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(* Iselsis meets Gennadi, and leaves for the heart of Iron)
m (Removing old log (finally cleaning up after move, only over a year late))
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* - Back to [[GoldenCat/FourthMovement|Fourth Movement]]
#REDIRECT ADanceOfAngels
* - Back to [[GoldenCat/DanceOfAngels|A Dance of Angels]]
== Silent Joy ==
'''Iselsis: ''' The temple had once been a great sight, but was now a small delapitated building in the middle of a stretch of overgrown wilderness. From the main road a paved path strikes towards it, leading up to steps, wooden railings, beams, and a typical though worn temple design. Spacious, as most structures in Windia were. Behind it a garden, only in need of a little maintenance, with a smathering of lanterns, bonsai trees, a pond, and a stone gazebo.
The inside of the temple overwhelmingly dusty and empty. Ise obviously didn't spend the majority of her time inside the temple, or at least not inside the main room on the ground floor.A small dojo like space is cleaner, with a torn punching bag inside. Then the steps up to a small room, much more maintained, with a few personal effects of Ise's. A bed to sleep in (one of those asian on the floor bed things), the usual bedroom things, and walls lined with knicknacks and trophies.
* Gennadi walks slowly down the path, sizing the place up. In his hand a shining silver bucket with a spray of flowers surrounding the edge, a deep green bottle of strong champagne nestled carefully inside. He drops it to the floor, the thud replacing his knock as he leans against a wall. "You'd better be here..."
'''Iselsis: ''' There was no indication she was home, or even in the vicinity at all, until...
The telltale sign of the hammer of a plasma repeater pistol being cocked, and the slightly chilled feel of the weapons muzzle on the back of Gennadi's head.
"Hello, Gennadi."
* Gennadi waves at her with the back of his hand. "Hello, angry woman with a gun." Despite being pointed in entirely the wrong direction, his smile still seems to light up the room. "You remembered my name! I was worried."
'''Iselsis: ''' "I never forget a walking target.", she barrel of the gun is removed, and she tucks it away, "You really ought to be more discreet. Are you sure nobody followed you here? And sorry about the sneaking up on you, basic precaution against angry abyssals. You never know, they ''could'' bother to knock first."
'''Gennadi: ''' "I'm not sure, but then again, I don't have to be. I thought I'd be polite and trust in your skill at securing your home." He leans in a bit, looking around. "You do ahve some glasses, don't you? I think sharing a bottle is a bit forward for the moment."
'''Iselsis: ''' "I have cups, if those will do. Unfortunately though I don't drink. You're lucky really, you caught me just before I was going to leave the city."
''I don't normally do social calls either, but maybe today is a good day to hold back on excess snarkiness. ''
'''Gennadi: ''' "Sometimes, it's better to be lucky than good. Flowers are for you, bottle's for me." He picks the bucket up and takes a step forward, spinning on his heel to bow. "After you. Your home, your info, your move."
'''Iselsis: ''' She shrugs a little and moves up to the two large sliding doors, sliding one open and walking in, waiting for Gennadi to come in before closing it. The main room was mostly empty, save for a table here and there, and a little burning heater, for heat. It looks disused.
"Don't mind the mess. I don't get a lot of visitors so I never bother to clean up."
"Plus the dust makes it seem more tranquil somehow, don't you think?"
'''Gennadi: ''' "I suppose it is restful. Reminds one of old libraries and churches, tomes and tombs." The pop of the bottle being opened echoes. "No complaints about keeping this short?"
'''Iselsis: ''' "None at all, like I said, I have places to be. Shall I start then by telling you what you apparantly didn't want to hear on the Zephyr?", she wanders over to a nearby desk/table combo, pulls out a drawer and takes a plain porcelain cup from it, handing it to Gennadi. "Wouldn't want to make you display poor manners by drinking straight from the bottle, would we?"
* Gennadi taps the cup with a thumbnail, rotating it around in his palm for a moment before speaking. "Wanted to hear it, something came up. I had to get ready for an appointment with an assassin. Nice craftmanship, even if the coloring's not my style." He pours a full cup, holding it delicately with pinky out.
'''Iselsis: ''' "Assassin huh? You really shouldn't associate yourself with the inferior ones. I'd know, it's a new and proud family tradition for us."
She moves over to the wall opposite Gennadi, in the smallish hallway, and leans backwards against it, crossing her arms. "The information was that you might not want to look too hard at your associates for the answer. They might have it, they may have even instigated all this, but I already know for sure who knows more about it."
'''Gennadi: ''' "Good to hear. That saves me some trouble." He eyes her consideringly. "I'm going to guess from the body language you're not going to volunteer the rest."
'''Iselsis: ''' "I was hoping you'd guess or something. It's no fun to just throw all the info at you and run. But if you insist, I'll volunteer instead of letting you speculate."
'''Gennadi: ''' "If it makes you feel better, consider me struck dumb by your knowledge." He sips the champagne.
'''Iselsis: ''' "It seems that the deaders are quite up on my situation. Which is odd, considering I'm an unknown even in my own country, my own city, and even inside my own organization, by and large. Don't you think that's odd, Gennadi?", she quirks an eyebrow, gauging his reaction. Not that it'd probably tell her much, she'd gotten used to him being infuriatingly placid.
