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* - Back to [[GoldenCat/FifthMovement|Fifth Movement]]
#REDIRECT ADanceOfAngels
* - Back to [[GoldenCat/DanceOfAngels|A Dance of Angels]]
== Tragedy in Family ==
'''Selina de Windia: ''' ''Star-chosen? ''
Selina purses her lips and sips the last of her refreshments up, wishing the man had not eaten her chocolate pastries. Still, she got something out of that meeting.
''He thinks I'm easy to fluster. ''
She intended to keep this up. From her earliest days she had made sure people thought she had flaws like that. It didn't hurt that often she felt like doing those things. But never without reservations. Such acts had created an image which Selina could cloak her intentions in, and by that pretense, she had created a myth.
''The vile, dirty, reprehensible Dark Angel! ''
''The childish Dark Angel! ''
''The predictable Dark Angel! ''
''The easily-manipulated Dark Angel... ''
She stands, licking her lips, and then moving out of the room, wonders who else is staying here. Everyone else seems out, so she decides to go and check the place. Perhaps she'll run into someone she knows...or doesn't.
''Maybe Gennadi lied about going. ''
She'll find out about that in time, she thinks.
''To the other wing, perhaps! ''
And that is precisely where she goes.
* Iselsis lounges on her bed, arms crossed behind her head. Her coat was open but still on; she wasn't going to go without it in what she considered hostile territory. Her hat and scarf were on the nightstand next to the bed, her suitcase next to that. The soulsteel Daiklave stands resting against a wall, a good foot bigger than Iselsis herself.
She'd sent Acelia to do some exploring, and to find some food and drink. It'd probably take her a while, considering everyone was out. At least that gave her time to think. She wondered where that damn Gennadi was hiding, and wether approaching these people so readily was a good idea.
'''Selina de Windia: ''' She glides silently down the hall, looking into empty rooms or looking at closed doors...until she comes to one with an open door.
And someone inside.
''Oh, who's this? ''
Her greatcoat isn't buttoned up -- it's not that cold, and she prefers the freedom of movement with it open. She stands on the threshold, looking at the occupant and then greeting her. "Good day. Not seen you around this place yet. Displaced from another district of the Boil?"
'''Iselsis: ''' A glance at the door as a voice disturbs her from her reverie. Her eyes flicker with recognition and the woman tenses briefly, before regaining control of herself again, her cool exterior returning.
"Something like that. I'm the cavalry. Hiya.", she holds her hand up in a wave, doesn't bother getting off the bed, "I thought I was the only one left here."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Really?" Selina asks, looking her over. A coat, somewhat like hers. Red toned skin.
''Another Kanti...or Fire Terrestrial, anyway. ''
"I didn't know the Boil had cavalry. But no, you aren't the only one here. I'm just killing time until the party tonight..and whatever ceremony we have before it." Selina looks about the room, and at the odd woman's possessions, but stays on the threshold, only looking in.
'''Iselsis: ''' She shrugs a little.
"Your fearless leader didn't think so either. Tried to throw me through a roof. Didn't make it though." she snorts a little in the air, obviously displeased at that debacle, "Either way. You can call my Iselsis. I'll be tagging along from now on."
She finally sits up and reaches into one of her coats pockets, fishing out a cig and blowing on it slightly to light the tip. She holds the pack up at the other woman. "Smoke?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' She raises her eyes at that. Another person coming along, eh? Rather like the fae...the new one that is. "Not today. I smoke only infrequently."
Besides, she didn't like the quality of stuff in this city. At least what she could get.
''Oh, you did that, did you? ''
"Pissed off Moon? That's hard to do...or easy." Her tone gets a bit more knowingly wry. "Depends."
'''Iselsis: ''' She takes a few puffs and motions to the other bed across from her.
"Easy apparantly, in my case. Either way, he failed. I wasn't born yesterday. The fair one was amused.", she gestures idly, "I don't like their kind. Too fickle."
She looks appraisingly at Selina. "You haven't introduced yourself yet."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "They annoy me." Selina says flatly, expression moving back to neutral, and then smiling faintly, one sidedly, as she moves to sit on the bed. She sizes up the woman, wondering what kind of magic she has.
''Probably a Terrestrial. ''
"I'm Aine Blackwater." Selina says simply, crossing one leg over another, opening the coat and letting to fall to the bed behind her as she sits so she won't get hot. The black-feathered wings spread behind her for a moment, free of the garment. "Dark Angel, Culwyeh, bitch queen of Nexus, whatever."
'''Iselsis: ''' She didn't know wether to smile or be disgusted at the similarity. So she chose to be neither.
"I know your names, actually. I was really just curious which one you would use, after all your reputation precedes you.", more puffs of the cigarette, "With all you've done here lately, I mean.", she adds.
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Dark Angel, or Culwyeh." Selina replies somewhat guardedly. This person -- with horns? where do those come from? -- seems to know something about her. That in itself is not surprising, but that she wants to know which name Selina has been using lately. "Why?"
''You have a purpose for this, right? ''
The lines of her face. Odd. Kind of like her own. She has a faint Windian look even with most of herself cloaked in that coat. And the horns, from what exactly?
''We don't have horns. ''
"And you? Where are you from?"
'''Iselsis: ''' "Just curious, really. I mean nothing by it. As for where I'm from...", she leans over and puts the cig out in a little tray by her bed, "Here and there really. I wander, especially lately. Though I can't say I appreciate this place. It's pretty aptly named, don't you think? The Boil?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "No worse than Nexus. Which isn't saying much, I admit." An evasion, just like that?
''Oh, you're interested in me, dear. ''
''The question is what for. ''
Deathlord-hired assassin? Someone from Nexus, or Windia?
