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* - Back to [[GoldenCat/FirstMovement|First Movement]]
#REDIRECT ADanceOfAngels
* - Back to [[GoldenCat/DanceOfAngels|A Dance of Angels]]
== The Quicksilver Zephyr ==
Racing against Twilight over the Wyld-touched lands of Llaren, just north of Windia, where the brooks are made of Wine and there’s a type of owl at every time of the day, their feathers the color of the light that falls upon them...
The skyship is a wonder of First Age luxury, with paints and carpets that resisted the test of time thanks to the dutiful efforts of Calisara, the spirit of the Zephyr. And, on one of its cabins, on a table made of imperishable marble of green veins and silver borders, what might become a Circle gathers...
<b>Alex Holysword:</b> “Seventh Moon...” The crown prince asks leaning against his chair’s intricate silver armrests, trying to wonder where to go, and what to do, next... his sleek silver hair still sticking to his face from the sweat of the battle, the golden blade resting against his chair, a soothing feeling to the Solar and the Lunar, an inquietation to the Abyssals. “You talked of the Boil, right? What it is like right now... is it... as bad as Whiteshield?”
<b>Vorpal:</b> Still feeling a little light-headed of the wounds and the poison, Vorpal sits quietly in her own chair, her hands gingerly folded under her breasts. Her eyes are closed, her breathing slow and careful, to not disturb the wounds she had cleansed and bandaged not too long ago.
<b>Cael:</b> Cael sits easyily in one of the chairs, sipping at the steaming tea in front of him, listening to the conversation for the moment, not able to spread any light upon the Boil...
<b>Selina De Windia:</b> Leaning forward to prop her elbows on the table, Selina lets her bangs fall across the upper part of her face as her long pale blonde hair flows haphazardly down one side, past her wing-roots, avoiding the raw looking wound that opened when she used Dreamshard's power earlier in battle. A strange circle of alien scrawl -- if nightmares made magic circles, at least. Her greatcoat lies draped over the chair behind her as she sighs and tries to ignore the low, burning pain.
<i>Bloody Vestal.</i>
<i>Now I have to meet the Lover alone.</i>
<b>Seventh Moon:</b> A haze of smoke passes across the Lunars eyes and over the still gleaming caste mark on his brow. The joint he had found buried in a pocket of his jacket was old and tasted a little stale, but at least the smoke was warm in his lungs.
<i>Flying... if I wanted to fly, I would have grown wigns on my own.</i>
He tried not to think about how high up they might have been or how quickly they could go plummeting down at any moment. Instead, Seventh Moon focused himself on the acidic burn of the smoke filling his lungs... and on breasts. A particular pair of them, encased in black across the room from him. His cold blue eyes fix on the black-winged woman unashamedly, wandering over her body with impunity. Yeah, that was much more pleasant to think about.
"Mmm?" he grunts at the prince's question, hesitating a moment before looking over at him. "Naw, things are just kinda... tense there. We surrendered about the time they marched up to the walls, so they didn't do like they did in Whiteshield, kill and kidnap everyone in sight. Everybody's scared, though... dead stuff wandering the streets. It ain't new, but usually they don't try ta talk you into joining their cult, neither."
<b>Selina De Windia:</b> "Preaching the absolutely most boring ideology ever, right?" Selina says sourly, putting one hand to the table to trace patterns in it idly as the other props up her chin, black-feathered wings drooping to either side behind her. "Especially since it's the <b>Bishop's</b>. Mela spirit away that dross before the city dies of boredom."
<b>Alex Holysword:</b> "Oh, good..." Alex's eyes look sad for a minute, trying not to stare at the joint too much. Not his world.... he was from a different world, yes. And his gaze towards the Dark Angel remebered him of what she had said earlier... about those who treated her as just another in Nexus. But mostly, he hoped the other cities in Whiteshield had been so spared."You said I had... things to answer to?"
But a part of him took note of the gaze as something else, something... dangerous.
<i>They are together again. They are dangerous together.</i>
<i>And all of your allies have vanished, had they not? Vanished into void and foul words...</i>
<b>Seventh Moon:</b> "Yeah, something like that," he shrugged at Selina's comment, his eyes returning to her as she spoke, watching her finger tips trace the table top. Seventh Moon took another long drag. "People are listenin' though. People are stupid enough to listen to anything."
He didn't look back at Alex when he spoke, but smirked slightly. "Yeah, such as what the fuck you're doing all the way out here to begin with when the place you're supposed to be in charge of is way the hell in the other direction. People back home don't know what happened in Whiteshield. Think the royal family just up and abandoned them. Almost seems like they're right, don't it?"
<b>Vorpal:</b> <i>Of course they'll leave Boil well enough alone,</i> Vorpal thinks, listening silently to the conversation. <i>They are probably keeping only enough troops there to hold the garrison should it be attacked. The main bulk will be concentrated around Whiteshield, with Celebrant's band harassing Windia...</i>
<i>Click, click, click,</i> go the little pieces in the imagined battlefield board...
<b>Alex Holysword:</b> "I didn't mean to.... just..." He looks at Selina again. At Vorpal. Remebering what he had promised to do, wondering how to juggle his obligations..."I had to take care of my brother... of Millia... and now...."
He looks around, at Selina, at Vorpal... "Can you talk to her? Can I come back now? We need to do something. Soon. Now. Yesterday."
<b>Cael:</b> Cael perks up alittle, listening with a little more detail, trying to remember who the Prince is referring too. Who this she is?
As he thinks, he looks over at the pale angel, trying to decide what is ticking within her head...
<b>Selina De Windia:</b> Brows raising a bit in curiosity as she notices where the Lunar is looking, the Windian flicks her gaze to the <i>other</i> Solar for a moment.
<i>And what's his stake in this?</i>
She didn't know what she needed to. Not nearly enough. Too many variables she hadn't counted on meeting, and now her plan was starting to unravel. Had been, since Charmaine escaped.
<i>She'll come back for me, somehow. And for the others.</i>
"Hmm, go right ahead." Selina says languidly, looking to Vorpal and back. "The Lover can wait a bit longer."
<b>Seventh Moon:</b> Frowning slightly, he lifts his gaze to the Windians face and searches for something there.
<i>The Lover?</i>
They couldn't have meant the Smiling Lover. The trollop hadn't even shown up since about the time the army came knocking on the door. Which meant... his brows lower into a glare and he crushes the joint out on the wall behind him.
"Sheeyit... that Lover? What the fuck does she have to do with any of this?"
Oh yeah, the old bastard would be happy as hell to hear about this one.
