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=== Charm Posits ===
=== Charm Posits ===
Heroic Exalted are on the low end of the Celestial power scale; while Autochthon wants them to help Creation improve, he also recognizes that power can be a dangerously alluring thing, and went with encouraging the potential of humanity.
Heroic Exalts get, therefore, to trod over bits and pieces of other groups' schticks. They are Solar-level when it comes to training effects, group effects, and co-operation. They have access to perfect defenses, but not perfect attacks (however, they will have access to unblockable or undodgeable attacks at mid-Essence). They are generally Terrrestrial-level for direct physical action, but Celestial-level for construction and the like. Their ability to work behind the scenes can be very good, or very poor, depending on the group.
This is all a bit muddy at the moment, as I meander about pondering.
=== Charm Sets ===
<b>Allies:</b> An Advocate Charmset, Allies Charms are based primarily around helping others and making them stronger. Effects that raise other people's Abilities, defending people, and Healing effects can fall into this area. <br>
<b>Artifact:</b> A Journeyman Charmset; Reasonably enough, Artifact Charms are primarily based around crafting. However, they also encompass Charms to affect your Essence pool and attunement strengthening or breaking effects.<br>
<b>Backing:</b> A Regent Charmset, Backing is going to cover not only the obvious bureaucratic Charms, but also Charms for travel. I don't know, it seems to fit. <br>
<b>Cipher:</b> A Champion Charmset, Cipher includes both stealth-based Charms and Charms for defense in combat. This may mean that most Heroic Exalts end up with a bit of Cipher. That's not bad to me.<br>
<b>Contacts:</b> This Advocate Charmset will be based around two effects; gathering information, and investigation effects. This includes magical divinations. <br>
<b>Familiar:</b> A Regent Charmset, the Familiar Charms allow the character to control animals, improve her own Familiar, create new Familiar links, and borrow powers from her Familiar and other beings. <br>
<b>Followers:</b> A Regent Charmset, Followers Charms are based around leadership, and around training people to become better a la Tiger Warrior. Should be fun. <br>
<b>Influence:</b> An Advocate Charmset, Influence gets to be the sneaky Charmset. Lying, socializing, and mind control get rolled in here. <br>
<b>Library:</b> This Scholar Charmset gets some fairly arbitrary effects; this is where the linguistic-style Charms go, along with research Charms for spells or artifacts, and Sorcery. <br>
<b>Manse:</b> A fun Journeyman Charmset, Manse allows the character to muck around with leyline, playing with nature, building things, and creating powerful geomantic effects. <br>
<b>Mentor:</b> <i>HELP! I have no idea what goes here. It's a Scholar Charmset, but I'm drawing a blank. Martial Arts?</i><br>
<b>Reputation:</b> A Champion Charmset, Reputation Charms let a character be larger than life. Direct die adders mostly go here, along with passive defenses and scene-length enhancers to things like socials, soak, and the like. Reputation is where Ox-Body goes. <br>
<b>Resources:</b> I'm a bit iffy again here. Merchanting and appraisal, of course, but also having a 'knack' for finding objects. Not sure what else. Going to ponder. <br>
<b>Savant:</b> This Scholar Charmset is primarily concerned with dealing with the supernatural: Charms to affect spirits, the Wyld, and the Underworld. <br>
<b>Style:</b> This Champion Charmset deals with incredible physical feats, as well as including more offensive Charms than any other group. <br>
=== Comments ===
Mentor charms could have borrowing and communication charms, to allow people to benefit more from their mentors? <br> -- [[Darloth]]
If Mentor was to be martial arts, you could just sub it out for Face or Sifu. I could see mentor being integrity, come 2ed; being about control and restraint, as well as understanding. Also, I would love to play this - primarily for the glee of having every party member trying to get three or more backgrounds at 5. -TheHoverpope
:Mentor would only be Face or Sifu in disguise if that's all it did.  Lookig at things from the wuxia/anime side, the classic mentor <i>is</i> the martial arts master, and I think ignoring that would be a mistake.  However, I would like to see some "self-improvement" charms here too - permacharms and possibly even some way to buy additional Favored Abilities (or even Attributes?), reflecting a mentor's assistance in helping you develop your own potential. - [[Hapushet]]
Resources: Have Charms for haggling, so to speak. Lowering the cost of things, making what you have seem worth more. Resources is, ultimately, about wealth, so do that with it. - [[Trithne]]
: Resources doesn't have to just be about wealth. It's also about your job and how you live -TheHoverpope
Have you considered trying to "balance" the Background areas by applying some kind of artificial limit (say, three?) on the areas each background covers?  I'm not suggesting you leave it in place, but use it as a starting place in order to make sure all the Backgrounds have an equal probability of being useful, and it might help you sort out some issues like where Warlike Charms go or how to draw the line between some of the more similar ones like Contacts and Influence or Library and Savant.
Also (and this is just personal taste here), when I think "Savant" I think "Sorcerer" - and you can blame the stupid cheesecake-cover book if you want - so I'd shift sorcery to Savant if it were me.  Speaking of which, which Circle do you see these guys getting? - [[Hapushet]]

Revision as of 02:11, 17 March 2006

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