''Someone trying to stop me from regaining my throne, perhaps? ''
"It's a boil on the face of the world, but this war's lanced it and maybe it'll improve. But me...I think I'll be going to Windia soon." Selina's eyebrows raise a bit. "I have some unfinished business there."
'''Iselsis: ''' Her eyebrows raise, just slightly, in surprise.
''Going to Windia? She's bluffing, she can't do that yet, not with the war still going, with the prince in her clutches. It'd be risking too much. ''
"Really? That's interesting because last I checked the war was the other way and there were still plenty of deaders to make re-dead. I got the impression everyone was heading there next."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "I have reason to believe that the war may be over sooner than alot of people think." Selina replies with an elusive smirk. And it will, too, if she continues to deal with deathknights like has been happening lately.
The sword by the wall is impressive, although after having seen so many war nemissaries, Selina isn't too impressed. The Bishop seems to enjoy kitting all of his men out in soulsteel. Still...you never know where it came from.
"Whiteshield's the last hurrah. If we make it there, we've won. And then, my business."
'''Iselsis: ''' "Ah, so you're going after Whiteshield after all like the rest. Good, good. Those abyssal exalted are hard to keep down, really. We could use the help."
''Good, I still have time. ''
"I suppose that means we'll be seeing a lot more of eachother in the future then."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "I...might be." Selina gives. "But there's a few running around elsewhere. My kind of skills would probably be better used to track them down and eliminate them."
"I suppose we might, though. You'd like to or something?"
'''Iselsis: ''' She shrugs a bit. "Can't hurt. Besides, you never know when you might need some help. Do you? One moment you're fine and the next moment BAM!", she grins a little, "I'm sure you know what I'm talking about. Flying solo has its risks as well as its rewards, you know? Plus I've always wanted to see Whiteshield, haven't you?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "So long as nothing untoward comes of it." Selina says carefully, wondering just why this person wants to be around her.
''Not because of my stunning charisma I'm sure. ''
Yes, definitely trying to keep an eye on her. In the Durants' pockets perhaps? Or just something else?
"There's not much left to see, I'm afraid. The Bishop's forces razed it, and I'm thinking, they would have done the same to Windia if my companions hadn't stopped that army."
'''Iselsis: ''' "Your companions stopped an army from wrecking Windia? Well, that's noble. Saved Windia, rescued the Boil, Whiteshield next.", she nods at her own words, "Very noble, really."
"I hear the windmills are lovely there. Windia, that is."
'''Selina de Windia: '''"That is, yes." Selina says, raising an eyebrow at the woman. "And they are. I should know -- I was there a few weeks ago."
''And I never heard anything about you, dear. ''
Not that she would hear much. Her aliases were mostly nobodies in the underworld, and she is not stupid enough to use her real moniker in ''Windia'' of all places.
"I am curious. Are you a Terrestrial god-blood of some sort? Never seen your like before."
'''Iselsis: ''' She gesticulates idly, waving her hand in a vague pattern "Oh I'm a little bit of this, a little bit of that, and the exact denominator kinda got lost somewhere along the way. Just consider me the best of three worlds. I'll leave you to guess at which I'm getting at."
"Do anything interesting while there? See the sights? Or were you too busy aiding the war effort?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "No, not really. I had other things to do while there." Selina gives, then quiets, looking the other woman up and down.
''You...I sense something in you. ''
''Demon? ''
It has been awhile since she sensed that, outside of battle. Is this a pawn of her erstwhile 'husband'? The feeling is too weak to put a exact target on.
''The stench of death essence must be easier to read in myself, by far. ''
'''Iselsis: ''' "Personally, I can't wait to meet the prince. I assume you've met him. How is he? ... Wait should I say prince or king? You know how it goes, the king is dead, long live the king and all?"
She grins a little.
"I suppose it's hard to be king of a kingdom that's already taken away."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Hm. He's...alright." Selina muses on that one, then rises to her feet. "He'll get it back. Maybe even not as a puppet of the Dark. Both kinds."
Her black-feathered wings spread to their full vast spans as her eyes fleck with that nether-bright Presence Selina picked up when she fought Kanti. The flecks cast shadows, eating through the light in the room like inverse beams of sun poking through the clouds, casting utter darkness on Iselsis' form. Outwardly, it looks like Selina is merely stretching -- all her limbs tensing and untensing as she raises her arms above her head -- but the eyes prove that a lie.
''Tell me! ''
''What is she? ''
''I '''will know this! ''' ''
* As she spreads her wings, they touch the tip of Iselsis' hand. And then, the winds come. The table is dust. The winds explode the window. The force comes from her, wrapping around Selina's winds, towards her, it is violent, it is deadly. It spirals towards Selina, breaking, burning the tip of her feathers towards her... deadly, intent in killing her, in burning off her Exaltation ''itself''! Iselsis feel the hatred... no, more than hated. The purpose. What is within her calls, urges... that she must die, that she has to die, that she '''has to'''!
'''Iselsis: ''' ''Oh crap... not again! Not '''now'''! ''
It comes from within her, she struggles against it, trying to tear herself away from it like she did on the Zephyr, but it's so much stronger now. Her eyes widen in fear, the clear sky blue pupils narrowing to points. Could this be the moment she's dreaded for so long? Panic overtakes her heart, her senses.
This can't be how it ends... it can't. She says the only thing she can: "Sister... run... '''RUN! '''"
She tries to contain the winds. She tries so hard to force them back in, to put them away where they've always been. She struggles, visibly.
* The oblivion flares, and Iselsis is sent flying to the window, the forces making the room explode - literally - and leaving the two Exalts there, cloaks in a poor fit as the dust settles...
'''Selina de Windia: ''' ''Tell me! '' Selina howls into her subconciousness, rage gripping her as she rails at the Malfean who so lately has an entryway into her mind.
