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#REDIRECT ADanceOfAngels
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== Hook, Line and Sinker ==
Time passes...
... and the Guild never falters.
The time had come, messengers had told her, her money had come. Her jade was in Amber Post, and it would make thieves' lips water if it did not belong to the feared Dark Angel. The Guild had taken its time, with all the problems in the north, but they had secured her money... and it was just waiting on her. now.
It was still raining. The rain did not abate for a moment. And snow was beggining to fall with it. Maybe snowstorms were to come... but luckly for the Dark Angel, she was within the walls of Amber Post, wherein forges and fireplaces maintained the fortress warm. Least, what a Northerner would consider warm, and even with all the time in the East, Selina was still one such.
All the way there, she felt the life of Amber Post, all the tribesmen and even the Fair Folk there, buying, selling, all the strange spices and scents and sights, all the slaves of so many different cultures being paraded around. And everywhere, she and the Pale Angel were the topic. Their fight. Their breakup. Her arse.
It was all that they talked about.
And finally, she came to the bank, the long lines still there, to meet the man who had ordered her money and held the keys to it...
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Selina stands around, listening idly to the conversation about her. She's wearing her greatcoat, and the garment is buttoned up this time. People've seen enough of her in the cold northern air to need more now.
''Especially this close. ''
She still feels the guilt from what she did. All this time, it's stayed with her. Festering -- if someone happened to use magic on her to detect her thoughts, she would certainly be playing her part, she admits ruefully. Maybe she should have done this for real. Maybe she really shouldn't be traveling with others again. Maybe being alone is what she deserves.
And beneath that, the ever-smoldering anger that she has been tamed. By...a five year stripling! And she ''likes'' it.
''I want it to...to...continue... ''
Oh, Selina is more than touchy and outwardly miserable enough to play the part.
'''Gaylord: ''' "Dear, dear, dear, ''dear''!" Comes the voice of the colorful man in purple and red and yellow, eyelashes filled with color, fingers filled with rings... the same banker she had met before, the one who had given her the papers. He shooed a couple people in front of her in the line just to talk to her, and thankfully, the guards dealt with them before they could complain much. "'Dear'', what was that, hmmm? All that fighting with you and your love? Come, come, come here in the back and you can tell me ''aaalll'' about it as I get you to sign the release papers."
"Do you already have some big, strong, muscled man to take all your Jade?"
"I don't think you walk with a scribe to hold your Jade Script Scrolls? It might interfere with the mystique, hmmm?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' ''Damnation. ''
Selina's expression becomes resigned at that point. She's shown her fangs enough times in the past week, people may get used to them if she keeps doing it.
''Just like little miss pale and haughty. ''
She follows that thought with a hope that the twit is doing ok, but smacks herself mentally.
"Yes, I can find one easily enough." She makes to follow the man.
'''Gaylord: ''' He walks her to the room in the back, giving her the release papers to sign... the Talents to be brought after she does so.
"Say, my dear, every wondered about shifting from black? Purple is the New Black, I heard."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "I don't use purple as a primary color." Selina replies as she begins signing the papers. "It works ok as a trim though."
'''Gaylord: ''' "A pity. It would look Ter-rry-fic on you!" The papers signed, the banker snaps his fingers, and a few works come in, depositing slab upon slab of finely-cut Jade on the ground, all of the twenty Jade Talents the Dark Angel had asked for. "Do you want some snacks with them, dear?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "...snacks?" Selina ventures. She looks at the man oddly. "What kind of snacks? Chocolate snacks?"
'''Gaylord: ''' He giggles. "Weeelll... actually, it was a joke, intending to mimic the mannerisms of bartenders, but."
He moves to his table, picking up a basket with chocolate bunnies and carrots and handling it to Selina.
"I just can't resist that face!"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' This time, she doesn't have to share. So...Selina graciously takes the chocolate and pops one into her mouth.