'''Gennadi: ''' "Oh. Well, that does explain why the Bishop wants me alive. I was worried about that." Another long sip, and a pleasant sigh. "Unfortunately, this places me at something of a quandary. I detest the idea of fgreen-flame trapped deathknights. But given that I seem to trigger it, it would be foolish for me to personally investigate."
"Of course... I could lend you some assistance in this matter."
'''Iselsis: ''' Her eyebrow raises again "The Bishop wants you alive? Well that's certainly ''interesting''. What kind of assistance are we talking about?"
'''Gennadi: ''' "Money, luck, allies, though I suspect more of the summoned sort than any other. If the worst option is true, then you're likely better off with things that can't be traced back to me."
'''Iselsis: ''' "Like if you're one of the key components of this whole thing and your presence here is as much manipulated as everything else. Which does appear to be true. I'd suggest you still investigate yourself, or we might both be damned. And, of the two of us, you probably don't have orders from higher up to skip town for a mission."
'''Gennadi: ''' "Nobody really gives me orders. Simply offers that I cannot refuse. I can investigate, certainly, but I somehow doubt being frozen with a yozi attempting to swallow my soul is going to help me learn anything. It's going to be information trades and research, not skulking about camps at midnight."
'''Iselsis: ''' She shrugs a little, "I already have someone else investigating that way and will certainly try to find out more when I'm off in the war. I don't really need money, and I make my own luck. Allies would be helpful, if they weren't the summoned kind."
She sighs softly, "I guess we're not any closer to finding out what's going on here than we were before, huh?"
'''Gennadi: ''' "Money buys artifacts and talismans, spells and swords." He finishes off the first cup, drumming his fingers along the bottle. "Closer. Are you any good at acting?"
'''Iselsis: ''' "I have everything I need as far as those things go.", she blinks at the last question, "I'm good at acting out, does that count?"
'''Gennadi: ''' "Perhaps I should have added the part about the people to wield them... Subtlety is out of the question, then. You're at the least a good sneak. If I could provide a sufficient distraction, do you think you could manage an extraction of your own?"
'''Iselsis: ''' "You'll have to be more specific in what your intentions are. I might be able to act what you want me to, as it's in my natural line of abilities. What are you thinking?", she eyes him suspiciously.
'''Gennadi: ''' "I am thinking I should have gotten something stronger." Another cup is poured. "After that, there are only a few people, alive or dead, who need to know about you. If you could acquire one, I'm sure all sorts of answers could be gained at our leisure."
'''Iselsis: ''' "You realize my trade is to kill and exorcise, not generally to capture? Besides, I think all nemessaries who knew of me were probably killed recently, one by me personally.", from her pocket she fishes a cigarette, and blows on it gently to light the tip, and takes a few puffs, "Want one? Help soothe the nerves. Anyway, the Acolyte would know more but I don't think I quite want to see her again after what I did to her last time."
'''Gennadi: ''' "Thank you, but no. Killing would work, if you could carry the ghost back with you... I believe there are talismans for that." He shrugs. "The information is out there. The reason I have to have it is the reason I can't go get it. Unfortunate as it is, I have to rely on you."
'''Iselsis: ''' "Unfortunately that makes no sense, and as I said I'm under orders to leave this place for the warzone out near Whiteshield. Unless you have reason to believe I can find what you're looking for there and somehow get you either the captive or the answers in question I don't see how your plan is feasible."
'''Gennadi: ''' "If you have a better one, I am listening. I had thought the idea would appeal, given the guns blazing approach. Every so often, it is good to be wrong."
'''Iselsis: ''' "My idea involved roping you and my other informant into finding out what I needed to know while I go out, do a mission, win a war, then come home to deal with whatever's going on, and then I think I'll learn how to dance properly.", she frowns a little,
"But apparantly that's not in the cards, so to speak."
'''Gennadi: ''' "Not really in the stars, Izzy."
'''Iselsis: ''' "I suppose you would be the one to ask about that."
"Unless you fancy a trip to the Boil, I can't see what I can do about any of this. Do ''you'' act, Gennadi?"
* Gennadi takes another sip. "I'm always acting. Hmm... the Boil. Unpleasant place." He drums his fingers along the bottle again, half of an old tune. "Do you wear underwear?"
'''Iselsis: ''' "I fail to see how that's relevant to the current conversation.", she takes another few puffs of her cigarette, blowing slow circles of smoke from her mouth.
'''Gennadi: ''' "A token of that sort greatly enhances my ability to contact you, and arrange for meetings, without having to hunt you down in a normal fashion. Given the Maiden I serve, I think that would work best. Close personal contact, usually for some time, and a sign of intimacy as well."
'''Iselsis: ''' "I have an old boot you can have. Worn it for years. Had a hole in it so I bought a new pair. Will that do?", obviously she had no intention of relinquishing any of her underwear.
'''Gennadi: ''' "Wrong stars. It's not like I'm asking for what you've got on now. I'd offer you some of mine, but I don't think you consider it an even trade." He grins, rather lopsided. "It's going to take time to arrange things so neither of us gets in serious danger. With that, I can send you your oathbound information wtihout needing to leave my office. Without it..." He shrugs.
