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* - Back to [[GoldenCat/ThirdMovement|Third Movement]]
#REDIRECT ADanceOfAngels
* - Back to [[GoldenCat/DanceOfAngels|A Dance of Angels]]
== Crystal Clarity ==
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Selina sat in her chair, turquoise eyes staring out into the endless blizzard. It was not always easy, waiting like that. Not at all.
''Who will come? ''
''Which one of them will I speak to? ''
She would rather be truly asleep. Perhaps she'd have good dreams...or perhaps not. Grumbling, the assassin puts her feet and then her booted legs up on the table, lounging back despite the relative cold, greatcoat draped about her, but open down the middle. It was indeed a bother. She needed to be able to summon people to speak with her.
'''Vorpal: ''' Powder snow crunches faintly under the soles of her boots as she ascends the crystal stairs. The blizzard whips its fury against her black cloak, tugging at the tufts of white hair that spill out from underneath her hood. Snow, snow, nothing but wind and ice and snow, buffeted through the eternal gray gloom outside this fortress of crystallized dreams
''Huh. I wouldnt have minded if that barbarian witch had dreamt up a bit more tropical meeting chamber''
Vorpal comes to an abrupt halt at the doorway, seeing that the chamber is already occupied by someone else. "Oh", she states and steps through the portal, out of the wind and into the cold stillness of the dream palace. "It's you."
Her dreams, apparently, have not been very traumatic lately. This time, she is clad in the same dark uniform she wore for the meeting with Lord Durant. Her cloak drips tiny droplets of water as the dream-snow she carried with her from the outside slowly begins to melt inside the marginally warmer climate of their meeting chamber. "Can't sleep either, can you?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Her eyes move to view the newcomer, though the voice already identifies the woman. Pale Angel here tonight? Perhaps a trifle more entertaining than the Bull. Especially if she was that 'other'. Hot irritation wells up in Selina at the mere thought of that other.
''Patience girl, you'll make her regret what she did sometime soon. ''
''It doesn't have to be now. ''
''...doesn't '''have''' to be. ''
"No." Selina's eyes flick back to the blizzard. "I wish for someone to talk to. It is not especially entertaining to spend the night dreaming of your rapist, wouldn't you say?"
She would not, of course, call that nightmarish. The Dark Angel was beyond such things.
''Some day, my 'husband', I shall bind you to my will. ''
'''Vorpal: ''' "You dreamt of being raped?" Vorpal lifts an eyebrow in the shade of her wet hood. With an irritated gesture she flicks the cloth back to her neck and shakes her head, sending her hair tumbling in loose cascades to her shoulders. Pulling herself a seat from the table, she plops herself down. "That I can sympathize with. Who was it?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "No." The Windian replies with a light tone, looking idly to the other deathknight once more. "Much worse. I dreamt I wanted him More than almost any man I've ever met."
"You see, his...skill...is not inconsiderable." Her gaze focuses a bit on Vorpal, making sure the bitch from that night is not out, looking for any subtle signals. She really did not want to deal with that woman. ''Sati'', a little memory whispered to her. How odd. "It is most degrading when you enjoy your own defilement."
'''Vorpal: ''' Noticing the Dark Angel's searching eyes, the Ghost-Blooded frowns slightly.
''What are you looking at? ''
"That sounds like a nightmare to me", Vorpal states aloud, nonchalantly. Not moving her eyes from Selina, she changes her stance ever so slightly, trying to make certain that her jacket has not gotten so wet that it would cling to her skin too closely. "Do you often have dreams like that?
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Sometimes. I suppose one who serves the Lover so closely...doubtless has dreams of violation as well, hmm?" She frowns, continuing to search the Pale Angel for signs of ''that woman'', then eases off, crossing her legs on the table. "That woman. She is not here tonight, yes? That is good."
'''Vorpal: ''' ''That woman? ''
It takes a moment for Vorpal to understand what Selina means. Then, however, she remembers the surge and roll of the powerful feelings, the urge to act on the impulse without a thought for the future, the desperate, drowning need to be free..
''Oh. '''That''' woman. ''
"Sati?" She drops the name lightly, but this time it is her eyes that search the other woman for possible signs. "No, she is not here. I hope she will never be again."
She pauses, then leans slightly forward, her brows coming together above her eyes. "You... did not like her much, did you?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Selina exhales slowly, releasing some of her tension, meeting Vorpal's stare more casually. "You, are correct."
'''Vorpal: ''' She leans backwards, her eyes narrowing as she rests her cheek against her knuckles. "Why?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Because she humiliated me." The Windian replies simply, looking back at the blizzard outside. Really, what did the Pale Angel think she was asking? It was not hard. "Honestly, do you really expect me to take well to what she did? Or is it some kind of well-deserved comeuppance?"
'''Vorpal: ''' "Yes, I know", she responds with a dismissive flick of her wrist. "Dumb question. I wanted to make sure."
She is silent for a breath or two, her calm face betraying none of the moment of indecisiveness she goes through then. Making up her mind, she goes on: "If it makes you feel better, I can tell you this: she wasn't insulting you. She honestly would not have minded going through all the way."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Selina looks at the other woman strangely for a moment, then turns her gaze back toward the snow outside. "I see." That changed a few things. But that ''attitude''...still. "Perhaps I am wrong then, at least in part."
"But you wouldn't have liked it. It is good I was put off, then." She looks back to the Pale Angel, gauging her next reaction. "Sometimes I wonder, you know. The way you guard yourself -- you keep at that distance. Deathknights need not worry about being taken advantage of, but you. You act like a virgin, afraid to take her first dip into that swiftly flowing river of life and change. I've seen a couple in my time -- not that they stayed that way for long."
Her eyebrows raise in speculation. "Sometimes I wonder if you are...except that the Lover had you. It is hard to see why she would not. She has all of us once, doesn't she?"
'''Vorpal: '''  ''Ugh. ''
She takes a specific effort to keep her mien neutral as she listens to the Dark Angel's words, even though a blush is threathening to rise to her cheeks any second.
