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#REDIRECT [[ADanceOfAngels]]
* - Back to [[GoldenCat/ThirdMovement|Third Movement]]
* - Back to [[GoldenCat/DanceOfAngels|A Dance of Angels]]
== A Gathering of Fates ==
As Gennadi walks into the park, demolished wholly by the conflict between Valencia Silverstar and the Acolyte of Violet Whispers, he sees they were serious about the devastation - great stretches of Bone coming out of the ground, spines full of dried blood, trees burnt by the Flight of Brilliant Raptor, Obsidian Butterflies littering the floor.
The conflict was contained as far as the city was concerned, but on that space, it felt like the Octavian had stopped by and had himself a party. Dried blood all around, some pieces of the destroyed corpses seen here and there, especially the remains of the serpentine thing, a spine chain, pehaps? And even the rests of something that still blights the ground, scales of ash... and in this carnage, not even the nearby buildings escaped - a great windmill nearby is charred and broken, as it something was hurled through it in flames...
The statue, as Valencia had told him of, lies broken, an outgrowth of bone spines around it. He can still /feel/ as blood-soaked feathers fell down from the sky... as snow falls over the chosen of fate.
And as he walks out, book secure on his hand, he hears a soft, purring voice.. feminine, young. Ever young. "Going somewhere, Gennadi? And I had thought Courtesans had the decency or warning first, or at least saying hello."
The voice comes from above him... above a tree, she stands, nimbly as a feline, gray cloak fluttering about her. The eyes and ears of a feline, the decendency of her Lunar forefather. Swift Whisper, also known as Silfe, member of the division of Secrets. One of the three Sidereals who control the destiny of Windia, under the tutelage of The Duchess, the Secrets whose control over it is absolute.
Her nut-brown hair fell over her lightly furred face - she really abused her Arcane Fate, to make others not notice that, or the fact she was standing above a tree, cloak fluttering in the wind.
And you never saw something more irritating than having her smile that smile, and twink those all knowing eyes. All secrets were like that, but not in such a prepotent, feline, bratty way.
<b>Gennadi:</b> "Odd that you would accuse a Courtesan of DECENCY, of all things.Going to come down and chat, or should I start thinking about finding someone to help me with the crick in my neck?"
<b>Swift Whisper:</b> "Amusing as that <i>would</i> be..." She steps down, a light jump, falling on her feet so effortlessly... "I am running on a timetable, after all. You do know you triggered some pretty mean alarms here? Things are not so quiet that one can just take a stroll. Especially if one is a Celestial Exalted!"
<b>Gennadi:</b> "If I hadn't triggered the alarms, you'd only be more worried. It was the least I could do." He checks around and starts heading for the particular cenotaph. "Besides, the two I met on the way here seemed relaxed enough, if one of them was a bit intense."
<b>Swift Whisper:</b> "Which? The civilized Lunar which almost brings the Realm on our neck every few years, or the Deathknight of the Lover who happens to be ever more friendly with her?" She says, still a chastising tone, walking together with him, not even bothering to put the <i>yes, I know which two</i> smile. It was even worse he had talked to them. If they are all agents of... no, no, less paranoia. "The bitch has surprisingly many of them around these days. One wonders if she does not have a Sidereal as well..."
<b>Gennadi:</b> "No, she doesn't. Those two didn't have much of an idea what one was."
He checks his hand-drawn map, licking the corner and letting it stick to the icy side of the cenotaph while he considers the best course of action.
<b>Swift Whisper:</b> "Can you tell for sure on the Pale Angel? Do you know how it feels that we have them within here? You do not even realise how things have been, do you?"
<b>Gennadi:</b> "Not especially, no. I have had my mind on other things. Besides, whatever happened to keeping enemies closer than friends?"
<b>Swift Whisper:</b> "Ever tried keeping an agent of the Lover too close...?" She lets her breath out, steam rising from her mouth as she leaves it on the air... "Well, as for things here... I can shed some light in your ignore if you wish. Typical Courtesan."
<b>Gennadi:</b> "That would be most pleasant. Since you seem averse to Venus's arts, I promise not to make it up to you."
* Gennadi collects snow and packs it into a firm ball of ice, tossing it up and watching it break upon the smooth walls of the monument, finally nodding at a flare of purest green through the falling snow.
<b>Swift Whisper:</b> "I have seen what happens when you show your art to your fellow Chosen."
Her mask drops for a moment. She seemed to be less reserved and more confrontational than a normal Oracle, even more than she usually is - but for a fleeting moment, he sees how much she is holding back. "She is my friend, you know."
She tries to keep going, not stopping at it, placing the mask back as fast as she can... "Anyway..."
<b>Gennadi:</b> He shrugs. "No wonder you're so tense. I haven't done anything, and you're cracking." A quick leap into the air, hanging for a moment, and another as his fingers dance across the whirlwind of the left eye, twisting and turning delicate diamond pieces until a deep rumble sounds within the monument, and he falls.
<b>Swift Whisper:</b> She just shrugs,
"I think yo have heard how the Bishop's people appeared in Whiteshield. The bastards used Calibration. Armies of War Ghosts materializing out of thin air, we heard from the refugees. He took the capital in a single day, he had it all under his control in a week. Absolute control in a couple of them."
"Whiteshield was erected in First Age ruins... but we are still unsure if they want what is there, or what is <i>here</i>! We had an undead army on our countryside, and nothing we had could stop them... aside from Valencia's army. But they had foreseen it, of course. Can you imagine how hard was it to keep a Lunar at home when enemies are at her doorstep?"
She shrugs, "We had to use all our arsenal just for that. But we won this time - they were prepared for Valencia, but not for the people who came for them. And Valencia was... here." She steps on the ground, "To fight the people who were just waiting for her to go out to take the city from the inside-out. We barely learned of them in time. And they learned we have much more up our sleeve than the Lunar. Two full circles of Deathknights, Gennadi. The Prince of Whiteshield is a Zenith as well, and he joined the Windwraith," The name did not need any explanation - Cael Pattonna had stolen a fully-functional First Age Airship from Hanslanti - their only one - and had been very famous on the North lately. "But they seem to be dancing the Lover's tune. There are two of hers' around the Prince... who has a weapon against necromancy we would not want with the Lover. Or the Windwraith's ship. Or himself. But the bitch chose her agents well..."
She pauses from the lecture to look at his work, "Need any help there?"
<b>Gennadi:</b> "In a moment, yes. You do seem in a horrible bind... Ten deathknights is rather a lot to handle."
He checks the small map again, flipping it over to trace a line of ink with his eyes closed. "I assume you have strong fingernails."
<b>Swift Whisper:</b> "That I do!"
She says, coming closer and looking at the map...