'''Iselsis: ''' Her brow lowers into a marked frown, "What the heck do you mean, wrong stars? For that matter, how about you begin by explaining to me the finer details of your kind. I promise I won't forget and make you tell me twice."
'''Gennadi: ''' "Certain stars mark certain constellations. These correspond to aspects of the maidens, who weave fate."
"Given the right knowledge and tools, I, as a Chosen of the Maidens, can request certain things happen. Venus is my patron, so my luck tends to social settings. Parties, dates, stumbling over young lovers in the park to find your missing wallet. It's very much like a special sorcery."
'''Iselsis: ''' "Can you make two people in love live happily ever after?"
And suddenly she seems to get an idea into her head. "Wait here, I'll be right back.", and without waiting for an answer she pushes off the wall, dousing her cigarette in a nearby tray, and walking up the wooden staircase to the next floor.
* Gennadi watches her as she walks off, sipping the rest of his drink. At least he has time to prepare a properly contentless answer now.
'''Iselsis: ''' A minute later her heavy bootsteps can be sound on the wooden staircase as she comes down again. She's carrying a rather heavy looking tome, musty and leatherbound, labeled "Treatise on Spirits and Exorcism". She holds it up for him to see, "This will work.", though it is probably not the book she's talking about, the middle pages bulge somewhat, as if something had been pressed between the pages.
'''Gennadi: ''' "This being?" He raises an eyebrow in friendly curiosity. "If it's near and dear to your heart, it can also work, but I thought you'd prefer to keep something like that. Especially considering who you're giving it to."
'''Iselsis: ''' She walks up to him and lays the book down on the table, rifling through the pages until she's at the center page, revealing two flowers, the flowers Faina had put in her hair on two occasions, first in her room when things changed, the second in the same visit that was to be their first kiss, obviously preserved this old fashioned way for sentimental value, but if it works it works.
"These were both given to me by someone very dear to me, and they both had a lot of physical contact. I assume you only need one."
'''Gennadi: ''' "Hrm. I can see why you asked about love. The answer, by the way..." He lifts one up, inspecting it. 'Is no. No one lives forever, and once you're dead, all bets are off about eternal love and devotion. Theoretically, I could give you a thousand years."
'''Iselsis: ''' "That works for me. I just figured that kind of blessing, or whatever it is your kind does, might help in this whole curse bit. There won't be a happily ever after if I turn into a monster and blow my own brains out, will there now?"
She glances up at the ceiling as if pondering "I wonder why, when you're gifted like that, you're so forgettable. I don't see what purpose it serves."
'''Gennadi: ''' "Think about it. Let's imagine you can heal the most horrid disease."
"Now, let's imagine that word gets out, all across creation."
"You'd be hounded by those seeking help, those seeking to use and abuse your power, those seeking to deny it to the world. If nobody knows you have it, though... then it can be used."
'''Iselsis: ''' "I suppose that makes sense. Must get pretty lonely though, I figure.", and another shrug, to illustrate she didn't really care about the answer to that, "Speaking of forgetfulness, not that I mind leaving myself notes and such and constantly making sure I don't forget, but I don't suppose you can turn that off? It'd be helpful, obviously."
'''Gennadi: ''' "You get used to it. Sex, drugs, and martial arts fill the void. As for forgetfulness... It's possible, but there are limits. To create a lasting connection like that has a cost, and takes time... and to be honest, I don't know if it's smart for me to forge something like that with you." He tucks the flower into a jacket pocket. "We still don't know what would happen, after all."
'''Iselsis: ''' She closes the book on the remaining flower, but not before glancing wistfully at it, brushing her fingertops along the pressed flower. She catches herself in the act though, and quickly closes the book again.
"Well I'm fine with a time limit. It'd just be very embaressing if you contacted me and I threatened to kill you because I didn't remember you, or something like that."
She grins somewhat. "You can't say you couldn't see it happening."
'''Gennadi: ''' "Hmph. I think you're more likely to threaten because you remember, rather than the other way around. I've got a secretary I'll send down with some documents in a day or so. For now, I have a meeting to arrange, and a trip to prepare..." He stands. "Keep the bucket, too."
'''Iselsis: ''' "I will, mementos are good for not forgetting where you've been, or yourself. Good luck with ... whatever it is you bloody well do, I suppose.", she tips her hat at him, probably the biggest sign of some measure of respect she's given yet. "Don't be a stranger now."
* Gennadi gives a short salute, halfway out the door as he finishes the gesture with bottle still in hand.
'''Iselsis: ''' And with that, Ise goes to pack her things into a small briefcase. Consisting mainly of ammo and bits and bobs relating to exorcism. She wraps the remaining flower in a handkerchief, and puts it in her breast pocket. A reminder of who she is, where she came, and for whom she needs to learn to dance for when she returns, for the road.
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* - Back to [[GoldenCat/DanceOfAngels|A Dance of Angels]]

Revision as of 15:35, 27 February 2009

  1. REDIRECT ADanceOfAngels