<b>Vorpal:</b> "Hold your horses, will you?" Vorpal begins slowly, her eyes opening, their red depths focusing on the prince. Instead of anger or commanding presence, however, her voice is flat and calm. "Think a bit before you rush right into their clutches."
Pausing long enough to yawn, she then tilts her head in an attempt to stretch out her neck before continuing: "Boil will be left alone. It is of no importance. The crucial place will be Whiteshield. They will fight like bastards they are to keep it in their control."
"As for the Lover", she adds, with a meaningful ask-more-and-die sort of glance in the Lunar's direction, "She has deemed it fit to lend some protection over your fair prince."
<b>Selina De Windia:</b> "Oh yes, her <i>protection.</i>" The assassin says bemusedly, looking at Alex like one would eye a young buck. Ripe for the hunt. "I'm sure Alex will be quite well guarded for his stay there."
<b>Vorpal:</b> <i>Especially at night, it seems,</i> Vorpal thinks dryly, noting the Dark Angel's gaze.
<b>Cael:</b> Cael smiles, interested at this. Truely te Prince does have some bizzare allies. Teh Spirits, the moon and the dead....
<i>This should be interesting, most interesting... </i>
"The Pale Angel is correct, Prince. Rushing off like a fool will only result in your untimely death, and that helps few people except the Bishop."
<b>Vorpal:</b> <i>I might just as well...</i>"Cael, or whatever your name is", Vorpal begins, turning a lazy gaze in the Solar's direction, "do you have a map of this region onboard?"
<b>Selina:</b> "Mmmm." Selina muses, turquoise eyes half-closing as she thinks for a moment. "If we're not going to Whiteshield, and we're not going to Red Ice...then we should be going <i>hunting.</i>"
Vorpal's look is answered with cold eyes that dismiss her as being worth more acknowledgement than that.
<b>Seventh Moon:</b> "Feh, like hell she's gonna." Pushing away from the wall, he thrusts a finger towards the prince. "I didn't just track your ass down to have you head off to play bed toy to some trumped up harlot. You wanna get laid? Fine. We can handle that back home. Keep you buried under enough flesh that you'll just be a stain on the sheets. But whatever deal you made with her is <i>off</i>."
<b>Alex Holysword:</b> Alex nods, looking up at the candleholder on the roof, shining with undying mystical flames... "I did not mean to. I just mean we have to do something. We don't need to rush right in, but if we don't make plans now there will be no action."
He almost laughs at Moon's words, happy that finally... there's others wanting to keep him away from death... as much as he can stay.
<b>Calisara:</b> And then, just as the mood heats.... the door opens up. And she comes in.
Her large eyes are quicksilver within beautifully-rounded pearls. Her lips, like glittering gems. Her body is pale like the fairiest, most sheltered child of the north, milky, a generous body covered only in swirling paintings of silver, like sharp clouds in a windy day. Calisara walks without touching the ground, as if swimming on air, and as she smiles coming in, one can almost see wings behind her... but they are gone in one ephemeral blink.
Her irises are the inlaid desings in the ship, her lips and eyes its interior, her body its hull, her clothing the clouds that surround it. Her angelic face smiles at them all, even the Abyssals, as she speaks in a swift, gentle voice, younger than it should be "Welcome!" She smiles like a good host, the welcome of a queen in her palace, floating up to Cael. "You really brought so many guests this time... all of high station!"
"Good to see the Zephyr getting more use and life than this lazy bum..." She giggles, mussing his hair. "I am Calisara, the spirit of the Zephyr. Pleased to meet you all!"
<b>Cael:</b> "Of course. What scale did you have in mind?"
He asks as Calisara comes in, smiling in greeting to her "Hello, my dear. I know you so love it when I do invite people aboard. " e Crown Prince of Windia, The Pale Ange, The Dark Angel, Seventh Moon." he gestures.
His hair settles back as soon as she stops ruffling it "Would you be so kind as to get us the maps of Windia, please?"
<b>Calisara:</b> "Alright, I will be back on a moment, Cael."She bows slightly, greeting them in the manner of the Shogunate, then pushes Cael's ear, and whispers "Just hope they don't mess with me, alright? It's your responsability too, after I get even with whoever messes with the ship."
<b>Vorpal:</b> "Large enough to show Whiteshield, Boil and Windia", Vorpal responds, her eyes darting up momentarily at Calisara before turning away again.
<b>Seventh Moon:</b> "Coo.." he whistles softly as the spirit floats into the room, his anger dissolving as quickly as the misty wings behind Calisara. He'd seen a lot of goddesses, living in the Boil. Weren't really his cup'a tea. Always too unreal. No sway they didn't want. No sag or bounce. No scars or flaws, unless you wanted to count Simmas. Always like watching a statue come to life and walk past.
But still... he tips his head to peek around the table at her legs. Yeah, he could look at that for a while.
<b>Alex Holysword:</b> "The pleasure's all mine, Calisara." The boy smiles and nods, liking the sympathic spirit "Alexander Holysword, at your service. I trust you will take good care of us during our stay."
<b>Selina De Windia:</b> "So, are you going to make plans?" Selina asks the both of them, looking over at them curiously.
Calisara walks to the door, turning back, "Can anyone give me a hand on the maps?"
<b>Seventh Moon:</b> "Me!" Moon raises his hand, getting up and going after the goddess... "I will take the time to check on Anne while at it, too." He says, and then, both leave the room.
<b>Vorpal:</b> "All right, listen to me for a while, would you?" Vorpal begins, propping her elbows against the table and arranging her fingers into a little tower over which she regards at the other occupants in the room. "This is purely guesswork, but their main force will be split in two. One part is led by a woman called Celebrant of Blood, a Daybreak Abyssal. Her task is to harass the countryside and to keep Windia occupied..." She pauses, glancing at the Dark Angel before continuing. "Which the people of Windia are apparently doing very well by fortifying themselves into the city."
"This will be no small force, for the Celebrant is apparently one of the Bishop's more trusted aides - the only one to ever get into the deathlord's presence, actually."
<b>Alex Holysword:</b> "Oh yes, we are. And we <i>should</i> go hunting. Moon was talking about a monster made of blood who tried to kill him and Anne when we came into the ship, didn't he? That was probably this Celebrant..." He says, after hearing Vorpal's words, images coming on his mind.... "Think we have any chance at taking them out in the field? Anyone who could help us in that? They can't keep on killing anymore... we did see the devastation on that village while coming to Windia... that... can't continue."