"Actually, it is ten of them, plus an army. They seem to all be ready for it. Dragonblooded, demons, the best of the Underworld... and more than them, the more we fight them, the more the Lover will see the openings. She has been holding herself back. She has sent her agents to manipulate them - she may have just gotten herself another two Solars."
"And she sent the Dark Angel with her. Daughter of the de Windia family... we had a hell of a lot of work to make them fall. She must be thirsty to overthrow our Durants and come in again... if the Lover has her then, and the Prince, she has this part of the North."
"Of course." She smiles, "That would mean we would ever let the bitch come back. And they could accept her after we made everyone see her with the knife and the blood of her parents on her hands."
<b>Gennadi:</b> "Constellation of the mask, left half normal, right half inverted. Where the mouth would be. The stone should just scoop out. Why not let her have it? She can clash with the Bull until one or the other falls, and you can silence the survivor."
"It seems as if you are outnumbered, outplanned, and outmaneuvered. Do you think you can really hold on forever?"
<b>Swift Whisper:</b> She reaches to it, her claws trailing in... and taking the stone out. She seems to be awfully talkative - for being herself, and for being a Chosen of Secrets. In fact, heck knows when was the last time a Secrets revealed so much. "If we don't, we may as well give up on the North. The tomb of the Mother of Darkness is within the city, Gennadi... go ahead and handle something like that for the Lover."
"So, it is out, what now?"
<b>Gennadi:</b> He clears his throat and speaks an intricate phrase in Old Realm, imitating a voice long gone by and kissing the sardonic smile the shape of the twisted constellation makes. It slowly rumbles open. "That. I don't think I would really want to do that, though I imagine she could convince me otherwise. So, what's the plan?"
<b>Swift Whisper:</b> "She could convince anyone otherwise. The secret is to not be there if she ever calls for a meeting."
"And the plan? Well... striking back. The Goldies are calling the Solars as theirs after they beat the Celebrant - but incompetent as always, decided to use the naivest Endings ever for the task. I believe Cian has been pulling some strings," She refers to the elder Journeys, the man in control of Whiiteshield... "The Windwraith is his idea, it seems. Valencia has their help to strike back at them... and us... we are keeping Windia. It has been hard, the Durants, our puppets, have been... restless. We suspect Abyssal influence... things have been hard just to /control/ here! The court has been in pandemonium. We are trying to see if we can hold it until this is past. The Gold already has an agent in, but we have had problems in finding one to manipulate them... hopefully to their doom. But only after weakening the Bishop's people enough."
<b>Gennadi:</b> "Mrm. Sounds complicated." He reaches in and pulls out a set of notebooks, black paper with ink shining due to starmetal dust. "So, why is this my problem, and what do I get out of it?"
<b>Swift Whisper:</b> "Well, when we win, we will get rid of the Solars. Probably use them to lay waste to the Bulll... and hold Whiteshield. Which means we will have the most First Age Technology on the North, unconstested... and with all that power, just slowly assimilate Hanslanti. We will be powerhouses, Gennadi. What would you win being on this side?"
"And of course, being on the good side of Secrets..." She says, picking one of the notebooks, "Who can tell you where to find another one of them. And why you have had so little support in looking for them." Her fanged teeth gliter as she smirks. That smirk of one who knows more than you.
<b>Gennadi:</b> "Mrm. I will have to think it over. You know how I adore my neutrality."
"I'll stick around for a week, at least. See if I get drawn in. By the way... if you see her around, tell her I apologize. It was nothing personal." He holds out his hand for the notebook. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to get out of this bloody weather."
<b>Swift Whisper:</b> "See you." She says, giving him the notebook, "Oh, just remember. We have kept Windia safe here on the North because we kept it under our grip. We took the de Windia out because of it. Come to us as an ally, Gennadi, but do not try to mess our things up. I do have very good reasons to make your life hell." She says the last in an almost boyish, joking manner... then turns around, and walks away, pushing her cloak close to herself.
=== Some Time Later... ===
Sometimes, one is just on the right place, at the right time.
Many would blame the stars, or the Maidens themselves.
But those chosen of the Maidens have a... slightly differing view on it. As they are, mst of the time, the ones to make such coincidences happen. To throw heroes together, to make princes meet up with barmaids and fall in love, to make long-lost children kill their fathers and marry their mothers.
And so, when Gennadi walks into the Pontevechio, a classy Eastern restaurant of Windia, and sees two of his elders, two of the greatest authorities on the Convention of Air, sitting and talking idly, he just knows it is probably no coincidence. There they are, Cian Huang, the Prismatic Wind, and the Iron Maiden, sipping tea and talking....
<b>Gennadi:</b> He shakes his head ins mild disbelief... ok, very mild disbelief. Either way, he puts out the small cigarette he had and offers a wave to catch their attention, a questioning nod at the empty seat at the table they sit at.
<b>Cian Huang:</b> The Chosen of Journeys waves to him dressed in the trappings of the Messenger - a package close to his hand, but forfeiting the look of hurry for a moment. He is dressed in white, yellow and blue, and smiling pleasantly. "Gennadi! Speak of the demon... care to join us?"
<b>Gennadi:</b> "Of course." He gives taps the pretty waitress on the shoulder and orders a liquid lunch, strong clear alcohol for the moment. Maybe he'll get more of an appetite when he's warmed up. He flicks the seat out into his hand with a quick motion of his foot and settles into it.
<b>Luminaev:</b> She sits idly chatting to her 'partner', red wine in one elegant hand, poised for a sip...and then she turns to the newcomer. "We've been waiting, Gennadi." The woman says in a faintly throaty voice. She’s stately and harmless looking – an exotic, browned beauty – with an earthy attractiveness attributed to her full body. Her red eyes seem sharper than knives, and her white hair is casually wild but straight – sticking up at odd places and giving her a very slightly off-center peak. Wrapped in a fashionable slender red silk, ankle-length dress, almost an evening gown, and pinkish-cream opera gloves, she smiles faintly -- winningly -- at the newcomer. She has white wings, like many of those who dwell in the city, though it is obvious she is not a pure northerner.
<b>Gennadi:</b> "If I'd known that, I... well, I'll be honest, I'd probably have taken more time getting here." He grins a bit.
<b>Cian Huang:</b> The honey-eyed blonde man grins a little at the remark, sipping a little bit of tea and shaking his head, "Mercury could teach you a bit of ponctuality. Ah well, you will learn with time. Not that I blame you, we have had better days, and brither matters to discuss. This... is really not a very cheerful time."
<b>Luminaev:</b> "It is not, indeed." She likewise takes a sip of tea, and relaxes in her chair, leaning back slightly as she waits for their food to arrive. Time to let out a few more secrets, something she was loathe to do. Perhaps only if she had to.
