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* - Back to [[GoldenCat/FifthMovement|Fifth Movement]]
#REDIRECT ADanceOfAngels
* - Back to [[GoldenCat/DanceOfAngels|A Dance of Angels]]
== Chromatic Melodies ==
'''Shaliya: ''' The music... is just ''too'' inviting!
She took Cael’s hand and begun to move, like a rose blowing in the wind, all she could do not to giggle out of the happyness, the fulfillment that she could feel when she could just dance, and not think of anything else. The icy mist surrounds her and Cael, both cold and warm, as contradictory as the lady that dances with him...
'''Sandara: ''' The Neomah takes Anne to dance, her movements deft, precise. Dance seems to be almost as prayer to the lady in the green dress, as she keeps sure the green flame will not touch the human dancing with her, Anne’s own midnight blue dress – now free from the coat that hid it – flowing beautifully in the air as she dances, led by Sandara, the green flame melting the mortal bit by bit....
'''Calisara: ''' It was impressive...
Music so great had not touched the Zephyr in an Age. In longer...
Filled with nostalgy, filled with memories of great parties, Calisara begins to dance, her eyes not on Gennadi, but on another Chosen of Serenity he once was. Her mind somewhere else, where music of that caliber was played, memories melding with reality, as one can never perfectly recall something so great. And so, Ryshassa’s tune was now the music of her memories, as she allowed her ephemeral, ever-flowing form to come closer to Gennadi’s, her tatoos moving like stormy clouds, as she danced with such enthusiasm as she had not in... an age.
'''Gennadi: ''' For one who acts honestly so rarely, he can match her enthusiasm well, catching up to the complexity of her dance and slowly improving on it. For once, less showing off and simply taking a joy in the difficulty and effortless effort, smiling as her unreal body trails after him.
He slowly starts predicting those flourishes and dips Cal down with a concealing curtain of sparks during one, his foot sliding across the floor and leaving the blue lights to fountain up behind as he kisses her lightly. "You seem a bit distracted." She's spun up to her feet, to the tips of his fingers then tugged back into his arms, toying with the formal patterns and breaking at least half the rules with each joyous motion.
'''Alexsei: ''' Raising his glass to his lips, he watches Ryshassa's performance - one she produces from heart, pouring her very being into her music - and cannot help but stare in awe.
He has heard her play a thousand times by now, yes, but in this very moment, he cannot help but marvel at the intensity and the beauty with which she is expressing herself. As he slowly, almost reluctantly pries his eyes away from the performer to gaze at the dancers, he witnesses the reactions - the dancers living her music, savoring every one of the notes as they follow the rhythm with abandon.
And, watching the scene unfold from his corner, observer of this memorable moment of purity, the Chosen of Endings smiles...
'''Calisara: ''' She responds to his kiss in happyness, breaking it wih a breeze of air, sweeping around with him, losing herself in the lights "I am!"
"I am an age ago... the last time I listened to something even vaguely like this..."
"To hear again... it is..." She presses up against him, in turn of the music, and nearly moans out, ".. ''wonderful''!"
And then she is at a respectable distance again, and the dance continues...
Dorian takes Millia to dance, his own clothes like a storm, the hair on her arms standing up... but not an entirely pleasant sensation. Wings twitch as they dance, smiling amidst sparks... and Cloud takes Eva to dance, the woman a clumsy dancer, but the wind-rider more than making up for it with his masterful movements, the many pairs losing themselves to Ryshassa’s rhytms...
'''Cael: ''' Cael allows himself to be drawn up into the dance of the ice rose before him, sensing her joy and fulfilment, not wanting to spoil it as he spins her out and draws her back in, feeling the mists playing over his skin, letting the music play them both as he moves around the dance floor.
'''Gennadi: ''' The spray and movements repeat themselves as the song continues, teasing her more and more as the song gets closer to an end. He mostly tries not to think, the similarities in her dance to the style he thought he created himself, the ease she has in matching randomly chosen movements worrying him if he does think about it. Instead, he caresses here and there, lets his fingertips trail across skin as they move, the occasional flick of his tongue or teasing nip on an ear or the skin of her neck far more pleasant.
"Would you entirely mind recovering my violin for me when it's my turn, Cal? I imagine you can do it quickest... I'll make it worth your while."
'''Ryshassa: ''' For Ryshassa, there is nothing more in the forefront of her mind, her body, her very existence than the music her fingers wrest from her instrument. She and her lyre share a communion beyond words, beyond even imagining, and it enraptures her near to orgasm. She is poised, her legs straddled around the chair now, the lyre tucked between her thighs, cradled against her torso, swaying at the eye of a musical storm that sweeps the dancers into a veritable frenzy of passion. Her eyes are half-lidded, her breath coming quick from between slightly parted lips -- and the music does not stop. It is a living thing, constantly remaking itself with ever bolder improvisations, seeming to mold to the dancers and their proclivities as much as the dancers mold to it. It urges them onto new heights of creativity, and even those who stand aside find themselves transfixed by the unearthly beauty and vivaciousness of her performance.
In this heated moment she is more than just a healer -- she is her music, and all who listen cannot help but understand that truth.
But in all things there is an end, and the end comes from a great height, a buildup worked in gradually and masterfully as she segues from movement to improvised movement. For an urgent moment, as the dancers whirl and stomp, lift and press against one another on the dance floor, the pent up passion crescendos to near unbearable levels -- and then the climax comes, a crash of chords somehow both dissonant and perfectly interlocked, and a final, downward run through the strings that concludes with a single, staccato tang.
And it is over. Ryshassa bends over her instrument, her braids hanging pendulously about her head and shoulders, partially obscuring her face, pooling into her lap.
Underneath the black, bell-clad locks, she is smiling.
'''Calisara: ''' "Not at all" She says, enjoying how he complimented her so well... as he had done...
"I am really curious to see how well you play in this life..."
'''Gennadi: ''' "I am always playing something, Cal. The question is if I can make the right sounds for the moment." He removes his hands from her hips, a step back to collect his wine glass, a compliment or two to those he passes.
'''Cael: ''' In comparison to Gennadi's treatment of Calisara, Cael is pratically a gentleman with Shaliya. Almost, anyway. Though the flower spirit still gets to feel his oh so warm fingers tracing along her arms, or his breath warming the back of her neck, the occassional whispered word.
Eventually, though, the music stops, the creshendo leaving the pair standing still once more.