''Mmmm... ''
"Thank you." She replies, then signs another paper. And another. She's seen the exact forms before -- nothing bad. She'd probably have to sign another set of forms once Iria repaid her the amount and she put it back in the bank. "My partner didn't show up or anything, did she?" She asks idly, before eating another chocolate piece.
'''Gaylord: ''' "Nope, she did not... why would she? The money is yours'. And I don't think you two have a legal marriage...?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Selina actually shudders at the thought of that.
''That woman owning half my things. ''
"No, but I wondered if she would have shown up to do things on her own or something like that. We still have to bloody work together even after...that. I expect her to do so."
'''Gaylord: ''' "After all that, dear, I am surprised if she ever looks at you in the eye. And vice versa."
He nods, looking at the big pile... "So, what now?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "She's going to, whether she wants to or not." Selina states casually, deliberately. "And so am I, even if I don't like it. Life has no time for moping and bitching and whining."
Selina finishes the last of them, and then looks at the pile of talents. She could lift that, but...damn the Pale Angel for being the only one with the big subordinate!
"I think I need to find a good large man for this."
'''Gaylord: ''' "Good luck with that, darling. Dragons know I know a thing or two about insufferable workmates."
"Well, we ''do'' have some people who can do it for a fee... but it will take a while."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Always for a fee." Selina grumbles, then looks outside the door, opening it a crack. "I bet one or two of them would do it for me."
'''Gaylord: ''' "... you would better do it with people you trust, my dear. Strangers... well, they are likely to run away with it."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' She could stop them from running away...but. She doesn't really want to add another warm body to the tally of ones she's rubbed up against so far.
''It shouldn't make me feel so dirty. ''
''Why does it make me feel so dirty? ''
Not like she hadn't felt that in the old days...but this, it seems...different. She feels worse about it. Far worse. It's no longer the escape it was.
"I'll pay." Selina sighs. Then she raises one eyebrow at him. "How much? I hope ''porting'' services are ''reasonable''..."
'''Gaylord: ''' The man turns around, writing some numbers on paper, and turning around to present her... the bill for twenty jade talents. Well. One has to say one thing. It is likely to be reasonable.... for twenty jade talents. Which means it is absolutely unreasonable for anyone not filthy rich! "More chocolate?" He asks with... that sort of smile.
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Selina signs it without a word, though she does look at it first. Cesta won't be getting everything he thinks he would be...so...she can afford to humor them. She could have asked for the portage fees for asking someone to move a couple hundred pounds of cement or stone -- jade was inherently magical, and she could track such a massive amount down easily if someone stole it.
But it just isn't worth her trouble right now. "Of course." She replies, then takes another.
'''Narrator: ''' She signs the papers, and in time the men come to take the Talents away, with the best discretion and security the Guild could provide. Leaving Selina to relax and walk back to the mansion, all her problems solved, the money to the war effort, the money the Lover had given her and that would make her filthy rich, all wasted in the very same mission the Lover had hired her for. And then she walks back 'home', imagining what Bronze Butterfly would be up to...
.. and when she opens the door, it is slammed behind her.
In front of her, her apprentice, chained to the ceiling, a ball gag on her mouth, stripped of everything but her undergarments, her back criss-crossed with marks... and her eyes with tears. Around the room... nuns. And close to her apprentice... the mother superior. She of the hair of fire. She whose eyes are fiery sin.
"Hello, Miriana."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Selina smiles, and the grin is entirely feral, savage. Her senses take in Bronze Butterfly, her mind realizes the Pale Angel could be in just as bad a situation. And then the rage fills her. Her eyes flicker with darkness, then darkness fills them, emits from them, shines through the room in rays of black-light. The mansion trembles, once, twice, and she growls. "'''''Veessssttaaallll'''''...."