<i>Guesswork..</i>"One or some of us should find out exactly what they are up to, though. My father... specially, my mother... they always had people who knew things, informants, agents... those of us more able to fight against an army should try to take over the Celebrant's forces, right? But... some of us should be able to sneak into the enemy territory and find out what they know... Adrianna, think you could...?" He asks the Dark Angel, his mind hyperative, trying to dissassosiate heroic fantasies from planning...
<b>Vorpal:</b> "I said, listen to me for a while, would you?" Vorpal puts in, raising her voice slightly. "It'll get even better."
<b>Selina De Windia:</b> "Aine Blackwater." She says off-handedly, supporting her chin with one hand and tracing on the table again. Shifting her gaze to Vorpal for awhile, she sighs. "I'm listening." And then turns back to stare at the depths of the table.
Cael nods, listening to the angel. She seems to know what she is talking about. He considers what he could do against the army of the dead...
<b>Vorpal:</b> "The second force will be placed in and around Whiteshield, for that will be the focal point of their plans", Vorpal continues after giving a strange gaze at the prince. He would not enjoy to hear this part...
"If we are to believe the Hierophant's last words, the Bishop's intention is to open the gates of the Abyss in Whiteshield when the Resplendent Air comes."
Her words echo cold and emotionless in the room.
<b>Cael:</b> Cael's eyelids flicker slightly as she says this.
"I'm going to assume that that is actually possible and not the ravings of a madman. If that is indeed the case, what would he need to do?"
"I would guess he would need a sorceror or necromancer of some power...Who of thse does he have in his forces, beyond this Celebrant you mentioned?"
<b>Alex Holysword:</b> Alex blinks. Once. Twice. Thrice.
<i>No, not there, they will not... they will not...</i>
<i><b>...desecrate</b> my city so!</i>
"This... we have to stop it. We <i>have</i> to!" Just that close to an emotional burst once again... **
<b>Vorpal:</b> This time, Vorpal doesn't tell him to calm down. She <i>snaps</i>, her voice like a barbed whip: "We <i>will</i>! Now <i>shut up</i> and sit <i>down!</i>"
<b>Alex Holysword:</b> He falls back down, swiftly. ".... Alright..."
Before even considering any reply, so sudden was her snapping.
<b>Selina De Windia:</b> "Lilith, honey." Selina begins tiredly, looking over to the other woman while supported by the hand under her chin. "I'd like to have my hearing tomorrow."
<b>Vorpal:</b> "Oh, you'll have it", Vorpal responds to Aine Blackwater, reverting back into the calm and controlled mode in an eyeblink. Nothing like a military officer's training to make you good at that. "The trick just is to make it loud and sudden."
Then, turning over to Cael, she speaks to him in turn: "Judging by the performance of Vestal during that little battle of ours, I'd say she, for one, is a necromancer. However, I'd personally wager it will be Bishop himself or someone very close to him who will perform the spell."
"I'm not good with sorcery, but I've seen enough to know that such spells will require a deathlord-level sorcerer to pull through... am I right, Aine?"
<b>Selina De Windia:</b> Raising her eyebrows again, Selina would respond "It would probably be necromancy. Unfortunately I kinda killed off the Bishop's last big necromancer a few years ago...in a 'contract disagreement'." Sighing as she tries to sit back up again, wanting to scratch at the thing on her back, she'd manage to just scratch her wing roots instead. "Charmaine is probably not capable of that level of spellcasting, from what I've seen."
<b>Cael:</b> Cael nods "Ah yes, I did not see much of the Vestal."
"Charmaine?" he tilts his head.
"Still, if she cannot, then.." <i>that is a disquieting thought</i> "..It would probably have to be the Bishop."
<b>Vorpal:</b> Vorpal remains silent for a moment, watching Aine, her expression unreadable. Then she turns away again, staring absently across the table.
<i>Then that would leave...</i>
"Aye", she says, simply.
<b>Selina De Windia:</b> "Charmaine is the Vestal's...name." Selina chuckles, remembering the little trollop the first day they met. "Or a name of hers."
<b>Cael:</b> "Her name? Ah, I see."<i>Now, that is curious..</i>
<b>Alex Holysword:</b> "But you don't know, do you? I saw that lady break a Solar down."
"I saw her take out at least two sorcerers back home. You don't know if it is her or not."
"And that is precisely why I need someone to go find out these numbers, times, and people, for sure!"
<b>Vorpal:</b> "Well, that is pretty much all I could get from the Hierophant", Vorpal shrugs. "There is one more puzzle I'd like to solve, though." Removing her fingers from their triangular position, she drops one arm to rest against the table while supporting her chin with the palm of her other hand.
"<i>Why Whiteshield?</i>" she asks from no-one in particular. "Why not Nexus? Or Windia? They already have a shadowlands inside the city's walls, they could have taken it over any time they like."
<b>Selina De Windia:</b> "Windia has Valencia, Lilith." Selina replies simply. "And more besides. And the Nexus...has the Council." The assassin chuckles under her breath. "No one messes with the Council."
<b>Vorpal:</b> "And Whiteshield had the Holyswords", Vorpal responds absently... and then pauses.
Turning to Alex, she speaks to him again, in a much more gentler voice this time, but with an obvious urgency in her words. "Can you tell us a bit about the Holysword family?"
<b>Cael:</b> "Besides....Nexus is something of a walk, and if I remember correctly, The Walker in Darkness counts a lot of land between there and here as his own."
<b>Selina De Windia:</b> "Correct, Cael. It would be very unwise to anger all the powers that live close by. The Bishop has his hands full as it is."
<b>Vorpal:</b> "That was just an example", Vorpal adds off-handedly. "The main question remains."
<b>Alex Holysword:</b> "Well, we had our share of power, yes. Two orichalcum warstriders protected the city walls. My father wielded Ainerach. We have... unusual blood. A leftover from the might of the Golden Lords, everyone said in Whiteshield.... something we had to hide from the world. We can... do things. Nothing like the power I have now, but quite a bit... and quite like it. We are... were... one of the few to still pay respects to the sun, at every one of its turns. We have powerful magic with us..."
"... Not that it saved my father. But then, being Exalted didn't save Fiona either..." Inwardly, he cringes, remembering Selina's words. Is she still alive? Maybe... just maybe?
<b>Vorpal:</b> Vorpal waves all this aside with an air of mild irritation. "You didn't, by any chance, get your name from the fact that your family heirloom happens to be the most powerful weapons ever forged against the Underworld, did you?"
<b>Selina De Windia:</b> "I told you earlier, Alex." The Windian perks one of her wings up as she looks at him. "Vestal probably broke her. She told me to tell you that Fiona used to dream about you."