'''Alexsei: ''' His steps carry him closer then, and he lies a hand on her shoulder as the performance comes to a close and she remains, head bowed over her instrument.
His gloved fingers brush her neck and he stares down at her, gently tipping his hat to her. "A most masterful exercise, Ryshassa... Congratulations." He looks fondly at her, and the instrument that brought her out of her shell of isolation, and he nods in joy and approval.
He bends down slightly to kiss her forehead, then offering her his hand that she might stand and bow for her audience.
* Gennadi claps for her. "No more compliments from me, I'm not competing with the adulation of everybody else." He grins. "Oh, to be that lute, though."
'''Ryshassa: ''' Ryshassa raises her head to her beloved, Her pale cheeks are flushed, her heart still racing, though slowing as she allows herself a few deep breaths.
She seems a bit flustered at Alexsei's offer of congratulations, though she gratefully takes the hand, and offers the assembled guests a deep, sweeping curtsy with the lyre held close to her breast with one arm. Simply as a matter of etiquette of course; she does not expect any of the others to even pay cursory attention to her. She is the performer -- in her mindset, the music is for them, not to encourage them to laud her.
"T-thank you," she replies uncertainly, turning fully to her husband now. The healer swallows once, realizing she would be more than thankful if she could have but another drink. "Though... I am sure you have heard better in the palaces of Yu-Shan."
"And speaking of Heaven..." She inclines her head respectfully to Gennadi's applause, and says, "If competition is what this is for you, I am sure you can outshine," she says mildly. She makes no comment about his mention of her ...commune with her instrument.
'''Gennadi: ''' "It is always competition. It keeps me from getting lazy and dull. I hardly mind losing out to such magnificence at least. I am used to being second best." He idly chews on a chocolate-coated stick of bread. "Anything you two would like? This one is mostly for you, after all."
'''Alexsei: ''' "Perfection of executions does not necessarily means a better performance, Ryshassa," He says with a warm smile, handing her a cup of wine. "It does not replace heart, and the personnality one puts into his renditions. That is what makes it interesting..."
He turns out to Gennadi, bowing slightly to him as he smiles. "Oh, I've been curious about hearing your violin skills, Gennadi..." He turns to his wife, raising an eyebrow. "Something we might want? I wonder... " He chuckles, then turns back to the Chose of Serenity with flourish. "I suppose we can leave it to your discretion - play it how you feel!"
'''Ryshassa: ''' Ryshassa laughs, and nods -- "A preference?" She gives Alexsei a quick glance, a look of mock puzzlement crossing her face. "Do we even have a preference?"
"I suggest you do as he suggested, and play from your heart. If there is a roundabout way to reveal yourself without truly revealing... music is one of those keys," she suggests with a wink.
"I will say I am more practiced with courtly dancing, but I am quite flexible. As I am sure my husband is." With that she grants her beloved a warm kiss on the lips, and makes her way back to the drink table for something cool and refreshing.
'''Shaliya: ''' As the dance ends, the Winter Rose looks up at Cael, impressed...
"You are quite a gentleman, my Solar lord, and the best partner I had in a long while... thank you!"
'''Calisara: ''' "Will be back in a moment!" Calisara calls, and certainly, a moment later she is there with Gennadi's violin, not even long enough to formulate a thought. "Did I take too long?"
'''Ryshassa: ''' Ryshassa laughs, and nods -- "A preference?" She gives Alexsei a quick glance, a look of mock puzzlement crossing her face. "Do we even have a preference?"
"I suggest you do as he suggested, and play from your heart. If there is a roundabout way to reveal yourself without truly revealing... music is one of those keys," she suggests with a wink.
"I will say I am more practiced with courtly dancing, but I am quite flexible. As I am sure my husband is." With that she grants her beloved a warm kiss on the lips, and takes a generous sip of the wine he offered her.
'''Gennadi: ''' "Not long at all." He pecks her on the cheek, opening the case and unfolding some sheet music. He drops it idly in front of him where it hovers. The bow follows, his fingers rubbing along the string with some rosin, blue fire and smoke drifting up as he performs routine maintenance. Finally, the violin itself, the neck cut in the figure of a long-haired woman. He rakes the bow across the strings, a wail like a bereaved woman ringing out and making him wince, setting to tuning it. "Sorry. It'll be just a minute."
'''Ryshassa: ''' Ryshassa laughs, and nods -- "A preference?" She gives Alexsei a quick glance, a look of mock puzzlement crossing her face. "Do we even have a preference?"
"I suggest you do as he urged, and play from your heart. If there is a roundabout way to reveal yourself without truly revealing... music is one of those keys," she points out with a wink.
"I will say I am more practiced with courtly dancing, but I am quite flexible. As I am sure my husband is." With that she grants her beloved a warm kiss on the lips, and takes a generous sip of the wine he offered her.
'''Gennadi: ''' He pauses and idly backhands the floating music, sending a spray of black notes into the air. They shatter on the floor, almost human caricatures of the various markings rising up from the shards to accompany him, a low thrum like a heartbeat while he tests it again. This time it is merely bittersweet, a sound that leaves hearts aching. "Closer."
'''Cael: ''' "It was all I could do to match your own dancing, my lady." his eyes showing he is even more impressed with her own efforts "Thank you." he raises her hand to his lips and kisses it, and then lets her go.
"And thank you, Ryshassa for playing as you did."
'''Gennadi: ''' Finally he tucks the violin into place, a slow sweet song filling the air like perfume, notes drifting along as he gets used to performing again. The pace only picks up after a minute or two, working through a variety of smaller bits of songs to one he feels is right. He waves at them with the bow. "Go on, get ready, change partners, more drinking so the off notes aren't as noticable."
'''Calisara: ''' "Off notes? You?" She asks, her hands upon Gennadi's shoulders, watching his display of handling the musical notes with a smile... that was the sort of wonder she was made for!
'''Shaliya: ''' She holds to Cael, her lips eager, and for a moment seeming to almost... almost.... bite?
She the kiss is broken, and she looks at him, contrite, "You are too kind..."
'''Ryshassa: ''' "You're welcome, of course, Cael," she replies to his thanks, offering him another, shorter curtsy. She wonders, though, at the stand-offishness he seems to have, despite the fact he danced so beautifully, and with such a lovely partner. Was it simply her imagination or was he tired? Or preoccupied? Or... upset?