''And now comes your revenge for what Sati did, eh? ''''
"Not all people are entirely controlled by their sex-drive, you know", she counters with a somewhat dry tone of voice, making a point of nonchalantly brushing some drops of water away from her black sleeve. "Some of us have dignity."
Deciding to turn the parry into a straight return cut, she folds her hands over her chest and says: "But it's funny that you wonder about it. The only time I might have been interested, you were the one who played the chaste lady."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Selina takes almost visible effort not to chuckle. She hadn't intended that.
''So she's pure as driven snow. ''
After all, the woman couldn't even answer her question. That meant the answer embarassed her. After the show she put on...well. It would be ''embarassing'' to have never actually touched a man -- or a woman -- sexually before.
Or she was violated like Selina had been.
''Always a possibility, I suppose. ''
"I don't know where you get the idea," Selina replies to her, eyebrows raised once more, surprisedly. "That enjoying the close company of another implies loss of dignity. Being ''raped'' certainly does, among other things, but simply '''that'''?"
"It wasn't you -- is one reason I did not. Sati or not, my fury or not, it ''was your body''." The assassin finishes, shaking her head. "Clearly, you don't want anyone to touch it. Ever."
'''Vorpal: '''  Slowly and deliberely, Vorpal's hands come down from her chest. Laying her fingers onto the edge of the table, she squeezes, gently at first, then with ever greater force.
''You dare? ''
She stares at Selina in silence, the sheer fury almost handfelt as it eminates from her eyes, bathing the other end of the table with searing waves of hatred.
'''''You dare? '''''
Fury? Yes. Hatred? Definitely. Shame? Absolutely.
Crackle of shattering glass suddenly fills the chamber. A spiderweb of cracks shoots along the table from under her hands - steel-hard crystal is losing the fight against her... rapidly
Fury, because the other woman had entered forbidden territory. Hatred, because she insisted of going further despite Vorpal's repeated attempts to block her path. Shame, because she was absolutely correct.
Her gloved fingers sink deeper into the table, the sheer pressure she is exercising shattering crystal into ever smaller fragments, then grinding the shards themselves into fine powder.
The Dark Angel had shot right through the chink in her armor of ice and straight into the bullseye. A life-time of playing the role. A life-time of evading, parrying, misleading. All for naught.
And what is the worst, that tiny, honest part in her mind is shaking its head softly, as if to say, ''told you so. ''
"Yes", she finally says very calmly, drawing her back straight, forcing her hands to release their grip, moving her fingers to let the crystal shards clinging to hre gloves to tinkle down to the floor. "You are absolutely correct."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Selina's eyes narrow at the other woman in return, not at all happy with her reaction. "And I suppose this is ''my'' fault?"
She sighs, hearing the tinkle of crystal falling to the ground. "Fine. And what is so terrifying about it then?"
'''Vorpal: ''' She lets out a long, mournful sigh and leans backwards in her chair, letting her hands dangle freely on both sides of her chair. "Sorry", she says, and means it.
"It is the way I was raised", she confesses, turning her gaze over to the cold, lonely blizzard raging outside the crystal palace. "I was to be the Pale Angel. War was to be my lover. There could be no man - or woman - worth my time, ever. It was... ''not fitting''." Her face twists into a bitter mask, and she hisses the words through clenched teeth, as if the very taste of them would burn her tongue with sour acid. "Do you have any idea how difficult it is to change my ways, after a lifetime of conditioning? Can you even conceive what it has taken from me to even come this far, to grow out from the mold I was beaten into? Oh, it's easy to tell dirty jokes and pretend I have tipped over a thousand men, but I... simply cannot go that far... Not yet."
''...not fitting... ''
By the Void, she hates those words.
She turns back to the Dark Angel. "Yes", she states, "I am a virgin." She might have lost her image, but she would retain her dignity. The loss still stings her heart and makes it difficult for her to swallow, but there is no point crying over spilt milk. Her mien softening slightly, she admits: "And I appreciate that you didn't touch me."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "No," Selina replies slowly, tipping her head toward the other deathknight. "I suppose I do not. Not that specifically."
''Of course, there is the other question. ''
"How in the world did you end up swearing to the ''Lover'' then?" The Windian doesn't bother smiling at that -- it's probably not really funny. The woman must have gone through hell, being under a mistress of lusts such as the Lover. "'''My''' biggest problem with the Lover is that she tries to control me, and that I cannot match her stroke for stroke."
"Perhaps you simply died too close to her territory."
'''Vorpal: '''  "Ah, the ''second'' time I died." Abruptly, she chuckles, then draws in a shuddering breath and runs her tongue over her lips.
'''''You are dying, little Vorpal. You know that, don't you? '''''
'''''It is a terrible shame, don't you agree? If you only had been like everyone else... What kind of joys could you have enjoyed then? How happy could you have been, likely married by now, living with a strong husband, bearing him many healthy children? They took it all away, you know. They forged you into a living weapon they could use. You gave yourself to the role they wrote you, played it better than they could ever have imagined, danced faster than their piper could have played. They promised you the world... But what good did it do for you in the end? The moment you outlasted your usefulness, you were tossed away, like the broken blade you now are. '''''
"You may say that, but what you are really asking is ''why hasn't she touched me'', right?" Vorpal lifts her eyebrows slightly, aiming the Dark Angel a meaningful glance. "The answer is simple enough: she likes to watch me stew." Her mien hardens, her voice trembles slightly at the thought. "Several times she has gotten all too close, but has always withdrawn, ''just'' before crossing the line. She ''knows'' I know she could pluck me whenever she liked, and there would be little I could do to prevent her."
She lowers her gaze slightly, focusing her attention somewhere around the large crack that had reached the middle of the crystal table. "It is her method to keep me in the leash."
