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Creation is filled with the Martial Arts, and it is said by some that thousands of styles exist, or at least have existed. Secret techniques, hidden masters, and secluded dojos abound, alongside popular and common styles taught on every street corner. On the Blessed Isle, such styles are always variations of the Five Glorious Dragon Paths, but in the Threshold, there are as many unique branches as stars in the sky.

The Immaculate Martial Arts

The following five styles are the five dominant Styles of the Realm. While variants of them exist, they are the baseline from which such variants are forged, and must remain so. All variant Martial Arts legally practiced by the Dynasts of the Realm must spring from one of these five Styles; each Style has four subsidiary Styles based on the other four Virtues which are legal. Any other variant is not allowed.
There are also rumoured to be Blasphemous Dragon Styles, which use a Vice in place of a Style's Virtue. It is even whispered that a mad savant once found a way to invert Willpower to create a twisted Earth Dragon Style. If these Styles exist, they would be considered heresy of the worst kind, and actively sought out for destruction.
The five Styles are as follows:

Air Dragon Style - Thrown, Dexterity, Conviction, Athletics, Stealth
Earth Dragon Style - Brawl, Strength, Willpower, Resistance, Integrity
Fire Dragon Style - Melee, Wits, Valor, Dodge, Presence
Water Dragon Style - Brawl, Stamina, Temperance, Larceny, Lore
Wood Dragon Style - Archery, Perception, Compassion, Medicine, Occult

Martial Arts Of The Threshold

The following are five more sample Styles of Martial Arts that might propagate through the Threshold, along with short histories of their developments and spreads. They can be used as a springboard for future Styles.

Wolf Pack Style - Brawl, Dexterity, Valor, War, Survival
Graceful Dolphin Style - Melee, Charisma, Compassion, Sail, Investigation
Proud Peacock Style - Brawl, Composure, Conviction, Performance, Socialize
Poet's Pen Style - Melee, Intelligence, Temperance, Linguistics, Awareness
Cunning Centaur Style - Archery, Manipulation, Valor, Ride, Larceny

Finally, four examples of the dark Martial Arts practiced by less savory members of the world of Enlightened.

Wise Demon Style - Brawl, Perception, Cruelty, Crafts, Lore
Hungry Ghost Style - Brawl, Strength, Indulgence, Occult, Resistance
Stinging Hornet Style - Melee, Manipulation, Treachery, Bureaucracy, Investigation
Plague Wind Style - Thrown, Stamina, Cowardice, Medicine, Socialize