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[20:58] FrivYeti: Lynx has returned everyone to position, to resume marching towards Creation.
[21:00] DonovanTz: ::Hailey will once again take the vanguard, along with valiant Amarranth.::
[21:01] Moonsword134: Valeria, still recovering a bit of her wind after her rather... dramatic... actions earlier, walks along Errant Tiger, taking it easy instead of trying to push the pace for once.
[21:04] WillCoon: Skein is watching the edges of the wyld warily, walking nearby Valeria and Tiger.
[21:05] FrivYeti: Kizen appears uninterested in pursuit, or perhaps just slow to react, as the march manages to continue safely until nightfall, setting up at the base of the mountains.
[21:06] DonovanTz: ::Hailey will assist the scouts in setting up a perimeter (and pickets, if we're going for that sort of thing) using her knowledge of the location to assist::
[21:08] Wakoid2: Errant Tiger checks up on his men as they set up the camp for the night, making sure none of them had taken serious injuries. Once done, he settles down on a
[21:08] Wakoid2: small folding chair outside his tent, looking over a map of their route once they enter Creation.
[21:11] DonovanTz: ::Once preperations are complete she will head to her tent, polish and maintain her equipment, and then then finally settle down and relax until it is her turn to take a watch::
[21:15] FrivYeti: Prior to setting up, Darting Lynx has a small 'briefing', where she collects information about what the scouts saw (mostly nothing), and gives orders (mostly to keep up current duties).
[21:16] FrivYeti: Afterwards, she spends her time in her tent, looking over maps and writing, presumably a full report / journal on the day from her point of view.
[21:18] FrivYeti: After the briefing, Lieutenants Tarasa and Lark vanish to discuss strategy, while Lynx's other officers go to supervise their soldiers.
[21:19] FrivYeti: The watchers are glad to have Hailey's support, looking fairly nervous to be this far from town.
[21:19] FrivYeti: Fortunately, the night passes quietly, and the group soon passes into the mountains.
[21:20] FrivYeti: The next few days follow the same pattern. A day of marching, evening briefing where Lynx gets reports from all of her officers and reaffirms earlier orders, and then breaking up into small groups at night.
[21:23] FrivYeti: Lynx's officers don't make any particular effort to mingle with the Dragon-Blooded, keeping more to themselves.
[21:23] FrivYeti: Lynx herself is generally busy with her planning, aside from the briefings and the orders.
[21:23] DonovanTz: ::When not performing her duties, Hailey keeps mostly to herself, although she does spend some time fraternizing with Valeria::
[21:27] FrivYeti: After a day travelling through the mountains, and three days of marching through light forests and meadows, the column starts to get over its awe at the local terrain and return to griping.
[21:29] FrivYeti: Soon, the column makes camp at the borders of Mela's Bounty and Darting Lynx has another of her meetings.
[21:30] FrivYeti: Present are all five of her subordinates, as well as all Dragon-Blooded in the group.
[21:32] WillCoon: Skein is looking forward to finally hearing from Lynx as regards her plans.
[21:33] Moonsword134: Valeria is quietly dreading Lynx's plans, expecting them to end in disaster given the winglord's noticeable... issues... regarding the proper conduct of diplomacy.
[21:33] FrivYeti: Lynx waits until everyone has arrived, then glances down at her maps. "As you are all aware, if we continue at our present pace, tommorow morning we will be crossing the border into Mela's Bounty."
[21:34] DonovanTz: ::Always the proper soldier simply listens::
[21:34] FrivYeti: "This briefing is to determine the best way to do this. Your input will be welcome." She runs a hand over the map, pointing out the sixty-odd miles remaining to the capitol.
[21:35] FrivYeti: "As far as I can see, we have three primary options. We can march our entire force ahead, send a herald ahead to inform them with our formation in the rear, or we can fortify here and simply send the heralds."
[21:36] Wakoid2: Errant Tiger nods. "Which do you believe to be the most viable at the moment, Winglord?" he asked.
[21:37] FrivYeti: Lynx looks down at the map. "I am inclined to not bring more soldiers than absolutely necessary into Mela's Bounty without permission. Many could consider that an act of war, or at the least provocation."
