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* - Back to [[GoldenCat/FifthMovement|Fifth Movement]]
#REDIRECT ADanceOfAngels
* - Back to [[GoldenCat/DanceOfAngels|A Dance of Angels]]
== Gallery of Angels ==
'''Selina de Windia: ''' They were ignoring her after belittling her. Again. How humiliating. And she could not stand it any longer. Selina huffs, then take's Vorpal's arm, looks to the others. "You'll have to excuse me a minute. There is a matter which needs to be addressed."
'''Vorpal: ''' The Ghost-Blooded is a little startled at the Dark Angel's sudden touch, but masters herself quickly. "Very well, then", she agrees, then flashes a brief glance at the others. "Just a moment."
"Let me guess", she asks after they have rounded a corner and put a decent distance to the others. "You feel you are being belittled here."
Surprisingly enough, Vorpal seems to be perfectly matter-of-fact when she says this. There is no scorn in her voice, and as she swishes around to regard the beautiful Abyssal into the eyes, there is a serious, intent mien on her face.
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Oh yes, I am." Selina replies, perfectly controlled. Her turquoise eyes are not fire and passion, are ''not'' rage. "But more specifically, you are. As you have been ever since I met you."
'''Vorpal: ''' "You know that is not true", Vorpal responds immediately, her words quick, calm and sure. She has been expecting those words. "Not after the dance floor. Not after what we did in the bed chamber."
"I have been offering you my aid the whole time, giving you my advice, my thoughts. You have either ignored or turned me down over and over again, only because you thought you are the only important one who matters, the only intelligent one here, the only one who can make decisions. No, no, wait." She raises one pale hand and rests it on the other Abyssal's shoulder. "Hear me out, Selina. Don't pretend to be our mother. Don't think you should - or could - take all the responsibility to your own shoulders alone. Don't underestimate those around you. You say we are immature children, but we are not. We are responsible adults. We are Chosen, and we can think for ourselves. You may be powerful and talented in all areas, but some of us know our own fields far better than you can even imagine. Rely on us on those fields."
She pauses, and smiles slightly, almost apologetically. "You have to, if you are to be a leader."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "I am speaking of something a bit more specific than that." Selina replies calmly.
"My trade." She lets it linger a bit, then continues.
"You accuse me of boasting. I do not boast. Murder is my trade, as warfare is yours. Yet you accuse me of vanity and ego nearly every time I mention it."
'''Vorpal: ''' Vorpal sighs. "And you decide to bring that up now?"
''A vain thing you are. ''
"I don't think that allowing the General to slip by and forgetting to tell everyone else about it has anything to do with your ''trade''", she explains, patiently.
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "That was a mistake." She agrees, nodding slightly. "Unfortunately I had more pressing problems to worry about at the moment. And after the victory...well, that took its toll, I assure you that."
"And I am bringing it up now, because I wish it resolved now."
'''Vorpal: ''' The Pale Angel is silent for a moment, merely staring at the other woman, as if wondering about something she cannot quite put to words.
"I have told you this many times", Vorpal finally says. "I don't know why it keeps on going in through one of your ears and flying out from the other, but I will tell it to you one more time. Reminding other people of how good you are is fine. However, you are doing it the wrong way. Trust me. I am a master on these things. I can tell."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "If you think I was reminding people of my 'greatness' or how 'fearsome I am', you are mistaken. I will kill him. Unless someone else beats me to it." She wonders for a moment how thick Vorpal is. It is as similar as saying that the Pale Angel will not lose a vital battle. Well, you lose one every so often, but...
"And this group will receive more of a plan from me, when I am confident you all can follow a plan from me. I asked for you alone -- and Alexander came with you. Now, things are worse on the other front."
'''Vorpal: '''"What did you expect me to do?" the Pale Angel asks and folds her arms over her chest."Trust him into the hands of Cael and Valencia?"
''Bast-ard-ian. ''
The name pops into her mind, completely uncalled for. She buries it immediately.
"Besides, you ''called'' me here to help you fight the General. Things would be perfectly fine on the other front if we had slain him here now, or caught up with him as soon as he left."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "To fight the General ''and'' everyone else. We only needed one more Chosen for that task. Things would be a great deal less fine if the Parishioner and his forces had leveled the Boil and myself and Moon with it." In itself, a concession that she had needed help...of course that had never been in doubt, had it? The message itself should have said enough.