The answer rumbles up from the depths of Oblivion, cold and unvocalized, not fit for proper speech, but understandable all the same. That thing before her, is a container for a part of a fallen prince, just as she. It is a creature for---
''''''the Death Wind''''''
And her name snaps her out of listening to her master, even as she acknowledges it in surprise, and feels his displeasure congealing in her soul, so soon after the knowledge is imparted.
"I have not sworn to your Princess."
"She cannot control you without oaths." The flecks move over Selina's eyes, collecting in her pupils, making them doorways to nothingness as she reaches out through the winds. Quiet sheaths her like a glove, close as the one she wears. It shields her from the winds, though the fingertips remain unprotected. She brushes them against the other woman's shoulder, and the quiet retreats up her arm, disappaiting. "They only have what you let them."
It clicks in her mind, oddly. The lines of her face, that tone of voice. Younger, and...too familiar. "You are related to me. Where are the night-black wings that mark us accursed?"
'''Iselsis: ''' The winds dissapate. She doesn't understand how or why, but they're gone.
''Thank ... whoever for that. ... Oh damn, I just called her... ''
She pulls away defiantly, glaring now that her secret's out far sooner than she'd wanted. If it was ever going to get out. "My wings? You want to see my wings, '''fine! '''", the essence shimmers behind her with that audible moving of air created by swooping wings, as the clasps on the back of her coat unfasten to let the wings come through the specially made slits.
"There, are you happy '''now? ''' Don't worry, I only lost my original ones in a freak accident. I should probably thank '''you''' for that! Just like I should thank you for whatever the bloody hell just happened!"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Oh, don't credit me with too much." Selina says, the Quiet disappearing entirely, pupils becoming a more normal black once more. "I only killed my parents, afterall. Quite unfortunate, that."
''Which branch of the family is she from? ''
She considers the main branch, but that would be too convenient. Perhaps one of her cousins?
"You just called up part of a demon prince. Princess, I should say. But that is about all I know of her."
'''Iselsis: ''' "''I'' bloody well did nothing. And yeah, you ''only'' killed your parents. You only left me a fucking orphan left to rot in Windia. But that's okay, I survived, despite a few cosmetic changes. Except then, ''you'' just had to pop up again in the north, and while I have enough on my bloody mind with Adjordan trying to use me as some gateway into Creation, I'm here babysitting you because you're probably up to no good, being a freaking deader and all! Why the ''fuck'' can't you stay out of my life and stop ruining it, '''huh!? '''"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Selina says nothing, for a minute. The unreality of it all washes over her. Dealing with Moon, Vorpal, hell, the Bishop's men and the Lover, she can do. This...not so much.
"I didn't want to, someone made me." Selina says, knowing full well how unbelievable that sounds. The disbelief still rules her, even. Almost like a euphoria. "Believe me or not, it's the truth."
"Izabella, right?" She asks, somewhat disoriented. "Shit. Shit."
'''Iselsis: ''' "Oh someone made you? Someone made you. Right."
She pauses for a second as if taking that in.
"Well BOO-FUCKING-HOO! Do you have ''any'' idea what I've been through because of what you did, huh?? Do you have ANY idea!? Well, I suppose you must have some idea, unless you're fucking BLIND!"
She clenches her fists, breathing heavily as years of pent up frustration come to the surface, her nostrils flaring with her breath.
'''Selina de Windia: ''' That stings. Perhaps too deep. Selina glares at the woman -- her sister, her cousin, it does not matter. "No. I do not."
Not quite yet does she hit back with how her own life has been, not yet. "I can hazard a guess, however."
'''Iselsis: ''' "Be my guest, hazard a guess. Tell me what you think my life has been, and then consider that out of the lot of us, I'm probably one of the lucky ones. And yes, ''Izabella''", she almost spits the name at her, "or whatever's left of her. Only one person has the right to utter that name at me, maybe two. So you can just keep calling me Iselsis."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Yes, you are one of the more lucky ones, compared to me." Selina replies, anger beginning to get a hold on her. Tighter than Izabella's, more controlled. But definitely noticable. "And I will call my sister as I wish."
'''Iselsis: ''' "Why should I have sympathy for someone who chose to become a monster? Why don't you tell me that. If it's honestly been so bad for you, then why are you still here? Why didn't you kill yourself to end it? You didn't. You chose to become what you are and perpetuate all the hurt. And I'm supposed to feel sorry for you? Not happening.", she plucks a cig from her pack and lights it, eagerly taking a few puffs from it.
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Selina's anger receeds a bit, at that. Accusations would awaken it, and something more, but not so much that tone. "Why are you, who ''apparently'' didn't get to choose her fate?"
"I became a monster because I could get power from it. And I will come back. And those who created me will taste the dregs of their scheme." Selina pauses for a moment, and unclenches her fists.
"One way, or another."
'''Iselsis: ''' "Revenge.", she sneers, "How petty. See that's the difference between me and you. Because if I wanted revenge I would've let Adjordan eat you, or finished the job myself, and we wouldn't be standing here having this quite unpleasant little chat. Would we?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Selina smiles at her sister, a knowing smile. "Revenge? If you say so. I am going to set things right. The de Windias were ousted, they shall have their seat back. Admittedly, I will sit it, but that is all I want. No bloody revenge -- this is far better to stick in their throats."
'''Iselsis: ''' She sneers, again. "Yeah, that's a good idea. Why don't you gift wrap our home and deliver it to the Lover with a cute card while you're at it, huh? That is assuming you survive long enough to execute this badly thought through scheme of yours."
"Not to mention assuming I'm about to let you get anywhere near Windia."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Yes, I really want a sex-obsessed Deathlord to rule our ancestral home." Selina grates in return. "That's why she had to pay me a large sum of jade to get me embroiled in this mess. And why I've been trying to not just ''do her bidding ''beyond contract terms."