[21:37] FrivYeti: "I certainly would." She looks up. "It depends on whether we believe that a smaller party would be safe."
[21:38] Moonsword134: Valeria glances at her fellow Dragon-Bloods and then shrugs, stepping forward.
[21:38] Moonsword134: Once she has everyone's attention, she clears her throat and then begins to speak.
[21:38] DonovanTz: Do we know if the Arbiters have announced our existence and intentions to the local polical bodies?
[21:38] FrivYeti: Lark speaks up, in his serious-briefing-voice. "Unlikely, if Mela's Bounty won't talk to them."
[21:39] FrivYeti: "It would be like Kyzen announcing that willow-woman was around."
[21:39] DonovanTz: ::Hailey looks over at Val.::Sorry,I did not mean to interrupt you...
[21:39] FrivYeti: Lieutenant Dimir nods gravely, but pauses to listen to Valeria.
[21:40] Moonsword134: "If you wish to send heralds forward, why not sent Errant Tiger's scale, Skein, Hailey, and myself?" she suggests.
[21:40] Moonsword134: "A single scale is not so numerous as to alarm the authorities but we are not so few as to be easily harmed, either."
[21:41] FrivYeti: Lynx considers the suggestion seriously. "And it does have the advantage of having a heavy population of Dragon-Blooded in our heralds, which will impress the locals appropriately."
[21:41] FrivYeti: Lieutenant Dimir frowns. "But if they do turn hostile, it leaves our Dragon-Blooded stranded deep in enemy territory."
[21:42] Moonsword134: Valeria looks at Dimir.
[21:42] FrivYeti: Lynx looks less than amused at the suggestion.
[21:42] Moonsword134: "It also leaves them forced to somehow take down four Dragon-Blooded and well-trained troops."
[21:42] Wakoid2: "In such a circumstance, who would be better to possibly get themselves out than ourselves?" Tiger says.
[21:43] WillCoon: "Additionally, it would reduce the chances of such hostility occuring in the first place. Especially if they believe there are more where we came from."
[21:44] FrivYeti: Dimir harumphs thoughtfully, and nods. "That is true."
[21:44] FrivYeti: Lynx is clearly in the process of balancing tactical considerations against her desire to be the one to make first contact.
[21:45] Moonsword134: Valeria notices the look of contemplation on Lynx's face.
[21:46] Moonsword134: "Winglord, it would be dangerous for you to be among the first group. If they do turn hostile, risking our commanding officer is too dangerous. Your men need your leadership," Valeria insists.
[21:47] DonovanTz: I believe Skein was assigned to this mission due to his training as a diplomat and if Skein were to be deployed as such, it would bre prestigious for him to have a retinue of Exalted.
[21:48] WillCoon: "Of course...
[21:48] WillCoon: if something were to happen...
[21:49] WillCoon: can you see it?
[21:49] WillCoon: The valiant commander Lynx bravely striding to our rescue, a legion at her back!
[21:49] Moonsword134: Valeria keeps her mouth firmly shut, aware that her last comment wasn't quite taken as intended.
[21:50] WillCoon: The fanfare proclaiming her valiant triumph!
[21:51] WillCoon: We do want to make a strong impression... but we don't want to show our trump card unless neccessary."
[21:55] FrivYeti: Lynx frowns, looking from Valeria to Skein for a moment. "Suggesting that glory should be a factor in military decisions is foolish, Master Skein."
[21:56] WillCoon: "I am not a military tactician, commander. I know little of the battlefield."
[21:56] WillCoon: "What I do know is how to convince people
[21:56] WillCoon: that an alliance is a far superior choice to the alternative."
[21:57] FrivYeti: "Quite understandable." She waves aside the comment, looking down at the map thoughtfully. "You do have a point."
[21:57] FrivYeti: Lieutenant Sarasa coughs quietly. "Perhaps a second group should act as couriers, to ensure a quick response, Winglord?"
[21:59] WillCoon: "That could be useful."
[21:59] FrivYeti: Lynx nods after a moment. "That seems a viable response." She looks around the group. "Very well. Captain Tiger, escort Master Skein to the capitol to inform the Daimyo of our presence."