"As for Alex: he must learn to stand on his own if he is to mature into anyone worth bothering with."
'''Vorpal: ''' "His role in this battle was greater than you think. We would have quite a number of capable people less in this group had he not been there."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Yet the true potential in him is wasted if we shield him overmuch." She shrugs, then continues. "We should keep him off of our dark path, and the ways of corruption and degenerate power. But beyond that, if you wish him to grow, he cannot do so from behind your coattails. '' Or'' Cael's. ''Or'' Valencia's."
'''Vorpal: ''' "In ''case'' you didn't notice", the Pale Angel begins, pronouncing the words very cleanly and deliberately, "He just attempted to assume the leadership of this group. He got slapped into the face for his troubles. That boy will never grow into his full potential if you keep on snuffing him like that on every instance."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "A leader does not act as he did. The reprimand he received was deserved." Selina replies, deadly serious. "Would you have the new King of Whiteshield, rising from his throne to shout and rave at anyone who displeases him? To have them killed because he lacks the restraint to rein in his temper?"
"Because the road his reaction took ends at that. And worse things."
'''Vorpal: "Ah." Vorpal tilts her head, nodding knowingly. "So it won't do to let him grow behind my coattails, ''or'' Cael's, ''or'' Valencia's, but ''yours'' are perfectly fine? You are supposed to be our leader, yet you have behaved like a sullen brat ever since we re-emerged from that room. Whining about your own destiny, picking up a fight with your lover? You are hardly a fitting role model for him, either."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Incorrect. I am ''your'' '''commander'''." Selina scoffs. "Nor am I coddling the boy, as it seems you are doing."
"And if you think I intend to provide him an ideal reason for why he ought to take our path when the Lover eventually dangles it in front of him -- that I am still as good a person as I could have been without it -- then you are mistaken. He does not need his best role-model to be a deathknight. Only someone who shows him the folly of his impulsiveness."
"I will be your leader when the lot of you can be ''led''." Selina continues acidly. "It is like imposing order on chaos. None of you listen. None of you '''obey'''. There can be no plan to be followed perfectly without such hierarchy, only simple suggestions. And even those are not often heeded."
'''Vorpal: ''' Vorpal's mien and demeanor slowly chills as Selina speaks. Colder and colder her eyes grow, until her gaze seems to cause an almost palatable decrease in temperature between them.
"I should slap you now", the Pale Angel responds, quietly. "You and Alexander are not all that different. Why do you think you are not obeyed? Look at Alex. Look at your own reponse to him. You do not behave like a leader. That is why nobody obeys you. You do not become a leader because someone says so. You have to earn the place, and so far, you have done a lousy job."
Her face softens, slightly, and she twists her mouth in a ''couldn't care less'' sort of way. "I don't envy you, of course. It's not easy, not with the bundle of bristling egos and conflicting desires that is a group of Exalts."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' She smiles. Of course she shared that problem. As did the woman standing before her.
''As do we all, Heaven help us. ''
"It is because I have not found the levers which move these people -- not all of them. Alex does not even know how to look. ''This'' is what he must learn."
"Honestly, weren't you supposed to be the leader?"
'''Vorpal: ''' "Me?" Vorpal raises her eyebrows, obviously a little surprised at the question. "What makes you think that?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "You're the General of us, yes?" Selina states. "This is wartime."
'''Vorpal: ''' "I'm the expert on warfare, yes", the Pale Angel agrees calmly. "I do not know why the Lover chose to name a rogue Abyssal assassin as her commander instead, but I think my ego can handle it." She shrugs, dismissing the matter. "So, what else do you need?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Cause she wants to play us off of each other and watch the sparks." Selina also shrugs, somewhat confused. "Nothing else, I suppose. Nothing that comes to mind at least. We need to figure out who is going tomorrow but that should only take a few minutes."
