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== Traits ==
== Traits ==
Characters in Enlightened use traits that are primarily identical to those present in Exalted: Second Edition. However, a number of modifications have been made to certain traits, for a variety of reasons. All of these changes have been outlined below.
For the most part, this game uses the same Traits as Exalted: Second Edition. Any changes will be noted below.
=== Attributes And Abilities ===
All Attributes are identical to Exalted Second Edition.
The Martial Arts Ability is renamed Brawl, so as to keep a distinction between it and Martial Arts. 'Martial Arts' weapons from the Second Edition corebook may only be used with melee; brawling aids may be used normally.
=== Backgrounds ===
The following Backgrounds are identical to those in Exalted: Second Edition.
Allies, Backing, Contacts, Familiar, Influence, Reputation (as per Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded), Resources.
In addition, characters have access to the following Backgrounds.
Followers: This gives large numbers of extras and non-heroic mortals that work for the player. These characters should have a 5,4,3 Attribute spread, and any number of relevant Abilities at 2. Alternately, a character may take half the number of Followers listed below (round up), and give them relevant Abilities at 3, with up to three Specialties spread around their abilities. Numbers are as follows: <br>
0 - Up to 5 Followers. <br>
00 - Up to 25 Followers. <br>
000 - Up to 100 Followers. <br>
0000 - Up to 300 Followers. <br>
00000 - Up to 1,000 Followers. <br>
=== Attributes ===
A character may purchase this Background repeatedly.
Physical and Mental Attributes are identical to those in Exalted: Second Edition. However, the Appearance Attribute has been replaced by the Composure Attribute, which functions as follows:
Henchmen: This grants skilled mortal servants. Each servant is bought as a seperate Background. <br>
0 - A skilled mortal. 6, 4, 3 Attributes, 21 Abilities, 5 Virtues, 3 background dots. Standard Willpower. 5 freebies. No Attribute or Ability may be raised above 3.<br>
00 - A very skilled mortal. 6, 4, 4 Attributes, 24 Abilities, 5 Virtues, 4 background dots. Standard Willpower. 10 freebies. No Attribute or Ability may be raised above 4.<br>
000 - A servant who is highly skilled and useful. 6, 5, 4 Attributes, 25 Abilities, 5 Virtues, 5 background dots. Standard Willpower. 15 freebies. No Ability may be raised above 4. Freebies may be used to buy Awakened Essence, Knacks, or Charms.<br>
0000 - A servant as skilled as the player. 7, 5, 4 Attributes, 27 Abilities, 5 Virtues, 7 background dots. Standard Willpower. 18 freebies. Freebies may be used to buy Awakened Essence, Knacks, or Charms.<br>
00000 - A servant more skilled than the player. 7, 6, 4 Attributes, 30 Abilities, 5 Virtues, 8 background dots. Standard Willpower. 24 freebies. Freebies may be used to buy Awakened Essence, Knacks, or Charms.<br>
Henchmen gain 1 experience for every 2 experience gained by their player.
Composure is a combination of a character's ability to portray a straight face, ignore distractions, and generally keep themselves under control no matter what they might be feeling. A character with high Composure is not immune to fear or surprise, but they aren't going to show it. <br>
The Artifact background is bought as per Exalted: Second Edition. However, artifacts in Enlightened are less powerful; treat any Artifact from the Exalted main line as being 1 dot higher than it actually is, and add a strange Drawback to it (see Understandings for more details). Anyone can commit to artifacts, but 'magical material' bonuses are granted based on the style of the Artifact, rather than literal construction.
<b>Trait Effects:</b> Someone with Composure 1 wears their heart on their sleeve. Someone with Composure 3 will usually walk away the winner in a poker game. Someone with Composure 5 will seem perfectly calm even as they flee in terror from an unholy abomination that is devouring their entire home.  
=== Abilities ===
Finally, the Locus background gives the character access to a Locus. This Background will be fully detailed at a later date.
For the most part, Abilities in Enlightened are identical to those in Exalted. However, the Martial Arts Ability is renamed Brawl, so as to keep a distinction between it and Martial Arts. Characters may only use unarmed attacks or brawling aids with their Brawl ratings.
=== Virtues, Intimacies, and Willpower ===
== Virtues and Vices ==
Virtues are identical to Exalted: Second Edition, as are Intimacies and Willpower.
The four Virtues are identical to those in Exalted: Second Edition. However, a character may also choose to take Vices instead of a Virtue.
=== Essence ===