"I assume you were appraised of the situation by my assistant?"
<b>Gennadi:</b> "Mrm, yes. She was rather helpful."
"I am obviously considering assistance, just taking some time to mull it all over."
<b>Luminaev:</b> Maybe too helpful? She might have to have a talk with the girl later on.
"Time to mull it all over?" She raises an eyebrow at him. "We are a bit short on time, unfortunately."
<b>Gennadi:</b> "Of course you are. I suspect you are also short on room for failure, so I'd like to get things in order first."
<b>Cian Huang:</b> "And short on manpower.I did manage some Solars to do our work for us, of course. They will be well-accepted in Whiteshield as well. And we can handle them... later."
"With so little personnel, any failure would be crushing. As it is, we are on a stalemate with them. But we <i>are</i> about to break it. And show those things the wrath of Heaven."
<b>Gennadi:</b> "Good, good. I'd hate to ride in on the wrong side, after all."
<b>Cian Huang:</b> "Of course. The outcome of this will change the shape of the north, and standing on the wrong side of it would surely bring... ruin." He says, taking another sip of his tea, "But I trust a Chosen of Serenity is not one to choose wrong."
<b>Gennadi:</b> "Flattery will get you everywhere."
<b>Luminaev:</b> "The wrong side." Her expression impassive now, she merely nods absently. "Yes. We shall have to show them the wrath of Heaven indeed."
<b>Gennadi:</b> He pauses to check the menu, scanning the lists of exotic foods with little real attention. He points out a couple of things to the waitress again, offering his best non-Charming smile to her to make up for the hassle.
<b>Luminaev:</b> "To be blunt," The elder Sidereal begins. "I believe faction is not quite so important at the moment. As you can see." She nods at Cian. "There are other factors as well. But you are unaligned."
<b>Gennadi:</b> "You say that as if it were undesirable."
<b>Waitress:</b> "I will be right back, sir!" She says, smiling in return, as any who are not jaded by their work, glad for the patience and the smile.
<b>Cian Huang:</b> "We are not great followers of the Bronze either. Once upon a time, yes... but I figure both of us think of it more as an... ideology those days, right, my dear lady Mistlav?" He says, smiling in contentment as they handle him a great duck, spiced up in many types of herbs in the manner of the East.. wondering how much his eccentricity was talked about in the bronze. He did manage to 'hide' Whiteshield from them for years... even if the following events made him wonder the wisdom of that course of action.
<b>Luminaev:</b> "Faction is convenience." She says simply, leaning forward to pick elegantly at her food with a fork. "Conventions are where the work is done. Except for...one kind of work."
<b>Gennadi:</b> "That being? Humor a poor youngling."
<b>Luminaev:</b> "The Wyld Hunt." She replies as if it were nothing, wrapping some noodles around her fork and then eating them. As soon as she swallows, she chuckles darkly. "But that is of little concern to me."
<b>Luminaev:</b> "The Wyld hunt concerns me somewhat. I imagine they're useful for disrupting your enemy's business."
<b>Luminaev:</b> "Sometimes, yes." She puts the fork down, retrieving her wine and taking a sip, looking over the rim of the glass at both of the other Sidereals. "But more useful for putting down rabid animals."
<b>Cian Huang:</b> "Not just that." He says, taking a piece of the wing of the herb-spiced duck, "There are many things one has to do himself"
<b>Gennadi:</b> "I begin to suspect this is all leading up to some form of request."
<b>Luminaev:</b> "Request?" She continues looking over the glass after taking a sip, caught in the midst of putting it down. "You are Blue. What would we request you to do at this point in time? Seduce deathknights? I am for now, merely relating."
<b>Gennadi:</b> "Hence the leading up. I also, of course, hold your imagination in the highest esteem as to what I might be asked to do."
<b>Waitress:</b> The waitress comes back, a dirty-blonde young windian girl, "Here, sir! As you requested..."
<b>Luminaev:</b> The older Sidereal giggles, oddly, as she puts her glass down and wraps some more noodles around her fork. Not the most reassuring thing she could do.
*Gennadi nods and takes the order from her, a faint spark passing between them as his fingertips brush her hand. It tingles slightly as he turns away, though he does cast somewhat of an interested look back at her after the cook calls her name. "Still, I'm impressed. It's not often I have dinner with notables such as you without having to look for hooks and strings everywhere." **
<b>Cian Huang:</b> "Maybe you are just not looking well enough." He finishes the wing, "Who knows? Pehaps our dear lady, but she would not tell, would she?" Honey eyes fill with mirth as he takes a sip of white wine...
<b>Luminaev:</b> "Hmph. As if you should expect me to tell all." She eats the noodles, chewing and swallowing without another word.
<b>Gennadi:</b> "Half of the fun is in the anticipation."
<b>Luminaev:</b> "Sometimes." She scoffs, then smirks. "So you met one of the deathknights who does not serve the Bishop, did you? The former mercenary captain?"
<b>Gennadi:</b> "Mhrm."
<b>Luminaev:</b> She keeps her eyes on him, indicating that a simple confirmation was not all she wanted to hear. "No impressions of the woman at all?"
<b>Gennadi:</b> "She is very good at threatening to gut me."
"Pretty, no sense of humor, rather focused, intense."
<b>Luminaev:</b> "Not a change from all those years ago then." The woman says, almost disappointed. "I would ask you about the Lunar, but she is well known to me."
She leans forward a bit, looking at Gennadi. "Do you have immediate duties here?"
<b>Gennadi:</b> "Immediate? No. I was merely collecting something I was interested in."
"No doubt I will findmyself with such in the morning, however."
He starts into his food, working through it slowly but steadily.
<b>Cian Huang:</b> "Well, I have to give the lady more credit - living with the Lover does not seem to have changed the Pale Angel overmuch."
"And what sort of? The north is not very safe if one does not make a stand those days... being an accidental victim of the conflict is all too common..."
<i>Like the poor cities wasted by the Celebrant..</i>
<b>Gennadi:</b> "First stop, accumulation of some form of personal powerbase. If I'm to stay, I'm going to need one. After that, we'll see where my talents land me."
<b>Luminaev:</b> Oh. Really?" Luminaev asks, smirking at Gennadi. "After this mess is done, some powerbases may be sorted out. One must insure one picks the correct one."
<b>Gennadi:</b> "You say that as if that wasn't always true."
<b>Luminaev:</b> "Some may believe that." She indicates Cian with a look, then sips some more of her wine.
<b>Cian Huang:</b> "After a mess like this, that is a given, is it not? Not that I would know, with an Oracle and a Joybringer with me here..." A smile, a little more of the duck. And wondering, "As long as she leaves Whiteshield on its own after this is done. I have always keep the Realm out of it, and do not intend for it to become a mere attchment of Windia when this is done."
<b>Gennadi:</b> "Given your experience, think you could suggest a starting point?" He idly sharpens a skewer and begins picking more rapidly through the food, deciding he quite likes this place.
