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Revision as of 19:35, 24 April 2006

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Story Five: Spirit-Exiles of the Western Ocean

Story Duration: 21st of Resplendant Water to 26th of Resplendant Water

Story Summary: The characters voyaged to Farakhu, who informed them that his beloved had been kidnapped, and he couldn't send his usual agents to find her. The group agreed to help, without discussing rewards. On their way to the Archipelago of the Exiles, where the kidnappers had gone, they stopped at the court of Sikanaru the Storm Mother, and learned that the kidnappers were a trio of sirens who had been abused and mistreated by the Storm Mother. Akee Limit Broke, and the rest of the group began desperately trying to keep him from destroying everything.

In the Archipelago, the group ran across an Immaculate temple, and learned to their shock that it was secretly a bastion of Infernalism. The shock magnified when the young Second Circle Demon patron of the cult, Akianshi, asked the characters for guidance! Bereft of a connection to Malfeas due to her strange birth (see Session 1), the demon-child believed that the characters were demonic Anathema, because that's what she was told. The group put off deciding what to do about her and left, promising her they'd be back.

Eventually, they tracked Farakhu's beloved Amarel to the Island of Broken Masks, where she was being held.