''...wait. However you are, wait for a moment. ''
'''''You do not have much time, little Vorpal. You are dying, remember? '''''
''I know. Just a moment, that's all I need. ''
'''''What are you planning? '''''
''I will stand up first. ''
''Then, I will take a step. ''
''And then, another. ''
''And then, I will keep on going, until I reach the edge of the battlefield. ''
''Then, and only then, will I let you take me. ''
''For I'll be thrice-cursed before I let them think I could not walk out of their trap with my own legs. ''
A chuckle, deep, sultry, pleased.
'''''That is my Pale Angel. '''''
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Selina thinks for a moment, then sighs and uncrosses her legs, instead putting one over the other, past the knee. "I am unsure as to whether she'd leave you alone once you...gain some experience...or if she'd indulge in you a bit."
''And why did you go to her, I wonder? ''
''I went to her because people yet denied me. ''
''And I left her because '''she''' denied me. ''
Selina shakes her head sadly. "Choose well that person. Some of us do not get the luxury of choice." She stops for a moment, looking at the woman strangely. "But then, I had seen the worst in the beginning. I had nothing to fear, because I had nothing left to lose."
'''Vorpal: '''  Vorpal chuckles again, but this time, there is true mirth in her voice. "Treasure the first kiss, huh?"
Seeming a little more comfortable with the topic, she changes her own posture slightly. "I was raped once, too."
The confession is surprisingly easy for her, sliding smoothly along that same, giddy lightness that now seems to permeate her mind and bones.
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Selina looks confused for a moment, then nods slightly. "I have heard of certain least demons who can 'fix' virginity. Or are you referring to some other fashion?"
'''Vorpal: '''  "Something like that, yes", the Pale Angel responds. She rises to her feet, a little unsteadily at first, but there is firm resolve in the way she walks around the table, closer to her dark counterpart.
Taking the Dark Angel's hand gently to her own, she touches Selina's fingers lightly at her abdomen. "Right here."
"You won't see the scar, because I heal too well. But this is the point where it came in." Her voice drops into a whisper, her words cold at first, but heating up as they go. "Right through my old blade, through my armor, into my skin, through my insides, the tip bursting out from the other side." She pauses, sighs, and lets Selina's hand free. Her words are bitter, her mien sour, her eyebrows trembling ever so slightly. "To add to the insult, he left the blade there. As if entering me had... ''sullied'' it somehow."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' For a moment, Selina thinks someone sick enough to make ''her'' blanch had stuck something besides a sword in there. The very thought of such disgusting perversion makes the blood drain from her face for a moment, then she realizes that the Pale Angel meant a sword of steel. Then Vorpal lets her hand free, and she feels the spot on her own, and pulls back.
''That would be rape, for someone like her, I suppose. ''
"In the last battle of your old life, I take it." Selina says slowly, looking up to the other woman. "And he's still out there."
'''Vorpal: '''  "I'm biding my time", is all the Pale Angel says. There is no need for her to elaborate any further. No solemn oaths, no assurances about vegeance, no promises about getting even. It all goes for granted.
Turning, she paces the floor a little, her boots giving off soft taps as she moves over smooth crystal.
"So tell me", she asks and halts. Her hands move to rest on her hips, her eyes are searching as she looks over her shoulder. "What exactly is it that makes you want me?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Selina de Windia: "Right, as if there's just one thing." Selina says with some amusement, running a hand through her long hair. "The most base thug or night-dancer I've ever felt a longing for had more than one reason going for him or her." She smirks slightly. 'I will not say those were all 'good', however."
The smirk then vanishes, and Selina looks at Vorpal and shrugs. "You have an aura about you, like it or not. Perhaps a bit like mine -- I do not see myself like others do so I cannot say. You are commanding, beautiful, statuesque. Deadly. The predator in me would very much like to taste you. Especially when you began to give that unbitten fruit feeling."
"That is all recent, however. There is the legend I looked up to -- look up to still? -- when I was younger." Selina ticks off a finger absently. "Lie or not, eventually facades get some truth to them. Living a lie is still living, for good and bad."
"I am sure there is more that doesn't come immediately to mind."
'''Vorpal: '''  It is difficult to say if Vorpal is embarrassed or flattered by Selina's words. She certain does seem to be amused, at least judging by the way she leans her weight to one foot and rubs her neck with one hand. "I think I told you once, the Pale Angel is not a lie", she responds almost genially. "It's just not the whole story."
Turning to full face the Dark Angel, the Ghost-Blooded continues more seriously: "But you keep very good restraint. You've had several opportunities, but you have passed them without even trying. That's impressive."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Really?" Selina replies, raising one eyebrow at the woman. It was not that easy, of course. "That would have been quite...insensitive of me to try then. And besides, would anything would have come of those opprotunities?"
"I am a predator, but it does not rule me."
'''Vorpal: ''' "Fu", is Vorpal's insightful response to Selina's question. "Probably not."
Rubbing her chin with the tips of her fingers, the Pale Angel stares vacantly into the space for a moment, before adding: "The skypirate doesn't seem to have realized that yet, though."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' The Windian chuckles, black-feathered wings spreading to either side of her as she lays back in the chair. "He doesn't? Then again, has he ''really'' tried?"
'''Vorpal: '''  "Difficult to say", Vorpal shrugs. "He ''did'' try to ask me for dinner, and offered red wine for lunch."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Oh dear." Selina sighs, raising both her eyebrows this time, sitting up in her chair now, taking her legs off the table. "Not too forward, I'm afraid. He seems rather subtle -- his actions during our...fight...made that clear."
"Of course he doesn't have the fortune of being in the same bath as you, but then, I never tried anything that time." She looks Vorpal up and down, then shrugs. "Perhaps you ought to stay a virgin."
'''Vorpal: '''  Vorpal sucks air into her lungs, a long, loud sound that turns into a quiet sigh in the end. She raises her hand, palm outwards. "I'd... ''appreciate'' it if we'd quit discussing about ''that'' topic for now."
As an emphasis for her sentence, she brings her hand down sharply, as if batting something from the air. "Let it remain between us."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' The Windian gives her a quizzical look. "Why ever would I tell anyone else about that? They can figure it out on their own."