"As for badly thought out and me surviving -- how do '''you''' know that?" She pauses for a moment, stepping back from Izabella, looking her up and down again, sizing her up. "But you -- you're going to stop me? You're going to kill your big sister for having the guts to walk up to that house of cards they call a conspiracy and push it down?"
'''Iselsis: ''' "As far as I'm concerned my big sister died ages ago. And I don't care if you want it or not, you're her minion, that means you really have no choice in the matter. What were you going to do? Refuse her if she wanted to move in? Yeah, I'd like to see ''that''."
"And yes, I'm going to stop you. If this is the part where you try to intimidate me with some deathknight routine, save it. The last one I fought is still sore about how I sent her down in flames." she thumbs over her back at the sword resting over the wall "That's the trophy I got off the so-called assassin she sent for me."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "I already have refused her. The darkness was all I got from her, and then I left. She tried to get me to do what she wants." Selina growls, remembering that. She may have lost out on things, but that put the Lover's back up. At least somewhat. "No one tells me what to do. Not my Malfean, or my Deathlord. No. One. I'm not chattal to be used and thrown aside!"
The Windian pauses, looking at her sister oddly. "So instead, you'll attempt to intimidate me with your...whatever it is...routine."
'''Iselsis: ''' She shrugs idly, puffing on her cigarette "Better I do it first than for you to do it to me first. And while you might believe you're not in the Lover's pocket, you really are. Otherwise why would you be here? I doubt it's altruism."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "My contract stated only -- Only! -- that I was to rescue Alexander and bring him to the Lover." Selina backs up and sits back down on the other bed. "Killing the servants of the Bishop is my own discretion."
"And besides, intimidation is not my specialty. Go look for my alabaster counterpart if you want that. All I do is ''killing''." The Windian opens a wing, arcs it over to the front of her, and scratches the rim of it. "And something else. But that's not proper to show a sibling."
'''Iselsis: ''' "Do you have any way to enforce any contracts against the Lover? Are you able to stand up to her if she decides to do something you don't agree with? And would you even survive something like that? Because I'm rather skeptical about the answers to all of those."
"Ah yes, Vorpal. How'd you guess I knew about her too?"
She just rolls her eyes at that last statement, letting it slide without comment.
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "You probably know about a great deal of things. Perhaps you think you know more than you really do, even." Selina chuckles at that -- she probably does herself at times. "But I was not guessing anything. Merely, pointing her out."
"As for standing up to my mistress...I already have." Selina purrs, remembering that day...days. Nights. "Walked out on her, and I live yet. I am far too valuable and powerful to kill -- she brought me into the fold accomplished and a legend already, not a fledgling. I do not think she is foolish enough to waste that based on a fight of absolute control."
'''Iselsis: ''' "Let's get off that subject for the moment, since it really isn't my concern wether you go to Windia or not at the moment. You readily admit the Lover wants the prince, why?", she sits back down on the bed, puffing on her cigarette. She was apparantly a chainsmoker most of the time.
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "To get a hold in Whiteshield with his corruption or alliance," Selina shrugs, moving her feet up to the bed and hugging her knees. "And to fuck him. Obviously. Even you lot in Windia ought to know she's into Solar meat lately."
'''Iselsis: ''' "And you think everyone is just going to stand by and let that happen?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "No. But that...oh, we'll see how that goes when it comes down to it."
Selina thinks on that a bit, and how she's going to prevent it.
''I'm not. ''
She can prolong Alex's visit. But in the end, she can't stop it. Alex will have to mature a bit, steady a bit. So the Lover doesn't just snap him up.
''And even then, she likely will. ''
"Now, Izabella, or Iselsis, or whichever moniker you wish to be called...who do you report to?" Selina's gaze sharpens, infinitely. "I have told a fair share -- more than fair to someone who simply says she is going to be tagging along with me uninvited. But I require something of you, dear sister."
'''Iselsis: ''' She emphasizes every syllable, as one might spell something out to a child, "Windian. Black. Ops. I'm here in order to ascertain your and Vorpal's goals and in how far your company has been tainted by the two of you, and if necesary to stop you from doing... well, bad things.", she pauses a second, "Satisfied? Although I probably didn't tell you anything you hadn't guessed already."
"I figure they only assigned me to this job because either I'll get rid of you, or you'll get rid of me, or I'll show I'm disloyal and they're rid of a weak link in the chain.", she shrugs a little, "All in a days work I guess."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Ah, but that doesn't answer the question I asked." Selina says once she's done, spreading her wings and rolling on her back onto the bed after turning to one side, her knees still held to her chest as she tilts her head to look at Izabella sideways. "Who pulls your strings? Which house? Or are you in some kind of cell structure? No matter. Sorcery can break through barriers such as those, and I am certainly a sorceress."
Selina giggles before she tells the rest, thinking of it. Her expression gets the most insolent cast. "As for corruption: why, between Vorpal and I, we have tainted quite a few people. Moon has my bottom in his hands, Vorpal has corrupted Alex with her's, Cael ''and'' Gennadi both steal glances at ours, and don't tell anyone, but I think we even quicken some of our allies in the fairer sex."
'''Iselsis: ''' She narrows her eyes "I work for Windia. I work for the people of Windia, to keep them safe from any threat, no matter what it is. My employers are faceless and nameless and I'm just one of many. I didn't answer your question because there is no answer."
A sneer at the mention of 'corruption'.
"You shouldn't be so cocky. After all, they wouldn't have sent me if they didn't think I stood at least some chance to bring you down. And I doubt your 'allies' will like you too much if they find out what you've got planned for the young prince."
