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== Blood Wrath ==
A Royal Suite.
The place Elizabeth's parents slept in when in Spire, overlooking the beautiful, silent city, through glass and their lavish comfort. A place whose acoustics lend itself for musical presentations, whose bells can call servants from many levels below...
Elizabeth was left at her own devices there, until a flapping of wings could be heard from the outside, and she could see her little brother's light as he knocked on the door of her balcony... the reason why most places in Spire had such lavish balconies. Much like Windia, those were second doors - or, for Windian supremacists, the only doors.
'''Elizabeth Holysword: ''' Elizabeth sighs, "Come on in."
Alex finds Elizabeth sitting in (though not precicely wearing) a bathrobe-- cross-legged on the bed, staring at herself in a mirror, all illusion cast aside. Her pale silver-dusted skin remains, but visible also are her Lunar tattoos, crafted by no Lunar hand-- and her tell, dark blood-stained hands, though they seem dry at the moment.
Fortunately, Elizabeth sits facing away from him, so her modesty is retained-- if only barely. Then again- she was opposite a mirror, making the point rather moot.
Then she turns around and totally destroyes the point.
"Oh, it's just you." She picks the robe up and finally makes herself decent. "What did you want, Alex?"
'''Alexander: ''' The door opens, bringing the cold air of the night to the room... although it had its own warmth. Like many things in the Spire reborn, it seemed to... breathe, sometimes. He strode in, wearing a long white jacket with a diamond-like trimming(actually, unmelting ice), turning to his sister, "Elizabeth! Is everything... alright...." His voice slows down. In slow motion as he looks at his sister's body... apparently in trance, willing his eyes to look, but they do not look away...
... and ten she turns around, and that is all he could do not to jump back! ".... hee''rrreeeeeeeaaa''!!!" His voice becomes a yelp as he turns around, face red... "Sis... you are... welll...."
'''Elizabeth Holysword: ''' "What, what? I'm dressed, jeez. It's not like you haven't seen it before--" ''Tattoos, blood and Luna's essence, I'm practically covered anyway-- and with Acheron on the inside it's not like anyone sees '''me''' any more no matter '''where''' they look. '' "--but we were kids back then I guess. Both of us."
'''Alexander: ''' "We were..." He is still looking away, at a window... where he sees her again! And then averts his eyes. A wall. He is not seeing any naked sisters on the wall. Right. A sigh of relief at that... "Sorry, just... I had not realised you had grown... so much. And lately, I have seen so many... you know..."
"It is funny, really... I came to give you Ainerach... even though you are a woman..." Ainerach was always wielded by the men of the family. Well, there was Queen Justine, but she is the exception. White flame appears on his hand, and on an impressive gesture - although one with little fanfare from the Prince - Ainerach appears on his hand, and he leaves the Blade in front of him. "... because I never really thought of you as a 'woman' on that sense... you were always more active than me."
'''Elizabeth Holysword: ''' A shiver runs down Elizabeth's spine as Ainerach appears. Was it... fear? Fear of the power of the sun, or of Ainerach? Or was it just fear of responsibility? Wasn't that why Alex wanted to get rid of it-- why she had to accept it? Alex was too young-- as the oldest, it was her cross to bear, like Acheron. Like the safety of her kingdom.
She stands up and reaches for Ainerach, "Alex, I-- turn around damnit, I'm dressed-- I..." ''I'm honored'' "I..." ''I don't want to rule, but I can do it for you... '' "I..." ''I know my duty... '' "--I can't take Acheron from you. Sorry kid. I know this doesn't make much sense, but..." ''I can't tell you why, but... '' "Acheron would tear me appart. It needs a Solar to hold it, and that's you, not me, not Carina--" ''not anymore... '' "--and not any of the Deathlords that want to take it from you."
'''Alexander: ''' He turns around as she reaches for it, and she is dressed, at long last... and sees her reach for it.... but not. Elizabeth sees him visibily distraught at that.... "You have more right than me... I could not stop... mother... father... the... thing with the Angels... with Kanti... with..."