''Though I wonder how many will. ''
"Although you have at least three men thinking of you a certain way by now, I am guessing."
'''Vorpal: ''' Vorpal blinks at this suggestion, clearly a little surprised by it herself. "Three?" she asks, and now it is her turn to arch her eyebrows slightly.
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Our dear little prince, if how he looked at ''me'' is any indication, though it's just a guess." She ticks off one finger. "The skypirate, and of course, Moon." Another, then another go down as well.
"Though maybe the last would be a bit difficult."
'''Vorpal: ''' Vorpal has to admit that she does not exactly know what to say about the prince. Cael, however, she already knew about, and the third...
"Oh...?" Her eyes glinting dangerously, a slanted grin rising to her lips, Vorpal folds her arms across her chest and tilts her head. "That ought to be interesting. What does our jolly Lunar have to say about me, then?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "That you're a stuck up military bitch." Selina says simply, then shrugs. "Of course, given how you two met, it's not surprising he thinks that. But I can tell there's some attraction. Not much though!"
'''Vorpal: '''  ''Stuck up military bitch? ''
Vorpal bares her teeth at that, her gaze not losing an ounch of that lethal edge.
''Well, well, well. ''
"Well, he's honest, I'll grant him that. How are you two getting along?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Dazzlingly. I may as well not hide the fact that he's gotten somewhere with me." Selina replies coolly, though not entirely hiding some delight. "I think he's becoming a little less reckless as well. It really is a bother when companions fight like that."
'''Vorpal: ''' ''Straight to the bushes, eh? ''
Somehow, Vorpal isn't terribly surprised by that. She ''had'', after all, mentioned something about this to Selina when the two had first parted...
Her grin softens somewhat, changing into a slight smile. "Does he know you're hunting me, too?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' She remembers that at about the same time, and looks a bit taken aback for a moment. "And I did wait before trying that out, initially. Though maybe I should have waited a bit longer..."
But then she shrugs and smirks wickedly. "He does. I think he finds the pair of us even more attractive."
"But that is just idle talk, of course."
'''Vorpal: ''' "Naturally", Vorpal responds, but the smile remains in place.
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Tell me." Selina asks her, smirk fading into a more bland expression. "Did you ever wonder about ''me''?"
She shifts in the seat, then sniffs the cool air, looking about, ending her glance on Vorpal again. "I have a legend too -- 'Culwyeh'. Not that I need flattery or any such thing, but I am curious of what I sound like to someone else. And you are one of the Lover's 'loyal' deathknights, so you would have that angle as well -- hearing about the 'Facets of Damnation' or whatever title it was our Malfean put on me."
'''Vorpal: ''' "The First Facet of Damnation", Vorpal corrects the Dark Angel. "That, at least, I believe your Malfean name is."
Her voice is oddly calm and even as she speaks, no trace of emotion is betrayed. There is no eagerness, no disdain, no sarcarm, no flattery as she says: "And to be honest, I never really liked you. Your past says you cannot be trusted. You have betrayed everything around you over and over again, running away each time." She turns and moves across the room, making her way back towards the chair where she sat earlier, next to the remains of the mangled crystal tableside. "When we first met, your actions only kept on reinforcing that image."
She seats herself and rearranges the folds of her cloak along the sides of the chair. "Oh, I know you did not have choice", she sighs and gives the Dark Angel an oddly sympathetic glance. "It was you who was betrayed every time and you merely returned the favor. But still..." She pauses, shrugs, and changes the subject. "And the Lover speaks fondly of you."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "My course was determined by power," Selina shrugs, looking at her gloved hands. Oh so many had died on those, for power. Maybe it had actually done something, though. "Unfortunately. The Lover speaks fondly of me, but as a pet, yes? She never could accept that I was tired of being at someone else's mercy."
'''Vorpal: ''' The Ghost-Blooded frowns. Once, Vorpal could have given a rather sharp reply to that, but this time, she chooses not to.
Her mien softening, she asks something else instead: "Have you ever dreamt of living without 'power'? Away from the Lover and the Durants and the rest?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "And near...what?" Selina asks, giving a shrug. "Look at the world. No matter where I go, I will have to exert myself to stay alive. There are people everywhere who want some meat to play with."
She smirks at Vorpal. "You probably never had that problem. The way you supposedly grew up, everyone was supposed to be afraid of you. With me, people saw some tasty toy till I began to teach them that pretty dolls can kill."
'''Vorpal: ''' "Perhaps I did not have ''that'' particular problem", Vorpal counters, perhaps a little testily, "but that doesn't mean I didn't have any, either."
"But that isn't what I meant." Leaning forward in her chair, she props her elbows against the table on both sides of the crumbled crystal and joins her hands together. Her gaze is intense as she looks across at Selina. "Have you ever just... ''dreamt'' about it? Would you have traded your power away if you had ''known'' you could have gotten peace in return?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Sometimes." Selina says with a repressed snort, remembering such dreams. More so, remembering her true childhood. Not the broken one that'd resulted after she was 9.
"I lived it for awhile. It was...wonderful." She shrugs again, meeting Vorpal's glance, but not with the same intensity. "But that only made waking up to my reality all the more harsh. I should confess I am quite bitter about that. The Vestal could not have insulted me more by saying she'd give me a ''dark'' Windia."
'''Vorpal: ''' It seems she had struck a nerve.
With a little exhale, Vorpal eases herself back again, pulling her hands from the table as she goes. "What kind of Windia do you even think you could have now?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Selina chuckles ruefully. "Probably one where I stay at a distance. Even if I regain my house seat, I won't rule the country." Her tone becomes a tad flippant. "Don't want to. Why should I? I'll merely cut the throats of anyone who tries to do anything untoward to Windia, which is really half of what I'd do had I become a Terrestrial and ruled my House normally."
'''Vorpal: '''  "The way Valencia does now", Vorpal counters. The Dark Angel was growing irritating again, and the conversation was turning into the direction it usually went between them.
