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#REDIRECT ADanceOfAngels
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== Personality Clash ==
'''Vorpal: ''' Right after the session, Vorpal had said, and she keeps her word. Even as the others are filing out from the chambers, the Pale Angel gestures to Iselsis that she should follow and leads her some distance down the hallway. The multi-hued lights of the First-Age city scintillate against the white background of the ghost-blooded's outfit and draw dream-like patterns across her skin.
"Before you get started again", Vorpal begins, turning back to the demon-blooded woman. "No, I am not trying to intimidate or boss you around here." She folds her arms across her chest and shifts her weight onto one foot, taking on that familiar stance once again. "I want you to understand something."
'''Iselsis: ''' She follows after and leans against a wall, arms crossed, propping a foot up as well, listening to the pale deathknight.
"What is it that you want me to understand?"
''Here come the meaningless 'I will eat you if...' threats again. ''
'''Vorpal: ''' "For starters, your secret wasn't really a secret", Vorpal continues on calmly. "Aine told me that you were her sister soon after the battle, after she had spent an hour or so watching over your unconscious form. She was very worried about you, I might add." Her eyes narrow slightly at that. "This, even though she fairly suspected that you were sent in to kill her."
Even as the Pale Angel speaks, other memories about that day begin to surface, too. The battle, the sheer, infuriating fatigue that overcame her afterwards. The overpowering bitterness, the hopelessness of her life...
"So... yes. We already knew bits and pieces about your mission. You have a very good aim, sharpshooter, but you make for a lousy covert spy."
'''Iselsis: ''' "Well good, because I wasn't bloody well trained to be one to begin with. Though, you should do a little fact checking", she narrows her eyes at Vorpal, "because my sister didn't suspect a ''damn thing''. I told her long before I told anyone else, and she only told you what I'd told her."
She shrugs then.
"It doesn't matter. I was probably only sent away because I showed that I became powerful enough to become a liability. They probably hoped I'd get killed in the war, kill either or both of you, or get killed trying to kill you. Either way one problem would dissapear, eh?"
She snorts angrily. Obviously she wasn't in a good mood.
'''Vorpal: ''' "Ooh, I know how that feels", Vorpal replies, a hint of an exaggrated tough-girl tone sneaking its way into her voice. She tilts her head slightly, continuing: "You serve them, kill for them and dedicate your life for their cause. In the end, the only reward you get for all that is waking up one morning to find out that they have decided you have grown too powerful for your own good. They decide that it is time to eliminate you, to push you off the table, wipe you away like a speck of Winlandian mud from their boot. Trust me, girl, I've been through that. I also happen to know that one of the reasons why I was eliminated was that I humiliated other generals with my sheer superiority. I was the oh-so-tough girl kicking sand into their eyes, so they decided that the world would be a better place without me. Did it occur to you that your assignment here might actually be your own fault?"
She pauses, narrows her eyes and shakes her head, strands of her white hair tumbling over her coat's black fur collar. "No, don't answer that. Instead, answer me this: even though the two people you were sent to kill know you are supposed to kill them, why are you still alive?"
'''Iselsis: ''' And she answers it anyway.
"I decided to be a fucking hero, so yes, it is actually my own fault. And I dunno, why don't ''you'' tell ''me'' why I'm still alive, since you obviously have the answer to that question."
'''Vorpal: ''' "Yes, I do, but I was just wondering if an all-knowing girl like yourself has an answer for it, too."
The Pale Angel shrugs.
"Very well. The answer is this: It. Doesn't. Matter. We don't need to be afraid that one day you might be pointing one of those guns of yours into our temples. You said that you were expected to do that only if you suspected that we would be endangering Winlandia. What we are doing here does not threaten the peace and stability of your nation. Therefore, your threat does not matter at all."
'''Iselsis: ''' "My threat doesn't matter anymore because as of now I am no longer a Windian black ops, a Windian, or even a friend of Winlandia. I'm an outcast, a traitor and a turncoat."
