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=== The Prismatic Paths of Creation ===
=== The Prismatic Paths of Creation ===
The Prismatic Paths of Creation were the Styles first taught to the Enlightened by the gods, and remain the only styles that gods are capable of teaching directly (one of the reasons that the Immaculate Order frowns on godly interaction with those not already Enlightened). They spread through Creation, and many were designed that were not originally created by the gods.
In the modern age, these paths are rare, as those who taught them are persecuted and driven into hiding. Only on the edges of the world can masters teach these styles openly, and even then the practicioners of most styles number in the dozens, or even the single digits, as opposed to the thousands who practice the Dragon Paths. Because of this, there is little variety within a given style.
All of the Prismatic Paths use Attributes as their Prime Trait, usually (but not always) a physical Attribute. The six Paths listed below are far from the only paths in existance; they serve primarily as examples of what other Paths may exist.
[[/EnliBearPath | Bear Style]]: A path of brutal force and power. <br>
Prime Trait: Strength. Secondary Traits: Athletics, Resistance, Survival, Unarmed
[[/EnliEaglePath | Eagle Style]]: A path of grace and vision. <br>
Prime Trait: Perception. Secondary Traits: Awareness, Stealth, Thrown, Unarmed
[[/EnliPeacockPath | Peacock Style]]: A path of style and beautiful combat.<br>
Prime Trait: Appearance. Secondary Traits: Performance, Socialize, Unarmed, War
[[/EnliTigerPath | Tiger Style]]: A path of ferocity and grace.<br>
Prime Trait: Dexterity. Secondary Traits: Athletics, Presence, Stealth, Unarmed
[[/EnliTurtlePath | Turtle Style]]: A path of fortitude and perseverance. <br>
Prime Trait: Stamina. Secondary Traits: Integrity, Medicine, Resistance, Unarmed
[[/EnliSnakePath | Snake Style]]: A path of precision and speed. <br>
Prime Trait: Wits. Secondary Traits: Awareness, Investigation, Melee, Unarmed
=== The Formless Paths of Beyond ===
=== The Formless Paths of Beyond ===
These styles are strange ones, each of which breaks the usual mold for what a style is meant to do. Developped at various points in time, they serve as examples of ways in which martial arts might deviate from the above examples. Rather than embodying a physical concept, they embody a metaphysical one. As such, their Prime Traits are always strange.
[[/EnliLovePath | Bonds of Love Style]]: A path crafted by Gaia as she studied the bonds that tie humans together. <br>
Prime Trait: Allies or Followers. Secondary Traits: Integrity, Presence, Unarmed, War
[[/EnliFatePath | Weave of Fate Style]]: A path designed to maximize the benefits of those who are heroes. <br>
Prime Trait: Kismet. Secondary Traits: Dodge, Investigation, Melee, Resistance
[[/EnliGauntletPath | Spirit Gauntlet Style]]: Developped in the last days of the Choosing War, this advanced Path exists to bind spirits. <br>
Prime Trait: Occult. Secondary Traits: Awareness, Lore, Melee, Unarmed

Revision as of 19:25, 8 September 2006

Back to The Enlightened


The Five Glorious Dragon Paths

The Fivefold Dynasty and the Immaculate Order preach that the Five Glorious Dragon Paths are the sole route to spiritual enlightenment and salvation. Unlike the other paths, these paths are meant to represent the soul of humanity, as reflected through the five elements. As such, they are by far the most commonly practiced of the Paths, and many techniques exist for each.

However, the Dragon Paths are restricted to those in power, and to those who are fully inducted into the Immaculate Order. No commoner or patrician may learn these paths, as they lack the spiritual understanding to make proper use of them. Anyone caught using these styles who is not of the Dynasty or the Order will suffer severe consequences.

There are only five Dragon Paths. There will never be more, as there are only five elements. All five Paths use spiritual understanding as a Prime Trait.

Daana'ds Conquest Style: This path emphasizes the eternal flow of the Water Dragon.
Prime Trait: Conviction. Secondary Traits: Unarmed, Larceny, Investigation, Sail

Heshiah's Glory Style: This path embodies the passion and flair of the Fire Dragon.
Prime Trait: Valor. Secondary Traits: Unarmed, Melee, Presence, Socialize

Jylis's Bounty Style: This path embodies the growth and decay of the Wood Dragon.
Prime Trait: Compassion. Secondary Traits: Archery, Medicine, Performance, Unarmed

Mela's Understanding Style: This path embodies the grace and freedom of the Wind Dragon.
Prime Trait: Temperance. Secondary Traits: Athletics, Thrown, Linguistics, Stealth

Pasiap's Grace Style: This style embodies the unyielding might of the Earth Dragon.
Prime Trait: Willpower. Secondary Traits: Awareness, Crafts, Resistance, Unarmed

The Prismatic Paths of Creation

The Formless Paths of Beyond