'''Vorpal: ''' "Moon said he'll stay", Vorpal responds and strokes the tip of her chin. "And the Jadeborn likely wants to stay and finish whatever she does with that Manse. I will go myself, naturally. Valencia needs me to back her up. About the others? I don't know." She gives a little, whisking gesture of her hand. "Fiona said she had some means to get us there quickly. We need to have a word with her before we finish. Then, I will go and see that demon the Jadeborn spoke about. Always learn everything you can about your enemy."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "I can ask Fiona about that, if she'll be sticking around here anyway." Selina replies, then shrugs about the rest. "We'll pick up one or two more people, I guess."
"And you are making decisions even now, you realize." Selina adds with a ironic tone. "The Lover really didn't change anything when she shuffled us around...nothing at all. Silly woman."
'''Vorpal: ''' Vorpal grins as they turns back towards the hall and the other members of their Circle waiting there. "A bad habit."
'''Alexander: ''' The party was hard to relax, right now. The presence of the chosen was undeniable.But the presence of the gods, at least, made they feel safer, and things continued... still. As Selina and Vorpal stepped into the garden again - still a little away from the rest of the party, close to the woods they had vanished to, the Prince was there to greet them...
"Welcome back... what was that all about?"
'''Vorpal: ''' "Angel-talk", Vorpal responds smoothly. Briefly she wonders how close the Prince had been, if he had heard anything. But his face seems innocent enough. It always does. "You know, fighting, arguing, disagreeing. The usual camaraderie."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "We were not fighting." Selina adds, expression perfectly neutral. "That would have made noise."
'''Alexander: ''' "I.... see." He says, looking over his shoulders at the others...
"Are you intending to go to that Manse now? I... had something to tell you..."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "And what would that be?" She asks curiously, wondering if he had something to say about how they were going to divide up for the trip to the front. Or if it was...something else.
'''Vorpal: ''' The Pale Angel has already opened her mouth and is about to say something, but falls silent at the sound of Alex's voice. She shuts her mouth, watching the Prince cautiously.
'''Alexander: ''' The prince nearly bites his lip, wondering how to say all that has been dancing on his mind... "It is... two things." He begins to walk a bit back where they were, so the others would not hear... "The first, is who is going with you. The newcomer is going... it seems like the forces to protect this place will end up being a wounded Moon, who is trying to pretend he is well, but clearly is not... and Opal, who is not a fighter. And if we lose the Boil, they will entrench themselves again, and kill everyone inside this time..."
"Someone has to stay, to protect. You two, are a general and an assassin... so..."
He looks at them, especially at Vorpal. Amethyst eyes pleading to crimson ones...
"I will have to stay. I have to protect them... alone if need be..."
'''Vorpal: ''' Vorpal's heart lurches, an empty, hollow feeling suddenly appearing inside her chest and spreading out throughout her guts.
''No! ''
The impulse to immediately bark out that word is strong, and she almost does it. The next impulse is to close her eyes, to keep herself from seeing that pleading gaze. This, too, is strong. This, too, she resists, for the principle of never showing weakness if nothing else.
"Is that so?" Vorpal says, her voice coldly and deliberately calm, every word heavy and uncomfortable on her tongue.
She gets a funny image to her mind then, of a beautiful princess watching, teary-eyed, how the handsome knight slowly vanishes over a hillrise, his armor shining in the light of the rising sun...
''Moon seems to like you, so rely on him. However, be careful of his temper. Trust Iria, this is her territory, the land she knows the best... ''
A torrent of advice and encouragement instantly springs up in the depths of her mind, things she has to tell him, to let him know what to do, and what to not do.
This, too, she swallows down.
"Then you shall."
'''Alexander: '''"Thank... you..." He says. He is partly relieved... even thankful... but at the same time nearly despaired... as if that had clicked something. Given the confirmation on something he was just waiting for... "And... the other..." He almost whispered, embarassed... "... is about you two."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Moon and her never did this. Moon probably will not like her going off and not saying anything before...of course she's seen the worth long range plans have in this group by now. So no helping that.
''Ah, idealistic love. ''
"I'd worry less about the Bishop's men and more about the Bull's, at this point. Unless the General beats us at Spire."
'''Vorpal: ''' Selina's words are rewarded by a short glance Vorpal throws at her from under half-closed eyelids.
''Bah. ''
"Yes?" she asks aloud, simply.
'''Alexander: ''' He tried to speak, but faltered. He tried again, and it did not come. His eyes watered... but he closed them.