"All I did was lose, sis..."<br>
"I am in love with a Chosen of the Void..."
"I am not worthy..."
He goes limp, the edge of the blade touching the ground. "You should rule..."
''The responsibility is crushing me. ''
'''Elizabeth Holysword: ''' Elizabeth smiles warmly at her brother. "Alex, I can't take Ainerach from you, but you're not alo-- wait, what? You--"
Then she decks him-- hard.
'''Alexander: ''' He does not even see it coming.
He could never even ''think'' about it.
But then, she hits him, and he goes out like a candle in the wind... falling limp on the ground in front of Elizabeth
'''Elizabeth Holysword: ''' Elizabeth catches Alex as he falls limp... she hadnt meant to hit him ''that'' hard-- well she had, actually. He was a Solar and she wanted him to feel it. Thankfully, she hadnt broken anything: he was as hardy as shed guessed. Nonetheless, she was almost glad as it gives her time to think about it as she hefts him up and carries him over to the bed. ''I knew it-- when I heard about the Angels, I knew there were going to be problems like this. I should take him away, where hes safe. '' She sets him down on the bed and sighs. ''The people here seemed so honest... and arent they? Theyre fighting for my country, I cant leave... Alex cant either. Its the Angels that are the problem. They need to not return... ''
She shakes her head, that was like wishing the dead gone from her country in the morning. Pointless. They might even be useful, yet. Deathknights were nothing if not excellent killers. If only there was a way to nip this in the bud...
There ''was'' a way. It was something she learned from the Fae-- or rather, from her ''time'' with the fae. A dissuasion for even the most persuasive fair folk-- and they were very persuasive. She sets him down on the bed and brushes his hair back, giving him a kiss on the forehead. ''This is for your own good, Alex. ''
Elizabeth slits an upturned wrist with Sanguine Barb, letting the blood run down one finger into her brothers mouth along with her essence, and a dew almost like faerie glamour spreads through the room as layers of nature and instinct are sheared away like layers of an onion. It was a physical shaping-- not one of the psyche-- yet Alexs body changes only slightly. He looks younger, perhaps, a little less broad in the chest, but that is it. Oh, he would notice a few other things missing... she smirks, but the end of it was simple. He claimed to love this Deathknight-- he would be free to love if that were it. What he couldnt do was lust, not for the next moon, and maybe longer.
Sisterly amusement was all well and good, but Elizabeth was not happy about this... When she finishes her work, she shakes her head, caressing one alabaster cheek with her blood-stained hand, then turns around and picks up Ainerach with a sigh. The hilt of her familys legacy feels hot in her hand and a shiver runs up her arm-- as if her very blood were trembling in disgust. She bears it. ''You win, Alex. Youre right, I '''can’t''' trust you to hold Ainerach. Ill suffer your burden even if it tears me appart. ''
She sits again in front of the mirror-- though on the floor this time, as Alex occupies the bed-- and sets Ainerach across her knees as she stares into the lake of silver in front of her, searching as she was when Alex came in. Her concentration is broken however as every few minutes she glances over her shoulder to look at Alex, concerned as much for him as she was for where this would take the two of them.
'''Ryshassa: ''' And as Elizabeth stares transfixed at the patterns of shadow on her bare flesh, there is a tentative knock on the door. Ryshassa stands outside the room, too polite to push her way in -- after all she is there as a visitor, to speak with this enigmatic princess of Whiteshield. Alexander's elder sister ... it crosses her mind that ordinarily, the inheritance of the throne would fall to Elizabeth, not the Prince.
But for the moment she pushes aside speculation. Though Elizabeth is royalty and she intends to address her as such, she is also coming to meet her as an ally. It has been her assumption, at least, since meeting Liz, that she is here to lend her aid during the war, as part of the Circle that binds them. For Ryshassa it is of utmost importance to become familiar with those she will be facing life-threatening dangers with, to foster good relations with those she will be standing with side by side.