"You really get on my nerves, you know that? Acting all high and mighty like you know everything. If you did and you had even the slightest bit of empathy in you, you would realize I just had to sell out my entire belief system because throwing my lot in with my sister who murdered our parents in front of my eyes was the right thing to do. I can probably never go home again, and if I do, along with my sister and Silverstar, there will be huge consequences and they'll use the ''one thing'' I care most about against me to hurt me as badly as they can."
"I love my country and I love my job, and now I have neither, and I have the company of deathknights who claim to be the saviour when their natures are antithetic to that very thing. I'm a traitor in my country's eyes and my own, and I'm probably going to die in a war because all of this is way over my head, and I'll never see the woman I love again at this rate, because even if everything miraculously works out I'll be forced to kill myself before Adorjan gets out, which she ''will''."
She pauses for the briefest of moments.
"Yeah, if you had any empathy you wouldn't be standing here trying to lecture me, you'd be asking me if I was feeling okay. And no, I ''do not feel fucking okay''."
'''Vorpal: ''' Vorpal listens to the tirade with the air of irritated patience, not moving her head to nod nor shake. Her arms folded, her gaze even, she stands through the torrent like a white statue.
"If you're done feeling sorry for yourself", the Pale Angel begins, her voice soft like a cat's paw about to unsheathe its claws, "listen to me."
"'''First'''" The word falls like a pebble of soulsteel, the Pale Angel's gaze turning grave. "What the Prince suggested there is '''not''' a treason to your country. If you'd have been paying any attention at all during that council instead of staring into your own bellybutton, you ''might'' have realized that Winlandia cannot stand without our help. Helping us to achieve our goals does not make you a traitor to your nation, hampering our efforts in every turn ''does''."
"'''Second'''. ''You'' were the one who suddenly went off spouting about your secret mission and how you endangered everything by choosing to aid us. Don't be going all self-rightous and sorry-for-yourself on me, because ''you'' were the one who spoiled your life. Why didn't you keep your mouth shut? It's your own damn fault!"
"And third", she adds more calmly after a short silence, seeming not at all winded by her heavy lecture. "Don't annoy me. I'm nicer to people who don't annoy me. It'll make us both happy."
'''Iselsis: ''' She seems to take that in for a moment.
She considers shooting her. Somewhere non lethal but excrutiating. The kneecaps come to mind.
She considers flipping her the bird and making this into a full fledged pissing contest of who gets to be on top.
She considers shouting at the foolish woman who thinks she knows it all.
Instead she simply pushes off from the wall and starts moving down the corridor without as much as an acknowledgement. She waves at the woman she's leaving behind with the back of her hand.
'''Vorpal: ''' Vorpal supposes it is customary to sigh in a dramatic manner when the other side of the argument decides to flee in that manner. She chooses to skip that part. Leaning her back against the wall next to a glowing pattern of First-Age glyphs, she merely decides to close her eyes instead.
''Like the elder sister. In through one ear, out through the other. ''
'''Selina de Windia: ''' --and bumps into her sister, going down the hall.
'''Iselsis: ''' And she bumps into her older sister, ''glaring'' at her for impairing her way out. She whips an arm back and points at Vorpal.
"You. Keep her the fuck away from me unless you want one of our allies shot.", and prepares to walk off, again.
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Um, didn't I say not to do this?" Selina rasps, catching hold of one of Izabella's arms, glaring from her to Vorpal.
'''Iselsis: ''' And she stops. Partly because it seems for now Selina seems more on her side than Vorpal's.
'''Vorpal: ''' "And I promised I would give her back to you in one piece", the Pale Angel states evenly, her eyes still closed, only her mouth moving. "I did. Don't harass me, she's the one who wanted to pick up a fight."
'''Iselsis: ''' "If I wanted to pick a fight, I would've shot you already, you heartless bitch!", she lashes out at the other woman.
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "If it doesn't work on me, why do you think it'd work on her?" Selina asks in exasperation. "Why, she's me writ small...only more flammable. Anyway, don't you realize what she did back there?"
'''Vorpal: ''' "Ruined her mission, cut all of her ties, turned traitor to her country", Vorpal counts with her fingers. "Yes, I know. She stated it herself. I was trying to get her to see that it was not the case, but girl is twisting my every word to suit her self-pitying needs."