<b>Alex Holysword:</b> "We did."
He closes his eyes, taking Ainerach in hand, passing his hand through it...
Remembering the words from before, in the blade... the tale of the sword. "She was a sorceress, Aine. She wielded a power far greater than any in Windia ever dreamed to possess. If she is broken, then you are seriously underestimating Charmaine."
<b>Vorpal:</b> Vorpal taps her fingers against the table for a few times before launching the next question: "What do you know about Ainerach? Is it supposed to be anything else than just a really sharp sword?"
<b>Selina De Windia:</b> "And Void's Puppeteer was a peerless Necromancer, but that didn't save him."
<b>Alex Holysword:</b> <i>How did it go, again?</i>He thinks trying to recall... what it was told him once. Just something the drunk man on a funny horse had said once, but...
The words come, as he unsheathes the blade, coming together with its light....
<i>"Before the fall of the light,<br>when Kings clad in gold carved civilization from ever-shifting ice,<br>When wings were forged and give to man,<br>Shadows rose, and broke the realm of the golden kings.<br>In the deepest north, deeper than it is now, when the world was more,<br><br>The snow became red, the white clouds black,<br>And only quicksilver came down as rain.<br>By the greatest darkness, came the greatest light,<br>To slay the first of thirteen shadows,<br>to cut through the words of dead gods.<br><br>To bring light where none ever existed,<br>To shine, always, in Heaven's Pillar."</i>
"It... went something like this."
<b>Cael:</b> Cael listens to the verse, one part of his mind idly providing critique even as the rest of his mind toys with the meanings of the phrases within.
"A powerful blade indeed then, if it were crafted to defeat all thirteen of the Deathlords. No wonder the Bishop seems to want it so much."
"This could explain, why whiteshield too. The resting place of the sword...it has a powerful symbolic resonance."
<b>Vorpal:</b> <i>...oy.</i>
"You're the wordsmith, Solar", Vorpal turns to Cael. "Any other sense you can make out, the obvious aside?"
<b>Alex Holysword:</b> "All... thirteen? They are.... thirteen?"
<b>Vorpal:</b> "Yes, there are", Vorpal says quietly, thinking...<i>...and just how in blazes do you know that, Solar? As far as I know, not even all the Sidereals are aware of it.</i>
<b>Cael:</b> Cael nods to Vorpal "Thank you for confirming that."
He smiles at Vorpal "And as to how I know, when one travels, one hears things. It is amazing what careless tongues will part with, when they are distracted by wealth or other things. And then it's just a matter of putting the peices together. There is a remarkable amount of wisdom held in small rhymes like the Princes' too."
"Anyway, the rhyme itself seems to be refering to the time in the distant past, when the solars ruled as demons, if one is to belive the immaculate order, when Windia was founded, I would assume."
"And so then, the deathlords, or the dead I would guess came, and made war with sorceries, the silver rain, and thus was the blade forged."
<b>Vorpal:</b> "Hmm", is Vorpal's reply. Wearily does she close her eyes and lift her hands to massage her temples. It seems the effects of the poison and the shock from the wounds still hasn't worn off. "I suppose that is a good enough reason why we have two deathlords racing to get their hands onto that sword there", she says slowly. "The Hierophant said it is something more than just a weapon, though..."
Opening her eyes again, she eyes the sword gleaming in the prince's hand idly before suggesting: "A key, maybe?"
"Sacrifice is one of the most powerful ways of gaining power to fuel rituals, if one does not have enough power alone, or if you don't want to expend it."
"Could be", the Ghost-Blooded shrugs and leans forward again, resting her elbows against the table once more. "There was something in that poem that bugs me, though..." She frowns, frost-white eyebrows moving on milk-white face. "How did it go again? <i>To slay the first of thirteen?</i>"
"That's funny. If we believe that poem and that sword slew one of the Deathlords already, why is it that there <i>still</i> are thirteen of them around?"
<b>Alex Holysword:</b> "There are?" Alex wonders, interested...
"And who are them?"
<b>Cael:</b> "Just because it was crafted to destroy the first, does not mean it succeeded. But yes..if it did...why are there still thirteen?"
"Or, perhaps," he says alittle bleakly "They have died once, and will not stay dead."
<b>Vorpal:</b> Vorpal chuckles, a dark, almost insane giggle.
<i>Sounds like we have something in common, Deathlords and I.</i>
Then she sobers up again, and waves an idle hand at Alex. "Might not be the best of ideas to speak all their names aloud in a single litany. You know how it goes, speak of the devil..."
<b>Alex Holysword:</b> The prince thinks, sheathing the Reaper Daiklave once again and setting it aside. "Well, then... shouldn't we be focusing in going after them? You told me to shut up when I said about splitting up.... but we really do know little. We need to know more. And we have the Dark Angel with us."
<b>Selina De Windia:</b> "You have the Dark Angel," Selina sneers, looking up at the rest of them as she does so. "But I don't recall accomplishing what I set out to do in our meeting. Charmaine got away. From <b>me.</b>"
It did rankle, that. It very much did.
<b>Vorpal:</b> Instead of a snort or a sarcastic jab that one might expect from the Pale Angel, Vorpal leans carefully backwards in her chair, propping an elbow against the armrest and resting her cheek on the palm of her hand.
"I don't think you'll need to worry about that", she says. "She will come seeking for you again."
<b>Selina De Windia:</b> Selina shrugs, then leans back, wings spreading behind her. "Like a dog to its dinner, yes. And one of us may get lucky. My bet's on her, Lilith. I need something more to deal with her."
<b>Vorpal:</b> "Are you scared?" Vorpal asks suddenly, her eyes flickering over to the Dark Angel. Something in her tone, however, suggests that she is deadly serious about her question, without a hint of derision in it. "Or just realistic?"
<b>Cael:</b> Cael has very little to say on the subject of fighting a necromancer he hasn't met, so he contents himself with watching the exchange between Angels...
<b>Selina De Windia:</b> Turquoise eyes regard Vorpal in particular, almost piercing at the moment. "Concerned is a better word." Shifting in her seat as she leans forward onto the table again, the Windian would snort. "We'll see. So far it's a draw."
<b>Vorpal:</b> "Then we'll just think up something to tilt the scales in our favor", Vorpal shrugs, suppressing another wince as pain once again streaks through her wounds.
But still, this Charmaine was becoming a problem. Every time they met or fought her, she would learn more about their powers and techniques, and she would have time to come up with strategies of her own to counter their best efforts. She would need to be taken care of... soon.