She knocks again, somewhat louder, but not insistent, when Elizabeth seems not to respond. Her hands touches the doorknob, not quite twisting it open yet, as she announces herself: "Excuse my intrusion, Princess Elizabeth; I am the healer Ryshassa." Not sure Liz would remember her name, she plays it safe. "I merely thought to visit you for a moment, but if this is a bad time..."
'''Elizabeth Holysword: ''' Elizabeth hears Ryshassa the first time, but doesn't answer-- instead slipping back into her robe and standing, quickly making herself a bit more presentable than she was when Alex came in. Her legs are a bit numb, she notices. ''Ainerach... Or is it actually Acheron doing it? They'll have to learn to get along. ''. She considers setting aside Ainerach to answer the door, but decides not to. It was more than the swords had to come to terms with it.
"Come in, Ryshassa--" Elizabeth says simply, pulling the door from her visitor's hand. She gives a glance over to the bed. "--don't worry about Alex. He's just resting."
'''Ryshassa: ''' The door opens -- suddenly and unexpectedly, from Ryshassa's point of view. Beyond it, she can be seen wearing a pale blue kimono embroidered with a pattern of snowdrop blossoms, one of favorite early spring blooms. Their distinctive drooping petals are picked out in white thread, while their slender leaves and stems are depicted in spring green. The obi wrapped artfully around her waist is a gradient shade of pale yellow fading through pink and into lavender at either end.
Her face, framed by tendrils of long dark hair trailing from the braided updo atop her head, is quite a bit paler than normal, punctuated by an expression both bewildered and surprised. She had every intention to approach this meeting in a civilized and calm fashion, but her mind struggles for a split second to put together the disparate parts she is witnessing:
Elizabeth coming to the door in her robe. That was normal enough, assuming she had just woken her up. Ainerach in her hand... wait... isn't that Alexander's sword? And why is he in Liz's bed? Resting? Ryshassa's eyes trail downwards to Elizabeth's bloodied hand, and her eyes widen visibly. Two distinct possibilities form in her mind, one of which causes the color to rise distinctly in her cheeks.
''But even if '''that''' were the case... this is still terribly extreme... ''
''...I mean... '''swords'''? ''
"T-thank you, Elizabeth," she manages to stutter. Only from practice as a professional does she smooth her expression and her tone of voice moments afterward. "Are you certain he is all right? I am quite capable of examining him in the case that... well. If he is hurt after all." Her eyes glance over Ainerach again, briefly. ''Don't show any suspicion... stay calm... ''
'''Elizabeth Holysword: ''' Elizabeth follows Ryshassa's eyes, and realizes how... improper she must look. She takes a quick step back from the door, letting the healer in and looking for an explanation. "I-- ahh-- no, really, he's fine! I mean, you can check on him if you want, but the blood is..." she hesitates slightly, avoiding looking Ryshassa in the eyes. "...sort of like a curse.. It never washes off..."
'''Ryshassa: ''' Now this is a sentiment Ryshassa can handle -- she senses in Elizabeth's haste to explain, a certain amount of shame? worry? about what the healer might think of her. Allowing her misgivings to melt away into a gentler, more reassuring demeanor, she says, "It's quite all right, Princess... you were not expecting me, after all. You do not need to explain yourself for my sake."
In all honesty, Ryshassa had already picked up on Liz's protectiveness of Alexander earlier on, so it would have been ''much'' more difficult for her to settle on her own explanations. And Alex does at least seem to look peacefully sleeping, resting on the pillow as if he had been lain there with the utmost care.
"I just thought it appropriate for me to introduce myself properly," Ryshassa says as she enters the room fully and begins to approach the bed, "given your stature, Princess. I have been, for the past few weeks, lending my abilities to the cause of Whiteshield against the forces of the Bishop of the Chalcedony Thurible. More recently it has been made official, perhaps your brother has already spoken to you of the Circle, the Shades of Eventide?"