[21:59] FrivYeti: "Madam Valeria, Lieutenant Hailey, you will be accompanying them. Lieutenant Sarasa, you and four of your fastest men will act as couriers as needed."
[22:00] Wakoid2: Errant Tiger nods. "As you say, Winglord."
[22:00] FrivYeti: "The rest of us will set up positions here, and scout the lands to the immediate west for a good position outside of Mela's Bounty in the event that we choose to re-establish the Haven here."
[22:00] DonovanTz: ::Hailey executes a smart salute.:: Yes sir.
[22:00] WillCoon: "Excellent, Winglord Lynx."
[22:01] Moonsword134: Valeria bows politely.
[22:01] FrivYeti: "Make your preparations to leave in the morning. I'm sure that you will want to have your own meeting. Captain Kyll, Lieutenant Dimir, Lieutenant Kiana, remain here to discuss our own strategies."
[22:04] FrivYeti: "Lieutenant Lark, oversee the watch - make sure that everyone understands that those approaching the camp are likely to be passersby, rather than enemies."
[22:04] WillCoon: "Might I ask one more question, Winglord?"
[22:04] FrivYeti: "Go ahead, Master Skein."
[22:06] WillCoon: "In addition to the already-stated objectives of our mission... are there other concerns we should be keeping in mind?"
[22:07] FrivYeti: Lynx considers the question for a moment. "Beyond your standard diplomatic duties, investigate whether there are indeed signs of any impending Fair Folk attack, as Nezini suggested."
[22:08] Wakoid2: "The Arbiters are likely the best to ask that," Errant Tiger says. "They seem rather attuned to activity of that nature."
[22:08] WillCoon: "Very well. I will make sure to keep an eye on Bounty's scouts."
[22:09] FrivYeti: Lynx nods. "Assuming that they are trustworthy, of course. I would prefer to gain information from several sources."
[22:10] WillCoon: "Naturally."
[22:12] DonovanTz: ::Hailey nods in agreement.::
[22:13] WillCoon: "Well, that settles it, then. I shall prepare to leave tomorrow."
[22:14] DonovanTz: ::Hailey salutes to Lynx:; Thank you sir ::then turns to her companions:: Where shall we meet to discuss our strategy?
[22:14] Moonsword134: Valeria shrugs.
[22:15] WillCoon: "Perhaps the hill overlooking the camp?"
[22:16] Wakoid2: "That or the campfire by my tent? I have most of the maps and papers about the region in there should we need them," Errant Tiger proposes. He turns to Sarasa. "Would you care to join is, Lieutenant?"
[22:16] FrivYeti: Lynx nods. "Dimissed." She turns to discuss with the rest of her subordinates, while Sarasa and Lark join you. Sarasa nods with a smile. "I would be delighted, sir."
[22:19] WillCoon: "Very well then, let us convene."
[22:20] FrivYeti: Lark salutes Tiger laconically. "I'll just be checking on the troops. 'Luck."
[22:20] FrivYeti: "Sir."
[22:20] FrivYeti: The delay seems more absent-minded than a deliberate omission.
[22:21] Wakoid2: Tiger nods and salutes back. "Shall we get started, then?" he asks as he turns back to the others and begins heading out.
[22:22] DonovanTz: ::Hailey follows, Amarranth following along once they leave Lynx's tent.::
[22:22] Moonsword134: Valeria follows alongside Hailey.
[22:26] WillCoon: Skein sweeps alongside them, whispering to Valeria as he passes. "Well done."
[22:26] Moonsword134: Valeria glances at Skein, wondering what he meant by that, and her thoughts plain on her face.
[22:27] WillCoon: Skein's eyes dart around to encompass the rest of the group. "Arranging matters like this. Well done."
[22:28] Wakoid2: Tiger heads towards his tent, to gather the related papers and documents for their discussion.
[22:29] Moonsword134: Valeria raises an eyebrow. "I spoke the truth. Our force is small enough not to be threatening, large enough to be difficult to take down, and good at fighting our way out of scrapes," she points out, shrugging.
[22:29] Moonsword134: "A smaller body of troops would be easily overwhelmed if Mela's Bounty chooses a hostile path. A larger one would _provoke_ a hostile response."