She seems to reconsider "Then again they were stupid enough to bed the Lover's deathknights. Can't give them too much credit, I suppose."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Oh I've told them." Selina says gleefully. "At least," She pauses, trying to recall. "I think I did. At any rate, it is in my best interest that Alex is not corrupted. He'd make an awfully angsty deathknight."
'''Iselsis: ''' "So what? You're just going to not turn him over?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Possibly!" Selina says, looking away now, up at the ceiling. "More likely, we'll simply make it so she can't get anywhere with him."
'''Iselsis: ''' "Hrm. Maybe I was wrong in my original assessment. Maybe the others have corrupted you and the other deathknight.", she pulls her legs up on bed, tucking her feet in under her "At least if you're telling the truth. Though I don't see you outsmarting someone much, much older and probably more devious than you'll ever be."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Nope." Selina answers non-chalantly. "Just spitting in her face until she gives me a spanking."
The Windian stops holding her knees and being an upsidedown ball on the other bed, letting her legs go flat on it, only crossing them. "That's what she gets for hiring me on some catchall condition."
'''Iselsis: ''' "Obviously that's how you're going to prevent the prince from being corrupted. Genius plan."
'''Selina de Windia: '''"I figure the others will do a good deal better than I at that." Selina demures, looking up at the ceiling still. "Besides, maybe she'll be so pleased with getting rid of the Bishop that she'll not corrupt him. Of course I doubt that."
'''Iselsis: '''"Well, you'll be pleased to know I don't see enough reason to illiminate you right now."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Well, that's good. I won't have to resort to fighting either." Selina responds, going still for a moment, looking at the ceiling intently. "I wonder..."
She looks sideways to her sister again. "Did you also inherit our mother's figure? Not that you attend many balls now, I suppose."
'''Iselsis: ''' "Is that a ploy to get me out of my coat so it'll be easier to stab me? You'll have to forgive me if I'm a bit skittish after my last encounter with someone that was tense and ended seemingly friendly, as he tried to throw me through the roof."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Pfft." Selina responds, blowing some of her hair out of her face at the very same time. "I stab, but using large blasts of necrotic energy is more convenient from this position, and I don't know how much the coat would stop that."
"At any rate, I'm just curious to see how my little sister has grown up. You already got an eyeful of ''me'' -- not that I expect any thoughts."
'''Iselsis: ''' "Eyeful. Yeah. Not that anyone can help that with the way you dress, and my thoughts go out to someone, someone who's certainly ''not'' my sister turned deathknight."
She shifts around a bit on the bed, swinging her legs off the side. "And if I do that, you'll give me your word that you'll keep our little private conversation here just that; private. Fair?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Well, some of it, sure." Selina says, putting a finger to her lips as if thinking. "Of course, I usually tell Moon most things. But, yes."
"It's not as if I'm some pervert of that streak, heavens no."
'''Iselsis: ''' She slips off the other end of the bed, and shrugs out of her coat which she tosses onto the bed. Which leaves her still wearing heavy iron toed boots, her leather bodysuit, and obviously the belt and gun holsters holding Malfeas and Yu-shan.
"You're lucky you even remember mother's figure. I have a hard time picturing her precisely nowadays."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Well, hmm." Selina looks Izabella over. She's a de Windia, all right. At least, one of the newer breed. The old line got a bit of dilution once those Mnemons and Ledaals and Iselsi married in. "You've matured. I wonder about our other siblings. Hopefully, they are less screwed than we are."
'''Iselsis: ''' She sits back down on the bed, back to the wall, knees drawn up to her chest. "People age. That's what happens when time goes by. And I really... and I mean '''really''' wouldn't be putting my money on that bed. Mind you if it weren't for the whole turning slowly into a monster thing I'd bet far less screwed than you are."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Oh, but I don't keep track of them. In fact it's remarkably hard to find out much about any of you at all...though I find out plenty about our Royal Cousin." Selina snickers, recalling her. Only saw her once, about Izabella's age. "Sitting in the Heptagram learning sorcery. So pampered."
'''Iselsis: ''' "That's probably because they were all shipped off to make themselves useful in some expendable position like me. What? You think there was anything graceful about how the house collapsed.", she shrugs a little, "I don't keep track of them. I don't keep track of pretty much anyone. Except lately of course. I live my life and that's plenty."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Ah, the satillite families and assets would be distributed like that." Selina says with some reserve. "But, you're forgetting the other side of that coin: to keep the main heirs from uniting to bring the family back. All isolated and probably hooked into different agendas and with different deals to live our lives to, it's very unlikely we would ever find each other, much less form a united front."
"Except for me. I'm supposed to be dead." Selina chuckles. "Someone will out me to the Wyld Hunt soon, I expect."
'''Iselsis: ''' "I'm sure you can just lay low in the underworld for a while if that happens. As for a united front," she shrugs a bit, resting her chin on her knees, "I don't think they're particularly intimidated at the moment by the de Windia family. I think they're more concerned with the deathknights and this whole little shadow war that's going on on the side."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Perhaps not us by ourselves." Selina agrees. "But if we were to get a power base, or a powerful backer...it could prove troublesome. Such as my ridiculous mistress, or the group of Chosen I am with now."
"Of course, I really have no idea what kind of backing ''they'' possess."
'''Iselsis: ''' "Who's this 'we' you keep referring to?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Y'know, we, us." Selina replies, looking at her oddly, one eyebrow raised as if questioning why she needs to ask. "I'm assuming I'm not the only one who would ever get ideas to resurrect the family, not assuming the rest of you would fall in behind me."