She finishes her wine with a slow, decadent sigh -- ahhh, now that made her feel much better. Setting the cup down, she steps up to Alexsei now, resting a hand on his shoulder, another entwining in his opposite hand. Gennadi's tuning and practice are a welcome sight, and sound, not for any impressiveness so much as an appreciation for a man who cares for his instrument. That is, after all, part of the formula of truly outstanding music. The notes visibly forming in the air -- well, that had to be more a characteristic of his flashiness, and something she has already learned to expect!
"Shall we, then?" she says, a fond smile lighting up her almond-shaped eyes as she leans in for another kiss.
'''Gennadi: ''' Finally, he starts the true song, starting quiet and almost felt instead of heard. The pace quickens and the volume increases slowly, easing the paticipants into the dance. The pitch rises and falls, dipping and swaying, the tone infectious and impossible to escape. The beat seems in tune with the pulse of hands held tightly in others, and then a quiet, almost shy female voice starts to sing, the figure cradeled in Gennadi's hands accompanying the music with a voice of her own.
He whispers softly, coaxing her with the song and his own voice, and a sweet wordless song spills out into the room, swirling around each pair and reminding them of words long gone to the wind, the best and at once most painful moments, for now they're long gone.
Even so, the beat continues to quicken, faster and stronger from slow beginnings, a riotous whirl of music as one, two, three, more instruments than can be counted kick in behind him, blending together into one sinous song. It coils up around the spine, seeps into heels, driving the participants onward into steps hardly planned, the echoes ringing back in the great hall to themselves mix with his work.
He sinously turns, body tight to Calisara and leading her through a rather slow dance in comparison, faint beams of light spilling down his suit and reflecting to illuminate her. He winks at her after a quick kiss. "Can't be all me. Unfair. Entertain, hostess."
'''Cael: '''Cael lets her go, a look suggesting that the contrition she shows is not needed, along with an element of curiousity at the ...biting of her lips, though he lets her go to her partner for this dance...
After she goes, Cael drifts over to Cloud and Eva, gently cutting in, and taking Cloud away from the dragonblooded woman, guiding him around the dance floor through the cloud of Gennadi's music.
'''Alexsei: ''' He brings her closer to himself then, placing his free hand on her waist as he stares at her with a smile. "My pleasure, milady."
He brings his wife closer to him, letting Gennadi's music flow through him, letting his instincts answer rather than his thoughts. As the beat quickens, he puts a foot forward, his hand pressing on Ryshassa's side to guide her, to let her feel where he is leading, where his steps are carrying them. And the beat quickens, and its flow fills him, and then.
He sweeps his wife across the dance floor, his body enacting the rhythm the Chosen of Serenity evokes as it fills out the dancing room. His fingers tell Ryshassa of his every move with a mere brush of her skin, and the changing of tones in his violet eyes.
He subtly motions her to step forward and towards him, his feet like feather as he steps in the opposite direction, turning his back as he makes her twirl and catches her arm in mid motion, recalling his body against his in a flourish of his arm before sweeping with her once more.
As the notes continue to fly and the etheraeal singing accompanies it, Alexsei does his best to bring the sounds to live, a scene straight out of the aural theater as he guides his wife through the upbeat tempo.
'''Cloud in Dawn: ''' Cloud takes to Cael, leaving Eva to relax against the wall and sigh thankfully that she does not need to embarass herself dancing anymore! Cloud takes the offered hand, his white-and-silver armor sporting ever more swirling images of swans the faster he danced, pushing Cael close, "Now, this is ''life'! Just the right sort of things for gods like us!"
"Now, lets see if you are as graceful as they say, Windwraith!"
'''Ryshassa: ''' Ryshassa lets loose a laugh of crystalline delight as Alexsei twirls her across the dance floor and back, captivated by the music Gennadi brings to life. It was always such a deep pleasure to dance with her beloved. They understood one another almost instinctively, even without the rings to guide -- for in every motion and every breath, every look and every touch, they could feel one another's intentions and intuit the next step.
She allows him to take the lead, as is proper, and most pleasing to them both. In one moment she is supple in his arms, her movements fluid and graceful as they sway together; in the next, her body is taut and firm as an arrow, each gesture bold and without hesitation. Proudly, willingly, she serves as the instrument of his passion, displayed to the surrounding guests through the bold interweaving of their footwork, the theatrical flourishes and whirls, the small, fiery kisses they exchange as he draws her deep into his embrace.
She kicks up a heel as Alexsei dips her low, feeling his lips on her neck -- a soft moan escapes her throat, but soon the world is upright once more, and she is spinning, pulling close to him, leaning apart, the two of them like orbiting planets around a common sun, their eyes only for each other.
'''Shaliya: ''' Shaliya takes Sandara's hand, Anne going to join Eva on the corner... and they begin to dance. They revel in it, their dance beauty and prayer... the green flame and the ice mixing, covering both in mist... and soon, it is just a shadow inside green lights amidst the mist, and another figure seemingly made of rose petals... sillhouettes on the corner of the vision, shadows within the mist...
'''Cael: ''' "Lets see if you can keep up." he says, meeting the challenge in the man's words, before he speeds up the motion of his feet in response to the music of Gennadi, letting that guide him as he alternately leads and is lead by the winged mercenary, though the twists and turns in the symphony filling the room.
'''Cloud in Dawn: ''' Cloud does not let himself be led! Sometimes Cael manages to seize the lead, but mostly Cloud fights for it! Cloud himself pushes Cael close, and moves fast, firm, violent, almost. Graceful, but the grace of a hunter, flourishes overdone to display his greatness!
"Keep up? Hah! I bet I have some things to teach you, Windwraith!"
'''Gennadi: ''' His dance continues, aggressively challenging her to keep up with both the music and the motions. The tune grows more strained, here and there slightly off key in a beautiful and utterly memorable way, interlacing and growing more complex with each pairing that continues to dance.
Faster and faster, the notes whirring through the air and floor lightly shaking in anticipation of the finale. The voice rasps here and there, perfection dropped for moments of sheer heart and soul masked in the controlled chaos of the moment.
He leans in to kiss Cal as he finishes the song, a cry of anguish and satisfaction all at once welling up from the violin as strings break under the pressure and friction. The bow spins through nimble fingers as he pulls it back, placed in his back pocket as glass cascades down to the floor in small pieces, the small sounds echoing in the silence. He smiles apologetically at his dance partner, brushing the small shining halo away. "Sorry about that."