[22:31] WillCoon: "Quite so. It is still convenient, though. Grants us greater autonomy."
[22:32] DonovanTz: I'm curious. What is your plan Skein?
[22:32] Moonsword134: "I hadn't thought of that but yes, it certainly is convenient."
[22:33] Moonsword134: Valeria's head jerks around at Hailey's comment. "I meant convenient as in getting us away from Lynx's presence, which I dislike, not as in giving us the opportunity to do something... untoward," Valeria says.
[22:33] Moonsword134: She looks intently at Skein. "Was your meaning somewhat... different?"
[22:34] WillCoon: "My plan? What do you mean? My plan is to fulfil our diplomatic mission on behalf of the Haven. I simply... prefer having freedom of action."
[22:35] DonovanTz: I'm assuming you have some sort of strategy.
[22:35] FrivYeti: Sarasa smiles faintly at the interaction between them, not saying anything at the moment.
[22:36] DonovanTz: It is the nature of that strategy that I'm wonderng about.
[22:37] WillCoon: "Ah, I see. Well, we have a very strong position to work from, do we not? Besides, the first ruler we have to deal with is a zealot."
[22:38] Moonsword134: Valeria blinks, that minor fact having escaped her mind for the moment, and shakes her head as she palms her face, groaning slightly.
[22:38] WillCoon: "You'd be surprised, Valeria. It's often easier than dealing with a reasonable person."
[22:39] Moonsword134: Valeria raises one marble-white eyebrow.
[22:39] WillCoon: Skein looks around at the camp.
[22:39] Moonsword134: "And has the fact that Hailey and I are not quite... normal... Dragon-Blooded escaped your mind, Skein?"
[22:40] Moonsword134: "A dogmatic Immaculate is not likely to take those differences in stride."
[22:40] WillCoon: He looks between the campfire and the hilltop. "Shall we move away from camp? Clear the atmosphere a bit?"
[22:40] FrivYeti: Sarasa nods. "A bit of quiet wouldn't hurt to clear our thoughts."
[22:41] WillCoon: "Of course, like a rolling boulder, it would be unwise to stand it its way. The secret is to help it start rolling in the first place, so that it can be directed."
[22:42] *** FrivYeti has left the chat.
[22:42] DonovanTz: Sounds good to me. ::She walks in silence with the group:: In a similar point to Valeria's...the Arbiters assumed we were some sort of Wyld spawn. If our presence has not been shared, is it not possible that Mela's Bounty may feel
[22:42] DonovanTz: the same way?
[22:44] WillCoon: DonovanTz: Sounds good to me. ::She walks in silence with the group:: In a similar point to Valeria's...the Arbiters assumed we were some sort of Wyld
[22:44] WillCoon: spawn. If our presence has not been shared, is it not possible that Mela's Bounty may feel the same way?
[22:44] Wakoid2: "They may not be able to tell," Tiger said, having just exited his tent and catching up, a small sheaf of papers under one arm. "The Arbiters seemed to detect our
[22:46] Wakoid2: nature of not being from Creation itself through charms or some other essence method. Something tied to their Loom. Since I doubt the Daimyo or his people would have access to that..."
[22:46] DonovanTz: If they don't rely on the Arbiters, I don't know if it's safe to say they lack the capability.
[22:47] DonovanTz: I am probably being overly cautious. ::She reaches down and scritches Amaranth about the ears::
[22:48] Moonsword134: "It's also possible that they simply have vast quantities of iron and decently-trained troops," Valeria points out.
[22:49] FrivYeti: "Beyond preparing for hostility, is there anything we can do to reduce the risk of being attacked as fae? Wear iron prominantly?" Sarasa is looking thoughtfully over the camp.
[22:50] WillCoon: "As for Valeria and Hailey," muses Skein as he passes through the last tents and moves up the incline, "Surely the most significant factor is your Exalted blood, not your appearance?"
[22:50] Moonsword134: "I think so. So do most within the Haven," Valeria replies in her usual soft whisper.
[22:50] Moonsword134: "As I said, a dogmatic Immaculate may not be so inclined."