She kneels at the side of the bed, to give Alexander a closer look; did he seem... smaller? Certainly he is young, and asleep that would only enhance his appearance of youthfulness. "Whether or not you would pledge yourself to such an organization, you are still Alexander's sister, and a Holysword, so it is but natural I would offer my aid to you as well, if it were so desired. As healer and as... counselor, if you would..."
Her brows draw in worriedly as she sees the evidence of a blow on Alexander's head, though. "Was he... knocked out?" she asks, raising her eyebrows as she lifts her head to regard Elizabeth once more.
'''Elizabeth Holysword: ''' Elizabeth follows Ryshassa over Alex's bedside, honest sisterly concern in her voice. "I don't know about circles or anything, but I'll be sticking around... I was in the south when this all happened. I came as soon as I'd heard." She gives a bit of a start when Ryshassa seems concerned about Alex's bruise, but more on her feet, she is ready for it. "Actually--" she smirks, setting Ainerach down on the bed next to Alex "--we were sparing earlier and he didn't do too well; tired himself out too. I wouldn't mention it to him... he's kinda embarassed." she shakes her head, amused. "He's such a kid sometimes."
She bends over and takes Alex's hand, feeling the warmth. "I worry for him. It's an honor to find so many here willing to fight for my kingdom; you seem nice enough-- even the Windian Dragonblood-- but the Angels are conveniently gone and Alex, he likes them. Deathknights of the mistress that took our sister." She looks seriously at Ryshassa, "Did you know that? Alex's twin sister Carina is one of the Lover's Abyssals now, how can I let this go on?"
'''Ryshassa: ''' "I see..." Well, that explanation put a lot of pieces together, too -- and it would be too rude to pry any further, besides. "I would tell you to be more careful, but he does not seem terribly hurt, and he is Chosen as I am, so he'll be all right in no time."
Ryshassa smiles faintly, oblivious for the moment about anything else Alexander might have lost during this unintentionally rough sparring session. But the smile is short lived, fading into a look of careful introspection as Elizabeth speaks of her woes concerning the Dark and Pale Angels, and in general the influence of Abyssals over her family.
"It is an honor to be accepted as your ally as well, Princess. But there are some of our number you would have issue with... and that is understandable, given that our enemies are of the same cloth, at least in terms of their origin." Ryshassa rises from her knees now, perching herself carefully on the edge of the bed. "I am deeply sorry to hear about your sister. I would not say, necessarily, that I trust the Lover any more than I would the Bishop. I know little of her, and what I do know... well, it is simply fortunate that we happen to be fighting on the same side with her."
"That said..." Ryshassa takes a deep breath, as if pausing to consider her words. "I do not think that you can simply judge an person at face value, even Deathknights of the Lover. They are still, despite their allegiances, individuals beneath it all. From my short interactions with both Lady Aine and Lilith, I can at least say they are well-intentioned, and do not wear the yoke of their mistress well. Their reasons for embracing darkness... are their own, but I do not think it is to bring your brother to harm."
'''Elizabeth Holysword: ''' Elizabeth sighs, watching Alex. “I wonder, healer-Ryshassa, what you know of the Abyssal condition? They may not wear the yoke well but don it themselves they did, and wear it they do.” ''Just like me. '' “The deathlord holds their very souls captive, leaving them trapped between life and death-- they will do what their mistress asks no matter how begrudgingly; of that I am certain: consignment to the void will avail them nothing save honor, and honor theyve long given up for power.” ''I at least have that... dont I? ''
She shakes her head sadly and stands, picking up Ainerach again and sending a shiver down her spine. “Maybe you could heal them, Solar-Ryshassa-- maybe Alex could. The sorceries of the Sun are the things of legend, while I am more... limited. Immortal yet unable to save the things that truely matter sometimes, it seems. I have made my choice however, as we all must-- but remember, ''they'' were once Solars too, and above them is something... far worse.” The tone of her voice leaves it unclear if Elizabeth is talking about Abyssals and their Deathlords or something... else.