'''Ryshassa: ''' Ryshassa leans against Alexsei, smiling in weary satisfaction, after the music draws to a stormy, tumultuous close. "You work your instrument hard, Gennadi. But it was indeed well played. Thank you--it was a treat!"
Her expression is genuinely bright as she smiles at the Chosen of Serenity. The expression is almost openly vulnerable, a touch of innocence of one simultaneously pleased and unconcerned with anything else but that brief, flaring moment of happiness.
Still uncharacteristically energetic, she turns her attention back to her husband, murmuring hopefully into his ear: "Will you be playing for us now, beloved?"
'''Valencia Silverstar: '''She wasn't there before. No casual examination had revealed Valencia's presence -- she is simply at a wall a good distance from the doorway without ever having been noticed to have entered the room. Not like the stealth of a sidereal, fading into the background through arcane happenstance. She merely glided around the room so masterfully that the Lunar simply was not noticeable, having made no sound, nor undertaken any gesture or movement that would draw attention.
Valencia la Silverstar is clad in a dress similar to Ryshassa's: a qipao of daring cut and make, though not adorned by nearly as many decorations. Her famous beauty does not need them -- the lines of her dress fit the swells and curves of her figure admirably. It is a rich sky blue, cut from what seems silk (though silk doesn't shimmer so enchantingly) and trimmed with a bit of silvery thread at the collar and the lower hem, rising to her hips as the slit does on both sides. Instead of sandels or boots, she wears dark blue high heeled shoes and long fingerless opera gloves of the same color which only wrap around the middle finger of each hand. Her long silvery hair is bundled into a small odango at the back and top of her head, a long single-bladed crystalline hair-pin stabbed through it with a small round gem dangling from its handle on a delicate white-gold chain. Down one of her legs, on the inner side, is a line of flowing northern runes done in silver, etched into her skin. The great silver-feathered wings compliment it all, giving her an almost looming majesty.
The woman waits placidly for a suitable partner to emerge. Although really, her demeanor looks as if someone else should be here to dance with her as well -- someone else who is not. Steel-grey eyes survey the dancers, looking approvingly on their choice of garments for the night. At least with this party, she wouldn't have to play politics.
'''Alexsei: '''He holds his wife close, laughing softly through his winded breath as he gives her one more, tender kiss. As he holds her to him, he notices lady Valencia's presence, and with a blush realizes he had not noticed her before. He looks apologetic for a moment, then tips his hat to her over Ryshassa's shoulder, grancing the Marshall a smile before turning back to his wife, then Gennadi.
Momentarily releasing his embrace on his beloved, Alexsei claps for Gennadi, bowing his head to his fellow Chosen. "Indeed, Gennadi, a masterful performance indeed! I haven't been made to dance as such in a while!" He smiles, then turns back to Ryshassa's questions, his cheeks coloring somewhat.
"I... would love to, if of course it is approved by the other guests..." He gently murmurs back to her.
* Gennadi breaks from cleaning away the glass to look back, an appraising glance at the new arrival. Complex mathematics dances in his eyes before he decides she gets a 9, pondering trying to get in a situation to better read the glyphs before passing it off as entirely too much work. "It has been a while that I have done such. It is good to know I haven't lost my touch.." The violin and sheet music is reverently returned to the case, bow a moment thereafter. The latches click shut with finality, and he hands it back to Calisara with a whisper. "You might want to take more time... you seem a bit out of sorts."
'''Ryshassa: ''' Though Ryshassa does not say it aloud, she is -- immensely, unspeakably amazed by Gennadi's performance. It is, without a doubt, the most exquisite, original, daringly dissonant and awe-inspiring piece she has heard, and danced to. But it is only fitting, after all -- as a Chosen of Venus, it could only be expected that he would outdo her, and with style.
But there is also a note of envy to go along with her awe, and she resolves herself to learn from what she has seen and heard. Music was, as a performance art, more than just the piece itself, after all. She could only imagine what sort of venues Gennadi had played to in Yu-Shan. No doubt the expectations were much, MUCH higher.
She smiles encouragingly to Alexsei, countering his tender kiss with another one, planted atop the tip of his nose. "I do not think anyone will mind. They should not. You do not mind, do you, Cael?" Her glance to the handsome Windwraith seems almost... expectant. Perhaps she wishes a dance from him as well?
''But I dare hope you will not feel... upstaged, '' she adds silently to her beloved through the rings. ''Goodness, that performance was beyond words! ''
Slipping -- regretfully, perhaps -- from Alexsei's warm embrace, she takes note of Valencia's presence, and greets to the Marshall properly. In Ryshassa's eyes she appears both strikingly beautiful and commanding of respect, and she can do no less than the deepest of bows. "Good evening, Marshall," she says pleasantly. "It is good you are taking the time to enjoy yourself as well, despite the war efforts weighing on your shoulders."
'''Cael: ''' As the music reaches it's momentous conclusion, Cael has firmly show his dominance over the winged man, at least in the sphere of dancing ... having held onto the lead for the better part of the dance. He lets the man go with a satisfied smile, a smile that promises a ... rematch at some time.
He turns to face the lunar then, his face betraying no surprise at her appearance, no indication that she just appeared there, in the midst of the party. "Welcome, Lady La Silverstar, to the Quicksilver Zephyr."
"Of course not Ryshassa ... I would be delighted to hear Alexsei play for us tonight." A subtle emphasis on the 'us' suggesting just who he would like for his partner in that dance.
Finally though, he turns to Gennadi, the man that played such a piece.
"Thank you." is all he says to the man, the two words conveying so much more than they have any right too as two simple words...
'''Valencia Silverstar: ''' She doesn't usually wear high heeled shoes either, though these have a strap that secures them to her feet just above the ankle. Valencia moves a foot or two from the wall and bows slightly -- her wings spreading a bit behind her -- to the guests already there and the host.
"Everyone requires a break at some point, I'm afraid. I hope my stuffy appearance will not crimp your enjoyment tonight, at least." She replies to Ryshy and Cael.
'''Calisara: ''' Calisara blinks coming back to 'here'... "Oh, I am sorry... that was just... incredible."
"It gave me memories, took me away from here... sorry, I am being a terrible hostess!"
'''Alexsei: ''' He chuckles at Valencia's response, bowing slightly to her. "Then it is good you have joined us tonight, Lady la Silverstar. And I do not believe you will be ruining anyone;s evening tonight... It is a treat to see you around." He smiles some more, before turning back to Cael.