Fine, then, she thinks, feeling a little betrayed. ''Have it your way. ''
"Speaking of whom", she continues, darkly. "She once wondered if you have yet come up with any other solution for your problems than to wave a rapier at them. Shall I tell her the bad news?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "That I haven't learned?" Selina asks after a moment's thought. And then she shakes her head. "There are plenty of ways to do things, I know of them. But the fact of the matter is that many come down to fighting. And killing. Just because that is my principle trade does not mean I cannot do anything else." The Windian finishes primly.
'''Vorpal: '''  "We'll see about that", Vorpal says coldly, meeting the Dark Angel's gaze head on. "The predator might not rule you, but something else certainly does. I came here to spend my night talking with you, only to have you poke at my personal secrets. And now, this attitude... Tell me, did I offend you somewhere, or did you just begin to feel like being a bitch?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Selina blinks, then looks at Vorpal strangely. "Exactly how am I being a bitch? You wanted an answer to that question, did you not?"
'''Vorpal: ''' The Ghost-Blooded swallows the first response that comes to her mind, and takes a moment to word a new, better one. "I am just a little worried about the tone this discussion is taking", she says, with perhaps a little excessive formality. "What you say may be true, but I do not need to listen to that tone of voice. Please save it for the people who hurt you."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Giving the other deathknight a suspicious look, Selina then mutters. "Can't even be a little light-toned."
"Perhaps you would like to see something...interesting, about me?" The Windian ventures, smiling faintly. "Of course, I have to strip down for it, but be assured I am not thinking this is going to turn into...something else."
'''Vorpal: '''  "Go ahead", the Ghost-Blooded sighs, leaning backwards in her chair.
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Selina gets up, standing away from her chair, and then her clothes disappear. All of them. Besides her collection of scars, there is the rather large, sorcerous-circle looking alien scar right above the Windian's womb, which Vorpal has seen before. However, then Selina was trying to hide it, sitting at an angle, moving when Vorpal looked away, and hiding it under the surface of the water. And then, it did not glow faintly, as it does now.
A sick green and red, those runes give off. Baleful, forbiddening, raw and painful. The mark in Old Realm of a spirit, or a demon. A claim to property.
"I wonder...what do you make of this? Ever seen its like?"
'''Vorpal: '''  She stares at the mark for several seconds, her features emotionless, her mien unreadable. Suddenly, she smiles, however, a grim, humorless smile. And when she looks up at Selina, there is that glint in her eyes again, as if the answer for some strange, macabre riddle has just dawned to her. "It looks like the mark of your own rape."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Indeed." Selina replies, poking it testingly, which does not affect it nor alter the pattern of pulsing glows one bit. Then she shakes her head. "He put it there, when he was done."
Her clothes reappear as they were before, the greatcoat open, but layered over the rest otherwise. "Moon has not seen it yet. Yet. Nor Alex. Nor the ones I have captured, or Cael. Not much to be done about it, though..."
'''Vorpal: ''' "You have tried to remove it, but haven't succeeded... yet." It is a statement, not a question. The Ghost-Blooded leans slightly forward, supporting her jaw with the cup of her palm. She gazes absently somewhere around Selina's midsection, on the point where the pulsating mark is.
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Many times." Selina answers flatly, crossing her arms over her chest as she sits on one of the arm-rests of her chair, balancing. "I thought becoming a deathknight would enable it -- the power of enthropy did not work too much better."
'''Vorpal: '''  Vorpal is silent for a moment, swaying back and forth in her chair, deep in thought.
"How about Solar magic?" she asks, looking up.
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Oh, so you've heard of the highest circle of sorcery too?" Selina asks, going back to take a seat in her chair. "I have no idea how to reach that far, unfortunately. It ''might'', though. Of course...the pinnacle of necromancy might as well."
"If you mean the simple magic...nothing I ever tried worked. To be fair, I did not try much. Too much focus on making myself fearsome, sadly."
'''Vorpal: ''' "We have a Solar healer in our group right now", the Ghost-Blooded begins and once again rubs her chin with her fingertips. "Devoted to her art. Utterly. ''Too much. '' But still", she shrugs, trying not to sound too hopeful, "She might know something helpful."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Touching a finger to her lips, the Windian thinks for a few moments. Of course, no other healers had ever been able to cure that. But a ''Solar'' healer?
"I suppose I have nothing to lose. I met a Solar who seemed very predisposed to healing once, but it was on a contract and I didn't want to reveal things like that to a stranger who might be a trap for me."
'''Vorpal: ''' "Well, from what I have seen of ''this'' Solar healer", Vorpal says with a rueful chuckle, "If you show something as bad as that to her, deathknight or not, she will stop at nothing until she sees it away from your body. I will ask her if she can tell me anything."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Ryshassa." Selina answers flatly, legs moving back to the table for the moment, half-lidded eyes staring into the distance as she remembers. "So she has gathered here with her...husband?"
'''Vorpal: ''' "The Chosen of Maidens? He's there, too", Vorpal nods, eyeing the other woman curiously. "So you ''do'' have met them before?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "I have," She replies quietly, turning her glance to Vorpal. How many Exalted that were not her own kind had ''she'' met? "though it was not entirely pleasant. I danced with a man who poisoned me. My target of course. Those two seem to have some potential, from what I saw."
'''Vorpal: ''' "They have seemed to manage", the Pale Angel responds, leaning back in her chair and folding her arms over her chest once more. "It's a small Creation, isn't it?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "It is." Selina chuckles to herself, then examines the other woman more closely. "Tell me, have you ever met any other Chosen besides...our kind? Oh and, you spent more time at Red Ice...does the Prince of Shadows have...a consort?"
'''Vorpal: '''  "I have met some in my time, yes", Vorpal nods slowly. "Not anywhere near as often as it seems to happen these days, however." She frowns, her voice growing more thoughtful as she continues: "It's very strange when you think about it. It is as if half of the Chosen in all Creation are being drawn up together here, as if by some greater hand..."
"The Prince of Shadows?" She lets out a snort. "Exactly... why do you want to know about that?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Ever met a Wyld God, before Moon? As for the latter..."
