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* The Four Roots
* The Four Roots
* The Six Branches
* The Six Branches
* The Twelve Boughs
* The Four Boughs
* The Crowns of the Okomban
* The Crowns of the Okomban

Revision as of 05:23, 10 February 2009

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The Okomban

In ancient times, when the Primordials ruled Creation, hundreds of species walked the world, each with their own natural capabilities and limitations. Many of them became the favored people of one Primordial or another, basking in the glow of their regard. The Okomban were of these races. In their prouder days, they were the favoured children of one of the Primordials - history does not tell which one. They walked the pathways of the North, forming a thriving kingdom that built upon itself and grew rich. Naturally reclusive, they did not seek danger, but when the Primordial War came they rose to do battle on behalf of their patron. Tens of thousands of Okomban warriors gathered together and marched forth, banners waving and weapons ready to do battle.

Four days out from their city, the army met the Lunar Exalt known as Mizina Teresh, who was in the process of withdrawing human civilians from the fray. Alone and unarmed, she did battle with the Okomban. And they died.

Mizina Teresh never bothered to follow the warriors back to their home city. She did not consider them a threat. As the war raged on, the remaining Okomban fell into rage and paranoia, and tried to close their city off against any who might come after them. They began to train in combat, and they began to seek to improve themselves. They hardened their hearts and studied their powers until, as the war approached its end, they had made themselves into a force that could do battle with the Exalted.

And then, as they gathered their forces to march out once again, one of the final battles of the war took place within a few miles of them. The ground shook, and the winds howled, and the Primordial known as Adrien died. And in her death, even as she began to reform, her wrath and pain scourged the landscape, and the cities of the Okomban fell into ruin. Millions of them were killed as the land broke around them, simple victims of being in the area. The greatest of them tried to lead their people deep, below the reach of the dying Primordial. They were successful, to a degree - fewer than ten thousand of the Okomban survived the end of the War.

In the millenia that followed, the Okomban dug deep and far. They once again rebuilt themselves, streamlining themselves and preparing for war. They met with the Mountain Folk, and took technologies and Manses from them by force, forging a redobut deep under the Earth. And always they kept their eyes facing upwards, telling tales that one day they would be prepared for war. It took over four thousand years of careful work, always patiently avoiding the notice of the Exalted above. When the Solars fell, the Okomban rejoiced, and began to wait, confident that the world above would tear itself apart. A million strong, they prepared for war.

And then came the Contagion, and the Okomban were no more immune than any others. They fell by the thousands, and panic swept their lands. Matters grew worse as the tunnels melted into the mists of chaos, and the Fair Folk rode in. The Okomban made war on the Fae, and killed them as they rode in, but there were always more, and they despaired of survival. But somehow, once again, they survived. Close to ten thousand Okomban survived what they had expected to be the end of the world. And as before, they turned inwards, to improve and thrive again.

Now, the world trembles again, and the Okomban wonder. Time and again, they have avoided destruction by the narrowest of margins. Will they finally have the revenge that they crave, or will the Time of Tumult finally sweep their race away?

Lives of the Okomban

  • Okomban physical traits and appearance
  • Okomban Culture
  • Cities of the Okomban

Magic of the Okomban

  • Overview
  • The Four Roots
  • The Six Branches
  • The Four Boughs
  • The Crowns of the Okomban