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#REDIRECT ADanceOfAngels
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== Burning Winter ==
'''Shaliya: ''' It is afternoon...
... and it is raining.
As noon came, the sunlight hit the clouds, it got a little warmer... and then, it begun to rain, the diffuse white sky becoming darker, day nearly turning into night. The Manse was still being a little... redecorated over the problems that ravaged its surface the day before, making the feeling inside not as warm as it should be....
And that is when we meet Sesus Kanti...
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti isn't in the room she had found before, her small sanctuary at the top of the manse that offered a large fire and views of the sky ... that had been ruined by the discharges of essence.
Instead, Kanti had retreated to the central rooms of the manse, the main lounge which still had it's large fire burning. She knelt on the rug, wrapped in her own screams, meditating on flames as they flickered infront of her.
'''Shaliya: ''' And a hand touches her hair, then, playing with it a little. The familiar feeling of thorns on the hand. The familiar feeling of vines. "Hello, Kanti~... how have you been?" she speaks, her voice like the northern air... cold, cold winds carrying warm, fresh blood.
'''Kanti: ''' ''..who? ''<br>
''...my prince...? ''<br>
''...no... ''<br>
''thorns... ''<br>
''vines... ''
"Shalyia!" she tilts her head up to look at the spirit standing over her "I...I have been fine. It's ... so much quieter now..."
"How are you? Is Gennadi okay? He said he would see me this morning..."
'''Shaliya: ''' She continues to rub Kanti, smiling... and taking a flower from her dress, placing it on the fire aspect's hair. "Yes, it is ''me''! So it is, everyone went to the big fight, didn't they? I... have not seen master, no. He is taking longer than he should. But I would sense it if something bad happened to him..."
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti smiles up at Shalyia as the spirit continues to play with her hair and strokes her cheek, feeling the occasional prick as the thorns made their presence felt.
"Thank you!" she smiles for the flower in her hair "I am sure master Gennadi is just busy then ... he always seemed to be ... before... and I can't imagine the battles make him any less busy..."
'''Shaliya: ''' "You are welcome! You know, you are one of the few people I can let the thorns out without getting them freaked. You have no idea how wonderful that is, so you need to be re-war-ded." She nods, fixing the rose to Kanti's hair and touching Kanti's hair, beggining to work on it... pehaps a ponytail? Twin ponytails? Hmmm... "Oh, he is. Of course, he will never admit to it."
'''Kanti: ''' "...I don't mind your thorns at all...even if you want to ... drink." the word said with a strange mixture of hope and concern ... and longing for days long gone. "But how am I to be re-war-ded...?" she asks with the same emphasis the rose spirit had put on the words.
"What is he doing? What have you been doing?"
'''Shaliya: ''' "Not today, I have drank enough l lately... master even had me drink on him. It tasted like Serenity..." She licks her lips, continuing to work on her hair... "Oh, the usual. Setting pairs. Seduing girls. Helping pimps. Fighting demons. Playing political ping pong, setting factions against another... and me? Helping, dancing, drinking some people dry to help him. The usual!" She says, her mind in so many occasions... "Heaven never stops, Kanti... always more politics, always more documents to deliver, people to kill... the usual."
"And as for your reward..." She brings a finger to her lips, and smiles down, teasingly... "Well, let me ''think''..."
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti starts to move her head, before she holds it still, letting Shal work looking perhaps a little disppointed.<br>
''master... ''<br>
''Serenity... ''<br>
''...Serenity... ''
"...It's been so long since I've felt that...touched Serenity...." her voice quiet and empty, before she lets Shaliya's movements in her hair calm her, and her happy voice fill her with some of it's emotion, and she manages to smile back up at the icerose as she looks down.
"I can't wait!" she says, watching the spirit above her before looking down again so her hair can be worked on.
'''Shaliya: ''' She finally decides... and begins to part her hair. All the volume of her hair behind going to one of two sides, until on the back of her hair only the barest minimum is left, but the front still falls on her forehead, still volumous as usual. But this volume stops an inch into her hair, where all the volume goes to great strands of hair, one in each of the Winter Roses's hands... she lets more roses of her bush trail around her hand, holding her hair into place, stretched like that - if a little painfully.
And then she moves to Kanti's left side, working the beggining of the strand into a 'bubble', a ball of hair that would keep the strand from joining the rest of her hair... all the while humming, humming tunes from Serenity, from heaven, of their dances together... "It... has been a long time since you last saw Sunsets, I take it...?"
