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"Hey, Bryce. Why the long face?"

Bryce looked up, startled out of his thoughts, as a shadow passed between him and the sun. He grinned when he saw the young woman standing before him. Dressed in a simple dress, she stood above him, her hair catching the sun's light in a golden halo as it filtered through her curls. A slim, smiling face looked down, and green eyes glittered with surpressed mirth. Rising to his feet, he bent over to give her a quick kiss. "Hello to you too, Amanda. Sorry, I was just thinking."

"About Adar, right?" Bryce sighed, and Amanda nodded thoughtfully, her expression growing more serious. "He'll be alright, Bryce. He just... needs time." She didn't look convinced, and Bryce snorted.

"It's been over a week and a half, and he hasn't woken up yet. And there's no sign of the monster that did it." He sat back down again with a groan. "They found another one of those weird patches of dirt along the road, the burnt ones, but that's it." His thoughts turned towards the gloomy again, and he thought back over the last week and a half. Concealing his Solar nature had been stunningly easy; no one had questioned his tale of what happened, and Brewan hadn't been conscious enough to remember it. On the other hand, Bryce found himself using his Charms in general situations, and that worried him. Despite his Immaculate training, he had faint memories of the First Age. He didn't feel like a demon, or like a demigod. He just felt like him - a bit stronger, with new capabilities, but essentially still Bryce.

On the other hand, he knew that the monsters out there were more dangerous than anyone was giving them credit for, and it was partially his fault. Part of him wanted to just go to his father and admit the truth, but he couldn't stand to abandon his home and life - something that he knew he would have to do. Instead, he had been spending much of his free time looking for the serpent, to finish things. He hadn't had any more luck than the patrols.

"I know." Amanda sat down next to him. "I'm not allowed into the valley without an escort, now." She smiled impishly. "And I need to get some herbs for dinner tonight. You're not on duty right now, are you?"

Bryce blinked for a moment, brushing an errant strand of hair as he turned to look at her. "Do I qualify as the proper escort?"

"You know, Mother didn't say." Amanda's smile was infectious, and Bryce found himself joining in. He thought about spending a day alone in the woods with her, and nodded.

"Alright, then. It would be downright rude of me not to allow you to collect your herbs, wouldn't it? Just let me grab my spear. You never know."

"I certainly wouldn't want you to be without your spear." Bryce blinked, and blushed for a moment,as he hurried off. Amanda chuckled, and then sat down, kicking the dirt idly.

"Afternoon, Amanda." Amanda glanced up as Redman and Lani approached. The fishmonger's daughter was wearing a travelling cloak, and Redman was kitted out.

"Oh, hello, you two. Just got back in town?"

Lani nodded, looking a bit faint. Amanda pitied the poor girl; she had been pining quietly after Adar for months now, to the gossip of the town and the near-total obliviousness of the guardsman involved. Amanda had finally begun dropping hints to Adar, and had thought that he might be getting the picture, but then the disaster had happened.

Redman nodded as well, solemnly. "We were at the garrison."

Lani nodded, her brown eyes reminding Amanda of some poor lost dog. "I was just there looking in on Adar, and Redman offered to escort me back to town." She sighed, looking on the verge of tears. "He's so quiet, he barely even breathes."

Amanda walked up to Lani and placed her hand on her shoulder. "Lani, he'll get better. Come on, it's Adar. He's not going to lie about forever."

Lani chuckled sadly, and nodded. "I hope not. It's just that..." She broke off as Bryce approached, and nodded. Redmond did so as well, and Bryce smiled.

"Afternoon, you two. Amanda, I'm ready when you are."

"Are you two heading out?" Redman raised an eye slightly. "Better keep an eye out, Bryce. That thing might want seconds."

"I'll be fine. We're just heading into the woods for herbs." Bryce smiled, and Redman nodded. "Anyway, no one else has found that thing. Why would I?"

"Makes sense. See you two later." Turning, Redman nodded to Lani before heading down the street towards his house. Lani stayed, watching the two. Bryce nodded to her, and took Amanda's hand.

"Take care of yourself, Lani. We'll see you around."

"You too, Bryce, Amanda." As the two walked away, arm in arm, Lani watched them go. The expression on her face was unreadable. After a few moments, she appeared to come to a decision, and started on her own path through the town.

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