<b>Cian Huang:</b> "The two groups of Exalted who are trying to stop the Bishop's acolytes. Maybe your presence could do the same I hoped the Windwraith's would as well - keep those Solars, and that naive Endings, away from the Lover."
"One group will come back to Windia soon, the Pale Angel's aides. Another, the more subtle one, is within Whiteshield... finding the latter would be a problem, but being that you are not a Chosen of Battles, they might need you more."
*Gennadi nods. "We'll see. I'll take a look at both before I decide. That, or I'll just get dragged in to one or the other. Destiny is a strange mistress."
*Cian Huang looks straight to Luminaev, his eyes slightly amused, "There are stranger ones."
<b>Luminaev:</b> "Right now, the <i>other</i> deathknight concerns me the most. I am confident that Cian will make sure his Solars keep their empire-building out of Windia. The north must have a stable state, that does not draw the ire of the Realm." She puts the glass down, looking at Cian. "But the Dark Angel is different from the Windwraith and Whiteshield's prince. She almost ruled here. She does not come back until I say she does."
<b>Gennadi:</b> He chuckles, eventually waving the waitress back and discussin the desserts listed on the menu quietly, asking for her reccomendation. His voice sends shivers down her spine, but maybe that's due to the oh-so-notable closeness a she leans down. Or maybe not. She can think it over while she waits for the order to be filled. "An impressive resume. Perhaps I will interfere with her..."
<b>Luminaev:</b> "On the other hand," She nods to Cian. "Perhaps his Solars need closer watch."
<b>Cian Huang:</b> "See, there is a lesson here. Your past always comes to haunt you. So you better not do many things you would regret." His face is a smile as he says so, eating a little more of the duck, eyeing Luminaev, "I will agree that at least, the Pale Angel is... linear. East is the Gold's territory, but I have heard of this Dark Angel... and not good things. Even though our more engaged factionmates tend to use her... it is like playing with fire."
"Of course... if that is what you want. The Pale Angel might know where they are, I believe they have kept the groups in touch with one another. And I can providence transportation to them..."
<b>Gennadi:</b> "I believe what I most desire at the moment is dessert." He smiles. "I will get on the files and see about comparing them."
<b>Luminaev:</b> "The past does a very good job at that, Cian. Never forget how our illustrious leader would take using Solars." This time, she takes some of the water, more than a sip, drinking half the glass of the iced water before putting it down. "Had de Windia ascended to her House's throne, final ruinination of Winlandia by the Realm would have been assured years ago. And her smaller neighbor."
<b>Cian Huang:</b> "Oh, and one last thing. If you <i>have</i> to show yourself... show yourself as you truly are. <i>do not</i> appear to be an elder. Ever. That is the last thing you must do." His voice fills with concern. <i>"understand?"</i>
Gennadi: "Completely."
<b>Cian Huang:</b> "Touche." He replies to Luminaev. "Our illustrious leader is very orthodox in that way. And I admit I am more at fault than you. But I had nothing else to use..."
"The De Windia were so dangerous? Was it the ties with House Mnemon that worried you so, my dear lady Mistlav?"
<b>Luminaev:</b> "Not at all." Luminaev shrugs, and something flickers deep in those sharp red eyes. "I saw something. Let us keep it at that." She looks to Gennadi. "If you can keep an eye on that carrion bird, then by all means do so. If you can get a hold on her, even better."
<b>Gennadi:</b> "It is not getting a hold on her that worries me. It is her getting her claws into me."
<b>Luminaev:</b> "Just make sure it is subtle enough to keep her mistress from finding out. She is the one you should truly fear getting claws into you."
*Gennadi laughs. "I don't bother with that. I figure if such a thing arises, I won't be around long enough to bemoan my fate anyway."
<b>Cian Huang:</b> "Oh, trust me. You do not have to worry about her claws. And she would not kill you."
<b>Luminaev:</b> "Perhaps not." The Windian takes a sip from her wine again. "Maybe, she would merely make you wish she had."
<b>Gennadi:</b> "I didn't expect she would. I was imagining it might be one of you."
<b>Cian Huang:</b> "That part of your soul, at least. Crying within your shell, remembering what you once were." He says, taking a sip of wine. She tended to prey more Whiteshield than Windia... and a few good of his peons fell to her.
<b>Gennadi:</b> "I will remember to stay away from ancient powerful beings who hunger for my degradation. At least, while I'm outside of Heaven."
<b>Luminaev:</b> "Hmmm, comes from having Venus as your patron I guess." She takes another bite of her noodles.
<b>Cian Huang:</b> "And yet you are here, sitting in the same table as both of us. I am flattered."
*Gennadi gives a little seated bow, turning to meet the gaze of the waitress. "Yes?"
<b>Waitress:</b> "O-oh, just wondering if you wouldn't like anything... else..." She says, coming a little closer than she was supposed to...
<b>Gennadi:</b> "I suppose I do. When does your shift end?"
<b>Waitress:</b> Her cheeks flush, and she hides her mouth in her hands... "T-two hours from now..."
<b>Gennadi:</b> "Good. I'll buy you some coffee, we can talk. I'm new in town, so maybe you could show me around a bit."
<b>Waitress:</b> A warm smile comes from her, "Right! I... I can!" her wings fickle cutely, "I can show you many things here!" She begins to step back then, shielding her face from him in embarassment, but... still having to ask! "A... anything related to my work? Ah..." wanting to leave, but having to ask, "They will be angry if I leave without asking..."
<b>Gennadi:</b> "Not for now, no. Thank you anyway."
<b>Luminaev:</b> "Girl," Luminaev begins tiredly, red eyes pinning her with sudden intensity. "Go and ask your mistress if it is polite to cut in someone else's dance like that."
<b>Waitress:</b> She gulps. She dares not look back... simply gulps... color vanishing from her face, no, from all of her body, completely... her heart accelerating to a thousand beats... and she storms off, back to the kitchen, few moments before her legs turn to jelly...
<b>Cian Huang:</b> "So unpolite..." Cian takes another sip of his white wine, "I imagine she is not getting out of town, right?"
<b>Luminaev:</b> "She doesn't have to. So long as she stops taking me for a fool."
<b>Gennadi:</b> "Mean. Correct, certainly, but mean. Not that I have any right to talk."
<b>Cian Huang:</b> "Keeping her around? So much concern for Gennadi's date..."
*Gennadi keeps his sudden flash of Luminaev as a grumpy mother in curlers private.
<b>Luminaev:</b> "Keeping her? If she wants to run back and cry with our neighbor, that is her business. But I can hardly be bothered to send her there."
<b>Gennadi:</b> "Are we done discussing my date now? Though I confess I feel better there than worrying about the Lover."
<b>Cian Huang:</b> "I suppose our Oracle knows her trade. And hmm, I would be." He finishes the last of the duck, "Hmmm, that was good."
<b>Luminaev:</b> She scoffs again, and finishes her dinner with one last bite of noodles, washing it down with the last bit of her wine. "Yes." The woman takes another sip of her water. "I am sure this will appear in a magazine in Yu Shan at some point."
<b>Gennadi:</b> "Doesn't everything?"
* - Back to [[GoldenCat/ThirdMovement|Third Movement]]
* - Back to [[GoldenCat/DanceOfAngels|A Dance of Angels]]

