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=== Vital Statistics ===
#REDIRECT [[Teflonshugenja/Verdance]]
Birth Name – Harep Felen
Current Name – Verdance (given to him by the monks)
Age – 20, Gender – Male, Height – 5’10”, Weight – 180 lbs.
Build – Lean but sturdy, Eyes – Green, Hair – Bald, Skin – Lightly Toasted
Strength - 2, Dexterity - 4, Stamina - 3
Charisma - 4, Manipulation – 1, Appearance – 2
Perception – 3, Intelligence – 4, Wits – 4
Willpower – 7, Compassion – 4, Temperance – 3, Conviction – 2, Valor – 2
Virtue Flaw – Compassionate Martyrdom
Nature – Caregiver, Concept – Runaway Monk
=== Personality ===
Verdance is obsessed with the thought of being a hero like those that he read about in the many books he read.  He cannot stand to see another person suffering, especially when it appears to be a random occurrence (i.e. – struck by lightening vs. picking a fight).  He has a love for the beautiful things in life, be it nature or a work of art.  Most of all, he finds the written word to be an amazing thing both in what it communicates but in how it does so.  So much is his love for things written that he has very little experience and knowledge of how to handle a social situation.  Since his exaltation he has found that he now has the power to make the changes he wants to see in the world but has a hard time facing the trials of life as a hero.  He is afraid for both himself and those around him.  This fear can often make him freeze up in certain situations.  He also abhors death and will not knowingly kill another person.
=== Motives ===
Verdance is driven by a need to prove that there is good in the world and to give others the kindness he wants them to give others.  He has an idea of the People and feels they must be helped and protected.  At first he felt that his place in the world would be a short one, hunted and alone, doing what he could to help until he was dispatched or caught.  Upon meeting Varian and Gossamer, he has gained a new assurance that he may change things after all.  He values their help and friendship and would go out of his way to help them if they were in need.  He also feels motivated to by the knowledge he has found.  While he hasn’t completely disregarded the teachings of the Immaculate Order, he does realize there are flaws and some things are just plain wrong.  He would like to make a new world through words rather than violence.  If there were a day when his Kung-Fu prowess was completely useless to him, there would be a day that Verdance would truly know joy.
=== Objectives ===
Verdance has not set any real, concrete goals and such is his nature.  He is a dreamer and a reader of epics.  He feels that if he merely wanders creation righting wrongs and helping those in distress, he will make the world a better place.  He would like to see peace among all people but lacks the conviction to kill to get that dream.  He also wishes to make a place for his brother Solars in this Second Age of Man.  While he does not dream of uniting them, he does wish them to be able to live their lives without fear of persecution.
=== Tastes and Preferences ===
Coming from a life of solitude and study in the monastery, even a simple room at an Inn seems like pampering.  He likes the simple things in life.  He will order water or tea when given the choice of drink and likes his foods to be simple while not bland.  He is not a vegetarian but would prefer to not eat meat when given the choice (he has been so long without it that it makes his stomach a little queasy).  His taste in architecture though is the exact opposite.  He longs to the see great cities and the buildings built in the First Age.  In fact, the first age is something of an obsession to Verdance.  Not only has he studied it intently but has also found a love for Old Realm.  He often attempts to mimic the writing style of First Age writers and uses Old Realm to for most of his writings.  In addition to regular writing, he also loves to write poetry.  He can often be seen writing when not occupied by other concerns.
=== Description ===
Verdance is a young man, 20 years old at the time of exaltation, who seems even younger in his outlook.  He stands roughly 5’10 and and weighs 180 lbs.  You can still see some of the rounded features of childhood still clinging to his face.  While he seems very lean there is still a small layer of fat around his defined muscles which is left over from his more scholarly days.  His green eyes glint with knowledge and mirth on average.  However, when depressed or displeased, the light fades from his eyes and his gaze takes on a stern look that appears to old for such a young person.
He still wears much of the clothing that was given to him by the monks.  He has a couple pains of baggy pants that allow for any type of movement and a few different shirts.  He has a vest for when it is warm and a long sleeved shirt for the colder times.  When it gets truly biting, he has a heavy, warm cloak that he wraps himself in.
Verdance holds himself as one who appears to be wanting to seen as strong but underneath the show of courage, there is a deep seated strength that even he doesn’t know about.  He hides little of what he thinks of things, even if he doesn’t come right out and say it.  His opinions are clearly expressed on his face and frowns, smiles, and tears come easily to the former monk.  Most of all, a sense of caring and genuine love emanates from his person.  One cannot help but feel that he would put them above himself and would sacrifice his life for even the least of people.
His voice is mild and soft, often with a hint of naiveté and playfulness.  He speaks to those around him as equals, no matter if they are beggars or kings.  He attempts to keep the calm stance of a monk when speaking but cannot help but gesture when excited.  When impassioned or angered, his voice remains soft but takes on an edge to it that would better fit a man three times his age.  No matter what it is he speaks of, though, there is a certainty conveyed that he speaks of what is in his heart.  When even attempting to lie, Verdance cannot make eye contact and begins to fidget unconsciously.  Even if the person did not know right off that what he was being told was a lie, Verdance would probably end up telling him anyway.