"I would love to, if... You do not mind. Besides, it will indeed give you the opportunity to have a dance with my wife." He adds, somewhat nervously, perhaps a cover for the stage fright?
'''Ryshassa: ''' Ryshassa chuckles as well, drifting subtly but surely towards Cael now, leaving Alexsei the opportunity to tend to his own instrument.
"Of course not. I would not say 'stuffy' either," she replies to Valencia. "More ...splendorous. Regal." She nods, her demeanor less formal now, more friendly, even... cheerful. The wine, music and dancing are definitely helping to loosen her up.
* Cloud smiles daringly to Cael, miffed but happy. "Next time, Cael, there will be a rematch!" He calls, as he faces Valencia la Silverstar... and lets his eyes wander over her form, quite visibly, grinning. "... I still prefer the leotard. But you look incredible like this, marshall."<br><br>Eva and Dorian make continence to Valencia. "Marshall!" then, Dorian breaks, and even if Eva mantains her military mien. "The party would not be complete with the silver roseof Port Aurora. You look stunning tonight, marshall."<br><bR>Cedric runs to Alexsei, cheering him on, "Yes, yes, play, uncle Alexsei! I want to ~seeee~!" Millia comes to the prince, holding his shoulders and smiling just as encouragingly to the Chosen of Endings.<br><br>Anne finishes her dance with Sandara, and is left looking up to the Neomah, in awe of her dancing, her night-black skin and her dress...
'''Alexsei: ''' A smile brightens his pale features when Cedric asks him to perform for them, and his cheeks color more than he would have wished. "Ah... if you insist, young Cedric, then I will." He pats the young prince's head fondly, glancing at Millia for a moment before readjusting his hat.
"You are too kind - Now give me a moment to gather myself before I start, I am a bit rusty."
''' Valencia Silverstar: ''' Valencia's eyes flicker their steel-grey attention to Cloud, gaugingly. She does not move besides that -- economy of motion, beauty of simplicity. For now.
"Why is that?"
'''Cloud in Dawn: ''' "It lacks the shine of the leotard, of course. And a goddess such as you deserves the shine. And silk, clingy as is, does not show your curves as well as they should be shown." He grins, his eyes dancing over her form, guiding her own gaze as if to prove the point. "Don't you agree, Cael?"
'''Gennadi: ''' "Not, of course, that I was asked, but I must wholeheartedly disagree. Much of the appeal is not to show, but to promise the show, to hint at the show, let the imagination run wild. I'd say she manages that quite well, considering I've lost track of myself enough to interrupt." He chuckles. passing the now safely-cased violin over to Calisara to be returned to his room.
'''Cael: '''"But of course, tempestous knife, I will look forward to it." he says, returning the smile with a much more triumphant set to his face. ''Oh yes I will''
"Sometimes one must merely hint and suggest though, and the effect of the dress is most pleasant. You do look wonderful tonight, Lady La Silverstar."
He leaves the blond man then though, and after a few sips of wine from his glass on the side, he smoothly makes his way over to Ryshassa.
'''Gennadi: ''' In contrast, Gennadi slips backward to look over at Cloud, sizing him up. "Speaking of speaking entirely out of turn, would you entirely mind if I stole the marvelous marshall away from you? Not to be insulting, but protocol is to be followed, and I believe I get first crack. After all, I ogled her first." A wink and a grin follows.
'''Cloud in Dawn: '''The Dragon-Blooded's gaze burns. His blood boils, and he loves it. Oh, he could just get a hold of the Solar right now and have a great time. Fighting, dancing, bed... all could be the same, as long as the dare got dillutted. "Oh, I am sure you will." He says, then shakes his head, "Oh, such subleties. Sometimes, they are simply lost."
To Gennadi, he grins, and steps aside. "Go ahead. I will have fun taking her from you later."
'''Ryshassa: '''Ryshassa looks over her shoulder a moment, as she continues to drift towards Cael... smiling at the enthusiasm of young Cedric, offering her husband a last, knowing glance. She had never heard him play, but she could feel it meant a lot to him to do so, finally, and in front of these people who had become their comrades in war.
But the moment soon passes, and with a shiver of bells and a whisper of silk, Ryshassa returns her attention to Cael. She is close enough now to him that her subtle scent is obvious -- lavender in her hair, and an undertone of plum blossoms and pears, a subtle fragrance both soothing and sweet. The dark-haired healer glances up at him tentatively, a look still expectant, almost... shy.
The comments on Valencia haven't gone unnoticed to her, of course. And who is she to match up to such radiance -- not that it should matter, of course! It was but a dance, and she would enjoy it to its fullest.
'''Valencia Silverstar: ''' "That is it's intention." Valencia says after a moment of thought, looking to her subordinates. "The silver rose very nearly did not make it."
Then she returns her gaze to the two men who want to dance with her. Interesting. She had gotten used to being at least partially shunned at most balls, though every new generation dallied with her at least once in a ball before their elders' social mores set in.
'''Alexsei: '''He drags a chair to a desired spot, and brings his black case closer to it. With delicate care he unfasten the clasps and pulls the top open, revealing a cello - beautifully crafted, yet somewhat sober - but undeniably aged.
He grabs the instrument with care, picking up an thin bow from inside the case and settling himself in his chair, plucking each of the string in turn and slowly turning the elegant knobs at the end of the neck, to make certain each one is precisely tuned. He nods slowly, removing his gloves and sliding them in his coat's pocket before turning to the audience, clearing his throat. "I hope you will be gracious, since I have not played in front of an audience for several years - not even for my own wife. Also, I do not claim to be as talented as the other performers here." He smiles a playful smile, his expression slightly betraying his bashfulness as he looks over at Ryshassa and Gennadi. "As such, I must beg for your clemency."
His fingers rake nervously at the strings, and his expression softens somewhat. "This is a song from my time in the East, a time where War was waging - it is a song of survival, but also a song about the love of life, a song we would play every night we managed to survive and wanted to celebrate being alive, with all the beauties and pleasures it brings." He clears his throat once more, and settles into a playing position, his left hand craddling the upward neck as his right hand takes hold of the bow, and he takes a deep breath, closing his eyes to let the sounds - no, the feelings - filter ''through'' him.