'''Charmaine: ''' A throaty laugh, and the mother superior brings a chalice of blood to her lips, appearing to be completely oblivious to the Dark Angel's anger. As she finishes her sip, her gaze touches upon the black-winged running down her form with pure sin... "My dear Miriana. Calm down and sit down, will you? I just came to talk, today."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Selina '''dives''' into the Trance, comes out, letting the fresh awareness of the world's essence about her sear into her consciousness with that biting clarity she feels whenever she has not used it in awhile. She scans the room quickly, looking for anything, ''anything'', that appears to be a charm, or a spell, or an arcanoi. Or indeed, any concentration of essence.
Then she unbuttons the greatcoat, throws it to the side, the balled up garment barely missing one of the nuns. "'''You touched my apprentice... '''"
'''Charmaine: ''' There is nothing Selina can see. Nothing at all. "Why, yes, Miriana, I did. And she was throughly wet during it. However, if you wish it gone, I do have a Passion Moray around to do exactly that." She smiles, sipping more from her chalice. "I just wished to learn some things about you. And could not countain myself."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Selina straightens, the utter blackness fades from her eyes. She regards the Vestal more critically, but doesn't get lax on keeping alert for more threats. "And then trap me." Suspicion could not help but voicing such a thing. "Or why didn't you come alone, ''darling''?"
'''Charmaine: ''' "Because otherwise, you would try to hurt me. And I would not be able to countain myself, and would have to hurt you as well. And break you. But that is not why I am here today." She sips more of the chalice, then offers it to the Dark Angel. "Blood, darling?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "You think I'd ''hurt'' you if you were '''alone'''?" Selina asks, laughing. She quiets, and shakes her head at the other deathknight. "I guess you need to learn some things about me."
That stab of guilt sears through her. Annoys her.
"Whose blood?"
'''Charmaine: ''' She retracts the chalice to her lips, shaking it... "Who are you afraid it is from?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "The Butterfly." Selina answers, then hesitates on the next one before finally saying it. "And the Pale Angel. I never could break as clean as I liked, you see. That's why I killed so many of my loves."
''Everyone else is too far away for that to be fresh blood. ''
She advances on Vestal, non-chalant now that she said it. "What is it exactly, that you want to know?"
'''Charmaine: ''' "It is not from either one, be sure. It is not from anyone you know. It is simply from one of my acolytes, given with her consent. She feels flattered that I deign to bring her blood to my lips." The Vestal nods, getting up and placing the chalice on the table, touching the Dark Angel's hair... "Oh, I learned what I wanted already. You heard me. I came to talk to you. I came to make you an offer."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Selina knows it before it's spoken. "Defect, or else?" She asks, not responding to the Vestal's touch quite yet. "Because there has to be an 'or else' in there, no matter what. I've dealt with you people enough to know that. You aren't even original with it."
'''Charmaine: ''' "There is none. I have come to talk. As for the Butterfly... that makes us even. You have killed one of mine. You have taken two of them away. Now you know how it feels." She sighs. "I want to talk to you. About us. And... I wish to help you."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "You sent them to strip me of dignity and bring me back in chains." She says icily, then looks at Charmaine suspiciously. "What about us? And help me how? We're on opposite sides, you know. Won't this get you in trouble?"
'''Charmaine: ''' Her hands snake to the back of the Dark Angel's head, moments before her body presses against Selina's, her voice a velvet purr in the Dark Angel's ear... "You really think not hurting you will get me into trouble? Oh, my dear... we want you. We respect you. Unlike on your side... where no one respects you. Where you have to suffer like a lovesick teenager for your valkyrie..."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Selina's expression becomes a mix of embarassment and disgust when she hears '''that''' estimation of what she was acting like. "A lovesick ''teenager''?" She slits her eyes, not at all flattered.
"But I can believe the rest of that."