At first, all Selina does is give Vorpal a smile. This smile is however, one that shows all the reputation of Nexus' darling little Dark Angel -- temptress of the night. These rumors even spread a bit beyond Nexus, though not far. At least not in common mention. The smile is wickedly sinful, promising all manner of carnal diversions meted out with the utmost skill and discretion, as well as the enjoyment of the practitioner. A smile known to make virgins turn away by sheer intensity, and the jaded shiver with delight. Liquid sin, that smile.
"Oh," Comes the slightly bemused, not very sultry sounding reply. "I need to settle a score."
'''Vorpal: ''' Vorpal's eyebrows draw together. She might be a virgin and she might be jaded in a certain way - but where either of these features might fail alone, they survive together.
The Pale Angel's virginity is of the jaded type. It becomes a shield against which liquid sin can crash. "I don't know, really", she responds with a little shrug, her tone carefully honed to neutrality. "I don't really make a habit of gossiping around the Fortress. And besides", she adds with a little wave of hand, "The Prince is rarely even there. He is the foremost of the Lover's champions. He is always running around on her behalf."
"As for the Wyld Gods... I think I've met one Lunar before, yes", she says. "We didn't talk much, though."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' 'Drat." She says levelly, tone not at all carrying what the smile turns into -- a naughty little pout, though not too obvious. "Well, that will have to wait...a bit."
Her expression goes more normal. "As a foe, I take it? You know...somewhere out there, very likely there is a Lunar with your name on him. Or her."
'''Vorpal: ''' "Whomever Sati was married to, you mean?" Vorpal asks. "At least I ''think'' she was married to someone." Sighing, she rubs her eyes with one gloved hand. "The dreams have been a bit vague about that part, but -- no. Call it a hunch if you like, but I think she was married. If that Lunar is still out there somewhere..."
She pauses, allowing her eyes stray down to the smooth surface of the table. "I don't know what I should think about that", she confesses with a soft smile after a moment. "I have never seriously thought about marriage. To think that I would already be married is a bit..."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "He probably is." She replies, looking over Vorpal once more, idly. Exactly what did she know, and perhaps not let on? Interesting. "Or she. But...it does not have to be marriage, I don't think. Nor even something sexual. But the bond, it will most likely still be there."
'''Vorpal: ''' Vorpal nods, gravely. "I suppose I will know when I see it, then... Have you met yours yet?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' For a moment, she considers lying. But what would be the point of that?
"Yes." No smile, nothing. Just a tacit admission of fact. "The odds of that must have been rather off, but despite that..."
"At least, I think so." She stops and considers for a moment. "Unless he was trying to seduce me with their simple magic...but I detected none of that. No, Moon is the one."
'''Vorpal: ''' There is a moment of silence.
"You're serious." Vorpal's lips draw back, revealing her teeth. "You really are serious. ''Him? ''"
At this point, the Pale Angel almost chortles. "That's... ''rich''!" she exclaims, throwing her head backwards. "My condolences! To him, too!"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Selina raises her eyebrows with an exasperated expression. "Am I so terrible?" She asks in a dry tone, then squints at the other Abyssal. "Well, we'll see when yours catches up to you, won't we." The second sentence is quieter, almost to herself.
Then her expression becomes more composed, and she smirks again. "I hope Cael apologizes for his little overreaction."
'''Vorpal: ''' ''The beauty and the beast... In their case, which one is which? ''
Gusts of laughter still bubbling under her chest, Vorpal has to lift a hand to her mouth to keep herself from giggling aloud. Star-struck lovers, friends in past lives, all this... all this simply was too ''much''...
"Overreaction?" she asks, her voice still trembling. She wipes her lips with the back of her hand and draws a deep breath to calm herself down. Sitting a little straighter, she focuses her attention more seriously at Selina once again. "What do you mean?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "When he wrote 'fool' on Moon's cheek." Selina says, crossing her arms over her chest. "I'm sure you recall."
'''Vorpal: ''' "Oh, that", the Pale Angel responds, then shrugs."We'll see, I suppose. Has Moon been as eloquent about Cael as he has been about me?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "He barely mentions him, to my memory. Why, he doesn't even mention you that much." She supposed the man didn't hold grudges too well, or perhaps he merely kept quiet about it. Selina knew she'd be spitting about something like that for days.
"I hope he keeps his fingers out any further conflicts. If I have something to do with you, I would not appreciate people sticking their noses in it."
'''Vorpal: ''' "I share the feeling", Vorpal says, gravely. Leaning her chin against her cnuckles, she adds: "But then again, it ''was'' his ship we were about to thrash. You wouldn't want to see anyone breaking things in your house while they solve their personal problems, would you?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "That's true." Selina grins suddenly. "Luckily I have wings."
'''Vorpal: ''' "You live in a tree?"
She says it with an absolutely, totally perfect poker face.
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "No." Selina replies, the grin disappearing from her face. One foot begins to tap the table with its heel, as she continues. "But, if he threw me off his airship I wouldn't plummet to my death."
'''Vorpal: ''' "Hmmmm", Vorpal purrs sweetly, her smile broad and thin, her eyes narrow slits. "I think he would come up with something else, just for you..."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Hmph." She sniffs, one corner of her mouth moving to one side. "I can't be spanked unless I want to be. Or unless you're the Lover."
'''Vorpal: ''' "Be careful what you say." Her smile grows slightly broader. "Before you know it, I might end up relaying some new orders from her."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "You wouldn't do that." Selina says serenely. After all, she could think of much worse things to do in return. "Because we all know what a pity it is to be thrust into her claws, don't we?"
'''Vorpal: ''' Vorpal flicks her eyebrows upwards for a second, then returns her face to its neutral mask again. "All too true", she says and, almost wearily, lets her head loll slightly to the side. "But tell me one thing. What do you think about the skypirate these days? You don't seem to like him much."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Selina licks her lips, moistening them. Did she still dislike him? Hard to tell really. Then she shrugs. "The way he keeps himself coated with that veneer of civility and quiet politeness, I don't really know what to think. I don't see how chosen think being like that is all clever. Other chosen will assume they are hiding something automatically -- it doesn't allay any suspicion whatsoever."