'''Iselsis: ''' Instead of yelling s'more, Ise just growls low in her throat. Selina might even be able to feel her twitching.
Vorpal really got on her last nerves.
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Kinda like how the 'Pale Angel is a coward' and regrets how foolishly she acted in her youth, who now spends so much of her time acting high and mighty and ''still'' teasing people. Yep." Selina says with a nod, giving her a razored grin. "Let's get along, dearies. Lilith, say you're sorry. Izabella, try not to be so angry."
'''Iselsis: ''' "Maybe I'll go from trying to not ''shoot'' her to trying not to be angry with her when you explain to her that the technical label of being traitor to your country, and the factual ''act'' of being a traitor are two very different things, and that the former is what I am talking about."
"Or do you think they'll just let me waltz back on home when, not if, they find out I've thrown my lot in with you?"
She eyes Selina, obviously angry, but also half pleading for her to explain, since obviously she couldn't herself.
'''Vorpal: ''' "The Dark Angel is intending to 'waltz back in' herself", the Pale Angel responds and pushes herself off the wall. She opens her eyes, and the crimson of her eyes is glittering with firmly-suppressed anger as she turns her gaze at Iselsis. "And she's an Abyssal. If she can do it, why can't you? Are you somehow inferior to her?"
'''Iselsis: ''' She hisses out through clenched teeth, "Unlike her I still have something to lose there."
'''Vorpal: ''' "Incorrect", Vorpal shakes her head. "Dark Angel? How about telling her that she has a nephew?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Uh...um, you two." Selina sighs. And then perks up at Vorpal's mention. Well, apparently her secrets are not safe either! Granted, that wasn't really a secret...but still!
"Yeah, they could kill my child too." Selina says lamely. "Besides, do you think Valencia would let that happen?"
'''Iselsis: ''' "Having 'a child somewhere' is a lot bloody different than having the person you love on the other side of the bloody conflict!"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Well, there is one point to consider." Selina says, then waits for Izabella to acknowledge her instead of brushing over it.
'''Iselsis: ''' "What?", she snaps.
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Who fought in this war? Us." Selina says in a mild tone. "Valencia too. Why would the Windian public, which is Windia more than any bunch of corrupt and traitorious nobles ever could be, favor people who have been out and out profiting over the way things are after our family's fall, when they could be cheering war heros who saved them from total destruction?"
'''Vorpal: ''' Vorpal shifts her weight to one foot, listening for Iselsis' response with mild interest. Would Selina fare any better with the girl?
'''Iselsis: ''' "Because the nobles will just tell them Windia was never in any danger. They'll give a big lengthy speech about how sad it is that their formerly so respectful neighbour of Whiteshield has thrown their lot in with two deathknights. And how deeply grieved they are that even Valencia Silverstar, the nation's greatest hero, has become sadly corrupted by the Lover's influence."
"Sounds about right, doesn't it? And we won't be getting into Winlandia to make sure people know differently."
'''Vorpal: ''' She wouldn't, apparently.
Vorpal lets out a soundless sigh, leaving the sisters to their devices.
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Selina giggles. "Who's going to stop us?" She asks pointedly. "Valencia, the greatest and most powerful hero of the country? Ah wait, she's on our side now. Some noble terrestrials? Well, maybe, but they won't stand their ground once they realize what their greedy masters are sending them to stop. The army? We have an army, sister-dear, and if they try and stop it, what kind of justification will they give to avoid a civil war? The undead corrupted them? Very pretty, until you realize how many non-undead things lead it!"
"They're sunk, sis. The war happened and they helped only grudgingly, in front of everyone. All that remains is to figure out how most neatly to deal with them."
'''Iselsis: ''' "The black ops will. Unless ''someone'' convinces them to go rogue with me, Valencia, and the rest of our forces here. I wouldn't underestimate them too much either, every single one of them is as threatening if not more than I am."
"I don't want to have another Spire against the people I used to call colleagues and the remaining armies of our country just so we can all go home again. Sorry if I'm skeptical."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "And...they will know when we come back, how?" Selina asks.