=== Family ===
Verdance grew up on the west side of the Realm.  Away from the Blessed Isle’s larger cities and courts.  His parents were part of a very minor Patrician House (House Herep).  His father, Charen, was usually wrapped up in the affairs of the household and had little time for his family.  His mother, Lin-Pi, ever the social climber from Calin, was more interested in status than the love of her children.  Verdance’s older sister, Aiko, tried to gain favor with their parents by taking an interest in their business.  Eventually, she became even more adept at bureaucracy than her father and became a decent merchant.
=== History ===
Growing up in a house that was neither wealthy enough for the good life nor poor enough for the peasantry, Verdance had a hard time of making friends.  With little attention given to him by his family and the other children in town either resentful of his status or looking down on him, he turned to the only friends that couldn’t resist him.  Books.  He remained an active boy but was almost always seen with a book, even while climbing trees and skipping stones.  It became apparent to his family that he would not follow in his sister’s footsteps and actually do something with his life that would bring honor and notoriety (or at least money) to the family.  Then it dawned on his mother.  Where could a boy who liked to read and exercise find a home that would still bring some status to their house?  The Immaculate Order.
Verdance was shipped out there as soon as he was the age of 8.  It was there that he started to finally feel a little comfortable.  He took to his studies and was always in the top of his class.  He took to the practice of philosophy of martial arts and became an adept student.  The only problem was, there was always something holding him back.  His teachers all said that, while a great student, he refused to reach his full potential.  After his education was complete, he stayed with the Order and became one of their best transcribers and translators of ancient texts.  He aligned himself most with the teachings of Sextes Jylis, the Immaculate Dragon of Wood.  Eventually, Verdance’s inquisitive nature and questioning mind would land him in a troublesome spot.  He was found to question the teachings a little too often and was on the verge of blasphemy on several occasions.  With some financial help from his sister and the pulling of a few strings by his father, he was able to merely be sent to a remote monastery in Barony rather than be charged with anything.
He spent most of his days doing much of the same thing that he did back on the Blessed Isle.  Reading, writing, and practicing his martial arts.  However, an event would occur here that would change his life forever.  The monastery came into possession of some very old texts that had been amazingly well preserved.  It was said that they may have even come from the First Age.  Verdance was the best scholar of Old Realm there and was one of the main monks working on translating the texts to see if there was anything useful in them.  It was during this period that he came across a most curious work.  It seemed to be a diary of sorts and what it described could only be the First Age.  However, as he read more and more, it became apparent that this was the work of one of the Anathema.  One of the Blasphemous.  As shocked as he was, he couldn’t get himself to tell his superiors about it.  It was a once in a lifetime find and a priceless relic that could hold lost knowledge.
So he worked on it without telling anyone.  It was only chance that one of the other monks would happen upon his notes one day while he was at training.  They made the discovery known to the head of the monastery, a friendly Earth Aspect named Basalt Pillar, at once.  One of the advanced students, Tattered Leaf, was with the Dragonblood when the news was brought.  Luckily for Verdance, Tattered Leaf was one of his only friends.  Rather than see his friend imprisoned and possibly killed for his blasphemy, he told Verdance of the impending judgment upon him.  Gathering only a few coins and a change of clothes, Verdance snuck into the library and stole the diary as he left.
He ran from the first place that felt like home and did not stop.  Hunted and tired, he felt as if he might give up.  It was then that life poured back into his body and he felt the strength to carry on.  He heard a voice the boomed around him yet came from nowhere tell him that he had been chosen to be a Pillar of the Unconquered Sun.  As his Caste Mark flared, seeming to burn into his very soul, he stumbled upon a great fortress that had not been there but a few seconds ago.  He made his way through the great steel doors and into what seemed a paradise.  It was then that the visions overcame him and he passed out.
Verdance awoke, days later, and under the care of a giant mantis spirit, Vigilant Patience, who was the caretaker of the manse that he had found.  It was there that he spent the next several months being taught how to use his new found abilities and found the style that resonated with his being, Mantis Style.  Heading out into the world, Verdance hopes that he can use his great power responsibly and learn from the mistakes of the First Age.
=== Circle ===
<b>Varian</b> - A loud-mouthed dawn caste with a love of gambling and easy women.  Verdance is currently attempting to save him from himself.  You can read much more about him here - [[Punslinger]]
<b>Gossamer</b> - A twilight with a curiosity about all things pertaining to the Wyld and the Fair Folk.  He was captured by the fae and only managed to escape because of his sudden exaltation.  Now travelling with Verdance, he sees Gossamer as an impressionable young man and hopes to make a responsible person out of him before Varian can turn him into a shmuck like him.

Latest revision as of 13:42, 4 April 2008