Revision as of 01:55, 15 January 2006

A Gathering of Fates

As Gennadi walks into the park, demolished wholly by the conflict between Valencia Silverstar and the Acolyte of Violet Whispers, he sees they were serious about the devastation - great stretches of Bone coming out of the ground, spines full of dried blood, trees burnt by the Flight of Brilliant Raptor, Obsidian Butterflies littering the floor.

The conflict was contained as far as the city was concerned, but on that space, it felt like the Octavian had stopped by and had himself a party. Dried blood all around, some pieces of the destroyed corpses seen here and there, especially the remains of the serpentine thing, a spine chain, pehaps? And even the rests of something that still blights the ground, scales of ash... and in this carnage, not even the nearby buildings escaped - a great windmill nearby is charred and broken, as it something was hurled through it in flames...

The statue, as Valencia had told him of, lies broken, an outgrowth of bone spines around it. He can still /feel/ as blood-soaked feathers fell down from the sky... as snow falls over the chosen of fate.

And as he walks out, book secure on his hand, he hears a soft, purring voice.. feminine, young. Ever young. "Going somewhere, Gennadi? And I had thought Courtesans had the decency or warning first, or at least saying hello."

The voice comes from above him... above a tree, she stands, nimbly as a feline, gray cloak fluttering about her. The eyes and ears of a feline, the decendency of her Lunar forefather. Swift Whisper, also known as Silfe, member of the division of Secrets. One of the three Sidereals who control the destiny of Windia, under the tutelage of The Duchess, the Secrets whose control over it is absolute.

Her nut-brown hair fell over her lightly furred face - she really abused her Arcane Fate, to make others not notice that, or the fact she was standing above a tree, cloak fluttering in the wind.

And you never saw something more irritating than having her smile that smile, and twink those all knowing eyes. All secrets were like that, but not in such a prepotent, feline, bratty way.

Gennadi: "Odd that you would accuse a Courtesan of DECENCY, of all things.Going to come down and chat, or should I start thinking about finding someone to help me with the crick in my neck?"

Swift Whisper: "Amusing as that would be..." She steps down, a light jump, falling on her feet so effortlessly... "I am running on a timetable, after all. You do know you triggered some pretty mean alarms here? Things are not so quiet that one can just take a stroll. Especially if one is a Celestial Exalted!"

Gennadi: "If I hadn't triggered the alarms, you'd only be more worried. It was the least I could do." He checks around and starts heading for the particular cenotaph. "Besides, the two I met on the way here seemed relaxed enough, if one of them was a bit intense."

Swift Whisper: "Which? The civilized Lunar which almost brings the Realm on our neck every few years, or the Deathknight of the Lover who happens to be ever more friendly with her?" She says, still a chastising tone, walking together with him, not even bothering to put the yes, I know which two smile. It was even worse he had talked to them. If they are all agents of... no, no, less paranoia. "The bitch has surprisingly many of them around these days. One wonders if she does not have a Sidereal as well..."

Gennadi: "No, she doesn't. Those two didn't have much of an idea what one was."

He checks his hand-drawn map, licking the corner and letting it stick to the icy side of the cenotaph while he considers the best course of action.

Swift Whisper: "Can you tell for sure on the Pale Angel? Do you know how it feels that we have them within here? You do not even realise how things have been, do you?"

Gennadi: "Not especially, no. I have had my mind on other things. Besides, whatever happened to keeping enemies closer than friends?"

Swift Whisper: "Ever tried keeping an agent of the Lover too close...?" She lets her breath out, steam rising from her mouth as she leaves it on the air... "Well, as for things here... I can shed some light in your ignore if you wish. Typical Courtesan."

Gennadi: "That would be most pleasant. Since you seem averse to Venus's arts, I promise not to make it up to you."

  • Gennadi collects snow and packs it into a firm ball of ice, tossing it up and watching it break upon the smooth walls of the monument, finally nodding at a flare of purest green through the falling snow.

Swift Whisper: "I have seen what happens when you show your art to your fellow Chosen."

Her mask drops for a moment. She seemed to be less reserved and more confrontational than a normal Oracle, even more than she usually is - but for a fleeting moment, he sees how much she is holding back. "She is my friend, you know."

She tries to keep going, not stopping at it, placing the mask back as fast as she can... "Anyway..."

Gennadi: He shrugs. "No wonder you're so tense. I haven't done anything, and you're cracking." A quick leap into the air, hanging for a moment, and another as his fingers dance across the whirlwind of the left eye, twisting and turning delicate diamond pieces until a deep rumble sounds within the monument, and he falls.

Swift Whisper: She just shrugs,

"I think yo have heard how the Bishop's people appeared in Whiteshield. The bastards used Calibration. Armies of War Ghosts materializing out of thin air, we heard from the refugees. He took the capital in a single day, he had it all under his control in a week. Absolute control in a couple of them."

"Whiteshield was erected in First Age ruins... but we are still unsure if they want what is there, or what is here! We had an undead army on our countryside, and nothing we had could stop them... aside from Valencia's army. But they had foreseen it, of course. Can you imagine how hard was it to keep a Lunar at home when enemies are at her doorstep?"

She shrugs, "We had to use all our arsenal just for that. But we won this time - they were prepared for Valencia, but not for the people who came for them. And Valencia was... here." She steps on the ground, "To fight the people who were just waiting for her to go out to take the city from the inside-out. We barely learned of them in time. And they learned we have much more up our sleeve than the Lunar. Two full circles of Deathknights, Gennadi. The Prince of Whiteshield is a Zenith as well, and he joined the Windwraith," The name did not need any explanation - Cael Pattonna had stolen a fully-functional First Age Airship from Hanslanti - their only one - and had been very famous on the North lately. "But they seem to be dancing the Lover's tune. There are two of hers' around the Prince... who has a weapon against necromancy we would not want with the Lover. Or the Windwraith's ship. Or himself. But the bitch chose her agents well..."