Elizabeth winces and pinches the bridge of her nose with a sigh. “Fuck-- listen to me-- sad listing and mysterious portents, this is supposed to be ''silver''; not ''grey''.”
'''Ryshassa: '''Ryshassa purses her lips thoughtfully. "Perhaps you have a point... I have not seen first hand the full extent of the Lovers' influence on them. I do believe they would resist her if they had the capability to, though. At least when it comes to the Prince."
"Lady Aine does not seem interested in his corruption... In fact she is more interested in otherwise, from what she has told me. And Lilith, the Pale Angel, is more than capable of love, as improbable as that may seem to you. It is buried, but it is there, and I believe she loves your brother truly, even if such a union might be ill-fated."
The healer sighs softly, gazing down at Alexander's sleeping form. "But I do not blame you for being concerned; he is your brother, and it is your prerogative. Nor do I believe it easily dismissable that the Lover may make true on her... 'ownership' of the Angels. They ''should'' be watched -- but I will stand firm on my belief that, as individuals, they should not be considered 'evil'. They have chosen, or been Chosen, for a darker path to meet their goals, but they are not evil."
"Whether they can be... changed... though... it could be done. It might take higher magics or knowledge than I now know. But it could be... and I believe it ought to be their choice to do so or not. The Solars, too, were terrible once." This she remembers from her husband's lessons, when she was still young and they were still unmarried, as he told her the truth behind the teachings of the Immaculate Order.
'''Elizabeth Holysword: ''' Elizabeth sighs-- she never could beat Alexs optimism and he had chosen his companions well, it seemed. Perhaps, but even if he remains pure in heart, it might be his purpose that becomes twisted to the Lovers whims. ''Honor... Honor is a convenient excuse to do whats right in the face of all logic. I suppose I dont have even that-- rather, its exactly what I gave up. Face it Liz, you dont have any ground to stand on here. ''
”Already”-- she says, changing the subject ever slightly away from the inherent evil of the Angels. –“already he doubts himself enough to give up Ainerach. I refused, until he told me of his dalliance with this Lilith. Must I add him to those I cannot trust?”
'''Ryshassa: ''' ''So that is why she is holding the sword. I wonder if that means they were still sparring, after all. '' Ryshassa keeps her expression impassive for the moment, though. ''Sibling quarrels among Exalted... can be dangerous to tread upon. ''
"I would not say it is untrustworthiness so much as it is youth," she replies aloud. "He is at an age where doubting himself is not surprising. But he needs to be able to choose his own path, and make his own mistakes... we might advise him, but if he does not learn the why of it, the lesson is pointless."
"I suspect it's just been one disaster after another since he left Whiteshield after... the Bishop came along. Perhaps he needs someone to look up to, since all this time he's been making decisions on his own. A proper role model. And you... you are the elder sister are you not?" She almost says the rest: ''technically you are next in line... ''
'''Elizabeth Holysword: ''' Elizabeth sets Ainerachs tip on the ground, was this the right way to deal with Alex? Was Elizabeth just avoiding the problem, not dealing with it? She straightens her back, pushes away the indecision. ''No, this is necessary. We dont have the time or freedom to just let things happen on their own. '' Its regrettable, but sometimes we have to grow up overnight-- Princes and firstborn especially-- those of us responsible for an entire Kingdom cannot afford to be swayed by childish coquetry. Alex will learn this-- one way or another. Ill keep Ainerach safe until he does-- it seems to be what I do, guarding these artifacts...
'''Alexander: ''' "... hmmm... no, lilith, stop it... not here..." He begins to mumble, turning around on the bed, silverly strands beautifically over his face. His feathers ruffled a bit, and he was every bit the angel, a soft smile on his lips as he turned in the bed like a boy even younger, even cuter... "... I needd to get my dress... no, no, it is not violet... yes, I know... hmmm..."