Turning back to Alex, Vorpal addresses the prince next: "So what were you wanting the Dark Angel to do?"
<b>Alex Holysword:</b> "To go and know things. To go into enemy territory. Is that not what assassins do?" He shrugs. "Well, for information instead of assassination, but, even... I don't think you would do very well for it, or even me. Although we could go together for cover, but infiltration... well, I shine, that is not my forte."
<b>Selina De Windia:</b> "What I'd like to know," She says in a somewhat throaty tone, as if building up to a rumble that doesn't exist. "Is what our new friend here is good at." Looking at Cael oddly, she continues. "He knows something of us, yes? Let us have some reciprocation."
<b>Cael:</b> Cael carefully sets his tea down, after a final sip.
"I know only what your reputations tell of you, it pains me somewhat that you have heard naught of me, but then, I don't suppose there is any reason for to have.."
He shrugs his shoulders, in a dismissive gesture
"What am I good at? That is somewhat hard to answer, as I try to have passing skill with most things...but I am mostly a man of words. Words between friends, words between foes, words that cut mind and body."
<b>Selina De Windia:</b> "A diplomat, then?" Selina considers, curling some of her hair about one finger. "And you have some interest in what we do? Perhaps you could aquire us some allies."
<b>Calisara:</b> And then, the door opens, and the beautiful spirit of the ship walks in, smiling. Holding the map scrolls with both hands, she lands them over the table, "Here, here. Hope I did not take too long!"
"Do you need anything else...?"
<b>Vorpal:</b> "Thanks", Vorpal says, slowly leaning forward and reaching out with her hand. Careful not to strain any of her wounds too much, she plucks a promising scroll from the pile and unfolds it over the table.
<b>Cael:</b> "That I am more than willing to do, of course."
"Thank you Calisara, and no, I don't think we'll need anything more for a time."
He smiles gratefully at her, then leans over to study the map.
<b>Seventh Moon:</b> Following in after the spirit, Seventh Moon stops at the doorway and takes stock of the room, making sure nothing had changed. And nothing had. He almost looks crestfallen as he steps back to his place against the wall and leans back into it comfortably. Even just a few minutes with Anne had put the unsettling bizarreness of his current situation back on his shoulders though.
"A'rite, so what's going on?"
<b>Vorpal:</b> "Oh, nothing much", Vorpal states without looking up from the map. So if the main force was somewhere around this region and Whiteshield was here... "The gates of the Labyrinth will open up in Whiteshield in a few weeks, that's all."
<b>Alex Holysword:</b> "The blade might be able to kill Deathlords, and there are thirteen of them like in the song, and Aine is worried about the Vestal, and, hmmm.... Cael kils people with words." The prince says, trying to sum up the situation in as strage way as he can, "Oh, and..." But Vorpal says it before he can. "That, that, the end is coming and all."
<b>Selina De Windia:</b> "Hmmm." Selina hums to herself, regarding the Lunar as he reappears. Curiously, a bit. She felt like she should have known him, but Selina rarely interacted with the Wyld Gods. Only contracted out on one, and she preferred to stay out of the Wyld in general.
But still, this one seemed very familiar. Too familiar for her to not know. It ran along the edges of her consciousness, that feeling. And something else she couldn't quite identify.
<i>Very annoying, this.</i>
Of course, he'd been getting an eyeful earlier, but most men did, if they got the chance. With most women. If they were pretty, anyway.
"Hmph." Selina shakes the thought out of the forefront of her mind for now, then peers at the map. "They'll have a reserve at Whiteshield, Lilith. Count on it. No army is going in, or out, unless it's the Bishop's. The units in the field are dross meant to distract us."
<b>Seventh Moon:</b> Vorpals response evokes only possible answer.
"... the <i>what</i>?"
<b>Vorpal:</b> "Yes, that's what I said earlier", Vorpal responds to the Dark Angel evenly. "I think I might know of a way to get a rough estimation on the forces out in the field, so if you are planning to go for a reconnaissance, it might be best if you headed to Whiteshield."
<b>Selina De Windia:</b> "Oh, I intend to. And they probably know that." Selina replies casually, sitting back up and stretching her arms behind her head. "I think I could use some help this time. Normally I infiltrate alone, but..."
<b>Vorpal:</b> "Hmm." Vorpal remains silent for a moment, her mind once again juggling odds and numbers in her head. Then, suddenly, she looks up at Seventh Moon. "Hey, wolf-man. Are you good at sneaking around?"
<b>Seventh Moon:</b> The Lunar was trying to follow the conversation at the table as best as he could, but knew he'd be struggling to keep up for some time now. They'd left him behind about the time they all got into the magical flying boat. Portals to hell or whatever and armies of the dead weren't really his foray.
That mattered a great deal less as the black winged woman stretched.
"I can get around if need to" he shrugged, looking at Selina as he answered Vorpals question. Thrusting his hands into the pockets of his coat, he grinned at her rakishly. "Good enough, I'd bet, if ya think you'll be lonely."
<b>Vorpal:</b> <i>You sure you can keep focused on the mission and not just drag her to the nearest bush?</i>
That's what Vorpal would like to ask, but this once she holds her tongue. When it came to warfare and strategic planning, it was important to try and keep the group unified on most things. For that alone, the Ghost-Blooded would be willing to tolerate quite a bit.
"Very well", she says, finally. "I'll now suggest some tasks for all of you." Leaning backwards and gingerly easing her weight against the backrest once more, she gives a short glance at everyone in the room, to make certain she has everyone's attention.
<b>Cael:</b> Cael raises a single eyebrow at the pale angel, willing to listen to her suggestion at least.
<b>Selina De Windia:</b> <i>Most people aren't that blatent about it.</i> Selina thought, stopping mid-stretch as she blinks at the Lunar, than Vorpal. <i>And right at the table.</i>
Of course, most people, really depended on where you were from. Such as the Nexus, for example.
<b>Seventh Moon:</b> "Hey, whoa, whoa..." Seventh Moon turned away from Selina and glared at the ghost-blooded woman. "'Suggest some tasks?' I ain't here to open death-portals or whatever the fuck it is you people are doing. If you want me to go sneaking around Whiteshield and tell ya which dead things are moving and which just lay there and stink, that's fine, but only cause it's on the way back home. Which is where the kid," he jutted his chin towards Alex. "And I are gonna soon as we're off this boat."
<b>Cael:</b> "Go home? To do what exactly? Sit around as the dead walk the land?" Cael asks evenly.