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti relaxes as the spirit works on her hair, just feeling the calming motions of her hands through it, smiling softly to her herself. She lets out the smallest of gasps as the thorn wrapped roses twist through her hair to hold it in place, tilting her head a little as Shal moves to work on her left side.
"Ascending Wood.....the 5th day....it was sunset....He ...watched me with two of Her girls...He told me I had done well...that He was pleased with me...then...kissed me...and said....She would take care of me.... I...I haven't seen him since..." tears fall from her face, falling to the rug she kneels on.
"I miss him even after Her..."
'''Shaliya: ''' She finishes making it a bubble by the time Kanti finishes... and she is nearly in tears herself. Her friend... her friend userd like that... "He..."
There is nothing she can say...<br>
Just come closer, holding Kanti, holding Kanti close...<br>
So close, so warm...<br>
So close to Kanti's skin, touching Kanti's dress, touching the screams...
And then she lets go, and she is sitting on the ground, stopping only as her back hits the couch behind her, looking at Kanti... pretty much ''shocked''.
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti turns as Shaliya flies backwards, flies away from her, turning to look at her with deep, dark eyes ... broken eyes, even without the tears glistening on her face.
"I...sorry...I ....shouldn't have let you touch them...shouldn't have let you hear them....sorry....so sorry..." she looks at her friend, for forgiveness.
'''Shaliya: ''' Shaliya continues to look at Kanti, unable to hide her shock... unable to... "Your... your screams..."
"You are dressed in yours screams..." This would be a question, but wasn't.
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti answers it anyway
"She... had Berengiere weave them....as She....worked..." she runs a finger over one of the scars on her arm. "They are a gift from Her ... they helped protect me from the Dark Angel...from the ghosts..."
'''Shaliya: ''' "That... that is not a gift!" She cries, a little less shocked, and more outraged. "She... she took your screams! Your screams as she tortured you, as she cut you open! And you call it a gift? This is not like a whip, not like a crop, not like anything I ever seen used on you, Kanti! She cut you open! There was none of the joy, none of the moans that accompany you when they whip, just pain, just torment! That is '''not''' a gift!"
She begins moving on Kanti's direction... slowly...<br>
"That is just cruel... a reminder..."
'''Kanti''': Kanti kneels there looking ever so small<br>
Kanti kneels there looking ever so weak<br>
Kanti kneels there looking ever so vulnerable.
"...If you had listened longer..." she says, in small, hollow voice... "You would have heard me moan...."
"....If you had listened longer ... you would have heard me beg....for more."
"...It...is a reminder though....a reminder of how much I ''hate'' Her....a reminder of how much I ''love'' Her...."
"A reminder of Her."
'''Shaliya: ''' She comes closer... but scared, tentatively... and Kanti can see that her words hurt Shailya.... Kanti can see as her words bring tears to the Rose's eyes... and she begins to cry... tears like diamonds coming from her face... "I... I... it is better that I don't. It's better that I don't." Closer now. "Take... take them off, please. ''Please''."
'''Kanti: ''' "I...sorry........ Shaliya..."
She shrugs off the robes, pooling in carmine around her knees, revealing the scars in all their terrible, beautiful glory, broken only by the collar on her neck and the lingerie she wore.
"...I'm sorry you ever had to hear those screams."
'''Shaliya: ''' She does come closer then, finally, cupping Kanti's face in her hands, kissing her lips, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Kanti... I'm sorry you had to suffer so much... I'm sorry I wasn't there to help... I'm sorry I couldn't do anything... I'm sorry..." she kisses Kanti, again and again, pushing her out of the dress, pushing the fire aspect to her, like a lover and like a child...
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti kisses her back as best she can, surprised by the intensity of the goddess' kissing as she pushes Kanti backwards and to the floor, holding her to her as she lay there, feeling the thorns of the dress biting into her lightly.
"It...is better that you weren't....it is no place...for Heaven's flowers..." she smiles up at Shal, as best she can, then bites her lip and kisses her again.
'''Shaliya: ''' She kisses, she holds Kanti to herself, her tears falling cold on Kanti's face... "You... you are one, too..."
The taste of blood. The taste of blood, and she flushes. The taste of blood, and she drinks it from Kanti's lips. The taste of blood and her thorns dig where she holds kanti's hands... she parts the kiss, so ecstastic, looking at the fire aspect pined beneath her... "You... you want me to.. drink?"