'''Vorpal: ''' ''Just like bullying your smallers without any good reason does not make you seem strong, either'', Vorpal cannot help but to reflect. She does not bother saying it aloud, however. "You believe he's still hiding something."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "I'm no longer sure he is." Selina mutters darkly, looking out into the blizzard again. "And I can no longer say I really dislike him. If he inquires and you want to rumple the sheets with him, be my guest. But the fact remains that he does not put a whole lot out for me to grab onto."
"In way," Her tone lightens a bit, though she continues to look into the blizzard. "You can say that I get along best with people who have strong personalities. If I have to provide most the impetus of the relationship, then I quickly lose interest."
'''Vorpal: '''  With a single, calculated gesture, Vorpal presses the palm of her hand against her face and lets out a deep, heavy sigh. Why was it that this discussion kept on returning to sex? It wasn't like either of them were adolescent girls anymore...
"I can see why you don't like Valencia, then", the Ghost-Blooded nods, slowly. "You two have many similarities, but in the sense of personality, you are opposites."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' She chuckles. "Valencia is my opposite, eh?" Probably true. Though not in some senses, as she said. One eyebrow raises at the other woman's sigh. "What? Does mentioning anything with connotations to sex piss you off or something? He's a man. Think I couldn't tell those glances?" She shrugs again. "Anyway, what do you think of him? Maybe he's revealed more interesting conversational topics to you."
'''Vorpal: ''' "He's..." she takes moment to search for the correct word, "infuriatingly slick when it comes to slipping out of someone's grasp."
In all honesty, Vorpal has trouble deciding whether she should chuckle or growl at this point, and so, she chooses to do neither. "So far, however, he has been the only one to give me any actual information about my past self, and for that, I will tolerate him."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Ah, the past lives." Selina almost-purrs, the blizzard about them dimming and then whipping back up for a moment, as if to punctuate her sentence. "Tell me, Lilith, do you remember the woman I was?"
Her gaze slowly settles on the deathknight, and it seems...oddly unsettling. "The things we did back then?"
''The black sword in her hand''
Selina's voice loses the purr, serenity spreading through its inflection. "Do you remember the last day?"
''Facing down that group of traitors''
The wind outside, oddly, has utterly stopped. Calm reigns throughout the room, the dreamscape of the spell.
'''Vorpal: ''' The wind has stopped.
''...that's odd. ''
Vorpal frowns, turning her head to the windows, gazing out into the quiet darkness. That had never happened before.
She turns her gaze back to the Dark Angel, her eyes dark, glowering, ready to attack or defend. "Very little", she admits, and even her quiet voice seems all too loud in the sudden stillness of the dream chamber. "She helped to make the sword Sati wielded. That's all. Of the 'last day', I remember none. My dreams never go that far."
Slowly, deliberately she lays her hands onto the table, to each side of the enormous crack she had made into crystal earlier. "Tell me", she counters with a question of her own, her words black and oily and dangerous. "What do you remember of that sword?"
She does not know where the next words come from, but she says them nonetheless, dropping them without thinking: "Tell me, Moranine, did it have a name?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "The sword?"
Black clashes against cobalt blue
That golden sword piercing her
Selina looks at her, turquoise eyes...still. Silent. At peace. But what kind of peace was it? The oily words of the Pale Angel slide off without a trace as she regards the other deathknight. Her reply is serene and considering.
How dare they
"A traitor does not deserve the gift twice."
'''Vorpal: ''' Traitor?
That word touches a chord within her, and inwardly, she shivers. It is an ominous feeling, the eerie, chilling certainty that she is missing something important, something critical, something which might very easily mean her doom.
Traitor for what?
"Hmmmm?" Outwardly, Vorpal's peace is that of a very large cat, easily capable of making the change from languidity to razor-clawed lethality in the blink of a slit eye. "You and Valencia are exactly the same in this case", she says smoothly, quietly, shaking her head. Her appearances are every bit as nonchalant as they can be, but in the inside, she takes great care to choose her next words. "Both of you think you have the right to criticize the path she took. What do you know about what she thought anyway?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' The silent gaze continues, gauging, searching. The winds outside do not pick back up.
They died when the sun set
"Lovers, we were. But more than that." The nearly palpable weight of her stare does not lessen a bit, nor does her tone reveal any more emotion than before. An odd contrast to Selina's usual. "A Circle. Her affairs were her own business. Her betrayal was not."
I lived into the age of twilight
"All things in their good time. Patience. You had little then."
'''Vorpal: ''' ''Moranine? ''
Her heart lurches, sending forth an echo to ripple through the sudden emptiness that seems to fill her chest, a reflection of the eerie stillness that is pressing against her skin from all sides.
''Moranine, is that you? ''
The realization of the truth is like ice being poured into her veins, a frozen hand closing around her throat. This is something she should remember, but she doesnt. Her mind takes a step backwards and denies Moranines words, but the small, honest part of her only looks up quietly and shakes its head. Deep down, she knows the Dark Angel is right.
''Sweet, merciful''
She swallows, attempts to dislodge the stone in her throat.
''Talk, girl. Talk. Breathe. Talk. ''
”Are you planning to punish me, then?” Her voice, at least, is steady the lifelong experience as the Pale Angel still holds its own.
'''Selina de Windia: ''' For a moment, Selina's face reveals a measure of surprise, but that leaves it soon enough. "What? Why should there not be trust?"
''Usurpation punishment enough''
''Everything they loved destroyed''
"Betrayal was repaid long ago." Comes the calm voice, crystal serenity as Selina looks at Vorpal. "Not a finger of mine needed to rise for it. The future is what matters."
''Dance Starborn dance to fate's tune''
'''Vorpal: '''  Vorpal draws in a shuddering breath.