<b>Seventh Moon:</b> He snorts. "The dead always walk the land. What the hell do you think you're <i>sitting</i> next to? Just as long as they keep on their side of the wall and off my fucking door step, they can do whatever the wanna."
<b>Alex Holysword:</b> "Moon... that would be suicide. You said the things did not really attack the Boil. You weren't there when they did... when there were so many of them. I am not getting back home without a way to take it back. To get even." He shakes his head, "And I don't really think I could do it alone. Or even with your help..."
<b>Selina De Windia:</b> "They won't, though." Selina shrugs and ends her stretch, sniffing. "Not this time. They need to be taught a little lesson."
<b>Vorpal:</b> Inwardly, Vorpal sighs. There always has to be at least one holdout around...
"Wolf-boy", she begins quietly. "In case you never noticed, we are currently trying to think up a way to stop that damned thing over at Whiteshield from happening. Your prince needs your help - if you're not interested in giving him a hand, do feel free to run back to Boil with your tail between your legs." She lifts one gloved finger and wags it in the Lunar's direction. "But keep this in mind: if they do succeed at completing whatever they are doing over at Whiteshield, even Boil will no longer be left alone. You can count on that."
"I'm <i>quite</i> sure the dead will stay away from your door when there is a portal to the Labyrinth in Whitshield." Cael says dryly.
<b>Alex Holysword:</b> "So, Moon and Aine go to find out the details about our foes, right?" He waves, a little worried... Moon was too... well, he had beaten his master. But the Dark Angel seemed to be more than able to take care of herself... "That leaves the three of us, to stop those around the countryside, and get a force to take it back. Any suggestions on how?" For a moment there, he looked like the king he was raised to be, and the priest-king the soul inside him once was...
<b>Seventh Moon:</b> Alex had him considering, thinking about it, trying to find a loop-hole in what the old bastard had wanted. He knew the prince was right, the black-winged woman too. It wouldn't be that easy, despite what Father of Crows thought. He was gonna have to do more
Then the ghost-woman opened her mouth.
His eyes flickered, a silver sheen passing across them,<
<i>Tail between your legs.</i>
The flicker became a glow.
<i>A finger wagging through the air. Like a mother scholding a child. Like a garrison officer gloating before he shoved his sword through you.</i>
Moon was already off the wall by the time Vorpal finished and flying across the room, off the ground. One foot hit the table and he stepped off with the next, sending a steel toed boot sailing towards the ghost-womans face.
<b>Cael:</b> Cael's hand blurs softly, a single golden glyph appearing in the air, flying towards the Lunar. In midair it blossoms into a thousand copies of itself, wrapping the lunar in it, leaving a single copy of itself on his cheek. 'Fool' it says, to all who can read ice tongue.
"Restrain yourself, Chosen of Luna. I will not have violence on the Zephyr." his voice filling the small room.
<b>Vorpal:</b> A little pained mien on her face, Vorpal lifts one hand a little at Alex's words, like a little schoolgirl asking for a permission to speak in the strictest of Dynast schools. She freezes, however, when Seventh Moon suddenly moves, her red eyes flickering back to the Lunar just in time to see the steel-tipped boot approaching her face. Her battle-tested reflexes take over and her hand slaps down in a blur.
Instinctively aware that her hand alone could not stop the sheer power behind such a kick, she chooses to divert the flow of the attack instead, her palm flashing towards the side of Seventh Moon's foot with all the strength of her arm behind it, to push him off balance. At the same time, her Essence flares up within her, prepared to bring about one of her defensive Arcanoi should her fist prove insufficient for the task.
<b>Alex Holysword:</b> "Hey, STOP!" The prince speaks up, his words rendering all in the room unable to do anything but listen. "Do you want to kill each other?!? We are supposed to be working together, here!"
<b>Vorpal:</b> Her hair floating in a luminous halo around her head, the ghostly figure of the Pale Angel stares up at the furious Lunar standing atop the table, her eyes glowing like a pair of red-hot coals amongst the chilling background of her ethereal flesh. She does not turn away even when she condenses again, her hair obeying the laws of gravity once more and fluttering back onto her shoulders and cascading down her back. Then, and only then she turns to inspect her upraised fist, and flicks her wrist, experimentally.
She frowns and twists her wrist again.
"Ouch", she says aloud this time as the sudden sting runs down her arm. It is an effort from her part to quell her own anger and regard this situation with cool detachment. The wounds struck by the Hierophant had stirred the po within her, and now her lower soul was raising its head, demanding for justice, for retribution, for blood to satisfy its endless anger.
But a leader has to be resolute. Vorpal knows this and suppresses her instincts with the sheer force of her will. There would not be battle in this room, if she could help it.
"Strong. Fast. Brave", she says, slowly looking up at the Lunar once more. "All prime qualities in a warrior. I'm... I'm impressed."
<b>Selina De Windia:</b> It could've turned into a melee, but Selina really didn't want to enter it. Especially after everything those three...did.
"Some people need some cooling, hmm?" She purrs to them all in general, flattened against the chair after the Lunar rushed by.
<b>Seventh Moon:</b> His face set like stone in thundering anger a moment before, Moon's eyes widen as his foot collides with the ghost-woman and passes through nothing. Splinters grind under foot as he shifts back on his heel to keep from falling off the table.
Not all there, huh? Light begins to swirl down his arm, gathering into his hands as they rested in his coat pockets. The momentary shock gave way to a menacing grin. He could deal with that.
Then a bee stung his face. That was what it felt like. A golden bee, one of a thousand buzzing around him. He jerks his hand out of his pocket and slaps it over the stinging mark on his face, feeling the dampness of blood against his hand. The light flickers and fades from his eyes for a moment as he stares at the crimson drops on his finger tips. He turns his head slowly towards Cael, his face blank of expression, like the hound who just had his favorite bone snatched away.
Alex was speaking, begging them to stop. He weighed his chances carefully, then with great reluctance forced himself to relax. There were two of them and only one of him. He was confident he could beat the ghost-woman or the ship-captain alone, but not together.
Stoops down on the table and leans close to Vorpal, whispering to her softly, harshly. "I don't give a damn if you're impressed. If you ever, ever fucking talk down to me like that again bitch, I will mess you up. You understand that? I don't know what shit your use to, but it don't fly with me and fly-boy there ain't always gonna be around to back you up." The Lunar suddenly smiled tightly and reached over, patting her gently on the shoulder. "Just keep that in mind."
<b>Vorpal:</b> "All right then, warrior", Vorpal responds with a sudden grin of her own. She settles back down into her chair, leaning backwards and regarding the Lunar with an almost companionable mien on her face. Something about her makes it clear, however, that it is business, not a quick attempt to back down from a fight gracefully. "You've proven your point. What would you like to be called?"