[22:51] Moonsword134: She raises an eyebrow. "I understand Fruitful Contemplation and my father had some... interesting... discussions regarding my apperance when I was born."
[22:52] DonovanTz: ::Hailey removes her helmet:: While that may be the case for Valeria...I do not look the part ::As she speaks her wavers between a few shades of soft lavender, almost lumenescent in the star light::
[22:52] Wakoid2: "That would be possible," Tiger said to Sarasa. "A simple iron pendant would do if we did such." He drew a knife from a small sheath on his belt, revealing its iron blade. "That or bearing some weapons of such."
[22:52] Moonsword134: Jerking her head towards Hailey, she adds, "I am given the impression that Hailey's appearance
[22:52] WillCoon: "Not a bad suggestion, Lieutenant."
[22:52] FrivYeti: "Thank you, sir."
[22:54] WillCoon: "Yes, these are complications to be dealt with."
[22:55] Wakoid2: "Taking a route that brings us across several towns would help as well, I believe. Some that would not support a strong enough military strength to be able to attack us immediately should they receive
[22:55] Wakoid2: the wrong impression, but able to have people travel ahead and spread word of our presence and that we are not Fae"
[22:56] WillCoon: "Have you considered... it might be advantageous to have a specialized Immaculate advisor."
[22:57] Moonsword134: "And where are we going to find such a one?" Valeria's whispered voice says as she looks into the fire.
[22:57] WillCoon: "For our purposes? One of us should do nicely."
[22:58] Moonsword134: Valeria blinks and looks at Skein sharply.
[22:59] WillCoon: "Just in case it comes up. Don't you think that would put them at ease? Even if our branch of the faith is somewhat... archaic, by their standards."
[23:00] FrivYeti: Sarasa frowns slightly. "None of you quite appear to be priests..."
[23:00] FrivYeti: "Begging your pardon."
[23:01] Wakoid2: "And even so it might end up bringing into play the Daimyo's fanaticism towards the form of the Immaculate Way he follows. We would possibly be spared attack for one reason, only to have another."
[23:02] Moonsword134: Valeria nods.
[23:02] DonovanTz: I think the iron pendants would perhaps be the best means at our disposal.
[23:02] DonovanTz: Maybe we could even flaunt our status a bit
[23:02] WillCoon: "It's not particularly specialized knowledge that the situation calls for. Mela's Bounty's faith is bound to differ in terms of the minutae.
[23:02] WillCoon: But we have the knowledge to serve such a role - and we want to demonstrate that the faith has survived."
[23:03] Moonsword134: Valeria's dubious expression regarding Skein's idea is quite expressive.
[23:04] Moonsword134: Shaking her head, she looks at Hailey. "Do we have such trinkets or do I need to find a forge and melt down my dagger?" she asks, pulling one of the iron blades she carries.
[23:04] WillCoon: "Do not misunderstand me. I am not suggesting that we deceive them into believing us priests. Only that we present a face that is appealing to them."
[23:04] Wakoid2: "The dagger will do, I believe," Tiger says to Valeria.
[23:05] WillCoon: "Yes, we should be displaying iron prominently... but not too much of it. Enough to make our point, not so much that we appear to be trying to make it."
[23:05] Moonsword134: Valeria shrugs and returns the knife to its sheathe.
[23:08] FrivYeti: Sarasa nods again. "Should my couriers be travelling immediately with you, or hanging back?"
[23:08] WillCoon: "If you all think it unwise to emphasise our Immaculate training.. I will not press the point."
[23:08] Moonsword134: "With us, I think," Valeria responds, wondering why Sarasa seems so calm around her.
[23:10] Wakoid2: "I think that revealing it upon questioning, but not forcing the matter, much as you suggested for the iron," Tiger replied. "And yes... for the main journey you should stay, though possibly need to hang back
[23:11] FrivYeti: "Very good, sir."
[23:11] Wakoid2: if an encounter looks like it might escalate. Enough to still come provide support if needed, but also be able to evade if a message would need to be sent about hostilities back to the base camp."
[23:11] FrivYeti: For the first time since the meeting started, Sarasa smiles faintly. "I don't know how much help we'd be if you couldn't handle it, sir, but definately."