There are those who are hard, lacking in the Virtues that make up a hero. And then there are those who are despicable. People who indulge in behaviours that others find grotesque at best, horrifying at worst. These people can draw a twisted power from their dark natures - an effect reflected by the Vice system.
Essence begins at 1 for all player characters. Characters may not raise Essence past 3 without either a year of training or fulfilling their Motivation. No character may ever raise Essence past 5 without living for 100 years. No character may ever raise Essence past 6 under any circumstances. Note that, as a rule, Essence is only used by thaumaturges, martial artists, and avatars; no one else is liable to raise it ever.
=== Developing a Vice ===
As a character's Essence raises, it fortifies their bodies and souls. Because of this, a character's aging rate is slowed so that they only age one year every (Essence / 2, rounding up) years. This continues to slow as they age.
In order to develop a Vice, a character must first either have a Virtue at 1 dot, or reduce a Virtue at 1 dot. Reduction may be done once per session, by roleplaying contrary to a Virtue and spending 1 XP.
All characters have an Essence pool equal to (Essence x5) + (Willpower x2) + (Sum of Virtues). Most people, however, never actually use their pools.
When a character is at 1 dot in a Virtue, she may spend 5 XP, 3 bonus points, or one of her starting Virtue dots in order to create a Vice opposed to that Virtue. The four Vices are Cruelty (Compassion), Treachery (Conviction), Indulgence (Temperance) and Cowardice (Valor). Once purchased, a Vice may be raised as though it were a Virtue.
=== Kismet ===
If a character decides to remove a Vice, dots in a Vice may be removed exactly the same as dots in a Virtue. When the character has reached 1 dot in a Vice, she may spend 5 XP to remove it forever, returning to the Virtue.
In addition to the raw power of Essence, there is a more subtle force at work in Creation. Kismet represents the degree to which Fate intervenes in the lives of heroes, and the degree to which heroes shape their own fate. Kismet begins at 1 for all player characters. Characters may not raise Kismet past 3 without fulfilling their Motivation.  No character may ever raise Kismet past 6 under any circumstances. All Heroic characters have Kismet 1 or better. Non-heroic characters do not have Kismet.
=== Effects of Vices ===
Kismet determines the power of some Knacks, as well as Kismet pool and recovery. In addition, Heroic characters add their Kismet to their pool when determining Dodge and Parry DV.
Vices have three effects on a character: <br>
Characters also have a temporary Kismet pool. Temporary Kismet is equal to (Kismet x3) + (Willpower) + (Highest Virtue x2).
First, a character with a Vice may never raise her related Virtue above 1. In addition, whenever forced to make a roll for that Virtue, she automatically fails it. <br>
Secondly, Vices may be channeled as though they were Virtues. A character has a number of Vice channels equal to her rating in the Vice, and adds her Vice in dice to the roll. Vices may be channelled when commiting any act that the related Virtue would normally have to be failed in order to do. In addition, a Vice may replace Virtues to determine Essence pools.
=== Essence and Kismet Bonuses ===
Finally, Vices force the character into obscene behaviour. Characters with a Vice rating must fail Vice rolls in order to do anything that their related Virtue would normally aid in; for example, a Cowardice character must fail Cowardice rolls to respond to insults, face danger, or defend others.
The powers of Essence and Kismet work to keep characters alive, either through reinforcing themselves or through the vagaries of chance. Either way, as their Traits rise, they gain new benefits. When consulting the following table, use only the higher of Essence or Kismet.
Note: As a rule, player characters with Vices are unlikely to be very effective, and have a decent chance of being murdered by their fellows; as such, Vices should be considered carefully in PC play, and unless the PCs are opponents of each other, a character should definately not have more than one Vice. Characters may not begin play with more than two Vices, and if they choose Vices, they must still have one Virtue or Vice rated at 3.
(Trait) 1: Characters resist poison and disease as Exalts do. <br>
(Trait) 2: Characters with (Trait) 2 heal at twice the rate that mortals do.<br>
(Trait) 3: Characters with (Trait) 3 have lethal soak equal to half their Stamina.<br>
(Trait) 4: Characters with (Trait) 4 heal as Exalts do. <br>
(Trait) 5: Characters with (Trait) 5 soak lethal damage with their full Stamina, as well as soaking aggrvated damage with half Stamina (round down). <br>
(Trait) 6: Characters with (Trait) 6 may raise their Attributes and Favoured Abilities to 6. <br>