He stands up as she leans back and hops down off the table. As he does, he looms over Cael for a moment and flashes him the same little grin he gave Vorpal a moment before, a grin which makes it clear this is far from over."Moon. Seventh Moon. Any of those ." Instead of returning to his spot on the wall, he grabs a chair and spins it around, plopping into it backwards and resting his arms on the back. Idly, he rubs at the stinging mark on his face. "If you were Sarah, you could say Moonie, too. But you sure the fuck ain't, so I'd better not hear that."
<b>Cael:</b> Cael meets the blank gaze with an expressionless look of his own, holding it until the lunar looks away again.
He does grin softly at the 'fly-boy', watching the exchange that follows with interest.
He merely glances up at the Lunar as he looms, acknowledging the grin with a small nod. As he watches the lunar rub his face, he wonders what he will say when he sees a mirror
"You would do well to apologise to Calisara for the injury you have caused her with your violence, Moon." he says with a nod to the scratches and shards of the table in front of Vorpal.
<b>Seventh Moon:</b> The Lunar gives him a withering look. "It's a fuckin' table. I ain't apologizing to a damn table for scuffin' it."
Even as he speaks though, he reaches out with one hand tucked into a sleeve and rubs at them a little to see what might clear off. Wouldn't hurt to keep on the good side of the sexy goddess.
<b>Alex Holysword:</b> Alex sighs, thankful things ended so quickly. "Thanks, Cael.... now, can we return to what we were talking about? It had something to do with reacting to the Bishop's forces, not to ourselves."
<b>Vorpal:</b> "Very well, Moon", Vorpal responds, seemingly unfazed by the endless stream of threats. After all, a master of intimidation had to be well used to her own medicine. "As you have no doubt gathered, we are in a bit of a mess right now, and we cannot really afford any extra enemies. Will you lend your strength to the prince and help save this land, Boil included, from the shadow?"
<b>Seventh Moon:</b> Not looking up from trying to fit a splinter back into place, Moon shrugs. "... yeah, whatever. Guess I ain't on a time limit and the geezer ain't gonna come out of his basement till I get back anyway." Still fiddling with the splinter, he breaks into a grin. "I can rough some people up, for the sake of the world. Sheeyit. Bet Skull Rabbit would love to yammer about this one later..."
<b>Vorpal:</b> "Good", Vorpal nods, responding to the Lunar's threat with equal firmness. "You'll get to do plenty of roughening-up before this is done."
"...All right", she begins after a short pause. She shifts her weight in her chair a little, intending to throw one leg over the knee of the other. Her wounds, however, remind her once again of their presence, and she is forced to ease her foot back onto the floor once more. "We still have a few weeks of time to prepare before our sand runs out. I'm not going to expect the opposition will just sit idly all this time, but I do think the death of Hierophant and my bluff about the sword will buy us a little bit of time before the next attack comes. We'll delay them further by giving them a moving target to track down."
<b>Alex Holysword:</b> "Wouldn't it be better to just strike back at them?"
"Where would you and Moon go, Aine? You said they had a church within Windia..."
<b>Selian De Windia:</b> "To Whiteshield." Selina replies, un-flattening herself from the chair's back now that the situation was resolved, looking at Alex with a disgusted look. "Do you really think I intend to walk into that place in Windia again? Someone should just seal it off."
<b>Vorpal:</b> "Let me finish first", Vorpal responds to Alex calmly. "If you have better ideas, feel free to say them afterwards."
"The Dark Angel and Seventh Moon", she favors each with a little nod before continuing, her voice confident and matter-of-fact as she unfolds her plan for everyone to see. "You two would be needed in Whiteshield, just the way we spoke about this earlier. We'll need to find out what they are up to, the number of Exalted, Ghost-Blooded, ghosts older than a hundred years, the layout of their defenses, what the guards eat for breakfast, anything that might be useful to us."
<b>Seventh Moon:</b> "I was in Whiteshield not that long ago," he says, looking up finally at Selina and flicking the splinter down onto the floor. "I don't know what you saw in Windia, but can't be much worse than Whiteshield. They trashed the place something awful."
<b>Selina De Windia:</b> "All the more reason for me to go there and paint the place with their black blood, sugar." The assassin says levelly, shifting her gaze to him, then snorting as she leans forward. "That army needs to be taught respect. They have it all their way right now. There must be fear to enforce that respect. Fear of us. Their best have to die, and as close to publically as possible."
<b>Vorpal:</b> Vorpal shrugs with a slanted smile. "Then feel free to lop off a few officer heads while you are there. All the better."
<b>Selina De Windia:</b> "Hmph." She scoffs. "I want their deathknights."
<b>Alex Holysword:</b> "Just be careful. You two are might, but won't fight their whole army alone..."
"And what about US, Lilith?"
<b>Seventh Moon:</b> The Lunar meets the Dark Angel's gaze, blinking slowly, resting his chin on his folder arms with a smirk. "Sounds like a party to me. When do we leave?"
<b>Vorpal:</b> <i>Sure, whatever you want, sugar.</i>"Wait for it..." she holds out a hand at Alex before turning to Cael. "You said you are a diplomat with contacts, yes? See what you can do in your own field, what allies you can find. Your first assignment, however, would be to find a healer, a powerful one. Someone mighty enough to banish the poison brought about by Abyssal Essence. Do you think you can do that?"
<b>Cael:</b> Cael tilts his head, considering "For allies who might be able to give more military aid, I am not sure. I do not know many people with armies who would consider aiding Whiteshield, The Realm being the only other major military power in the area that I know of on first consideration...And I do not think they would take kindly to my request....The healer on the other hand, I am sure I can find."
He looks towards her
"Just how quickly is the poison working?"
<b>Selina De Windia:</b> "Whenever." Selina shrugs, fingering her rapier. She'd make up for the last time, oh yes. "Whenever we leave."
<b>Vorpal:</b> "It's not spreading." Vorpal taps lightly at her abdomen, at the point where the Hierophant had stuck his blow. Even such a gentle touch sends a wave of discomfort through her being. "It taints the wound and keeps it from healing well. My own Charms don't work, so I will need something better."
<b>Cael:</b> Cael nods in acknowledgement "Very well."
He starts to consider friends who might be able to help with such a task...
