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Why would any one have let this piece of garbage be published

I have read this trilogy several times now and I can find few good things to say about it. here are the problems I hate the most, in no particular order:

  • Why does Dace suck so much? he was always running away, tripping, falling, and failing at most everything. also he was worried about wolfspiders and burrow loks. he is a Dawn caste, and an experienced Warrior.I could go on but the whole Dace part of those books pisses me off so much, that I fear I will soon degenerate into madness should I continue.
  • and why is Yushuv so danged important? I mean he is a Solar Exalt, so naturally he is important to the story, but everyone treats him as if he's the second coming...or would that be the first coming, or something.
  • and why does everyone in the danged ol' books keep talking about the great curse as if it is common knowledge? I was of the opinion that very, very few knew of the existence of the curse, and even fewer would share that knowledge with a newly exalted.
  • and I have to wonder, did the author even pay attention to the setting of exalted befor trampling all over it? or was it ignorance?
  • also did the author ever finish grade school? his writing is worse than mine, and I suck...A LOT!

just my randome thoughts as they escape my noggin, I hope I do not offend anyone. sorry if you liked the books, they are bad, and no amount of wishing will make them better.