She pauses from the lecture to look at his work, "Need any help there?"

Gennadi: "In a moment, yes. You do seem in a horrible bind... Ten deathknights is rather a lot to handle."

He checks the small map again, flipping it over to trace a line of ink with his eyes closed. "I assume you have strong fingernails."

Swift Whisper: "That I do!"

She says, coming closer and looking at the map...

"Actually, it is ten of them, plus an army. They seem to all be ready for it. Dragonblooded, demons, the best of the Underworld... and more than them, the more we fight them, the more the Lover will see the openings. She has been holding herself back. She has sent her agents to manipulate them - she may have just gotten herself another two Solars."

"And she sent the Dark Angel with her. Daughter of the de Windia family... we had a hell of a lot of work to make them fall. She must be thirsty to overthrow our Durants and come in again... if the Lover has her then, and the Prince, she has this part of the North."

"Of course." She smiles, "That would mean we would ever let the bitch come back. And they could accept her after we made everyone see her with the knife and the blood of her parents on her hands."

Gennadi: "Constellation of the mask, left half normal, right half inverted. Where the mouth would be. The stone should just scoop out. Why not let her have it? She can clash with the Bull until one or the other falls, and you can silence the survivor."

"It seems as if you are outnumbered, outplanned, and outmaneuvered. Do you think you can really hold on forever?"

Swift Whisper: She reaches to it, her claws trailing in... and taking the stone out. She seems to be awfully talkative - for being herself, and for being a Chosen of Secrets. In fact, heck knows when was the last time a Secrets revealed so much. "If we don't, we may as well give up on the North. The tomb of the Mother of Darkness is within the city, Gennadi... go ahead and handle something like that for the Lover."

"So, it is out, what now?"

Gennadi: He clears his throat and speaks an intricate phrase in Old Realm, imitating a voice long gone by and kissing the sardonic smile the shape of the twisted constellation makes. It slowly rumbles open. "That. I don't think I would really want to do that, though I imagine she could convince me otherwise. So, what's the plan?"

Swift Whisper: "She could convince anyone otherwise. The secret is to not be there if she ever calls for a meeting."

"And the plan? Well... striking back. The Goldies are calling the Solars as theirs after they beat the Celebrant - but incompetent as always, decided to use the naivest Endings ever for the task. I believe Cian has been pulling some strings," She refers to the elder Journeys, the man in control of Whiiteshield... "The Windwraith is his idea, it seems. Valencia has their help to strike back at them... and us... we are keeping Windia. It has been hard, the Durants, our puppets, have been... restless. We suspect Abyssal influence... things have been hard just to /control/ here! The court has been in pandemonium. We are trying to see if we can hold it until this is past. The Gold already has an agent in, but we have had problems in finding one to manipulate them... hopefully to their doom. But only after weakening the Bishop's people enough."

Gennadi: "Mrm. Sounds complicated." He reaches in and pulls out a set of notebooks, black paper with ink shining due to starmetal dust. "So, why is this my problem, and what do I get out of it?"

Swift Whisper: "Well, when we win, we will get rid of the Solars. Probably use them to lay waste to the Bulll... and hold Whiteshield. Which means we will have the most First Age Technology on the North, unconstested... and with all that power, just slowly assimilate Hanslanti. We will be powerhouses, Gennadi. What would you win being on this side?"

"And of course, being on the good side of Secrets..." She says, picking one of the notebooks, "Who can tell you where to find another one of them. And why you have had so little support in looking for them." Her fanged teeth gliter as she smirks. That smirk of one who knows more than you.

Gennadi: "Mrm. I will have to think it over. You know how I adore my neutrality."

"I'll stick around for a week, at least. See if I get drawn in. By the way... if you see her around, tell her I apologize. It was nothing personal." He holds out his hand for the notebook. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to get out of this bloody weather."

Swift Whisper: "See you." She says, giving him the notebook, "Oh, just remember. We have kept Windia safe here on the North because we kept it under our grip. We took the de Windia out because of it. Come to us as an ally, Gennadi, but do not try to mess our things up. I do have very good reasons to make your life hell." She says the last in an almost boyish, joking manner... then turns around, and walks away, pushing her cloak close to herself.

Some Time Later...

Sometimes, one is just on the right place, at the right time.

Many would blame the stars, or the Maidens themselves.

But those chosen of the Maidens have a... slightly differing view on it. As they are, mst of the time, the ones to make such coincidences happen. To throw heroes together, to make princes meet up with barmaids and fall in love, to make long-lost children kill their fathers and marry their mothers.

And so, when Gennadi walks into the Pontevechio, a classy Eastern restaurant of Windia, and sees two of his elders, two of the greatest authorities on the Convention of Air, sitting and talking idly, he just knows it is probably no coincidence. There they are, Cian Huang, the Prismatic Wind, and the Iron Maiden, sipping tea and talking....

Gennadi: He shakes his head ins mild disbelief... ok, very mild disbelief. Either way, he puts out the small cigarette he had and offers a wave to catch their attention, a questioning nod at the empty seat at the table they sit at.

Cian Huang: The Chosen of Journeys waves to him dressed in the trappings of the Messenger - a package close to his hand, but forfeiting the look of hurry for a moment. He is dressed in white, yellow and blue, and smiling pleasantly. "Gennadi! Speak of the demon... care to join us?"

Gennadi: "Of course." He gives taps the pretty waitress on the shoulder and orders a liquid lunch, strong clear alcohol for the moment. Maybe he'll get more of an appetite when he's warmed up. He flicks the seat out into his hand with a quick motion of his foot and settles into it.

Luminaev: She sits idly chatting to her 'partner', red wine in one elegant hand, poised for a sip...and then she turns to the newcomer. "We've been waiting, Gennadi." The woman says in a faintly throaty voice. She’s stately and harmless looking – an exotic, browned beauty – with an earthy attractiveness attributed to her full body. Her red eyes seem sharper than knives, and her white hair is casually wild but straight – sticking up at odd places and giving her a very slightly off-center peak. Wrapped in a fashionable slender red silk, ankle-length dress, almost an evening gown, and pinkish-cream opera gloves, she smiles faintly -- winningly -- at the newcomer. She has white wings, like many of those who dwell in the city, though it is obvious she is not a pure northerner.

Gennadi: "If I'd known that, I... well, I'll be honest, I'd probably have taken more time getting here." He grins a bit.