* Gennadi` waves idly at her, hand tangling in hers with a smooth, effortless motion as he steps close and rests the other on her hip. "I do hope it's not terribly forward if I lead, but you seem more the contemplative type, and at the very least I can save you the effort of discovering I'm a terrible follower."
'''Valencia Silverstar: ''' "It is not something I terribly mind, no." She replies, joining herself to him in the manner this dance would suggest, and wondering just how many would dally with her tonight.
Does she want it? The one she wants dancing with her, really, is not here right now.
''We cannot get what we want always. ''
'''Gennadi: ''' "Ah, good. I was hoping you were slightly dis-interested in rank and propriety. That's the mark of an idle mind, after all."
'''Valencia Silverstar: ''' She chuckles a bit, the hint of a smile showing. "Is that what you want tonight? An idle mind?"
'''Cael: ''' Cael's face looses its triumphant smirk as Ryshassa approaches, his face so much warmer, calmer, restrained as he looks on the healer from Gethemane, drinking up the subtle, pleasant scent rolling off her, smiling pleasantly as he draws Ryshassa up to him as the first few notes start to play, holding her very comfortably against him as he begins to judge pace of the tune to which he will dance.
'''Gennadi: ''' "Ah, good. You caught it. No, what I want tonight would be entirely too long to mention during this pleasant interlude, and certainly too crass for such wonderful company. Still, I'd wager you're unused to men claiming a dance from you and taking the initiative moments before asking. Or at least, ones that live through it. Am I right?"
'''Valencia Silverstar: ''' Her reply is as distant as a winter snowflake moving down out of the sky, blown away on the wind. Distant, and teasing -- though not in a sexual or naughty way. "I have never killed any man for hurrying his way through the experience of a dance. It is merely his own loss, to allow myself that much vanity."
In fact, the first vanity she has shown for awhile. Certainly as long as this lot has known her.
'''Ryshassa: ''' ''Technical talent is not all that matters''," Ryshassa's mind-voice speaks to Alexsei, though their bodies are distant now, though her slender form is now comfortably drawn against that of an entirely different man. ''There is feeling, and feeling can make whole nations join together, or clash in a tumult of war. ''
''Good luck, beloved. '' And as those words reach Alexsei, her eyes, violet and surprisingly vivid in their moment of vulnerability, meet with Cael's at the onset of their dance.
'''Gennadi: ''' He raises an eyebrow. "A better answer than I might have expected, despite your presence. So, to cut through my usual routine, why the long face? You seem distracted, not entirely here to enjoy the party. The first thing I'd like is to help out with that. It is, after all, what I was called for."
'''Alexsei: ''' He takes a moment to get in the appropriate mood, and finally the bow meets the strings with a gentle, caressing touch. A slow, somewhat mournful melody then arises, each high pitched notes flowing into another, the strings weeping under Alexsei's gentle touch. In a crescendo of minor scales the notes rise higher and higher, until they reach their peak - a single, crying tone that he maintains through vibrato, letting the sound almost die out...
... And then the bow hits the strings. A loud, defiant chord, a scream of survival after the sad, slower entrance. A few more notes follow, barely audible at first but charged with hope, a staccato rhythm slowly picking up pace as Alexsei bows lower over the sizeable instrument, his hair brushed to one side as to not hinder his performance. He lets the music cradle him, still increasing the cadence, articulating each note precisely on the smooth fingerboard, each sound progressively growing louder and louder as the melody changes hope into a more joyful beat.
He raises his head to look at the audience then, his bow expressing more than words ever will evoke; sadness and fear, replaced by the incomparable joy of being able to partake in this existence. It is the cry of those who managed to survive the day, and want to send their thanks to the Heavens to be allowed to walk this world, even if only for one more day...
The melody continues to pick up, its infectuous rhythm calling to clap, to scream, to celebrate the gift of life, to honor the new beginning that inevitably comes from any endings - and to live, live to the fullest, to embrace the divine offering it brings before the inevitable closure. Alexsei lives and breathes the emotions through the music, painting them in the hearts of the listeners with bow as his brush and strings as his canvas, sensations clearer than images filling the room, using the Chosen of Endings as a catalyst...
'''Valencia Silverstar: ''' "It is not something which can be remedied, alas. Better to simply forget for tonight."
Something she is, in fact, trying to do. "I am sure that I will enjoy the party sufficiently, have no fear."
'''Gennadi:''' "Ah, one of those. Not quite formality but duty, loves lost." He shrugs as he dips her down and impishly kisses the tip of her nose. "Fear, if you have noticed, is not one of my strong points." Up they go and back into the previous routine, Gennadi unable to help flourishes here and there just to enjoy the feel of this new partner in his arms. And of course, the occaisonal quick look at those tattooes, trying to piece togerther the likely pattern that completes them.
'''Valencia Silverstar: ''' "Not lost." Valencia replies thoughtfully, thinking of what he may be doing right now. Well, he had been giving the Pale Angel those looks, hadn't he? "Merely diverted for the present, let us say."
She doesn't react to his kiss, though her eyes seem to say 'there is a line, which you have not crossed yet'.
'''Gennadi: ''' "And speaking of diversions, here's another..." He lets the honest curiousity spill into his voice, a slight western accent returning to previously perfect speech as he leans in to whisper in her ear. "Just how far do those tattooes go? I've not exactly had a chance to study others of your calibre, and somehow I doubt I'm going to see tonight."
'''Cael: ''' ''That look was not for me I think. '' Cael considers as her eyes meet his own dark ones, though his expression never falters, seems to welcome them, to approve them, as he he leads her confindently through the motion and the beat of the dance, flourishes all exquisitely timed and with perfect decorem, not one hand nor even finger out of place, no touching of a place that should not be touched on the dance. His hands take no liberties with her at all.
Those are saved for his eyes, dancing with her own, seeming to suggest all the things he might do, all the things he could do ... possibly. Or maybe that was something Ryshassa fabricated in her own mind, for his hands were those of a perfect gentleman. The glimmer in his eyes suggested they were not.
'''Valencia Silverstar: ''' Valencia raises an eyebrow at the impropriety of that question, and then sniffs in the midst of the dance, lightly, dismissingly. "Now, is that a question I really must answer? They end on my neck -- is my hint and all I shall say on the matter."
'''Gennadi: ''' "Mrm... a puzzle for another time and place. Still, the last time one of the Moon-Chosen was holding me close, I was bleeding profusely on their scales, and I hardly had time to look. Somehow, I cannot see those being quite so magnificent as yours... Or that noblewoman's attitude. I half feel like I should hunt a dunce-cap and sit in the corner." He sighs, feigning great hurt.