Then, there was a moment of silence. And slowly, his eyes opened. Purest amethyst took on the world around him with delicate innocence, and blinked quite a few times, mumblings that were not proper words still coming from him... and then he got up, slowly, his shirt falling a bit down his shoulder, showing a chest that had not even a hint of being in the way to being a man, only a child... he yawns cutely as he stretches, his vision focusing on the females in front of him... Mrrrr, LizRyshy, wha... He mulbed...
And then his eyes went wide.<br>
Growing to the size of saucers.<br>
His hand snuck down... touching himself...<br>
... opening his pants to look down...
And then he screamed.<br>
A sound not unlike a soul being torn from life...
'''Elizabeth Holysword: ''' ''Oh.... '' Elizabeth has a moment to think before Alexs explosion. ''Hes awake. Great. '' Like lightning, Elizabeth levels Ainerach at Alex, the point lifting his chin so he has to look at her-- she was obviously not as over his declaration as shed seemed. Alex! Quiet!"
"You win, Alex. You have convinced me-- I will take Ainerach, but I have also taken something you obviously hold very dear. You can have both back when you earn the right to use them responsibly."
'''Alexander: ''' His eyes got filled with tears, almost, urgent, sweat running down his face... he was the very ''face'' of despair and urgency, even with Ainerach at his chin, he uttered the words that made him look not a day older than fourteen years old - and, truly, even a few years younger - "''Give it '''back'''! ''"
'''Ryshassa: ''' Ryshassa watches the Prince wake, faintly bemused, distracted from the talk with Liz for the moment. He looked adorable mumbling like that, more childlike than Princelike...
Then his eyes shoot wide open. And he screams. Shattering the image of innocence entirely.
"What's wrong, Alexander?" Ryshassa looks both stunned and worried, not even thinking before laying her hands on his arm as he yells, to check his body for injury... she hadn't thought the bump on his head was even remotely critical, there must have been something she missed...
She turns her head to Liz sharply, eyes uncharacteristically ablaze, forgetting her politeness entirely. "Don't threaten him like that! Threats alone will not create obedience! If... if you've hurt him, I'll..."
''...you'll what? Fix it? Of course you will. Because that's what you '''do'''. ''
'''Alexander: '''He looked at Ryshassa... eyes wide... panic... urgency...
"My... my... she... I lost my... my... she..."
"I'm... I'm..."
How to even '''say '''it?<br>
He had no idea.
'''Elizabeth Holysword: ''' Once Alex has stopped ''wailing'', Elizabeth removes Ainerach from his chin, setting the tip down on the floor again. "I've not hurt him." she explains to Ryshassa. "Simply cleared him of... distractions."
'''Ryshassa: '''Now the healer's eyes are wide, as she senses with touch and Essence what Alexander cannot even pronounce... her cheeks go from faintly pink to a bright red.
"Distractions..." Ryshassa says, her voice trembling though she tries to keep it level. "And you truly believe removing his manhood will stop his heart? If you want him to learn, he must experience for himself what is right or wrong about his actions. He will gain nothing from you shielding him from ...from the pleasure of it. This way will only bring strife for everyone involved!"
But she does not say aloud what she now knows -- this is not an injury, but a Change. Thus there is no would she can heal. Only Liz, or another with her ability, could bring back what she has taken away.
She takes a deep breath, facing Liz completely.
"Have you heard nothing I've said?" A corona of gold surrounds the darker violet of her irises, and each word that falls from her lips resonates with the finality of a bell tolling, heralding the inevitable. "Elizabeth Holysword, return him to his true form!"
'''Elizabeth Holysword: ''' I will not! Elizabeth snaps, unconsciously gripping Ainerach tightly. Ive no intention to stop his heart, Solar-Ryshassa. My challenge is this: One week from her return, if he still and truely loves this... Abyssal ''harlot'', let him prove it to the Sun and Moon with his mind and hers unclouded in a way of their choosing-- anything less I will consider lust and lies.
--and Elizabeth knew a lot about those subjects.