Cian Huang: The honey-eyed blonde man grins a little at the remark, sipping a little bit of tea and shaking his head, "Mercury could teach you a bit of ponctuality. Ah well, you will learn with time. Not that I blame you, we have had better days, and brither matters to discuss. This... is really not a very cheerful time."

Luminaev: "It is not, indeed." She likewise takes a sip of tea, and relaxes in her chair, leaning back slightly as she waits for their food to arrive. Time to let out a few more secrets, something she was loathe to do. Perhaps only if she had to.

"I assume you were appraised of the situation by my assistant?"

Gennadi: "Mrm, yes. She was rather helpful."

"I am obviously considering assistance, just taking some time to mull it all over."

Luminaev: Maybe too helpful? She might have to have a talk with the girl later on.

"Time to mull it all over?" She raises an eyebrow at him. "We are a bit short on time, unfortunately."

Gennadi: "Of course you are. I suspect you are also short on room for failure, so I'd like to get things in order first."

Cian Huang: "And short on manpower.I did manage some Solars to do our work for us, of course. They will be well-accepted in Whiteshield as well. And we can handle them... later."

"With so little personnel, any failure would be crushing. As it is, we are on a stalemate with them. But we are about to break it. And show those things the wrath of Heaven."

Gennadi: "Good, good. I'd hate to ride in on the wrong side, after all."

Cian Huang: "Of course. The outcome of this will change the shape of the north, and standing on the wrong side of it would surely bring... ruin." He says, taking another sip of his tea, "But I trust a Chosen of Serenity is not one to choose wrong."

Gennadi: "Flattery will get you everywhere."

Luminaev: "The wrong side." Her expression impassive now, she merely nods absently. "Yes. We shall have to show them the wrath of Heaven indeed."

Gennadi: He pauses to check the menu, scanning the lists of exotic foods with little real attention. He points out a couple of things to the waitress again, offering his best non-Charming smile to her to make up for the hassle.

Luminaev: "To be blunt," The elder Sidereal begins. "I believe faction is not quite so important at the moment. As you can see." She nods at Cian. "There are other factors as well. But you are unaligned."

Gennadi: "You say that as if it were undesirable."

Waitress: "I will be right back, sir!" She says, smiling in return, as any who are not jaded by their work, glad for the patience and the smile.

Cian Huang: "We are not great followers of the Bronze either. Once upon a time, yes... but I figure both of us think of it more as an... ideology those days, right, my dear lady Mistlav?" He says, smiling in contentment as they handle him a great duck, spiced up in many types of herbs in the manner of the East.. wondering how much his eccentricity was talked about in the bronze. He did manage to 'hide' Whiteshield from them for years... even if the following events made him wonder the wisdom of that course of action.

Luminaev: "Faction is convenience." She says simply, leaning forward to pick elegantly at her food with a fork. "Conventions are where the work is done. Except for...one kind of work."

Gennadi: "That being? Humor a poor youngling."

Luminaev: "The Wyld Hunt." She replies as if it were nothing, wrapping some noodles around her fork and then eating them. As soon as she swallows, she chuckles darkly. "But that is of little concern to me."

Luminaev: "The Wyld hunt concerns me somewhat. I imagine they're useful for disrupting your enemy's business."

Luminaev: "Sometimes, yes." She puts the fork down, retrieving her wine and taking a sip, looking over the rim of the glass at both of the other Sidereals. "But more useful for putting down rabid animals."

Cian Huang: "Not just that." He says, taking a piece of the wing of the herb-spiced duck, "There are many things one has to do himself"

Gennadi: "I begin to suspect this is all leading up to some form of request."

Luminaev: "Request?" She continues looking over the glass after taking a sip, caught in the midst of putting it down. "You are Blue. What would we request you to do at this point in time? Seduce deathknights? I am for now, merely relating."

Gennadi: "Hence the leading up. I also, of course, hold your imagination in the highest esteem as to what I might be asked to do."

Waitress: The waitress comes back, a dirty-blonde young windian girl, "Here, sir! As you requested..."

Luminaev: The older Sidereal giggles, oddly, as she puts her glass down and wraps some more noodles around her fork. Not the most reassuring thing she could do.

  • Gennadi nods and takes the order from her, a faint spark passing between them as his fingertips brush her hand. It tingles slightly as he turns away, though he does cast somewhat of an interested look back at her after the cook calls her name. "Still, I'm impressed. It's not often I have dinner with notables such as you without having to look for hooks and strings everywhere." **

Cian Huang: "Maybe you are just not looking well enough." He finishes the wing, "Who knows? Pehaps our dear lady, but she would not tell, would she?" Honey eyes fill with mirth as he takes a sip of white wine...

Luminaev: "Hmph. As if you should expect me to tell all." She eats the noodles, chewing and swallowing without another word.

Gennadi: "Half of the fun is in the anticipation."

Luminaev: "Sometimes." She scoffs, then smirks. "So you met one of the deathknights who does not serve the Bishop, did you? The former mercenary captain?"

Gennadi: "Mhrm."

Luminaev: She keeps her eyes on him, indicating that a simple confirmation was not all she wanted to hear. "No impressions of the woman at all?"

Gennadi: "She is very good at threatening to gut me."

"Pretty, no sense of humor, rather focused, intense."

Luminaev: "Not a change from all those years ago then." The woman says, almost disappointed. "I would ask you about the Lunar, but she is well known to me."

She leans forward a bit, looking at Gennadi. "Do you have immediate duties here?"

Gennadi: "Immediate? No. I was merely collecting something I was interested in."

"No doubt I will findmyself with such in the morning, however."

He starts into his food, working through it slowly but steadily.

Cian Huang: "Well, I have to give the lady more credit - living with the Lover does not seem to have changed the Pale Angel overmuch."

"And what sort of? The north is not very safe if one does not make a stand those days... being an accidental victim of the conflict is all too common..."

Like the poor cities wasted by the Celebrant..

Gennadi: "First stop, accumulation of some form of personal powerbase. If I'm to stay, I'm going to need one. After that, we'll see where my talents land me."

Luminaev: Oh. Really?" Luminaev asks, smirking at Gennadi. "After this mess is done, some powerbases may be sorted out. One must insure one picks the correct one."

Gennadi: "You say that as if that wasn't always true."

Luminaev: "Some may believe that." She indicates Cian with a look, then sips some more of her wine.

Cian Huang: "After a mess like this, that is a given, is it not? Not that I would know, with an Oracle and a Joybringer with me here..." A smile, a little more of the duck. And wondering, "As long as she leaves Whiteshield on its own after this is done. I have always keep the Realm out of it, and do not intend for it to become a mere attchment of Windia when this is done."