'''Iselsis: ''' "See, this is where you forget two key facts. Number one: you are an accursed deathknight twisted by the taint of the underworld. Number two: I am not here to resurrect any family, I'm here to spy on you and the other one.", she rolls her eyes at the other woman, "Just because I'm relatively passive in my feelings towards you at the moment doesn't really change either fact."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "I forget nothing." Selina replies, then shrugs. "The first point simply does not matter to me. As for the second: I am. Later, at least."
"Winlandia will not bite the hand which saves it. And for the moment, I am a finger of that hand."
'''Iselsis: ''' "Save it from what exactly?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Selina looks at Izabella oddly again. "Why, the Bishop of course! They want Windia. They want the entire north, in fact. I'm not sure whether they want to raise the capitol to the ground like they did with Whiteshield, but they definitely want Winlandia. The Pale Angel, Alexander, and Cael, killed the leader of an army which was softening it up for further invasion. And I understand there was fighting in Windia itself."
'''Iselsis: ''' "Yes. And it was saved.", she smirks a little at that, "I should know. It was saved because of me. So really, I'm not very intimidated by the Bishop. His incursion failed and you're doing quite well at elliminating his troops here. Don't think Windia is in need of a lot of saving at the moment."
'''Selina de Windia: '''"And without that force being destroyed, it would be. My companions are helping one of the armies of Winlandia counterattack into occupied Whiteshield to, if I am correct, decapitate the threat before it becomes ever larger."
Selina's gaze becomes immeasurably harder as she looks at Izabella. "You have not seen the true might of the dead, if you think a few score of elites and a single deathknight are it. I have -- the Underworld is swollen with their like. They are doing something in Whiteshield, which no doubt will bring their true weight to bear. Perhaps even the Bishop himself. The armies of the Dark are marshalling against Winlandia, and they have no end. Soon they will march, shoulder to shoulder, as far as the eye can see. The very earth will cry out at the damnable weight of them."
'''Iselsis: ''' An eyebrow raises inquisitively, "That's unheard of. It's never happened before, and I doubt that it's even possible. The underworld is only strong if they bring it with them into this world. What proof do you have that something as unlikely as this will happen?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "No proof you need see, doubting sister of mine." Selina growls, giving the other girl a baleful look. "But consider what happens when you kill a city. Thorns is a good enough study for the immensity of Shadowland which is created at such a point. 'Never even happened' indeed." The Abyssal snorts.
"Whiteshield has become such a wellspring of the Dark. All that was needed was fodder, and he will come. And the city's larder has been well-stocked with corpses from the invasion..."
"There is," Selina growls, and the rumbled undertone from the Dragon makes the very air vibrate. "Precedent, as you can see. The Mask of Winters walks this world. I wrung that from one of his deathknights before I killed her."
'''Iselsis: ''' "The Mask of Winters has a never ending supply of guts, but he doesn't have a never ending supply of luck. I fail to see how the precedent of Thorns applies to this situation. The fact of the matter is that to march on Winlandia the undead would have to get out of their shadowland, since they cannot possibly extend it that far. That means that their troops will be weak and they won't be able to wage a war of attrition.", she narrows her eyes slightly, "Don't lecture me, I'm an exorcist, I actually have done my homework in matters such as these. Hanau and Tyoka were too close to the shadowland and Thorns was left to grow and fester until the shadowland was on their doorstep, which will be rather hard to do for the Bishop if Whiteshield is cleansed."
"So what aren't you telling me, dear sister?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Plenty." Selina says, not bothering to rebutt her. Let the girl think she knows more than she! A sorceress of death! "And you forget that Winlandia is not a nation well suited for any kind of grinding war. And that there exists necromancy of sufficient potency to make battlefields in Creation not disadvantage the dead. In case you have missed my point: this is what will happen should we '''not''' cleanse Whiteshield ''in time''."
"The Bishop will likely be waiting for us there. And that level of necromancy would be trivial to his kind."
'''Iselsis: ''' If she wasn't red skinned she'd blanch. Sure, her domain were the dead, elite nemessaries didn't scare her and she wasn't afraid to take on a deathknight without backup, but the thought of a deathlord, the Bishop himself, waiting for them nearly took her breath away. After all, if they were remotely beatable, they wouldn't be around anymore, would they?
"And what if I decide to turn tail and run back to Winlandia to warn them? What would you do then?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Selina laughs. "What should I do? Will you throw them into a panic over this possibility? Certainly you are not warning them of a danger many have already guessed: that of myself."
''And they fear rightly. ''
''I am the sword of vengeance and my stroke cannot be parried should I so choose. ''
Her voice gets a bit rougher, more sarcastic. "Tell me then. Why should I do anything? Am I in league with the Bishop?"
'''Iselsis: ''' She shrugs "No, obviously you're not. But this turn of events is awfully convenient for you in regards to your plans for Windia, isn't it? Plus I fail to see why I should assume that any deathknight should have different plans from the Bishop. You all work for the lords of the underworld, and in the end they all want the same thing; they just go about it in different ways."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Then you're a fool." Selina growls angrily. "I didn't spit in the Lover's face, didn't spit in the Vestal's face, didn't spit in the face of everyone who offered me an easy way to rule a dead Windia, just to have '''you''' second guess me. Shove your paranoia up your arse."
"If this world displeases me, I will throw it into the Void. All of it. If it tainted beyond redemption it does not deserve to continue and '''''complete and utter annihilation is the only solution'''''. But first, I will see if it can redeem itself. The thought of a Creation worshipping the petty dead sickens me."
'''Iselsis: ''' "Well that's promising I suppose." she runs a hand through her hair cooly, wishing fishing for another cig right now wouldn't betray her nerve, "By the way, I wasn't implying you wanted Winlandia dead. I was implying you wanted it threatened so you can swoop in to a staged rescue. Anyway..."