"My magic makes most Terrestrial magic look like parlour tricks. I could sneak into Windia if I wanted, and they would never know."
"And besides, are you going to ''tell'' them you've quit?" Selina asks. "There is absolutely no need to be direct about this. We need only product evidence to the right people. The key people who are of suggestable mind."
'''Iselsis: ''' She seems less agitated now, but still utterly unconvinced that any of this is ever going to work out, at least for her personally.
"This isn't a nice position for me to be in, you know. You do know that, right?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Yep!" Selina replies with incredible speed. "You could always go back and say you couldn't do it with the resources available and wait with the rest of your people for when I come back, you know. They probably have more of your attachment then a murdering whore who hasn't been your sister in any capacity for over a decade."
'''Iselsis: ''' "That's not funny."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Wasn't meant to be."
'''Iselsis: ''' "They'll figure it out before too long if I go back anyway. If they don't already have questionmarks next to my behaviour. There's nothing saying there isn't someone shadowing me; they're full capable of that kind of thing."
'''Iselsis: ''' "Plus it might help Valencia's position to be open about it."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "I think they may be a bit too overstretched to do that. In any case, they are falliable." Selina shrugs. "We choose one or the other, but whichever we choose, we have a group of Celestials on our side. They do not."
"Their last Celestial has finally gotten disgusted with them -- them, not the country."
'''Iselsis: ''' She leans against the wall and sighs, "I need to sit down. Not shooting that woman is a terrible, terrible exertion."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Well, you do have something in common with her, I must admit." Selina says with a sigh, shaking her head slightly.
'''Iselsis: ''' "I don't go around lecturing people and going 'ooooh I know everything better than you, dumbass!' at the worst of times, at least!"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' The Windian smirks at her sister, somewhat amused. "Ah but you do, and considering how long I've known you, it's about the frequency she does too. Her first sentence to me when we met a few weeks ago was a condensending remark. Set things off on the wrong foot, I must say."
Then she shrugs, shaking her head again. "But please do not shoot my girlfriend."
'''Iselsis: ''' "I'll stop entertaining the thought of shooting your interests when you limit them to one."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Oh, moralizing to me?" Selina asks. "You think you can tell me who I sleep with?"
'''Iselsis: ''' "I didn't do anything but suggest a fair trade.", she shrugs her shoulders, "Anyway the next person who tries to tell me what I did in there wasn't necesary will get shot."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "No no no." Selina says, her gaze focused on her sister with more intensity. "I'm interested to hear why you think being attached to more than one person like that is a bad thing for me. It will simply come up again, I am sure."
'''Iselsis: ''' "Because it brings with it a whole line of stupid problems that everyone, including me, can do without. Not to mention your girlfriend is a bitch who seems to annoy you as much as she does me, so you'll forgive me if I question your taste in women."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "She is, yes." Selina agrees, noting that Vorpal has wandered off at some point. "But she is sweet down inside...even if she does not show it to me much." She gives a shrug, wings shrugging along with her. "However, she does not seem very socially adept or comfortable off of the battlefield...in this I wonder if you two have much in common."
"As for what you did, I hope some people besides me at least saw it for what it was, rather than just the angry words used to convey it."
'''Iselsis: ''' At least that confirmed she had seen it for what it was.
She fishes a cigarette out of a pocket and lights up before speaking, smoke flaring from her nostrils, "At least you did. I doubt anyone else does though, if they're anything like her. What kind of thing is that to say? I could've continued lying and working against the only people actually making an effort to keep the north from being overrun? And it won't matter that what I'm doing is for the good of the country either. You and I both know once it gets out I will be labeled a traitor until whatever you lot intend to do in Windia resolves the situation."
She shakes her head annoyedly, "How can anyone say things like that when the person they're saying it to just sold out everything they stood for?"
"Not to mention Faina...", she adds in a rather morose tone.
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Oh dear...." Selina trails off. Faina?
''I hope, at least, this is just some noble girl and not someone in that organization. ''
"I think the Pale Angel responds rather strongly to the tone and words you used. Afterall, she does it with me. But she has a rather excessive amount of propriety."
