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IRL Date: May 9th, 2005 <br>
=== Session One: Threads Tangle ===
Date: 25th of Resplendant Earth<br>
The session begins with the Exalts settling in to Zeretan. On one side, Didi has set up her shop, and Akee has gotten himself work at the docks. Penu attempts to join him, but inadvertantly upsets the dockmaster through his comments and is resigned to stable work ((OOC: First botch of the game didn't take long...)). On the other side, Inari has set up in her own residence, and while Hayyoth is out training, she begins to research her first local assignment: the assasination of Lord Jared Wulian, head of one of the minor houses of Zeretan. Lord Wulian seems to have upset the Guild, and Inari begins to find out what she can about him. <br>
Didi receives a mysterious visit from a man seeking strange ingrediants for an occult ritual. Unfortunately, she fails to realize what they are ((OOC: Another botch. Yikes.)), and dismisses the matter. Inari, meanwhile, discovers that Lord Jared's servant, Jacob, has been seen heading into the harbour frequently. Very odd. She trails him, and, posing as a fellow servant, learns that he is gathering a wide variety of occult ingrediant from various shops. When she happens to encounter Didi, the occultist recognizes the ingrediants, when combined, as being used for birth (or calling of things into the world), summonings, and the calming of the denizens of Malfeas. This worries Inari even further, and she decides to talk to Hayyoth about this 'dangerous demon summoner' before continuing, just in case. <br>
It also worries Didi, who gets Penu and Akee as they come off work, and sets off in search of the 'servant girl' who was looking after Jacob. Their search takes them to an occult shop in Stormside, where Inari and Hayyoth are trailing another servant of Lord Wulian as he gathers the final ingrediants. Due to Inari's new disguise, Didi fails to recognize her, and she and Hayyoth begin to move again. After some mucking about, Penu finds the trail, realizes that it is the same girl, and he, Didi, and Akee begin to follow in pursuit ((OOC: Yay for 8 successes on an Investigation roll is all I can say)). <br>
The trail leads the servant to an alley, where he talks briefly with a young tough. The tough spots Didi and Hayyoth, and as the servant hurries off, calls out to them, wondering what they're doing here so close to nightfall. As he speaks, he is joined by three thugs, and three more thugs escort a tall, heavily cloaked man behind the group. The tough seems intent on scaring the heroes off, but as Inari taunts the cloaked figure, it snarls in rage, yells "No more talking!", and lunges forwards. As its cloak flutters off, the group sees to their shock that it is a blood ape, a dangerous demon! As the demon lunges towards these 'unprotected' mortals, the thugs desperately move to cover its attack. <br>
Six seconds later the fight is over. Hayyoth leaps up with lightning speed, drawing his naginata in a swift motion, and tries to lop its legs off. Inari draws her sanxian strings, lashing the beast's back with its razor edges. Penu covers the team, leaping up from hiding and firing three arrows into the thugs behind the leader, killing them all, as Didi leaps up, ricochets off the wall, and forces two more thugs back onto the defensive as she snaps her warfans open. Akee charges forwards as well, forcing the leader to defend himself from his blows. <br>
Then Hayyoth leaps onto the shoulders of the blood-ape, bringing his naginata's spiked base down five times in rapid succession. Each hit scores more fully, and he leaps off as the beast falls dead. The thugs, overcome with fear, break and run. Inari, thinking quickly, whips out her sanxian strings, entangling the leader and drawing a thin line of blood across his cheek. He surrenders immediately, and the group (including him) agree to get out of the area before the guards arrive. <br>
Back at Didi's shop, the leader, a man named Thran, is questioned. It turns out that he is hired muscle for Lord Wulian, and that the blood ape is sent along on important missions. Lord Wulian has been doing strange rituals every two or three months for some time now, and Thran didn't think that there was anything different about this one - but he's not in the lord's inner circle. Didi tells him to stay away from people like Wulian in the future, and he rapidly agrees, still concerned for his life. The group agrees to let him go, as long as he stays quiet, and he agrees to that as well. They do.<br>
An argument then breaks out about what to do next. Inari and Hayyoth are planning to break into Wulian's manor and kill him, but they don't think they need Didi or her friends to do it, and that the three will slow them down. As such, they depart, making their own preparations. After they leave, Didi, Akee, and Penu agree to also try to break into the mansion, by way of the town's sewers. They are hopeful for their chances...
Quote of the night: "And if the guards come to investigate the fire [a theorized fire at Lord Wulian's mansion], and Lord Wulian is dead from fire-related khatar wounds, that's okay." - Akee Sambo