[23:13] Wakoid2: Tiger nods. "You know your capabilities better than I do, obviously, so I'll trust your judgement if such an occassion arrises."
[23:20] DonovanTz: So we will head in a direct line to the city....Do we want to try and run into patrols and make our presence known well ahead of arrival?
[23:23] Wakoid2: "That was rather my intention by passing by, or possibly through, some towns on the way," Tiger said. "We don't know what routes the patrols take, so we'd either have to slow to try
[23:23] DonovanTz: (He made a lake, pissed of a lesser elemental dragon, flooded half of sijan, and ruined trade on the Yanganaze? river(the one that great forks, nexus, and the like sit on)
[23:23] Wakoid2: and encounter them on purpose, or just hope for luck that we would do so."
[23:24] DonovanTz: If you'd like us to run into a patrol, I can most certainly arrange for it to happen.
[23:25] WillCoon: "Yes, that could certainly be beneficial... let our reputation precede us."
[23:29] Wakoid2: "While a patrol would likely get word out about us quicker, there's a decent chance that they'd be more agressive to begin with..."
[23:31] WillCoon: "Possible. We'll want to arrange the situation to make a good impression, if possible."
[23:32] DonovanTz: My thought being that a patrol would see us, attempt to figure out what we are, then report back. IF we approach the patrol as a sign of good faith...
[23:34] DonovanTz: The patrol would perhaps even escort us back to Mela's Bounty
[23:34] WillCoon: "We will want to ensure we see them first. If they simply observe and report, it might be wise to have our banners alight when they see us. So long as we can arrange some justification."
[23:34] WillCoon: "That would be quite useful, indeed."
[23:34] DonovanTz: What more justification do we need than the trurth? We don't want to be mistaken as enemies, so we approach openly
[23:35] FrivYeti: "Don't forget, sir, that we know the other Dragon-Blooded living in the area are considered enemies. Flaring banners might be taken wrongly."
[23:35] Moonsword134: Valeria glances at Sarasa and nods, smiling wryly.
[23:37] WillCoon: "Perhaps. So long as they are accomidating, I am sure that will work fine. Otherwise... we certainly don't want to antagonize them, but..."
[23:38] WillCoon: "No, never mind. If it falls into place, so much the better."
[23:38] DonovanTz: What's your ideal situation, Skein?
[23:38] Moonsword134: Now, Valeria's smile turns slightly... predatory... as she turns back to Skein. "I suspect that if they are hostile, we can arrange a... demonstration... of why we are not easy to intimidate or subdue."
[23:40] WillCoon: Skein nods. "It almost makes one wish for an attack by wild fey..."
[23:40] WillCoon: "Allowing us to keep our 'demonstration' as safe as possible for our audience."
[23:41] Moonsword134: "Perhaps. Or, say, Errant Tiger and I could spar," she suggest, smiling as sweetly as she can manage as she leans against the spar of jade she terms a 'staff'.
[23:42] DonovanTz: Proffesional soldiers would not engage in such frivolous behavior while on a mission, Val. We'd be giving the wrong impression.
[23:42] WillCoon: "... That would be a sight."
[23:42] Wakoid2: Sighing, Tiger shook his head. "Unfortunately, none of that we can plan on. We travel to the capital by a straight route, passing those towns we come across. If we run into a
[23:43] Moonsword134: Valeria shrugs. "It would get the point that we are Dragon-Blooded, and skilled warriors, across in a rather spectacular fashion."
[23:43] Wakoid2: patrol, so be it, and we'll handle it then. We're not going to look for them, however."
[23:44] DonovanTz: But not that we are a professional and respectable military unit.
[23:45] Moonsword134: Valeria nods.
[23:46] DonovanTz: It would appear Tiger has settled the route. What happens when we get there?
[23:49] WillCoon: "We will want to arrange an audience, and present ourselves. I imagine such as Mela's Bounty might find our Haven a desirable ally, because of what we represent."
[23:50] DonovanTz: What can we do to make your task easier in such a situation?
[23:51] Moonsword134: "Other than keeping me out of the room," Valeria comments dryly.