She pauses for a second
"If you're so concerned with Creation redeeming itself, why haven't you redeemed yourself first? Why expect from others what you haven't done yourself? Isn't that kinda hypocritical?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "It is very convenient for me to rescue. But it will not be staged. The danger is very real." Selina replies, smoothing her anger somewhat. "As for that...you will get an answer on it later. When I am satisfied with you and your intentions. I will not suffer to be mocked by my own blood -- the crowning insult to a life full of obscenities."
'''Iselsis: ''' "My intentions are pure.", is all she responds to that before lighting up another cigarette. She seemed to be slowly running out. "I sure hope they sell cigarettes in this hole. I'm gonna need more than the stash I brought."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "They sell plenty." Selina responds dryly. "How do I know? Moon got me to smoke one."
"Or maybe that was marijuana..."
"As for pure intentions, pure does not mean 'good'. They could be purely malicious." Selina continues. "In any case, I do not want the redemption of the sun."
'''Iselsis: ''' "Oh they're good, it's just when you use that word it's always relative who they're actually good for, since some might find them to be pretty bad. And that's your loss, I suppose."
"Are we nearly done with our little chat, then? I fail to see what more there is to discuss at this point."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Yes, I guess we are, aren't we?" Selina gets to her feet, putting the greatcoat back on. "There's a party tonight, if you'd like to come. I don't recall you liking parties a whole lot, though maybe that's just bad memory. But you never know, it might be fun."
'''Iselsis: ''' "I'm not the person you once knew, if that wasn't already blatantly obviously. I'd already invited myself, anyway. Though, I'll need your help with one more thing before you go."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Yes you are. You merely have more added on top of it and mixed in." Selina says with a almost irritating level of assurence. "That sweet little comforting lie does not work on me, of all people."
"What do you want my help with, then?"
'''Iselsis: ''' She bites back the urge to retaliate and ask her sister wether it works fine on herself. But restrains herself and reaches under the bed, pulling out a dress, and holding it up so Selina can see it. "It laces up at the back."
* Gennadi applauds slowly. "Oh, I do so love family reunions. Sisterly love and affection, reminiscing of days gone by, trying to drown each other in an ornamental fountain..." He closes his eyes to picture it for a moment. "Oh, right. That's later. Now, where was I... Being disappointed in not getting to lace up the dress myself. I suppose I should bow out for the female bonda...bonding, though."
'''Gennadi: ''' The dress itself is clearly the product of fine artisans, a deep sable color here and there decorated with intricate silver chains. It seems as if it was meant to follow curves, even now partly molding itself to Ise's arm as she holds it, the faint chiming of small bells ringing out in the momentary silence. Pure tones to contrast with impure intentions.
In more practical terms, form-fitting, but high at the neck, long skirt with high vertical slits held closed by the decorative bell-laden chains, with small hidden knots to release in case she needs to do acrobatics.
'''Iselsis: ''' Her demeanor shifts noticeably when the sidereal enters the room, as obnoxious as always. It was a mixture of surprise, irritation, and relief to see the man again.
"Gennadi. I was wondering when you'd pop up again. And as always your timing is the worst possible.", is all she says, glancing over to gauge Selina's reaction to the... well, intrusion.
'''Gennadi: ''' "I try. It helps to remind people to plan for the worst possible moment."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' '''''thhhrruuummmmm '''''
Goes a ball of void energy as she levels left palm at the star-child. "How much have you heard?" The Windian asks, deep undertones of the beast beneath her deceptively flippant tone. "Some conversations are not meant to be walked in on."
'''Gennadi: ''' "Not enough to get shot in the face with your death ball. Howevermuch that may be."
'''Iselsis: ''' "You also have a knack for getting people to want to shoot you, apparantly.", she almost giggles.
'''Gennadi: ''' "It's only here in creation. In Heaven, I am all about the ladies wanting me to shoot on them." He bows deeply before looking up and cracking a smile. "Remind me never to try to lighten the mood around you two."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "I'm not into bukkake." Selina demures, reabsorbing the ball of energy up the length of her arm, the crackling oblivion energy disappearing into her being. "Though sometimes it's into me."
Selina exhales, then looks at him strangely. "What is it you want this time?"
'''Gennadi: ''' "Her to hurry up. She's late, and as I said when I agreed to help, if I'm going to get involved it's going to get done right."
'''Iselsis: ''' "You sent me the dress without any further notice, I frankly wasn't expecting you to turn up here in person. Why are you here again?"
'''Gennadi: ''' "It will reflect poorly on me among my colleagues if you manage to make a fool of yourself. There's still hair, makeup, a minor briefing on what's happening at the party, and probably you trying to shoot me again to get settled. Also, y'know, I'm getting paid for this, so I might as well act like I'm doing something. Too many reasons, not enough time."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Ah, you have a deal with her to pretty her up for the party?" Selina asks, somewhat amused now. "It figures she goes to you."
'''Gennadi: ''' "I couldn't let her go like THAT, now could I?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Selina looks back to Izabella, then shakes her head and shrugs. "Nope!"
'''Iselsis: ''' "...", she lets that last bit go for a second, "No I mean why are you ''here'' and not..." she does that eye/head nudge in a direction "You know. Wasn't there something ''else'' you were supposed to be doing too?"
'''Gennadi: ''' "Oh, that. The other deal. The wheels are set in motion, but Heaven is Heaven. You know how it is, security clearances, red tape, and all that. I have my staff working on it right now."
'''Iselsis: ''' "''YOU'' were supposed to-... ARGH! Nevermind! And what the blazes do both of you mean you can't let me go like 'this'? I look ''fine''. I always look like this!"
'''Gennadi: ''' "The point of a formal masquerade ball, m'dear, is that you not look the same as you always do."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Heaven is a bunch of lunatics pretending they can control the world." Selina says dismissively. "And that attire most definitely does not suit the dance tonight. Neither does mine, as '''fetching''' as it is."