'''Valencia Silverstar: ''' "Oh, that one was free." Valencia replies with some mirth, imagining him fighting a Lunar. One of his delicate kind, fighting one of those insane beasts of her own? It must've been a sight!
'''Ryshassa: ''' This is a dance Ryshassa knows well -- it is... proper, it is precise, it is replete with the dips and twirls and flourishes that her body molds to easily, her reflexes take to like a fish to water. It is a dance of appearances holding back feelings that cannot or will not be expressed, a dance of outward decorum given flavor with creative license, sometimes drawn periliously to the edge of propriety, but never truly crossing.
It reminds her, oddly enough, of the Realm -- of the subtleties of expression that one often employed in a society where everything and anything one could glean of your weaknesses, your desires, your failures, your dreams could be used together. There was no place in the Realm, truly, for a man or woman who could not play the game of appearances. To be overly honest was to welcome ridicule and derision, and to be unreceptive altogether was to alienate those that may otherwise deign to offer you an opportunity for connection or advancement.
Even though she can react, with equal precision, to each fluid movement he draws her through, the dance feels... almost tense to her. Emotionally rigid, even, compared to the celebration of triumph over adversity that Alexsei brings to bear with the deep, sonorous strains of his cello. She could almost imagine that Cael would touch her, in other ways, if her husband not watching -- if she were not so outwardly devoted to him. Perhaps it was her imagination. There was always that risk. But the greater risk would be to delve, to... discover what those hidden nuances may mean.
For the moment she says nothing, but concentrates on the language of dance. There is no fire between the two of them. But there is curiosity. To understand, to see with her own eyes why he deigns to touch her at all. Her gaze hardly leaves his as they whirl across the dance floor. And there are touches... soft touches... of daring. Head dipping back, revealing the pale curve of her neck. Leg lifted high to punctuate a dip, the subtle shift of cloth on the slit at her thigh. Innocently executed, or so it seems. After all--she would never imagine he would want her, not in any rational mindset. And she would not dare want him.
It was not worth to betray her husband simply to be one out of many.
'''Alexsei: ''' His foot makes each beat as the song reaches an apex and pushes the guests to dance frenetically, to drink and be merry - The strings sing and praise, praise for the cycle that ultimately makes everything beautiful, and there, at the summit, the bow hits the strings once more in the same defiant chord as before, before the music pauses, the last note once more held...
He would normally be a lot more contained and reserved. But the song is also living through ''him'' now, a mix of emotions and memories entertwined, and he plays without shyness or reserve. The chosen of Endings, caught in the heart of his performance, stands up from his seat and, taking advantage of the pause to remove his top hat and in a swift motion, makes it twirl and lets it drop at his feet. His eyes never leave his instrument, and his foot continue to mark the rhythm as he brings his hand close to the strings once more . This time, he plucks the strings with his fingers, the melody still the same, but taking on a softer tone, as his fingers produce a more muffled, gentler sound. He plays this softer melody for a while, his fingers striking the strings progeressively harder...
And the bow hits once more, and for a moment raven feathers seem to flutter around him, perhaps only a trick of the light as they vanish into shadows before reaching the ground. ''"Live!" '' The song Screams, its voice an assortment of notes that speak a language without words, a language built out of Memories and Emotions. The song picks up with the same frenzy as before, if not more, as it finally reaches its climax, the cello screaming and wailing as the last fast run is made. One pause, and one last chord, slower and gentler, brings the song to its conclusion, the notes lingering for a time before being brought to an end by a muting of the Chosen's fingers.
And thus, Alexsei lies, his head bent over his instrument, his bowing arm resting by his side, breathless and shaking but also somewhat satisfied - his offering now complete.
* Gennadi` shakes his head sadly as the music finishes. 'Ah, well. Now I must deliver you into another man's hands... Perhaps I can sneak off for my checkbook later, as I can imagine few things more worth buying than your time." He removes his hands and bows respectfully, walking off and tossing Alexsei a comradely salute as he goes. He taps Ryshy on the shoulder, wide grin. "S'cuse me, do you mind? I'm going to borrow your pretty dance partner for a bit."
'''Cloud in Dawn: ''' Windsp ass over Gennadi's hand, disenganging them from Valencia's, his feet slip on ice under his feet. Then,Valencia is not there anymore, and Clouds waltz away with her. He grins at Gennadi, with a wink. "If you will excuse me...?"
'''Ryshassa: ''' It could have been more than a technically perfect dance between colleagues. For Alexsei's song calls to Ryshassa, stirs in her blood. Her pulse rises with the draw of the bow. She feels him -- in her husband is where passion lies, as he reveals almost unnoticed by all, the depth of emotion beneath his polite scholarly self that drew her to him all those years ago.
And she wonders where the passion lies in Cael. In those dark eyes shimmer but a hint of what he might have given. She wonders vaguely how she might... stir it. How that would feel, short lived as it would be. She wanted to know what made him tick. Was not the call of the song to "live"?
But the last strains come to an end, sooner than she would have liked, leaving the room surprisingly quiet for a time -- as if none had suspected the Chosen of Endings could even halfway contend with the stunning performances from before. She opens her mouth to ask something, anything of her unusually silent partner... and is nearly startled right out of her skin by Gennadi's tap.
"Wh.... you and Cael, now?" Ryshassa glances from Gennadi back to the Windwraith, and -- perhaps to release some of her own inner tension, lets out a peal of laughter. But she does not move away just yet. "Let it be up to him," she says simply. Her eyes scrutinize Cael carefully. Awaiting a reaction.
'''Cael: ''' ''Ah, so you are dancing a little more than you should, Ryshassa. Interesting. ''
His eyes suggest faint approval as he dances her to the end of the dance, the sudden end. He holds her close for a few moments, and then steps back, as the sidereal tapped her on the shoulder, and asked his question.
He smiled "If you will forgive me, my lady Ryshassa..." a slight bow of his head, in sorrowful acknowledgement of fate. He tilts his head at Gennadi, and gestures a short way from Ryshassa. "My thanks for the dance, I'm sorry if I did not dance quite how you ''desired. ''"
'''Gennadi: ''' "Oh, not now. Please, get back to your entirely enjoyable affairs. Just declaring intent. The performances of the night have left me a bit in need of a pick me up before I continue." He smiles. "It shouldn't be too long, mind. Send out a search party if it is. That way you can all walk in on Cal jumping me." And then, he is off!