Revision as of 06:32, 29 June 2005

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Back to FrivYeti/Zeretan

IRL Date: May 9th, 2005

Session One: Threads Tangle

Date: 25th of Resplendant Earth

The session begins with the Exalts settling in to Zeretan. On one side, Didi has set up her shop, and Akee has gotten himself work at the docks. Penu attempts to join him, but inadvertantly upsets the dockmaster through his comments and is resigned to stable work ((OOC: First botch of the game didn't take long...)). On the other side, Inari has set up in her own residence, and while Hayyoth is out training, she begins to research her first local assignment: the assasination of Lord Jared Wulian, head of one of the minor houses of Zeretan. Lord Wulian seems to have upset the Guild, and Inari begins to find out what she can about him.
Didi receives a mysterious visit from a man seeking strange ingrediants for an occult ritual. Unfortunately, she fails to realize what they are ((OOC: Another botch. Yikes.)), and dismisses the matter. Inari, meanwhile, discovers that Lord Jared's servant, Jacob, has been seen heading into the harbour frequently. Very odd. She trails him, and, posing as a fellow servant, learns that he is gathering a wide variety of occult ingrediant from various shops. When she happens to encounter Didi, the occultist recognizes the ingrediants, when combined, as being used for birth (or calling of things into the world), summonings, and the calming of the denizens of Malfeas. This worries Inari even further, and she decides to talk to Hayyoth about this 'dangerous demon summoner' before continuing, just in case.
It also worries Didi, who gets Penu and Akee as they come off work, and sets off in search of the 'servant girl' who was looking after Jacob. Their search takes them to an occult shop in Stormside, where Inari and Hayyoth are trailing another servant of Lord Wulian as he gathers the final ingrediants. Due to Inari's new disguise, Didi fails to recognize her, and she and Hayyoth begin to move again. After some mucking about, Penu finds the trail, realizes that it is the same girl, and he, Didi, and Akee begin to follow in pursuit ((OOC: Yay for 8 successes on an Investigation roll is all I can say)).
The trail leads the servant to an alley, where he talks briefly with a young tough. The tough spots Didi and Hayyoth, and as the servant hurries off, calls out to them, wondering what they're doing here so close to nightfall. As he speaks, he is joined by three thugs, and three more thugs escort a tall, heavily cloaked man behind the group. The tough seems intent on scaring the heroes off, but as Inari taunts the cloaked figure, it snarls in rage, yells "No more talking!", and lunges forwards. As its cloak flutters off, the group sees to their shock that it is a blood ape, a dangerous demon! As the demon lunges towards these 'unprotected' mortals, the thugs desperately move to cover its attack.
Six seconds later the fight is over. Hayyoth leaps up with lightning speed, drawing his naginata in a swift motion, and tries to lop its legs off. Inari draws her sanxian strings, lashing the beast's back with its razor edges. Penu covers the team, leaping up from hiding and firing three arrows into the thugs behind the leader, killing them all, as Didi leaps up, ricochets off the wall, and forces two more thugs back onto the defensive as she snaps her warfans open. Akee charges forwards as well, forcing the leader to defend himself from his blows.
Then Hayyoth leaps onto the shoulders of the blood-ape, bringing his naginata's spiked base down five times in rapid succession. Each hit scores more fully, and he leaps off as the beast falls dead. The thugs, overcome with fear, break and run. Inari, thinking quickly, whips out her sanxian strings, entangling the leader and drawing a thin line of blood across his cheek. He surrenders immediately, and the group (including him) agree to get out of the area before the guards arrive.
Back at Didi's shop, the leader, a man named Thran, is questioned. It turns out that he is hired muscle for Lord Wulian, and that the blood ape is sent along on important missions. Lord Wulian has been doing strange rituals every two or three months for some time now, and Thran didn't think that there was anything different about this one - but he's not in the lord's inner circle. Didi tells him to stay away from people like Wulian in the future, and he rapidly agrees, still concerned for his life. The group agrees to let him go, as long as he stays quiet, and he agrees to that as well. They do.
An argument then breaks out about what to do next. Inari and Hayyoth are planning to break into Wulian's manor and kill him, but they don't think they need Didi or her friends to do it, and that the three will slow them down. As such, they depart, making their own preparations. After they leave, Didi, Akee, and Penu agree to also try to break into the mansion, by way of the town's sewers. They are hopeful for their chances...


Quote of the night: "And if the guards come to investigate the fire [a theorized fire at Lord Wulian's mansion], and Lord Wulian is dead from fire-related khatar wounds, that's okay." - Akee Sambo