'''Iselsis: ''' "I already said I'd wear the bloody dress. What more do you want of me?", she mutters to herself.
* Gennadi sighs, swooning and sliding down against the wall to his knees. "I think I'm in love. Where were you when I got stuck with this job?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Where was your brain when you accepted?" Selina fires back, somewhat amused now. "And you run into sisters. Well, I'm sure you'll come up with something, won't you?"
'''Gennadi: ''' "I always do. Really, all I ask is you not shoot anyone who really really deserves it, be pretty and charming for one night, and try not to make me dance with you if I'm drunk. I'm easy to please."
'''Iselsis: ''' "That's a lot to ask. I can smoke at least, right?"
'''Gennadi: ''' "If it's good stuff. I can provide, for a small fee."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "I am ''always'' pretty and charming." Selina responds easily, looking at the dress. Red skin. Well, she'll have to see that when it's on. At least it's not quite so bad as her own and Vorpal's.
"Just smoke the stuff the Boil has. It's not like everyone around isn't already used to it."
'''Gennadi: ''' "Just because you're a deathknight, you don't have to try to lead her to an early grave. I can't imagine anyone smoking boil cigarettes that isn't trying to commit suicide."
'''Iselsis: ''' "Low grade cigarettes aren't my thing. Anyway, if I'm already late then you both are already late, and we're all already late, so maybe we shouldn't be standing here debating things."
'''Gennadi: ''' "I am supposed to be late. It's stylish."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "I am never late." Selina says serenely. "Because when I arrive is precisely the moment the party begins, as it cannot truly start without my presence."
'''Iselsis: ''' She rolls her eyes a little at the both of them, obviously she was the sanest person in the room, and that was saying something. "Well I'm certainly not going to change with both of you standing right here in the same room, that's for sure."
'''Gennadi: ''' "Not sure why. Seen it already." He stands and opens the door for Selina, again bowing as he holds it for her. "Milady, shall we retire to the parlor and discuss the matters of the day in a parlance you prefer?"
'''Iselsis: ''' "That means 'wait outside', I think."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "And have to walk all the way back? I'm standing out in the hall." Selina replies, exiting the room and not bothering to button her greatcoat back up. She can slip into her gown easily enough, and they are not late at any rate.
'''Gennadi: ''' The door clicks closed behind her. "I should apologize for my comments and actions. Maybe after the party, because I'm certainly not done yet."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "If you think you can cut me with words, you are obviously mistaken." The Windian says without much emotion, bending a wing in front of her to check at her feathers. They need to be preened better. She hasn't been able to really do a good job since Windia.
"That's why I have the Pale Angel around, dear star-child."
'''Gennadi: ''' "What possible use could I get out of making you bleed? I always thought you kept her around so you'd know where the prettier one was, myself... I see I am mistaken."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "I don't 'keep her around', so much as 'not chase her off'. And besides....well perhaps I am saying too much."
'''Gennadi: ''' "Bah! You're a terrible tease." He sighs. "No wonder, I suppose... but it's still surprising how easy one forgets."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Selina looks at him critically. "Forgets what?"
'''Gennadi: ''' "That you are more than just another Windian."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Quite unfortunately." Selina replies off-handedly, looking back at the door. "A pity she had to share in that fate. Well, it is not as if I could have intervened."
* Gennadi shrugs. "It happens. No doubt she's had a far more interesting life because of it. She's come out of it pretty well, even managed to get me into an oath after a little death wind summoning."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Turquoise eyes blink, and she snaps her gaze back to the Sidereal. "She what? An oath?" The Windian snorts back a chuckle. "How...interesting."
'''Gennadi: ''' "I don't just randomly wander the world ot give fashion tips. There's always a connection. It's not really an impressive oath, but I do have to give her credit."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Her tone gets much drier, as does her gaze. "Sometimes I wonder that, now. Or do you just wander the world to stare at womens' backsides while they are conveniently occupied with faux-sorcery?"
'''Gennadi: ''' "If only things were that simple. Besides, it is a good backside. You wouldn't be insulted if I didn't take at least a little peek?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "The best backside this part of Heaven or Hell." Selina says with some amusement, then shrugs. "Now, I wonder why your superiors really sent you -- if you have them. But then, everyone does, don't they? Except for the sun-chosen."
'''Gennadi: ''' "That's arguable. As for why they sent me... You, of course. Come on, you think it's a coincidence I ran into her? You think it's a coincidence I've already met some of your compatriots? We're worried about what you're going to do, obviously. Terrified, mortified, all those rhyming words." He winks. "Or maybe I'm here for a favor and the party. We are not on such a short leash as others I know."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' ''Beautiful''. Selina thinks, keeping her dismay out of her features.
"And are there any other agents from Heaven among us?"
'''Gennadi: ''' 'Depends on what you mean by agents, among, and us. If I had to wager a guess, it'd be one, just because the prince can't be ignored."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' The Windian mutters under her breath, wondering what's taking her sister. "Allow me to rectify: any more of your kind."
''Especially, if you are based on the major stars, than any of '''Saturn. ''' ''
Assassins, one thing she will not allow to impede her. No more manipulators striking her from behind, with knife or spell.
* Gennadi idly pats her on the back. "Oh. Then no, then have better things to do than go to parties and enjoy themselves." He snorts. "Foolish. The real work is down here."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Some of the real work, perhaps. There is work everywhere."
'''Iselsis: ''' A shout comes from inside the room "Um, I'm ready, I think!"
'''Gennadi: ''' "Finally. Go check on her? Better if you do it."
* - Back to [[GoldenCat/FifthMovement|Fifth Movement]]
* - Back to [[GoldenCat/DanceOfAngels|A Dance of Angels]]

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