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti whimpers softly as the thorns coil around her wrist, biting, holding.
"I...want you to feel better....I want it to be like it was before...of course you can drink..."
'''Alexander: ''' Step, step, step. A little bit of sunlight trailing behind him, the prince walks into the room... "Kanti, are you there? I was thinking we sho..."... and has his sentence cut by the image of Kanti, naked, on the ground, kissing Shaliya so passionately, a droplet of blood escaping from her lips... "Kanti...?"
'''Kanti: ''' ''...yes...drink... ''<br>
Kanti kisses the goddess as she drinks, feeling the thorns wraping tighter.<br>
''...someone... ''<br>
''..sunlight... ''<br>
"My...my Prince..." she stammers out from beneath Shaliya. "...I..."
'''Alexander: ''' He sees the blood. "Kanti, is she hurting you?" He asks, his voice hardening, despite the scene... despite the scene, there was blood on her lips... he had seen her before, at the party ,with Gennadi... but... if she was hurting Kanti...
The symbol of Zenith appears on his brow. Threateningly...
'''Shaliya: ''' ... and met with... fascination. Shaliya still holds to Kanti, watching the Solar... watching the light pour from him... and smiling... and smiling... "You are... a... Solar?" Her mouth becomes wet. She licks a trickle of blood close to her lips. A Solar, A Solar... so tasty, so warm, the original, the original taste...
'''Kanti: ''' "No, my Prince!" She says quickly, not wanting the prince to hurt her.
"...well...she is....but...Shaliya is my friend. I was letting her drink from me...Shal....?" she asks, suddenly noticing her friend's stare.
'''Alexander: ''' "Your... friend?" He asks, in disbelief... she was kissing like a lover... drinking like a monster... a Lover, an enemy, he might have understood, but a friend?!?
"Why is she... looking at me like that...?"
'''Shaliya: ''' "Solar... pleased to meet you... Her Prince..." She says... singing. Singing a beautiful song... and then stopping, holding her own breath, biting her own lip, trying to regain her breath and not look at the Solar... and not sing... and not taste... "S.. sorry..."
'''Kanti: ''' "...Shaliya?" she asks of the blood rose "Why are you looking at the Prince like that?"
'''Shaliya: ''' "A... Solar... child of the sun..." She holds herself, facing away from the prince... "I told you my story, didn't I, Kanti...?"
"The blood of a Solar... started it all... the magnificent... fulfilling...blood..."
'''Alexander: ''' The prince is, of course... mildly... confused? Disturbed? He just watches... that scene... the scene with women kissing. The scene with blood. The scene with friends. The scene with... so... the strange scene. And now, she had just looked at him... as if she was in love.. or as if he was food... and she was... hungry.
'''Kanti: ''' "Oh...Shaliya!" she says, compassion in her voice, she pushes herself up to kiss the spirit again with her bleeding lip, the movement pushing Kanti's hands behind her back, still thorn wrapped, pulling Shal's arms around her.
"You can't drink from the Prince." she says after the kiss breaks. "May she drink from me, my prince?"
'''Alexander: ''' A blink. Another. "Drink... from your blood? Like a... Deathknight...?"
'''Kanti: ''' "She...needs the blood to keep warm, my Prince. Not like a ...deathknight."
'''Alexander: ''' "And... and you are fine with it? Doesn't it... hurt?"
''Silly. It hurt last night too, didn't it? ''
'''Kanti: ''' "It...hurts a little, my Prince. But...I offered my Prince, of course I am happy to have her drink."
''she makes it makes it feel so wonderful sometimes. ''
"I like it when it ..hurts."
'''Alexander: ''' "I... alright. Alright, she can drink. But she better not hurt you. I will be watching." He says, walking to take a seat in the room, taking a moment to adjust his wings, and watching... still trying to understand... how something that made him feel so disturbed... also made him feel so....
'''Kanti: ''' "Thank you, my Prince."
"Shaliya....?" she asks of the spirit.<br>
"Will you drink from me?" she leans forward, whispering in her ear "Will you make a show of it...for him, for my prince?"
'''Shaliya: ''' "Yes." She says, her voice warm, all her need for the sun-touched blood channelled towards the fire aspect now... and what a need.... "Yes, I will. Yes, I will." her voice is liquid sin. Her voice is hungry, and needy. Her voice is the one of a rose, of a dancer of serenity, of a singer of death and beauty.