''Usually. ''
There was that dream meeting where she tried to molest and definitely humiliated Selina, in front of them all, and the Bull of the North.
"But I would go so far as to say she recognized what you did, and so did most of them. She's just an insufferable bitch sometimes." Selina finishes with a slanted grin. "I wouldn't worry about being a traitor quite yet, though. I imagine they'll be a bit busy covering their asses to come after you yet."
'''Iselsis: ''' "The problem comes in when I have to go back. I'm a terrible liar, obviously.", she takes another drag from her cigarette and pauses then.
"I had a horrible sort of... dream, when I was out. I'm not sure what the hell any of it was supposed to mean, but I think my subconscious was trying to tell me something. Or maybe it was trying to kill me, I haven't figured that out yet..."
"But I saw what happened back then. Again. Felt the blood spray on my face as I saw myself hugging Viktorya, and shielding her eyes..."
"That wasn't really you, was it? I can't imagine that was really you. It never made any sense, and it does even less now. Someone did something to you didn't they? Probably the same people who turned me into", she gestures at herself, "this. Maybe even the same people who sent me after you so one of the two de Windia problems would solve itself, if not both."
She glances up at Sel.
"I'm right, aren't I?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Selina...remembers. And it visibly makes her expression change, to one of remembered pain and fury. "Yes...you are. Someone spelled me." Her tone is quiet, furious. "I sat there in the back of my mind, taking pleasure in killing my family, unable to stop."
'''Iselsis: ''' She just nods. She had never thought too hard on the question, because it hadn't been an immediate concern, like trying to find a way to live on. First despite her parents deaths, then despite being a freak. Selina hadn't been around, and it had been a non-issue for a long time. Until now. But now she knew.
And she quickly changes the subject.
"I'm going to die you know. I think it might be soon.", she says simply, "All the incidents keep getting closer and closer together. Something's going to happen, something I can't allow to happen, I think. When it happens I'll have to stop it."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Selina's heart skips a beat. And then continues, somewhat erratically. More hurriedly. Her face loses some of its color "...no. You can't die."
"I can help you stop it. This is one reason I became what I am."
'''Iselsis: ''' She sinks down against the wall until she's sitting on the floor, back resting against it.
"There's nothing you can do. I've collected all the obscure lore from around the world I could get on my hands for a decade now. I never found a cure... when the dead attacked Blue Wind they spoke to me. The Acolyte, or something through her, spoke to me when I sent her flying on fire through a windmill. She said ..."
The entire scene replays before her eyes. She can hear the whispers coming from the beaten Acolyte, exactly the way they were spoke that day. She repeats the words for her sister.
''You are a monster. Same as your sister. ''
''You are fire. You are silence. You are doom. ''
''Doom of Windia, that is what you are. And nothing you do can change what you are. ''
"I'm broken. And they know it. Adorjan has been feasting on my soul for so long, and something about Gennadi made the damn yozi redouble her efforts. I oathed him into finding out why, or what, or something. I even roped Dylan into trying to find out something. But after that the green flame came twice again."
"And my soul is so broken it tried to kill me while I was out after the fight..."
She shrugs helplessly.
"It's true. I know it in my heart. I was going to flee but Faina stopped me. But I can't become that. I just... can't."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' ''So he lives as well. ''
At least, if it was the same Dylan. But that does not take away the despair Selina feels hearing those words. She tries to overturn it with words of her own.
"Of course they would say that," She says darkly, gloomily. "A deathknight would try to weaken her enemy thus. If you think I am redeemable, why can't the Demon Princess be cast out of your soul?"
'''Iselsis: ''' "My soul tried to kill me. Pretty good indication... you don't believe me, ask the lady Krauser. It nearly killed her too."
"Was telling me to remember something, all the while dragging me further down to my doom.", she shrugs, "Probably doesn't mean anything anyway, broken souls can do a lot of crazy stuff, huh?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Maybe it does," Selina replies sullenly. "But maybe it's not something good to remember."
''It usually isn't. ''
"There should at least be a way to ward against it...or have you tried that?"