He looked at the Pale Angel... admiring her... feeling on his eyes... he would meet her again, of course, and again and again, after all, she was his jailor... but... "I... notice you two are always close to each other... milady..." ''my love''... "I... am sorry if I misunderstood things, before, last time... I am sorry... I... Dark Angel, when we see each other again, I... I am sorry I misunderstood..." He looks at them both, and takes a step back, looking at them with eyes that shake, as if asking them to prove him wrong..
"I will not be a problem between you two...."
''I am wrong, I am wrong, I am wrong... please tell me I am wrong. ''
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Selina says nothing at first. They may think her cruel and spiteful, but she is merely protective of her interests. Instead, she simply shrugs. "Don't worry about it."
'''Vorpal: ''' ''Oh, no. ''
Vorpal listens to him with a sinking feeling. Possessiveness, indecisiveness, dark thoughts and fantasies, utter and boundless lust, it all spins slowly around in a black vortex of despair, deeper and deeper into her soul, leaving only a vague sort of shame behind.
''This'' is the boy that the Lover wants to corrupt? Is that even possible with a little sheltered saint like this? Could even the terrible cage the Deathlord was no doubt preparing even now sear this sort of selflessness from his breast?
Finally, she cannot bear his rambling any longer. "Oh, shut it already", Vorpal growls, the sparks of annoyance driving the chill of shame away. "I'm not going anywhere."
'''Alexander: ''' His eyes wide, he looks at her... "What...?"
'''Vorpal: ''' Grabbing the Prince by the shoulders, Vorpal spins him around and back towards the greater gathering of their party with all the demeanor of an older sister hustling the irritating little brother along. "I am going to be deeply offended if you ever have such thoughts again", she lectures him, one word flowing to the next bravely, decisively. "My heart is mine to give and I spread bits of it around where-ever I want. No-one - repeat for your convenience - ''no-one'' tells me what to do with it. Understood?"
She pauses briefly, then forges on: "Addition: and those who do get a piece are better be damn sure to appreciate the gesture. Or I will get huffy."
'''Alexander: ''' "Mi... milady?!?" He looks straight foward, startled, trying to understand... trying... trying...
And holding to hope. Holding to the onl hope he can. "I understand, Pale Angel. And I will not rouse your anger any more. Never, ever again. So, we are parting... in the morning, right? Then... can I ask... the Dark Angel... to return? I would like to... talk to you. About that piece." He smiles, hopefully, up at her...
'''Selina de Windia: ''' She simply can't resist saying it. "I ''like'' it when you get huffy." Comes the wicked reply from behind the two of them.
"Return?" She asks, looking at him curiously. "Of course I'll return."
'''Vorpal: ''' "He ''means''", Vorpal says, dryly, "That he wants to have a private discussion with his lady. ''Alone. ''"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "No no, I'm afraid I heard something else." Selina says cheerfully, smiling just enough to expose canines that aren't normally that sharp. "Besides," She says, coming up behind Vorpal and slapping her on the back in a friendly manner...a bit harder than she needs to. "He doesn't have to worry about anything happening to you."
'''Vorpal: ''' "If anything...", the Pale Angel responds, unfazed, then pauses and lets her words linger for a moment. As the Dark Angel drifts past them, Vorpal promptly plants her own hand onto the other woman's backside... a little harder than she needs to. "...he should be worried about what might be happening to you", she finishes with a wicked smile of her own.
'''Alexander: ''' The prince watches them, his face still rose-tinted from nearly crying, his eyes watered... looking over his shoulder, still turned to the party, but noticing the slaps.... and giggling. "So, Milady, shall we?"
'''Vorpal: ''' "We shall", Vorpal says firmly in return. Favoring the Dark Angel with a half-smile and an even gaze, she adds: "Excuse us for a moment."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "See you tomorrow, then!" The shadows around Selina return, a bit, and this time they turn into large cat-ears on top of her head. "Nyaa~" She says, then looks over to Moon and her sister, pupils slitting in a feline fashion at them.
'''Vorpal: ''' Vorpal just laughs and, one hand on the shoulder of her prince, leads Alex back into the garden alley.
And, if there was a soul watching their departing backs, it would not, indeed, take much imagination to see the long white ghost-fire tail fluttering from beneath her broad skirts, dancing back and forth in a gleeful anticipation of what would come next.