[23:51] Moonsword134: "My presence might prove... stressful... for some," she adds, shrugging.
[23:52] FrivYeti: "Perhaps Lieutenant Valeria would prefer to remain with the couriers, in case of trouble? I know it might ease their minds to have an Exalt onhand."
[23:54] Moonsword134: Valeria raises an eyebrow, glancing at Sarasa. "Provide aid in case of trouble, certainly. Ease their minds?" she asks rhetorically. "I rather doubt that, Lieutenant. Many tend to find being in my company... disturbing."
[23:54] WillCoon: "We will want to represent the capabilities of the Haven appropriately. I think that we are capable of fielding this number of Exalts might be enough to impress them sufficiently.
[23:55] DonovanTz: What about gifts or tokens of goodwill? Is that something we should look into or will it give the wrong message?
[23:55] WillCoon: In any case, each of us should be careful to present a pleasing mien. We want them to be the ones desiring an alliance."
[23:55] FrivYeti: Sarasa smiles faintly. "With due respect, Lieutenant, my scouts are used to half-day patrols through the Wyld. They have grown used to seeing past the surface."
[23:56] Moonsword134: Valeria smiles faintly. "Perhaps I should spend more time in their company, then."
[23:56] Moonsword134: Glancing at Skein, she comments, "I'll try but 'pleasing' is not something I've often heard used to describe my presence."
[23:57] WillCoon: "It's an idea. But what do we have to present them with?"
[23:57] WillCoon: "I'm quite sorry, Valeria. I'll try to use it more often."
[23:57] Wakoid2: "Nothing that would be useful as a gift to the leader of an entire country, I don't believe..."
[23:58] Moonsword134: Valeria blinks, not entirely sure how to respond to that.
[23:58] DonovanTz: Isn't the value in the gesture not the gift?
[23:58] Moonsword134: Valeria shakes her head at Hailey's question.
[23:58] Moonsword134: "No. As little practice as I have at social grace, Hailey, I know better than to think that."
[23:59] Moonsword134: "Gifts can be seen as something other than generous," she continues.
[23:59] Moonsword134: "If we presented him with a few coins, for instance, it would not be taken properly, I expect."
[00:01] WillCoon: Skein smiles at Valeria. "The art of gift-giving is a complex one indeed. We want to maintain our authority, but not to insult him."
[00:02] Moonsword134: She nods politely.
[00:02] FrivYeti: Sarasa considers. "I can check with the quartermaster, and see if we have something appropriate. He may already have considered such."
[00:02] DonovanTz: Certainly a diplomat of Skein's caliber could increase the value of such a gesture? For instance, the message could be "we do not have much, but we will share what we have."
[00:03] Wakoid2: "If we do not have much, why would he want to go into alliance with us then?"
[00:04] WillCoon: "The trick, as in many arts, is to make clear that what is hidden is far greater than what is revealed."
[00:05] DonovanTz: You prove why I'm not the dipolmat, Tiger.
[00:05] WillCoon: "We want to suggest our puissance, but not to detail it. Do we have some resource that they lack?"
[00:05] WillCoon: Skein lets the question hang.
[00:05] FrivYeti: "A large number of Dragon-Blooded?"
[00:06] DonovanTz: Reality Engines?
[00:06] WillCoon: "Precisely. Now we need only to consider how to emphasize that."
[00:07] DonovanTz: ::Hailey thinks for a moment:; What about blood? We are closer to the source of the older lineages...
[00:07] FrivYeti: "Do we have any small artifacts of jade that are not required?"
[00:07] Moonsword134: "No," Valeria answers sharply.
[00:07] WillCoon: Skein blinks. "What exactly are you considering, Hailey?"
[00:07] Moonsword134: Valeria looks at Hailey. "Yes. Please, do tell."
[00:08] DonovanTz: ::Hailey seems slightly confused by the question:: That we could use our lineage to our advantage...what did you think I met?
[00:08] DonovanTz: (meant)
[00:08] Moonsword134: "There were several different ways to interpret it," Valeria points out.
[00:09] DonovanTz: ::she blushes for a moment, her hair cycling through a riot of color:: i didn't mean suggest we offer our people as breeding stock...