<b>Seventh Moon:</b> "Mmm..." Moon grunts slightly, watching the pulse of breath as it passes through Selina's lips, her throat, her chest... but at least half an ear turned towards what Vorpal was. "The old geezer might be able to help, but knowing him he might chop off peices to do it. Guess it depends on how much you like your limbs intact."
<b>Selina De Windia:</b> Raising an eyebrow as Vorpal mentions her wound again, the Windian would think for a moment, one wing moving up slightly in its semi-folded position, then she'd give the other Abyssal a lascivious smile. "<i>I could kiss it better.</i>" Selina would purr in as much of a soul-killingly sultry tone she can muster without the effects of magic.
<b>Seventh Moon:</b> "I like her idea better," he tosses out casually, grinning a little more at the display.
<b>Vorpal:</b> "Thanks, I'll pass", Vorpal responds, in as much of a chilling, soul-killingly flat tone as she can muster without the effects of magic.
<b>Vorpal:</b> She draws in a deep breath before turning back to the matters at hand. "As for myself, I think I'll return to Windia when I can. The beginning of a war is prime time for mercenaries, and I'm sure Windia will have hired some extra troops to bolster their forces. I know some people among them, and they might be able to tell us something about what the scouts of Windia have found out of that other force. The one led by the Celebrant, that is."
<b>Seventh Moon:</b> The Lunar snaps his fingers at Vorpal's icy responce, shaking his head in disappointment.
"Military type," he sighs quitely behind Vorpals words as she continues to speak. "Ice between their legs, every one of 'um..."
<b>Selina De Windia:</b> "Afraid of the heat, are you?" Selina says in the same tone, just quieter. "Think you'll melt and there'll be nothing left...?"
<b>Alex Holysword:</b> Alex grins. So much of an image.... those two godddesses.
<i>Maybe Lilith should go with Aine!</i>
He thinks, but keeps silent...
<b>Cael:</b> Cael grins inwardly, though outwardly his expression merely has the briefest flicker of disapproval.
So crass.
The lunar did have a point though, it would be a sight.
<b>Vorpal:</b> "Sheesh..." Vorpal grimaces, shaking her head slightly. "No, I'm afraid you would freeze over, Aine."
Finally, the Pale Angel turns her attention towards Alex. Her mien softens, her eyes glaze over for a moment. Then the moment is gone again, and the albino shakes her head for a second time. "As for you", she breathes, "You won't be going anywhere near Whiteshield. They are hunting for the very thing you are waving right at their noses when you fight. Therefore, you're coming with me and Cael..." She pauses, then offers him her slanted smile again. "Be a bodyguard for a wounded angel, will you?"
<b>Alex Holysword:</b> He nods, smiling and closing his eyes for a moment... "I shall protect you from all shadows, all darkness, any and all who dare threaten you, milady. Count on that."
<i>Except from the one within your soul...</i>
<b>Vorpal:</b> It is not in Vorpal's nature to count much in the aid given by others. A life lived in solitude, born and grown as fundamentally different from everyone around you, you grow used to making do with your own resources alone. But still, she forces her lips to keep the smile on her face. "I'll do just that", she says, well aware that she is lying directly at his face.
"All right, that's about all I wanted to say", the Ghost-Blooded says and spreads her palms over the table. "If you have better ideas, say them now."
<b>Selina De Windia:</b> "Why don't we find out, then?" The tone is less alluring, more amused. She knew a bluff when she saw one. And someone who was afraid of melting. Sometimes it was her.
"But in any case...if you're going back into Windia, find out about that church. It has to be sealed up."
<b>Alex Holysword:</b> Alexander ponders... thinking.... "Say, is there a reason why Windia isn't counterattacking them? Any reason at all that we know of? They have Valencia...." His mind flashes with memories of the court. If they could get her with them... or to take the battlefield, at the very least... and somehow, he feels something... strange, when thinking of her.
<b>Selina De Windia:</b> "Probably because there is only one of her and a few of them. We'll fix those odds." Selina informs Alex in a self-satisfied tone. "Or they have a magic arrow for her. Not that those always work...Charmaine didn't catch me in her net."
<b>Vorpal:</b> "I'll see about that, too", Vorpal nods. "Remember, the church was attacked when we were there - Windians probably have done something about it already."
<b>Alex Holysword:</b> "And she tried... how did she?"
The image of his mother's corpse, lying in a pool of her own blood and surrounded by ivory spikes, comes to his mind....
"If we meet her... what can we expect?"
<b>Selina De Windia:</b> "Maybe. It might be good to check just in case, Lilith."
<b>Seventh Moon:</b> The mention of Charmaine stiffens Moons back and wipes the smile off his face.
"The only think you need to know is that if you do see that bitch, kill her." Eyes as hard as diamonds and his voice edged as sharpely, Moon squeezes his arm till it hurts. "Just kill her."
<b>Selina De Windia:</b> Blinking at Alex for a moment, Selina coughs lightly, then sighs. "Valencia? She's fair, unless you try to tell her what to do." She gives Vorpal a pointed look, then back to Alex. "Other then that...if you can get her help, I'd recommend it. Of course...you may want to hide Lilith at first. I don't think she'd take kindly to one of my type showing up on her doorstep, given how she disapproves of me. And after the Hierophant and Vestal, it's probably worse."
<b>Vorpal:</b> "I'm not your type."
She says it calmly, almost idly.
<b>Alex Holysword:</b> ".... I meant the Vestal. Valencia, I do intend to try and get her help, if having you two along with me is not too much of a liability to it. If it is.... we can see what other sorts of help we can get." His mind flashes in a thousand different ways to do so, but his lack of general knowledge of the region works against him there....
<b>Selina De Windia:</b> "The Vestal is probably angry at me, Alex." Selina replies off-handedly, putting a finger to her chin for a moment, then continuing with her answer. "You shouldn't have to worry about her. But if she does decide to come after you instead, then be assured it will be hard to catch her. She doesn't enjoy fighting head to head."
<b>Cael:</b> "I am sure between us, we will be able to get Valencia to see reason over them, at least until the current war is over...a temporary truce is better than none..."
<b>Selina De Windia:</b> "Well, one thing to remember." Selina demures, pushing the chair back as she stands to her feet. "The Vestal can do--" The Windian disappears into a haze of black mist that seems to dissapaite on an odd breeze, then reforms, standing in the center of the table. "--this." Looking slowing at all of them as she turns about, Selina nods, almost to herself. "You will not be able to land a single blow on her if she does that, and be assured, she will. She can shrug out of your grasp if you lay your hands upon her, and she can play with your mind. The Vestal does not fight fair."
Walking the short paces to her side of the table, Selina hops off and stands behind her chair.
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