If there is something to be said about the parties held by the Glass Spider, it is this: they certainly bring the animalistic side out of every guest.
'''Alexander: ''' He takes a step back.<br>
His hand around her waist. <br>
Then his wings flap, and the Pale Angel feels the wind.... as he takes to the air with her, handling her with all of his unearthly strength, handling the pale woman in the beautiful dress like a princess... like a dance as they raise upwards... he shines, and once again, the people in the Boil can see the Knight and the Pale Angel dancing in their skies.
He holds her to him, possessively.<br>
He would not be on the Dark Angel's way...<br>
He would make them all be together...<br>
But for now, for tonight, for ever after, he would hold her to ''him''!
'''Chibi-Vorpy: ''' ...Just don't ruin this dress, too! It's on a loan!
'''Alexander: ''' The night appears above the pair, as Alex leads her up, flaring.. holding his lady by her waist, the small of her back, holding her to him, possessively, not holding back his strength so as to make her feel smaller, younger... a trick, to see if he could be her knight. To see if he could make her swoon, and feel like a damsel.
He stops at the roof of Kadel's Manse, not too far away. There, he lets her... no Moonlight to paint her, just the light of the party below. And thus, he has to shine. He shines, just enough so it would not be a nuisance to her... and makes her features appear...
"Have I told you how you are a divinity tonight, my lady?" He asks, admiring her in that dress... the corset, the threads of gold through the darkness that make him think of... himself, the layered skirt that makes her every movement so enticing... "How you look like a princess tonight?"
It makes him kneel before her, taking her hand, and kissing it. "One that has my eternal devotion, my lady...." He says, looking up from the back of her hand...
'''Vorpal: ''' She smiles down on him, her mien so uncharacteristically soft and gentle that it almost seems as if it was a different person standing before the Prince of Whiteshield then. White and fragile in the warmth of Alexander's light, she cups his hand between her own, her skin cool and smooth against his.
Deep inside, she knows that he is lying, of course. Too many times has she seen him ogling helplessly at other women - women whose goddess-like beauty makes her own seem like that of a drab peasant in comparison. He is still a youth, after all, barely able to hold his lust in check amidst all these women of divine allure surrounding him. But he tries - oh, he tries so very hard to remain loyal to her alone, and this she recognizes and can reward.
She ignites with a pale glow of her own, a cold yet oddly serene flame wavering soundlessly against the blackness of the night, its color mixing with that of the Prince's own anima, an union of peaceful death and vibrant life "Rise, Alexander Holysword, Prince of Whiteshield, prince of hope... my prince", she says, gently. "Tonight, you are to be my lord. There is no need for you to kneel down before me."
'''Alexander: ''' ''Goddess. ''
It was all he could think as he rose, bid by her... his gaze lowering again.. just to rise up to the flowing layered skirts... to the corset... to her full pale breasts... to her face, lit by the Pale Moon that was herself. He looked up at her, and smiled. Sweetly. As much as he could. Because he is warm. He is safe.
He is in ''love''!
He moves to her, taking her by her waist again and taking only himself up... his face over hers', their noses touching....
And he whispers... "Vorpal deFey... Pale Angel... Lilith.... I am your lord, then, yours and yours alone.."
"And I... do you know what I have thought, every moment I see you in this dress...?" He whispers, a faint blush coloring his cheeks...
'''Vorpal: ''' Such ''strength'' he has! She can feel it radiating from him, from the effortless manner by which he holds his entire weight aloft. His arms like supple poles of steel, his young chest hard like a brick wall against which her breasts compress...
His strength makes her feel weak and fragile in comparison - an unusual sensation for her, and one she savors with all her heart. It is not proper for a lady to outdo her lord in strength, after all, and so she lets herself to be pulled against him, to be molded by his hands however he likes.
''Hold me. Hold me like a flower. ''
''I can become strong for you any time you like, strong and unyielding to let you test your mettle and to protect you against all harm. ''
''But for now, hold me like a fragile flower, like a gentle maiden I will never be, like a precious thing you want to lock away into your heart and keep there for fear of seeing it vanish into glimmering dust at the first touch of dawning sun. ''
She giggles at his words, a mischievous spirit trickling through the facade of a romantic noblewoman. "You want to see it gone?"