'''Valencia Silverstar: '''Valencia blinks for a moment, so smoothly is she passed to a new partner. Almost as if she is a...a commodity. It amuses her, a bit. "So I have a new leader, do I?"
Cloud's enthusiasm shows, and she raises an eyebrow at it. "How many more thieves will try for my dance?"
'''????: ''' Then, there is someone who was not there.
He did not come in. For sure. Calisara did not feel him. He is just there.
Blonde bangs falling over his face, setting a package on the ground, watching them.
And clapping. For Alexsei’s performance, which was simply ''outstanding. ''
The face of a friend of the Seven Sages Cael has seen before.
A face Alexsei has seen somewhere before.
'''Cloud in Dawn: ''' "You be sure of it. I am oathed for you in the battlefield, but not ''here''!" He says, the hand on her back, beneath the wings, pushing her to him, tightly, as he finishes the dance with her. "Only those that can survive my feathers, Val. I don't let go easily when I don't want!"
'''Ryshassa: ''' Ryshassa's expression is suddenly impassive. Her interpretation of Cael's words is something that borders on patronizing, or even condescending. It... does not please her. Was that what she was, a game to be played? Was that all life boiled down to, layers upon layers of seeming versus intent?
She steps back, at the gesture, and her bow to Cael is stiff. "You are welcome, Cael. I do hope we will have time to ''speak'' again later." A crisp, polite smile -- though her cheeks are at least vaguely red -- and she begins to move away, intent on another drink, another distraction. Her steps falter, though, at Gennadi's odd, hasty departure, at the unexpected applause, at the stranger... and the package.
''What is that? ''
'''Valencia Silverstar: ''' "Survive your feathers?" Valencia asks, pulling away from him a little at the end of the dance. "Explain, perhaps?"
The music is divine, though not as good as it was a few moments before. Still, better than almost any performance (if not any period) which has heard at any ball in her memory.
'''Alexsei: ''' Still catching his breath from the performance, his mind slowly coming back to Reality after having touched the Realm of Memories for a time, Alexsei closes his eyes.
He lets himself drift back into consciousness, taking in his surroundings more and more - but his progressive awakening is interrupted by an unexpected presence. He raises his head, almost hesitantly at first, searching for the source of the clapping...
''Who... or what... has come to see this performance now? ''
'''Cloud in Dawn: ''' He walks closer to her, not letting her pull away but unable to stop, then he gestures... and a feather appears on his hand, he moves close to her hair, and the feather cuts a single strand, which his wings whirl about his finger, bringing near his face. "Nice scent." He says, letting the feather fall, and disappear.
"Being how deep they cut into you, I am impressed you forgot!"
"Pehaps I need to pierce you with my magic again, I am sure you will not forget THIS time..."
'''Cael: ''' If Cael is in anyway affected by the stiffness of her bow he does not show it, returning it with easy perfection before waving idly to Gennadi as he departs the room, and turning to face the new arrival.
"Welcome to the Quicksilver Zephyr," he says into the silence after the applause. "Perhaps you would like to tell me just who is visiting?"
'''Valencia Silverstar: ''' Valencia's eyebrows rise a bit farther as her voice gets a bit drier. "Oh really? Where I am from, it's not called a feather, Cloud."
"Nor do you tell your dancing partner how you'll do that with it."
'''Cian Huang: ''' The man bows to Cael respectfully, "But of course. My name is Cian Huang, Cael. The Angel of All Colors, but it has been long since I wore this name. I am sorry I was in too much of a hurry to introduce myself last time. It was not very polite of me."
'''Cloud in Dawn: ''' Cloud whirls in front of her, "But it is only with my dance partners I do that with, Val."
"On your feet or on your back, it is always a dance."
'''Cael: ''' "Ah yes, I remember you from before. It is a good name, I think." he says with a smile to the man.
"I suppose then, I should offer you a drink, and enquire as to why you are visiting..." a lazy gesture of his hand indicates the wide selection of drinks on offer.
'''Valencia Silverstar: ''' "On my back, huh?" She asks with some measure of amusement, then sniffs. "You presume so, so much."
She looks about, noticing the newcomer. Another Sidereal? How wonderful! Soon perhaps one not friendly to their cause will show up!
'''Ryshassa: ''' It is with some trepidation that Ryshassa turns away from the newcomer to reclaim her seat. At least it seemed he was someone Cael must know, and if not, it was his job as host to handle it.
Inwardly she curses herself for her curiosity -- for it was curiosity, after all. Not ...desire! But what had she expected from a dance with the Windwraith? Perhaps something less cool, less fettered by decorum. Oh, it mattered not. It mattered not at all. This she repeated to herself, knowing Alexsei would feel her embarrassment, her vague disappointment.
It cannot be helped. She sits quietly beside her husband, now, bells jingling softly as she busies herself with returning her lyre properly to its white leather case.
"It truly was a beautiful performance, beloved," she murmurs to him after a moment. Her handling of the instrument soothed her somewhat, perhaps. "We should practice together sometime..."
'''Cloud in Dawn: ''' "I ''know'' much, Val."
'''Cian Huang: ''' The man steps foward, picking a drink with Calisara, drinking, his gaze worried to Cael.
"Thank you. And as for why I am here... I have come to warn you, I am afraid."
"I should have met you in more pleasant circumstances before, but.... too busy, too busy."
'''Alexsei: ''' Humbled by the man's comments, Alexsei nods and bows his head in thanks to the stranger, curious although he says nothing.
He does feel Ryshassa's feelings pour through the ring, and notes a faint tinge of... disappointment.
He chooses not to press the matter, however, or question the nature of such feelings. Rather, he busies himself with properly storing his instrument, carefully replacing in its case and locking the clasps securely.
He lifts his head once more when she sits, however, and a faint smile crosses his lips. "I am happy you liked, Ryshassa... Although I am pretty rusty, and I could feel it. But practice together would be good, yes..."
His attention is brought away form the concerns he has, and towards the introduction of the newcomer. The Chosen of Endings is curious now, at this name and this title, and even more so at the words the man speaks next.
''Warning? More trouble on the way? ''
He chooses not to speak, however, and let the mysterious man and the Windwraith talk. He does listen intently, in any case.
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