Gennadi: "Given your experience, think you could suggest a starting point?" He idly sharpens a skewer and begins picking more rapidly through the food, deciding he quite likes this place.

Cian Huang: "The two groups of Exalted who are trying to stop the Bishop's acolytes. Maybe your presence could do the same I hoped the Windwraith's would as well - keep those Solars, and that naive Endings, away from the Lover."

"One group will come back to Windia soon, the Pale Angel's aides. Another, the more subtle one, is within Whiteshield... finding the latter would be a problem, but being that you are not a Chosen of Battles, they might need you more."

  • Gennadi nods. "We'll see. I'll take a look at both before I decide. That, or I'll just get dragged in to one or the other. Destiny is a strange mistress."
  • Cian Huang looks straight to Luminaev, his eyes slightly amused, "There are stranger ones."

Luminaev: "Right now, the other deathknight concerns me the most. I am confident that Cian will make sure his Solars keep their empire-building out of Windia. The north must have a stable state, that does not draw the ire of the Realm." She puts the glass down, looking at Cian. "But the Dark Angel is different from the Windwraith and Whiteshield's prince. She almost ruled here. She does not come back until I say she does."

Gennadi: He chuckles, eventually waving the waitress back and discussin the desserts listed on the menu quietly, asking for her reccomendation. His voice sends shivers down her spine, but maybe that's due to the oh-so-notable closeness a she leans down. Or maybe not. She can think it over while she waits for the order to be filled. "An impressive resume. Perhaps I will interfere with her..."

Luminaev: "On the other hand," She nods to Cian. "Perhaps his Solars need closer watch."

Cian Huang: "See, there is a lesson here. Your past always comes to haunt you. So you better not do many things you would regret." His face is a smile as he says so, eating a little more of the duck, eyeing Luminaev, "I will agree that at least, the Pale Angel is... linear. East is the Gold's territory, but I have heard of this Dark Angel... and not good things. Even though our more engaged factionmates tend to use her... it is like playing with fire."

"Of course... if that is what you want. The Pale Angel might know where they are, I believe they have kept the groups in touch with one another. And I can providence transportation to them..."

Gennadi: "I believe what I most desire at the moment is dessert." He smiles. "I will get on the files and see about comparing them."

Luminaev: "The past does a very good job at that, Cian. Never forget how our illustrious leader would take using Solars." This time, she takes some of the water, more than a sip, drinking half the glass of the iced water before putting it down. "Had de Windia ascended to her House's throne, final ruinination of Winlandia by the Realm would have been assured years ago. And her smaller neighbor."

Cian Huang: "Oh, and one last thing. If you have to show yourself... show yourself as you truly are. do not appear to be an elder. Ever. That is the last thing you must do." His voice fills with concern. "understand?"

Gennadi: "Completely."

Cian Huang: "Touche." He replies to Luminaev. "Our illustrious leader is very orthodox in that way. And I admit I am more at fault than you. But I had nothing else to use..."

"The De Windia were so dangerous? Was it the ties with House Mnemon that worried you so, my dear lady Mistlav?"

Luminaev: "Not at all." Luminaev shrugs, and something flickers deep in those sharp red eyes. "I saw something. Let us keep it at that." She looks to Gennadi. "If you can keep an eye on that carrion bird, then by all means do so. If you can get a hold on her, even better."

Gennadi: "It is not getting a hold on her that worries me. It is her getting her claws into me."

Luminaev: "Just make sure it is subtle enough to keep her mistress from finding out. She is the one you should truly fear getting claws into you."

  • Gennadi laughs. "I don't bother with that. I figure if such a thing arises, I won't be around long enough to bemoan my fate anyway."

Cian Huang: "Oh, trust me. You do not have to worry about her claws. And she would not kill you."

Luminaev: "Perhaps not." The Windian takes a sip from her wine again. "Maybe, she would merely make you wish she had."

Gennadi: "I didn't expect she would. I was imagining it might be one of you."

Cian Huang: "That part of your soul, at least. Crying within your shell, remembering what you once were." He says, taking a sip of wine. She tended to prey more Whiteshield than Windia... and a few good of his peons fell to her.

Gennadi: "I will remember to stay away from ancient powerful beings who hunger for my degradation. At least, while I'm outside of Heaven."

Luminaev: "Hmmm, comes from having Venus as your patron I guess." She takes another bite of her noodles.

Cian Huang: "And yet you are here, sitting in the same table as both of us. I am flattered."

  • Gennadi gives a little seated bow, turning to meet the gaze of the waitress. "Yes?"

Waitress: "O-oh, just wondering if you wouldn't like anything... else..." She says, coming a little closer than she was supposed to...

Gennadi: "I suppose I do. When does your shift end?"

Waitress: Her cheeks flush, and she hides her mouth in her hands... "T-two hours from now..."

Gennadi: "Good. I'll buy you some coffee, we can talk. I'm new in town, so maybe you could show me around a bit."

Waitress: A warm smile comes from her, "Right! I... I can!" her wings fickle cutely, "I can show you many things here!" She begins to step back then, shielding her face from him in embarassment, but... still having to ask! "A... anything related to my work? Ah..." wanting to leave, but having to ask, "They will be angry if I leave without asking..."

Gennadi: "Not for now, no. Thank you anyway."

Luminaev: "Girl," Luminaev begins tiredly, red eyes pinning her with sudden intensity. "Go and ask your mistress if it is polite to cut in someone else's dance like that."

Waitress: She gulps. She dares not look back... simply gulps... color vanishing from her face, no, from all of her body, completely... her heart accelerating to a thousand beats... and she storms off, back to the kitchen, few moments before her legs turn to jelly...

Cian Huang: "So unpolite..." Cian takes another sip of his white wine, "I imagine she is not getting out of town, right?"

Luminaev: "She doesn't have to. So long as she stops taking me for a fool."

Gennadi: "Mean. Correct, certainly, but mean. Not that I have any right to talk."

Cian Huang: "Keeping her around? So much concern for Gennadi's date..."

  • Gennadi keeps his sudden flash of Luminaev as a grumpy mother in curlers private.

Luminaev: "Keeping her? If she wants to run back and cry with our neighbor, that is her business. But I can hardly be bothered to send her there."

Gennadi: "Are we done discussing my date now? Though I confess I feel better there than worrying about the Lover."

Cian Huang: "I suppose our Oracle knows her trade. And hmm, I would be." He finishes the last of the duck, "Hmmm, that was good."

Luminaev: She scoffs again, and finishes her dinner with one last bite of noodles, washing it down with the last bit of her wine. "Yes." The woman takes another sip of her water. "I am sure this will appear in a magazine in Yu Shan at some point."

Gennadi: "Doesn't everything?"