'''Alexander: ''' And he does. He flies a little more, holding her on the tips of her toes.
Holding her on the ground, but off the ground... and kissing. His clear lips locking with her ruby ones... savoring... there was something new, there. Something... but he just savored it... and as he broke, he could see their breaths, warm, so warm... the diamond-adorned coattails wrap close to her skirts, his white coat hanging low... and blending white with black. His wings lower a little around her... her prince, her white knight.
As he lets his breath out close to her, she can see all the diamond close to his edges shining... "No..."
"I want you... in it, my lady. You are a queen in this dress... I want this queen... for me."
''I want you mine... ''
'''Vorpal: ''' ''Ba-bump! ''
Her heart lurches in her chest so powerfully that she fears even he must feel it clearly. Her thoughts, her command of words, the languages she knows, all of it is hurled into a jumble for an instant, a whirlwind of chaos and aimless panic.
''I... I... w-was that a... ''
Many times she had dreamt about this, idle and secret little fancies about love and marriage and family life, but... Never before had anyone had the courage, the inclination and the sheer nerve to seriously offer such a distant and impossible thing to her. "I - I..."
''W-w-was that a... proposal? ''
'''Alexander: ''' He hears her heart beating. He hears her warmth.... she sees her embarassed, wordless... and smiles.
What can he do, but to smile? What can he do, but smile, not just as a young prince... but as a king, clad in gold, light and diamond, The smile is a sure one, of one who knows he is holding her, that she is hers'... he knew her. If she was against, she would say... she was like that... if not... "Yes. You. Mine, a queen... forever... and ever..."
He came lower, his arms wrapping around the corselet... <br>
"Be a queen. You know I see you as a princess... that I want to protect you..."<br>
"But be a queen tonight. Hold me. Strong. ''Pale Angel''!"
'''Vorpal: ''' Vorpal lets out a breathless little laugh at his words. She trembles inside, in a giddy, tingling way, a funny warmth spreading throughout her system, a knowledge about happiness, a wish to celebrate it in some way.
Gradually, she once again begins to master herself. Her eyes narrow, the defenseless expression on her face slowly straightening into a mien of feline superiority. "As you wish, my lord", she purrs, languidly.
Sighing deeply, she closes her eyes and bends her neck slightly, her hair falling off her shoulder. She touches the threads of Essence inside of her, coaxing them to flow swifter, quicker, pushed forward with the power of her iron will.
Like an unexpected wave of heat, it is difficult to say exactly when it begins, but the sensation quickly spreads and gains intensity. Alex can feel how her body begins to stiffen under his touch - as if something was unfurling within the shell of her being, fullening to occupy the entire space inside her. Her skin remains just as soft to touch as before, yet the bone and muscle beneath strengthen and solidfy. Suddenly Alex notices how the pressure against his chest increases - her breasts refuse to be compressed by him any longer and are slowly straightening themselves out, pushing him back with undeniable force. Soon her figure is far more pronounced and clearly defined under his hands, statuesque shapes first firm like wood, then like stone... and then, like steel...
Smiling, her eyes still closed, she takes a deep breath, this alone enough to lift him higher into the air. Her arms rise to take him into their embrace. Her lips seek out his and demand an audience - a request that is not to be refused, not by a prince, not by a king...
'''Alexander: ''' He is pressed back. Her breath is like a dragon's. She was great. She was grand. She was...
... she was a Queen. Beautiful, regal, powerful, strong...
But he holds his ground, Even pushed back, lifted up, he holds to her, pushes back, and attends to the invitation of her lips... and gives her an audience... a courship... it gives her the reception a king gives his beloved! One warm... full of flourishes... of embezzlements...
His wings spread... and then flap down... covering her... as he pushes her down, slowly....
"Powerful. Majestic. Divine. Queen of Shadows, Queen of Light."<br>
"''Pale Angel''.."
* - Back to [[GoldenCat/FifthMovement|Fifth Movement]]
* - Back to [[GoldenCat/DanceOfAngels|A Dance of Angels]]

Revision as of 15:44, 27 February 2009

  1. REDIRECT ADanceOfAngels