'''Iselsis: ''' She shrugs again.
"Ward against it how? I tried so many things, and none of them made it better, stopped it, or made me go back to normal. I'm out of ideas, short of marching across Cecelyne into Malfeas and accosting the yozi itself."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "She doesn't even tell you what she wants." Selina growls under her breath. "At least the dead one I'm sworn to wants certain things."
"But this is connected to Gennadi? What did you feel when it responded to him?"
'''Iselsis: ''' "Adrian. And she wanted him. Well, not him. I saw a glimpse of what she wanted. Something inside him. His shard. His past self?"
"And Adorjan definately doesn't like you, either."
"It's rather hard to tell what a yozi wants aside from being free again, especially from a glimpse, though."
"I don't think she's particularly gunning for him though. Although he does seem to trigger the whole destructive green stuff episodes."
She pipes up again after a short pause "Whatever it is I think someone wants for it to happen. Planned for it."
'''Narrator: ''' ''Adrian''
''Silent Wind''
''Selina remembers... ''
''Her mate hunting it. ''
''Her friend mating with it. ''
''Going into Malfeas. Going into Malfeas to get her friend back. ''
''Earning Adjordan's enmity.... how? ''
''Her promise, to destroy all she would ever build... ''
''Her promise, to dance on her grave for '''that'''! ''
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Adjordan hates me." She says flatly, remembering, feeling one of those glimpses from the First Age superimposing itself over her normal mental presence. "Something I did long ago. As another person."
She looks to Izabella. "You think someone set you up for this? Perhaps a Yozi cult."
'''Iselsis: ''' "I sincerely doubt that. They rigged that transformation machine. A cult wouldn't be able to do that."
"The more interesting question is how Bishop's lot knew about all of this, or any of this, or even knew who I was."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "There was also a cult of his followers in Winlandia. The Pale Angel and I saw it destroyed." Selina shrugs. "But the Demon Princess does hate me. And...wants to destroy everything I have ever made...or will make."
"Do not discount Yozi cults. The wisdom of a primordial echoes in some of their minds...just as the whispers of a dead god does in mine. They may know much. I have encountered some who did."
'''Iselsis: ''' She shrugs again.
"I'm tired of thinking about it and not coming up with any answers. Could be anyone at this rate. The sidereals. Bishop's lot. A traitorous noble. A yozi cult."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "We will just have to make sure you do not fall into such a state in which you are vulnerable again." Selina says with some hurriedness. "Perhaps I can ask Opal about changing my request to a very potent ward instead..."
'''Iselsis: ''' "How can you ward me from something that's already inside of me? Wait, nevermind, I don't want to know. None of any of this is bringing me any closer to answers, and I'd rather not think of it and focus on things I ''can'' change instead."
"By the way, keep a close eye on Gennadi. He's a bastard, and I bet he'll sell us out to the other side if it's in his best interest."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "As you wish." Selina's reply is flat and nearly toneless. "For now, at least."
And then she smirks thinking of the man. "Oh yes, I do already. Not entirely a bastard though...but certainly too amoral for his own good."
'''Iselsis: ''' "I'm glad you care.", she says, puffing on her cigarette.
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "I..." Selina sighs, shaking her head. "Nevermind. Strange how things work. And here we thought we'd have to kill one-another."
''But then, most assassins who came after me were not my sister. ''
Though Izabella isn't an assassin, strictly speaking. More like one of those operatives from Lookshy, or the Realm. "For now, try to not shoot anyone, though. Really."
'''Iselsis: ''' "I'll try my best."
She gets back up to her feet.
"I suppose there's people you need to talk to, now?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "I guess so." Selina replies with some trepidation. She should go see the Pale Angel. Again. Or the Prince. Or...someone! Who knows!
''Maybe I should go seduce the fae, just so I can say I've been with one. ''
''Or maybe not... ''
"We'll meet up soon enough, I'm sure."
'''Iselsis: ''' She nods and does a little wave.
"See you later then."
''Maybe I won't be in a depressing mood then. ''
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Revision as of 15:48, 27 February 2009

  1. REDIRECT ADanceOfAngels