'''Charmaine: ''' "You are feeling ashamed? Good, that is how ''I'' am feeling. I wanted you to be my favorite, and that one could never act like this. But I can help you. The problem is a simple boy... and I can make it so she will hate every minute she has ever been with him. I have done it before. Many, many times..." She kisses Selina's cheek... but feels all the cold from Selina, and turns around. "I cannot help it, can I? You still sees me us as monsters, do you not? What I do is no different than many on 'your side'."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Selina sighs, and crosses her arms. Throwing a glance at Butterfly, and shaking her head again. "I am the biggest monster of all on 'my side'. Maybe I am bigger than any one of you as well. Maybe I am a bigger monster than '''all''' of you. Why should monsters faze me?"
"But...what is it you want to do to her? What, diddle her till she can't think straight, and then mold her to love me, or you, or whoever?" Selina blows a whisp of her hair away. "''I could already do that''."
'''Charmaine: ''' She turns around to face the Dark Angel once again, her eyes slitting, their color flickering like fire. "But you did ''not''. And you are not the best at it. I am. I have broken princessess and queens under my heel. You have not. I have broken princesses from the realm with enough power to fight you. You have not. You are a monster indeed, and that is why I '''will''' tame you... in time."
"Ah, Miriana... you have not seen the least of what I coul do."
And then she is in front of Selina once again, her breath... so hot, for one so dark, every bit the fire of her eyes and hair. "You probably believe no one could break your further, as well, do you not? What I am offering you, Miriana, is something you could never do. Not without making her hate you as welll."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Selina's heart skips a beat at that. She's been selfish in the past. It's why all her former loves, almost without exception, are cold and rotting. Or within her. Forever. "Really? But you could never wipe away the past. Not ever."
'''Charmaine: ''' "Why not? Of course I could. I could make you forget as well."
She caresses Selina's face possessively. "The past is what you make of it, as is the present, and the future."
"That, is one of the things we teach."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Selina suddenly bristles, almost hostile for that moment, then it fades. But her voice remains tight. "I must never, '''ever''' forget."
Then she catches Vestal by one shoulder, smiling malevolently. "You really think I can't do that?"
'''Charmaine: ''' "Yes, I do think that. And, if you wish to hold to your past to torture yourself..." She shrugs, pushing the Dark Angel against the wall behind her, meeting the malevolent smile with one of its kind. "Well, it is at least good to know you already enjoy such punishment."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Selina chuckles, letting Vestal do that. "Afterall, I was going to make Kanti forget ''you'' in time, dear."
"But, perhaps that is not the question you should be asking yourself."
'''Charmaine: ''' The Vestal comes so very close of the Dark Angel, pining her wings against the wall...
"And what is that, then?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "You say you came here to talk." Selina says in a deadly purr, leaning out as if to kiss Charmaine, wary behind her front of seductiveness. "But even just talking can be a distraction, can't it? So you should ask yourself the question: What will she do when she realizes you're keeping her busy while you divide and conquer her partner?"
"After all," She continues, baring her teeth, sharp now. "You talked like she's in the bag. How else would you get her but when she's alone, and when would she be alone but here and now?"
'''Charmaine: ''' "Oh, silly." She says, picking Selina's face and kissing her lips, strongly, possessively. "Yes, at this time, there is one who is talking to her. The King in Onyx. But he is just talking. He will sway her, I am sure... but not change her mind."
"That, is what I will do, when you ask me to."
"In fact... I came here for the same thing. But got... sidetracked."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "You were waiting for this chance, weren't you?" The Windian asks softly, looking at the other Abyssal balefully. "Neatly in a bag, both of us. Are you proud of yourselves?"
'''Charmaine: ''' She laughs, once again. "You will not let this go, will you?"
"If I wanted to pick you in a bag, I would have already, Dark Angel. I want to talk."
"You think we are monsters, for what we did to Whiteshield. But that... it would be done anyway. Windia would have done so, or perished. You know what the place is like. It would harbor Solars, create a new deliberative. Bring about all you fear. In the end, Windia would end up being nothing to it, a simple poor place to be annexed. We did what we had to. You think we will do the same with Iranor? With Windia?"
"We have beaten Fair Folk intending to strike Windia, now that the Windmills have weakened."
