''' "''Aaaaahhh''" is the sound the prince makes as he opens his mouth, eyes closed... but he does not close it above the cookie. Instead, his tongue comes out, and slowly rises to the dripping jam,letting it fall on his tongue, and slurping the fallen one... "Yum!" He says as he licks his lips, then bites the cookie itself, munching it slowly and fully before he opens his eyes... holding her backside like his hand was a bank, a bullwark, stable and unmoving... except from the small shiver coming from himself for holding her by that place. "Aw, but.. it is so fun when you are embarassed!"
'''Vorpal: ''' "...don't ruin the moment", the Pale Angel grumbles, eyes downcast. She makes a fist of the hand where she held the cookie and bonks Alex gently to the forehead with it.
'''Alexander: ''' "Owwww." He complains comically, "Alright, alright... only in private. Only for you and me, since you like it..." He begins to set her down, his face nuzzling hers' for a moment... "So you like it when I hold you like that, at least?" He says in a whisper, a soft, soft whisper wishing her to confide to him...
'''Vorpal: ''' "Yes. I like it very much", she murmurs in reply, the warmth of his cheek against hers, his breath caressing her shoulder like a sensual sigh. Her own breath becoming shallower, she leans further against him, turning her head to let her mouth find his. "It makes me feel weak and helpless and harmless in your arms --"
'''Alexander: ''' "Like a princess in a knight's arms..." She leans against him, he lets her, their lips meeting... and savoring the taste of the jam in each others' as they begin to kiss... leaning back... and back... until they ''fall''!
They fall hard on the kitchen floor, all of Vorpal's weight above the Prince's, black and white mixing on the floor... Alex winces then, the fall hard on his back... "Owwwww.... I take it back, you are heavy. A little bit." He says, then waits for another little punch, begins to laugh, then.a long, throaty laugh...while holding her so close.... somehow, it didn't matter that they fell.
'''Vorpal: ''' "I'm ''not'' heavy!" she gasps in reply, not at all joining his mirth. Her hair falls over his face, tips of snow-white cascades brushing his smiling mouth and tickling his nose. "And you'd better ''not'' be hurt at all!"
Vorpal does not really think whether or not her actions would do Alex any good from such a position, lying atop each other in a tangled mess on the floor as they are. Instead, she quickly digs her hands under his back and feels around for bruises or broken bones. "You're all right, aren't you?" her strained voice rises over the prince's unseemly laughter. "Does it hurt here? Or here?"
'''Iselsis: ''' And that's about the time the door opens and a figure clad in a pretty dress with a somewhat ugly long black coat over it wanders into the kitchen, puffing on a cigarette, which hangs from her lips momentarily as she blinks at the prince of Whiteshield and the rumored unyielding deathknight general on eachother on the floor.
And then she recomposes herself, wandering over to a nearby cabinet. "No need getting up, I'm just here for some food and drink before bed. Not surprised really, I'm the only celibate person in this town."
'''Vorpal: ''' The Pale Angel looks up, briefly, eyes wide with surprise and terror --
"It's ''not'' what you think it is!" she snaps, her voice loud and clear. "He might be hurt!"
'''Acelia: ''' Acelia walks in behind Ise... and blushes a bit, laughing as she sees them down there... ".. um, hi! I'm... um, Acelia! Um, not that you have to know, um... we are... um, just passing through, yes!" She turns around then, or tries anyway, still looking at the general and the prince on the corner of her eyes, "'member, Red, I... I want Brandy!"
And as Vorpal speaks, she freezes, "'Course! We aren't thinking! Anything! It's ok if you two do it hard...!"
'''Chibi-Vorpy: ''' {bash thrash} Waah! {thrash bash} <br>
'''Chibi Selina (Hyrokkin): ''' "Don't worry, I like my partners with some meat to them." :D<br>
'''Chibi-Vorpy: ''' PUNISHMENT!! {smacks the chibi-Sel around with the chibi-Betrayer} <br>
'''Chibi Selina (Hyrokkin): ''' *dodges, gropes from behind* "OH HO HO HO!"
'''Alexander: ''' And the prince, of course, ceased being the white part of the pair by now. He is now the bright-red one. "I... it's nothing like that! W... we were just... we just ''fell''! We ... we weren't... we don't do it like that!" ''... aside from last night... ''
'''Iselsis: ''' She rummages through the cupboard, pulling out two bottles, and a chunk of ham as well as a couple plates. "Hey, whatever floats your boats.", pooling the things on her arms and waddling unstably over to Acelia, getting her to grab some of the items to help lighten the load.
"Don't worry though, we won't tell anyone."
'''Iselsis: ''' "Ah, so you ''do'' do it, just not like that. I suppose we stand corrected.", she smirks at Acelia.
'''Vorpal: ''' "L-look", the Pale Angel gropes for words, her voice trembling with fury and frustration, her hands still firmly in touch with the prince, "If we'd be ''really'' doing it here, there would be a crater on this floor! No - No, I mean --"
'''Acelia: ''' "Yum!" She says as she brings the bottle to her lips, drinking some, eyeing the ham... "Man, that aparty only had those small snacks, wouldn't fill anyone. Damn rychy people..." He mutters, as she rips a chunk of ham, and giggles, "'ey, you warriors can handle it, who are us to.. ''crater''?!?" She giggles more, "My... '''I''' want a Chosen lover..."
'''Vorpal: ''' "''No! No! ''" Her voice is rising to an almost hysterical pitch. Pinching her eyes tightly closed, she hopes dearly that these people would just go away. "You didn't hear it right! What I meant --"
'''Chibi Selina (Hyrokkin): ''' "I'll give you a jade talent for a recording of this, sis."
'''Alexander: ''' ''Sun, please let me die.. '' He doesn't say anything anymore, just tries to hide his face away from them.... of course, it takes a moment before he notices here is this soft, warm place he is buriying his face in, and it snaps back fast, hitting the ground! "ooowww..." ''NOW would be good, lord... ''
'''Iselsis: ''' "C'mon Acelia, let's eat in our ... uh, well, in the new room. Old one's too toasty. In any event they seem embaressed by our presence.", and she starts nudging her out the door again.
"Have a good one. Although I suppose that's pretty much a given at this point.", she snickers again, before working Acelia and herself out the door, and closing it.
The two hear her giggling from outside as she walks away.
'''Vorpal: ''' There is a moment of breathless silence when Vorpal realizes that there is a visitor upon her heaving mountain range. Fortunately, Alex yanks his face quickly away, yet this does little to cool the ghost-blooded's already heated blood. She clenches her hands into fists, claps her teeth together and lets out a loud and blood-curdling growl... which ends in an explosion of words:
"Don't you dare to say anything of this, you hear!" Vorpal's voice biting follows them into the corridor. "If so much as a single peep slips past your lips, I will boil you soft and drink you with my breakfast tea! ''Do you hear me?! ''"
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Revision as of 15:45, 27 February 2009

  1. REDIRECT ADanceOfAngels