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Strength Charms

Strength Charms have to do with gross physical manipulation. They are almost always obvious when active; however, using Personal Essence a Chimeric may be able to pass them off as ordinary Radiance mutations, or even hide them. The exact cosmetic description of a Charm's appearance may vary from Chimera to Chimera, but is always the same for a given Chimeric Radiant.

Mastery of Strength

Cost: 4 motes
Min. Strength: 1
Min. Essence: 1
Prereqs: None

The character transforms herself, becoming more powerful. She gains +2 dots of Strength, which do not count as 'natural' Strength for the purpose of Charm effects or limits. This Charm may be purchased a number of times equal to half of the character's Essence, rounded up. Multiple instances of this Charm may be activated simultaneously for a given Attribute.

Vicious Claws of the Beast

Cost: 4 motes
Min. Strength: 2
Min. Essence: 1
Prereqs: Mastery of Strength

The character focuses, and great, ripping bone claws push out of her hands. The character's unarmed attacks gain accuracy, defense and speed equal to her Essence, and deals +4L damage, with Rate 5. However, the character cannot hold anything small or wield weapons (or shields), and she suffers a -4 die penalty on any action requiring manual dexterity.

Carapace Skin Technique</b>

<b>Cost: 1 mote per soak point
Min. Strength: 2
Min. Essence: 1
Prereqs: Mastery of Strength

The character's skin toughens and hardens, protecting her from damage. When this Charm is activated, the character may purchase additional bashing and lethal soak, at 2 motes per +1 B/L. She may purchase no more soak than her Strength + Essence; if she purchases six or more points, apply a -1 Mobility penalty. This Charm is fully compatible with armour, and is obvious if the character has any skin showing.

Arms of the Behemoth</b>

<b>Cost: 4 motes per pair
Min. Strength: 3
Min. Essence: 1
Prereqs: Mastery of Strength

The character learns to twist and shift to grow arms. The character may grow an extra pair of arms, allowing her to hold objects in every hand and reducing multiple action penalties by 2. This Charm may be purchased multiple times; each time allows the character to purchase another pair of arms. This Charm may be purchased a total number of times equal to the character's Essence. This Charm is incompatible with all armour that is not moonsilver.

Gliding Wing Approach</b>

<b>Cost: 3 motes
Min. Strength: 3
Min. Essence: 2
Prereqs: Arms of the Behemoth

The character focuses, and folds of something grow out of his arms. If he jumps or falls off a high place, he may glide (Dexterity x5) yards across each turn, and falls only 5 yards per turn. The character will not take damage from any distance dropped while gliding.

Stony Nightmare's Skin

Cost: 4 motes
Min. Strength: 4
Min. Essence: 2
Prereqs: Carapace Skin Technique

The character's body becomes as hard as rock, transformed by the power of this Charm. The character gains Hardness equal to her Strength + Essence, which does not stack with Hardness from other sources. This Charm also applies a -1 Mobility penalty to the character, which stacks with armour, but not with Carapace Skin Technique.

Terrible Rending Spike-Armor

Cost: 4 motes
Min. Strength: 4
Min. Essence: 2
Prereqs: Vicious Claws of the Beast, Carapace Skin Technique

The character's body becomes covered with jutting spikes. Anyone striking her unarmed takes her Essence in lethal damage, and anyone in a clinch with her takes Strength + Essence piercing damage.

Wings of Leather Meditation</b>

<b>Cost: 4 motes, 1 Willpower
Min. Strength: 4
Min. Essence: 3
Prereqs: Gliding Wing Approach

The character twists, and great leathery wings fold out of her back. The character may freely fly at her full sprint distance and still take actions. She may hold this speed for as long as she could normally walk, and may begin flying in almost any circumstance (as long as she has room to flap her wings).

Slashing Tendril Method</b>

<b>Cost: 5 motes, 1 Willpower
Min. Strength: 5
Min. Essence: 3
Prereqs: Arms of the Behemoth, Vicious Claws of the Beast

The character grows a long, prehensile tendril or tail, topped with wicked spikes. The tendril may attack or parry seperately from the character each turn, and may take a full parry to protect the character. It has the following statistics: Speed +8, Accuracy +Essence, Damage Str +6L, Defense +Essence, Rate 4.