And she kisses Kanti. She kisses Kanti, rupturing her lip and drinking. She runs her hands down her undergarments, the thorns ripping them, and sinking in. The stems, almost vines, holding Kanti's arms. And she kisses. And she drinks....
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti squirms in the vines<br>
Kanti writhes in the thorns<br>
Kanti whimpers in pain.<br>
Kanti moans in pleasure.<br>
Kanti lets the spirit drink and watches Alexander as she twists helplessly for his viewing and Shaliya's hunger. Then, when the spirit stops, she leans forward to kiss her once more.
"Thank you...Shaliya..."<br>
"..Thank you..my prince...did you ... like to watch?"<br>
''Please say you did... ''<br>
''please don't be angry with me... ''<br>
''with shaliya.... ''
'''Alexander: ''' The prince was... distinctively... uncomfortable at his seat... his face flushed... watching... like many had watched Kanti before. At a loss of words, at a loss of... "I... I do... I do not know... it was... it was... it..." no words. Embarassed, flushed, hard, worried... "I... it was not bad, no. It was not bad. It was... enthralling..." He offered his hand... "If you want.. if you are hurt... I can cure you, Kanti. I would like to...."
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti looks up at him. a little dizzy from the blood, shaliya still binding her arms behind.
"If...if you wish to, my prince. Though I can...heal myself somewhat. It will only be like bruises....I'm glad we ... enthtralled you though."
'''Alexander: ''' He thinks... he takes a long moment to decide... and then he gets up, praying to the sun that his arousal is not showing like an iconic banner. Of course, in such a day of rain and darkness, the Unconquered Sun does not receive many prayers.
That is to say, it showed. A little too much.
He walked up to Kanti, touching her cheek... wiping the blood away with his thumb... and glowing. And glowing. His light invaded her, replacing what is lost, bringing clarity, bringing warmth, taking away the pain, the dizzyness, the black spots, taking it all away and replacing with a radiant warmth...
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti exhales as the pain leaves her, as the sunlight fills her, as she feels strong once again.
"Ahhh, my prince...thank you." looking up to him from where she kneels.<br>
''his sunlight feels so good... ''<br>
''it warms me... ''<br>
''heals me... ''<br>
''fills me... ''<br>
"My prince?" she glances from his face to his arousal and then back again.
'''Alexander: ''' She looked at him. She wanted to please. She wanted to... wanted to... Alex took a deep breath, feeling the pain from her own injuries in him. He took a deep breath, looked down, and felt so... indecisive. With Shaliya around... if he asked... he would be so... shameless. So shameless. So... so...
He closed his eyes, and just whispered, softly... "Yes."
'''Shaliya: ''' Shaliya was silent. Because she was in there, with her eyes closed, smiling as blood trickled from the corner of her lips. Warm. Her hair seemed to grow, her face seemed more alive... her clothes seemed to grow, as well. There were more roses complimenting her dress. She was there, in ecstasy... but her vines did not left Kanti's arms. She just moved Kanti towards Alex.... singing... not her tune. Not the crystalline sound that brings Creation to its death. Just a pale, beautiful shadow of it....
'''Kanti: ''' "Yes, my prince."
she whispered, her lips brushing over his crotch as Shaliya pushed her forward, still leaving her bound.<br>
''shaliya! '' Kanti thinks in mild protest, before she kisses him there.
"...shaliya...my hair?" she asks of the singing spirit.
She leans forward once more then gently bites on the fabric at the edge of his flys, pulling to free a button, then again and again, until he is free, slowly swallowing, pleasuring.
'''Shaliya: ''' "Oh yes, Kanti. Oh yes..." And then, still holding her arms bound, the Winter Rose looked up to the Solar, and smiled. A smile that told him it was all right. A smile that told him he was beautiful. That it was an honor. And then, she begun to work on the right side of Kanti's hair. As she finished, her hair would be locked in those two bubbles, a long cascade coming on each side... each bubble well decorated by a crimson, vivid rose.
She did so as Kanti worked, watching, admiring.<br>
Maybe she would join in, if she could refrain from biting...
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* - Back to [[GoldenCat/DanceOfAngels|A Dance of Angels]]

Revision as of 15:45, 27 February 2009

  1. REDIRECT ADanceOfAngels