"The Celebrant simply weakened unimportant parts of it. We will not do the same with Windia."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Selina glares at her. "...how do you know that about me?"
That had been a secret fear of her's, it was one reason she killed Solars. She remembered the First Age. She remembered its heights. And its excesses. The world would not survive that again. Better meanness and lost glory than another dangle from the edge of annihilation.
''Or better annihilation quick and clean. ''
"Do you think you did us a favor?"
"You drew the world's eye!" She accuses Vestal sharply. "The Wyld Hunt will come now! All the powers will lay their eyes on this region as they did Thorns!"
'''Charmaine: ''' "Yes. I believe we know what we are doing. All that we will make is make all the north worship who they ''should'' be worshipping. You have fought Gods... their small, petty lot. Ghosts... they are '''us'''! When you die, you will linger... and if we have won, you will live in the land of the dead as a '''queen'''!"
She hears the accusation, and this time, she does not smile.<BR>
"We will fight them. And this holy war, we will win."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "You guys want to make the world into a boring place." Selina says with narrowed eyes. "Ghosts are even more petty than small gods. And I will '''never''' die! '''''Never'''''!"
'''Charmaine: ''' "I offered you a choice. You see how we are better. Or will. So... will it be the easy way, or the hard way?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Tsk tsk, you said there was no 'or else'. A hard way is an 'or else', dear."
"You, of all people, really should understand me better, Vestal." Selina says sadly. Then she pushes up, away from the wall, dusting herself off. "You enjoy conquest, victory. And yet every time, you insult me by saying how you will ''give'' me something I really want. You like me better when you have to chase me, don't you?"
Selina smiles, lopsided. "So why would I want my Valkyrie handed to me on a silver platter, or my birthright as you offered back then? Where's the ''fun'' in that, dearie?"
Then her anima banner flares, violently, arching and devouring, lightning flickering. "You seem to have forgotten who you are dealing with. '''''HOW DARE YOU TRY TO BUY ME! '''''"
'''Charmaine: ''' She laughs, once again. A throaty, powerful laugh, that seems to both freeze and burn the air all about her, all at the same time. She smiles, a smile that is razor-sharp, burning with challenge and desire. "'''Yes! ''' Yes, I do enjoy it... and that is why, I am '''happy''' that you chose this."
"I did '''not''' try to buy you, you idiot! I '''offered''' it, completely separate from my attempt to sway you! But I am happy. I am happy, Miriana, that you will make me do this." Her own anima flares about her, reaching out, pure void, red as sin.
"'''''Kneel'''''" She cries.
And Selina feels her body obey, her mind obey, feels a rush of pleasure as her legs give out under her...
'''Selina de Windia: ''' The weight of the command hits Selina harder the her counterpart's sword, forcing her to her knees, but she looks up at Vestal with a mix of desire and hatred. "Mistress sounds so on the edge of a fake orgasm!" She snarls, and reaches inside herself for the Dragon.
'''Charmaine: ''' She steps foward, grabbbing Selina's hair, smiling down. "Mistress, '''yes'''! When the time comes, Dark Angel, I will take you. I will break you. You will love me, and only me! I will place you on the throne of Windia, you will rule those little birds by day, and serve me by night!" She turns around, and begins to craft a spell. A moment later, a portal of pure void appears... and her nuns begin to walk through it.
"By now, your Valkyrie is already ours'. Remember, Dark Angel, that I could have you."
"Remember this for when I finally come to claim all of you as '''mine'''!"
And with a last smile, she turns around, and walks through the portal as it closes.
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Her rage is complete, seen thus in front of her apprentice. The Dragon stirs, but she doesn't reach in for it quite yet. She gets to her feet, unsteadily, and totters over to Bronze Butterfly. And wrenches the chains to bits, eyes burning with fury. "''Dress yourself. I am going ahead. ''"
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Revision as of 16:00, 27 February 2009

  1. REDIRECT ADanceOfAngels