Revision as of 17:28, 4 June 2007

Back to The Enlightened


For the most part, this game uses the same Traits as Exalted: Second Edition. Any changes will be noted below.

Attributes And Abilities

All Attributes are identical to Exalted Second Edition.

The Martial Arts Ability is renamed Brawl, so as to keep a distinction between it and Martial Arts. 'Martial Arts' weapons from the Second Edition corebook may only be used with melee; brawling aids may be used normally.


The following Backgrounds are identical to those in Exalted: Second Edition.

Allies, Backing, Contacts, Familiar, Influence, Reputation (as per Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded), Resources.

In addition, characters have access to the following Backgrounds.

Followers: This gives large numbers of extras and non-heroic mortals that work for the player. These characters should have a 5,4,3 Attribute spread, and any number of relevant Abilities at 2. Alternately, a character may take half the number of Followers listed below (round up), and give them relevant Abilities at 3, with up to three Specialties spread around their abilities. Numbers are as follows:
0 - Up to 5 Followers.
00 - Up to 25 Followers.
000 - Up to 100 Followers.
0000 - Up to 300 Followers.
00000 - Up to 1,000 Followers.

A character may purchase this Background repeatedly.

Henchmen: This grants skilled mortal servants. Each servant is bought as a seperate Background.
0 - A skilled mortal. 6, 4, 3 Attributes, 21 Abilities, 5 Virtues, 3 background dots. Standard Willpower. 5 freebies. No Attribute or Ability may be raised above 3.
00 - A very skilled mortal. 6, 4, 4 Attributes, 24 Abilities, 5 Virtues, 4 background dots. Standard Willpower. 10 freebies. No Attribute or Ability may be raised above 4.
000 - A servant who is highly skilled and useful. 6, 5, 4 Attributes, 25 Abilities, 5 Virtues, 5 background dots. Standard Willpower. 15 freebies. No Ability may be raised above 4. Freebies may be used to buy Awakened Essence, Knacks, or Charms.
0000 - A servant as skilled as the player. 7, 5, 4 Attributes, 27 Abilities, 5 Virtues, 7 background dots. Standard Willpower. 18 freebies. Freebies may be used to buy Awakened Essence, Knacks, or Charms.
00000 - A servant more skilled than the player. 7, 6, 4 Attributes, 30 Abilities, 5 Virtues, 8 background dots. Standard Willpower. 24 freebies. Freebies may be used to buy Awakened Essence, Knacks, or Charms.
Henchmen gain 1 experience for every 2 experience gained by their player.

The Artifact background is bought as per Exalted: Second Edition. However, artifacts in Enlightened are less powerful; treat any Artifact from the Exalted main line as being 1 dot higher than it actually is, and add a strange Drawback to it (see Understandings for more details). Anyone can commit to artifacts, but 'magical material' bonuses are granted based on the style of the Artifact, rather than literal construction.

Finally, the Locus background gives the character access to a Locus. This Background will be fully detailed at a later date.

Virtues, Intimacies, and Willpower

Virtues are identical to Exalted: Second Edition, as are Intimacies and Willpower.


Essence begins at 1 for all player characters. Characters may not raise Essence past 3 without either a year of training or fulfilling their Motivation. No character may ever raise Essence past 5 without living for 100 years. No character may ever raise Essence past 6 under any circumstances. Note that, as a rule, Essence is only used by thaumaturges, martial artists, and avatars; no one else is liable to raise it ever.

As a character's Essence raises, it fortifies their bodies and souls. Because of this, a character's aging rate is slowed so that they only age one year every (Essence / 2, rounding up) years. This continues to slow as they age.

All characters have an Essence pool equal to (Essence x5) + (Willpower x2) + (Sum of Virtues). Most people, however, never actually use their pools.


In addition to the raw power of Essence, there is a more subtle force at work in Creation. Kismet represents the degree to which Fate intervenes in the lives of heroes, and the degree to which heroes shape their own fate. Kismet begins at 1 for all player characters. Characters may not raise Kismet past 3 without fulfilling their Motivation. No character may ever raise Kismet past 6 under any circumstances. All Heroic characters have Kismet 1 or better. Non-heroic characters do not have Kismet.

Kismet determines the power of some Knacks, as well as Kismet pool and recovery. In addition, Heroic characters add their Kismet to their pool when determining Dodge and Parry DV.

Characters also have a temporary Kismet pool. Temporary Kismet is equal to (Kismet x3) + (Willpower) + (Highest Virtue x2).

Essence and Kismet Bonuses

The powers of Essence and Kismet work to keep characters alive, either through reinforcing themselves or through the vagaries of chance. Either way, as their Traits rise, they gain new benefits. When consulting the following table, use only the higher of Essence or Kismet.

(Trait) 1: Characters resist poison and disease as Exalts do.
(Trait) 2: Characters with (Trait) 2 heal at twice the rate that mortals do.
(Trait) 3: Characters with (Trait) 3 have lethal soak equal to half their Stamina.
(Trait) 4: Characters with (Trait) 4 heal as Exalts do.
(Trait) 5: Characters with (Trait) 5 soak lethal damage with their full Stamina, as well as soaking aggrvated damage with half Stamina (round down).
(Trait) 6: Characters with (Trait) 6 may raise their Attributes and Favoured Abilities to 6.