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(*Summary of the second RP session of the Mistrealm Chronicle)
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Revision as of 16:51, 4 June 2005

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The Second Session: Out of the Frying Pan...

As the session began, the stranded characters discussed their options. While Sydney, exhausted, caught a quick nap, Alberon and Taran agreed that they had to scout out the immediate area, and that it couldn't hurt to stay together for the moment. They were interrupted, however, by a man sitting in a tree, who the two could have sworn wasn't there before. A thoroughly mystifying conversation ensued, in which the man managed to avoid giving very much information away, saying only that this was the kingdom of Taranel, the group should probably claim to be from Boranel if they didn't want nasty questions to be asked - people just didn't walk out of the Mist - and that a man named Caralak would be very upset that they were around; this seemed to amuse the man in the tree. Alberon realized that the man was a Dragon-Blooded, but before the group could press further, he smiled at them and vanished from sight. Unable to find him, they woke Sydney, gave him a rough explanation of what had happened, and headed north.
After a short journey, the trio found themselves in the town of Reed, a small town on the southeastern outskirts of the kingdom. The people of Reed assumed that the three were Mistwalkers, an occupation which apparantly involved searching the Mists for treasure, and greeted them warmly enough. After getting themselves a room, the group visited the local temple, discovering that it was dedicated to a god named Saren, lord of nature. They managed to get a brief description of the local gods from the priest, and Alberon convinced him to lend the group his holy book, promising to return it by post-courier as soon as they reached Taranel and got a new one.
After a nice rest, during which Sydney and Taran both slipped out to explore the countryside (and the 'town'), the group got started heading north the next day. On the road, they were stopped by a large group of men on horseback, wearing brown and red. Identifying themselves as the Chosen, the leader of the men asked the three if they had seen any strange people coming out of the Mist; apparantly, demonic servants of the Golden Lord had been seen in the region by the Great God Caralak, and he had sent his Chosen to destroy them. Talking (and thinking) quickly, Alberon managed to convince the group that the three were nothing more than they appeared (no mean feat with a tattooed, cat-eyed woman in the mix), and sent them south, to look in the area south of Reed. Wiping their brows at having narrowly dodged THAT bullet, the three continued north, to Taranel.

After a little over a day's travel, the three found themselves in the capitol city of the kingdom. A city of over thirty thousand people, Taranel was larger than either Sydney or Taran had seen before; Sydney was awed, and Taran faintly amused. Alberon, being used to the streets of Yu Shan, was unimpressed. The three entered the city, and their first stop was a printers', where they found a working printing press - a rarity in the world, but apparantly not uncommon here in Taranel. At the printers', Alberon bargained for a number of holy books, in order to better understand his culture, and Taran was forced to admit that she had never learned to read. With this latest information-gathering challenge overcome, the three prepared to head to the nearest inn, in order to plan their next move...