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Back to FrivYeti/Shogunate

Strength  O             Charisma     OO         Perception   OOOO
Dexterity OOOOO         Manipulation OOO        Intelligence OOO
Stamina   OOO           Appearance   OO         Wits         OOO

Linguist  O             Awareness    OO         Athletics    OO
•Lore     O|O           Craft Wood   O          •Dodge       OOOo 1
Occult    O|O           •Integrity   O|O        Melee        O|
•Stealth  OO            Resistance   O          Presence     O|
Thrown    O|            War          O|         Socialise    OO|  1

Bureauc.  O|OO          •Archery     OO|OO 1    Archery - Firearms   OOO
Invest.   O|            •Medicine    OOOO  3    Medicine - Diagnosis OOO
Larceny   O             •Performance O|         Dodge - Charm Use    OO
Martial   O|            •Ride                   Stealth - Wilderness OO
Sail                    •Survival    OOO

| indicates manditory minimums
O indicates starting level dot
o indicates purchased dot
1234 indicates associated excellency
• Favoured/Aspect Ability

Essence OOOO            Willpower  OOOOOO
Valor   O               Temperance OOO
•Duty   OOO             Guidance   OO
Personal 12             Peripheral 31/27        Additional Mote Recovery 2
Total XP 111            Spent XP 87             Banked XP 24

Aurum focuses on his work, but also makes time to work with his staff on their professional/personal lives. While he values duty and self-control above all else, he recognizes that many of his staff are not quite so strong willed as that. Directed by his guidance virtue, he often tries to counsil his staff to come to the correct conclusion on their own by planting ideas. He believes this encourages them to think on their own, rather than rely on him. At the same time, this is also an avoidance strategy; Aurum dislikes conflict.

Intimicies      -Grandfather Kyris, Hiraga Aylis, Blueglass, The Maiden of Renewal Hostpital
Join Debate     4, Dodge MDV 6, Parry MDV 2

Join Battle 4, Dodge DV 6/8, Parry DV 5, Knockdown 4, Stunning 3
Soak 6Ord/4P L, 7Ord/4P B, 6 A  Hardness 2/2

-0 •
-1 •••
-2 •••
-4 •
 I ••••

Backing OO| - Maiden of Renewal Hostpital, Blueglass (See also intimicies)

Breeding OO| - Family decended from muddied Shogunite blood

Resources OO|O - Perfected Short Spear, Target Shield

Connections O - Hundred years out-of-date connections within the Triumphant Lions

Artifacts OOO - Jade concussive essence cannon, Wound Mending Needles, Jade Breastplate, Perfected Boots, Bulbs of Demise and Renewal, Collar of Ocean's Cleansing Salt

Manse O - The Maiden of Renewal is built on top of a low-powered wood manse to encourage healing. Manse produces a level 1 Stone of Healing (See also intimicies)

Ally O - Circlemate from time with the Lions, Hiraga Aylis (see also intimicies). Alyis is a military person of interest near Blueglass, and helps oversee local operations.

Retainers O - Retainers are primarily in charge of home upkeep, and stay out of sight as much as possible. Aurum is quite solitary, and does not like to be fussed over by staff. He would choose not to have staff at all, were it socially acceptable to do so. Aurum retains a cook and a housekeeper.

Reputation O - Aurum has a reputation as an excellent hospital administrator and doctor (See Duty). He is also known for giving wise and insightful counsel, when asked (see Guidance).

Mentor O - Aurum's grandfather is quite ancient, but he has also followed Aurum's carrier with great interest. While as an elder he is quite busy, he has ocassionally provided useful guidance and direction to Aurum. Aurum took up medicine as a carrier largely because of his Grandfather's recommendation to do so.

Connections OO - Aurum has connections amoung the Most Refined Censors of Sextes Jylis. His hospital's lisence to practice medicine is granted by this organization.

Charms - Starting
Stealth         Distracting Breeze Meditation
               Trackless Passage Style
Integrity       Unsleeping Earth Meditation
Resistance      Ox Body Technique
Dodge           Threshold Warding Stance
               Hoping Firecracker Evasion
               First Dodge Excellency
Socialize       First Socialize Excellency
Archery         First Archery Excellency
Medicine        Infection Banishing Touch
               Disease Banishing Technique
               Madness-Analyzing Stare
               Wound Closing Touch
               Purity of Mind Method
Charms - Purchased
Dodge           Safty Amoung Enemies
Bureaucracy     Confluence of Savant Thought
Medicine        Third Medicine Excellency