Shards of tattered dreams, splinters of shattered memories, a twinkling echo of a life long gone, struck apart at the moment of death...
''Moranine... ''
That voice, that calm, crystalline voice, speaking in riddles and puzzles, always knowing more than what is revealed.
She remembers the frustration she once felt when dealing with that person, then blazing hot anger and a sense of betrayal, and then...
''Tears...? ''
Tears, grief and sorrow at the deed that had to be done...
''Moranine... what the hell did I do to you? ''
"I don't remember", she says, and her voice breaks into a ragged croak. "I don't remember the past at all."
In a way, what she says is true - she truly does not remember what had happened between them. But it is also a lie, for she remembers the feelings, and the conclusions she draws from them are... terrible to think about.
'''Selina de Windia: '''  For a moment, Selina considers. Then, a more flippant tone, her ''normal'' one, comes out. "Ask the skypirate. If he knows."
She shifts a bit in her seat, legs crossing on the table, studying the other deathknight. Her voice calms once more. "''Sati could tell you. ''"
'''Vorpal: ''' Vorpal lifts her hands from the table. She turns them around, studies her palms for a long moment.
''Sati, eh... ''
Hearing the name she once bore calms her down. It steadies her feelings, gives clarity to her thoughts.
"Is that ''all'' you can give me?" she finally asks and looks up at the other deathknight. Her voice is stronger now, her demeanor focused, almost... irritated. "Little puzzles to solve on my own? Sati never liked that part of you."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "You do not believe that knowledge found is more thought upon than knowledge given?" Comes the cool reply, then a shrug. "Very well, but do not tell the rest. They can figure it out for themselves."
Selina pauses a moment, as if remembering. Trying to remember. She couldn't get everything...but she got enough. "When Moranine went to deal with the darkness to dispel the darkness, Sati betrayed her. Took up arms against her, alongside Fintan and others. Killed her. Here we are now, in the Age of Sorrows, maybe because of that? Maybe not?" She shrugs again, not able to come to a conclusion about that.
'''Vorpal: ''' Something about that does not quite mesh. Vorpal's is the point of view that Sati had for these events, and the more the Dark Angel tells her, the more the Ghost-Blooded feels that there is something missing from the image, something Moranine never understood about her lover.
Vorpal says nothing, however. Like Selina said, knowledge needed to be thought upon.
"I see", she responds, her eyes narrow. "And maybe you now plan to deal with the darkness anew?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Selina gives one of those razored grins, then replies in her normal tone. "I already have. As have you. Don't think we'll betray each other now, will we?"
'''Vorpal: '''  "That depends, I suppose", Vorpal responds, and now the Pale Angel is fully back in control. "What would it take to make you betray me?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' The snow tinkles down outside again, though far more lightly than it had been. It neither increases, nor decreases in fury. "Not sure about that -- nothing I can think of that wouldn't be you betraying me first, most likely."
''Better not fight over who goes between whose thighs''
"Perhaps another 'incident'...perhaps not." She shrugs, and a bit of the calm tinges the next sentence. "Rather less inclined to drop all to pursue you, after that. Who can say."
'''Vorpal: ''' "A diplomatic answer", the Pale Angel sighs, then shrugs. "But it's not like I could give you any better. We have both been betrayed too many times to give any solid promises."
At the sound of the faint tinkle, she turns her gaze back to the windows again. Was it always this cold in this place?
''Is this chill of our souls? '' she wonders for a moment. ''Cold we have forced into our hearts so that we could walk without crumbling along this path we have chosen? ''
Sati had chosen a cold path, too, but her heart had remained fiery hot to the very end.
''Damn... ''
"Can I go now?" Her voice is abrupt and loud, like an adolescent girl asking to be dismissed by her lecturing mother.
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "You want to leave, hmm?" Selina waves a hand lightly. The calm tone does not surface, and the snowflakes come down a bit more briskly. "If that's what you want. Before you go, I should probably inform you of something I realized just a little while ago."
'''Vorpal: ''' "And that is?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "This is a dreamscape, right?" Selina uncrosses her legs, moves them
down off the table as if she is preparing to leave herself. "So I am thinking most things we do here, do not translate to the real world, unless they are very severe. This means a few things."
'''Vorpal: '''  ''Which means you could have me here and I'd still remain a virgin in the real world? Is that what you think? ''
Once again the Pale Angel keeps her thoughts uncharacteristically to herself, however. She arches one regal eyebrow instead and tilts her head slightly. "Killing one of us here would probably just mean some sort of trauma in the realm world, yes?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "That, I am not so sure of...it might count as 'very severe'."
Just as Vorpal figures out what Selina is thinking, so does the opposite happen. "But, what are you probably thinking right now -- given your estimation of my goals -- probably does nothing at all. Except you could have a '''man''' and it wouldn't matter." She gives her a wicked grin. "Just make sure no one walks in on the two of you. Suppose you could do that a bit outside, but the snow is cold. Bad for that, I would think."
'''Vorpal: '''  "I'll ''think'' about it", the Pale Angel responds as she rises, and the arctic fields of the North are nothing when compared to the coldness of her voice. "Your counsel is much appreciated."
She turns on her heels, her cloak sweeping the floor, sending tiny shards of the crystal table tinkling across the chamber's width. "Sweet dreams", she says and, attempting to retain whatever remains of her dignity, marches out into the gentle snow rain.
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Selina only nods, a mock serenity nothing like what she had displayed a few moments ago on her face. And then the other Abyssal disappears into her own dreams, and the dark winged woman stretches, then chuckles to herself, undercurrent of that calm and the rumble of the Dragon mixing in with it all. "You'll want to try on someone tamer than me, first. ''I am the storm, no one who partakes of me shall ever be the same." ''
Especially now. Perhaps she will wait for awhile, for someone else to come in. Selina felt uncommonly frisky now. So with that razored grin, she sits and giggles faintly, thinking of her future plans. In and out of the sheets. The Lover and Lookshy alike would tremble before her!
Oh, she could hardly wait.
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