''Some mistakes are too painful to let others repeat. ''
'''Alexander: ''' "Do not call milady a harlot! She is pure! Pure like snow, like the clouds themselves!" He calls out, outrage ''almost'' obscuring his despair and panic... "... prove to Sun and Moon? What? Speak ''clearly''! And give it '''back'''"
'''Ryshassa: ''' The corona fades from Ryshassa's eyes in an instant. ''She is determined. That is for certain. '' Ryshassa does not like to use force -- and it was only her first option. Not her last.
"A... test." The healer glances from Liz to Alex and back, her expression more somber, now, more considering. But far from meek. "And this is not to be ''permanent''? Not if he... passes? Or gives up on Lilith?"
As she speaks, so does the mark on her brow shimmer subtly... very subtly, but ''there'', like light glaring from a mirror. Then it is gone.
"I am sorry. But I must know. Do you do this for love of your brother, as I dearly wish to believe?"
'''Alexander: ''' "I am ''not'' giving up on Lilith! Give me this test, Liz, and whatever that needs to be done to prove with my mind, I will do! I will!" He says with determination, looking at his sister in the eyes, as Ainerach glows, hearing her promise, and both of the sibling's determination, shining.... "... but do I have to do it like... this?" His eyes turn to a plea.
'''Elizabeth Holysword: ''' Elizabeth holds Ainerach out in front of her, a symbol of the sun to watch over them as she clarifies her challenge. "You must prove you love her heart and soul Alex-- as you are. How: you must decide for yourself. You get one chance, forsake her or succeed, and you get ''both'' your 'swords' back. With that, Elizabeth lets Ainerach drop sideways, tracing a crescent in the air. No discussion. Ainerachs tip slams into the stone floor with finality.
'''Alexander: ''' He watches Elizabeth.... and blinks, quite a few times... shivering.
"B... but... Liz, I came to give you Ainerach... for you to hold... I..." He looks at her face for answers, but does not seem to see any. "So, you are saying it is mine, is that it? That I have to hold its burden, wether I believe myself worthy and capable or not...? And that I have to prove myself worthy of it...? Is that it...?"
'''Elizabeth Holysword: ''' Ryshassa sees in her mind's-eye that Elizabeth is honestly angry, yet divided and manipulative. This is a win-win situation for her: Alex will either follow the safe road without Lilith, or he will prove her honest, and bind Lilith to their cause. Secretly, Elizabeth hoped for the latter-- this was her out: Elizabeth did not want the responsibility of being Queen, and Ainerach would tear her appart body and soul-- but it was a fate she would bear gladly for him.
'''Ryshassa: ''' Ryshassa nods to herself slowly -- seeing, in her understanding of Elizabeth's motives, a confirmation. She turns to address the Prince once more, her trembling stilled now by surety. "Alexander, I'm... sorry. I will not be able to reverse what she's done myself. But your sister will stand true to her word. I can assure you of that."
"You love Lady Lilith -- this sacrifice she has... imposed on you, should be worth it, if this is the truth. And I believe it is. I believe you would defend her and your own honor in whatever way you must face. It will be a difficult week -- but to prove to your sister, who worries for you, that your heart is ''true'' and has not been manipulated, that you are indeed worthy of the Whiteshield crown -- that is what she asks of you."
"I cannot say I approve of the method, but..." She gives the Prince a somewhat pained, but sympathizing glance. ''I do not think I could stop her if I wanted to... Lilith will likely be angry, though. Very angry. ''
'''Elizabeth Holysword: ''' "If you shirk this challenge yet remain with this 'Lilith,' I will keep Ainerach-- for I will be unable to trust you with ''it'' or the responsibility it carries. This is the only way. If you do decline, howver--" she pauses, and her stoic anger is replaced by the mischievous sister he knows. "--I may simply get more... ''creative''. For your own good, of course. No ''man'' of the Holysword family would refuse such an offer if his feelings were true, after all."
Alexander can't help but remember the dress she gave him.
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Revision as of 15:56, 27 February 2009

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