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== Archived Thoughts ==
#REDIRECT Willows/Archive
;<b>25/12/2003:</b>Merry Christmas, or Happy Hanukkah, or in any case Celebrate Giving Gifts and Eating Fancy Food!  I'm going to work on consolidating my house rules and making [[WillowsInfernal | Infernals]] a little neater.
;<b>10/12/2003:</b>Names for the other sig. Infernals:
::/ShatteringHibiscus - Blasphemous by Adorjan
::Orchid Consuming Guardian - Unclean by Kimbery
::Unfettered Sky - Wretched by Cecelyne
::Ourun Grieving Diamond - Deciever by Thari
:Names from Alabrax's generator, voidstate's generator, and Shattering Hibiscus from myself.
;<b>1/12/2003:</b>Starting to work on Signature Infernals.  First on the platter is /ChwenScreamingCurses, Forsaken by Oramus.  These characters aren't likely to be baseline-level; I'm going to describe them with Charm inventories first, and get to stats later.
;<b>24/11/2003:</b>Neph is right.  Write a couple hundred Charms, and they start coming unbidden to your mind.  I'm hardly a third of the way into Infernals, and I have ideas coming out of the woodwork at me.  Sword-Drawing Stance? Innermost Doubts Approach? The whole taxonomy of Independent Actions?  This stuff is driving me up the wall with the need to write (and Ikselam, that doesn't excuse you from posting your content).  I'm going to go and write on the Truth of Luna now.
;<b>5/11/2003:</b>I saw Matrix: Revolutions yesterday.  It was a two-hour <nowiki>fight/chase</nowiki> scene.  There was like no plot, which disappointed me, because in Reloaded they raised a lot of interesting Nobilisesque issues about the government of the programs, which totally make me think of a sort of dystopian vision of the Celestial Bureaucracy where you get killed rather than fired.  Unfortunately, they didn't explore any of that; they just had fighting in the rain so we could see Neo make shockwaves in the air (you can totally see shockwaves in clear air, too... hosers) and a lot of DBZ-like flying.  Bah.  On the bright side, we got to see a lot of machine creatures, which are interesting because they're each a hybrid of at least two things that people find upsetting (squiddies: squid plus spider.  Tentacles and many eyes.  Ugh.)
== Archived Comments ==
Woo.  I just had a few minutes to actually browse through the Wiki this morning (usually I really only have enough time to sneak off pasting a .txt file while my boss is off :-D ) and I had a chance to read some of your Infernal work.  You're fleshing it all out very well, if I may say.  I'm excited to see what's next. - [[Balthasar]]
:Thanks!  Today I was sitting around composing some Socialize Charms, so I think those are the ones coming up today. - FourWillowsWeeping
If I put all my links up at the top, no one would ever read my musings, now would they? ~_^ - [[Ikselam]]
Just wanted to say, I have some demon ideas, but not sure how to impliment. If you show up around the irc, I'd love to hand them off to you. I'll be sure they'll be used if good then. ^_^ - [[haren]]
I'd love to try my hand at that Lexicon thingie.  -[[Dim]]
:Likewise. - [[Quendalon]]
::Good, good!  I'll start up something soon, but I want to wait for a week or two.  I'll keep on updating with news, of course. - [[willows]]
If you need extra time to finish the part, it should be okay to give yourself a couple days' extension. It might actually work out better if you did this, since it would keep [[Dim]] from having to write two parts at once. - [[Ikselam]]
:02/03/04: re: [[WBM]]. You clearly do need extra time to finish the part. I don't have a problem with this (see above), but please put some kind of notification in the queue so that observers will have a clue what's going on. - [[Ikselam]]
::You are correct; I have updated the WBM mainpage reflecting current status.  Thanks for reminding me... I've been writing but not telling folks stuff! - [[willows]]
2/8: Status of [[WBM]] part? If you don't think you can realistically complete it in the next day or two, I suggest just posting what you have so far, assuming it's in reasonably coherent form. - [[Ikselam]]
:Status: I am stuck on the one last scene I want to add before I turn it over to Dim; it's rather shorter than the other two segments, but I didn't want to do too much with the things I set up, and at the same time hoping someone will have something cleverer to do with them than what I came up with. - [[willows]]
Hey, where'd you put the Lunar DBT alternatives?  I can't seem to find them anymore. - [[Quendalon]]
:<i>They're still in his [[FourWillowsWeeping/IdeaPile|idea pile]].</i> - [[Jabberwocky]]
::Thanks! - [[Quendalon]]
Hey willows.  Don't mean to be a pain, but I was wondering if you would mind completing your Lexicon entry soonish?  Also, if you're still an active player, would you mind voting in the little voty thing?  Thanks :)\\
~ [[Shataina]]
Willows, I just wanted to say thank you kindly for reorganising the [[Discussions]] page. Its a <b>vast</b> improvement; the page is actually usable now! Thanks a bunch! ^_^ -- BrokenShade
The Elemental Bolt picture is pretty neat. Nice tie-in with Wood's Archery schtick. Both pictures obscurely remind me of Rider-Waite tarot illustrations.\\
Cool, Tarot! Thanks for the thoughts. - [[willows]]
Hey Willows.  Umm ... I don't really know how to say this ... and I really don't want to be rude ... and I have read your disclaimer on top of this page.  But I was just wondering if maybe you could try to be a little nicer when you're commenting around the Wiki.  This isn't meant as an insult, it's just that you're frequently uncivil (to say the least), and although you do have a disclaimer, it doesn't seem as though you try very hard not to be.  It's upsetting to read even when I'm completely outside the argument, and I was just hoping you could try to tone it down.<br>~ [[Shataina]]
Hey, Shataina, don't worry about being rude. You're consistently one of the most polite and constructve posters on the Wiki, and we notice and appreciate it. I'll give it a shot! Still don't like it when people misread me to try and make their points, though. Just feels incredibly insulting and dishonest to me. - [[willows]]
Thank you.  I'm so glad I didn't offend you.  Also, wasn't trying to make direct points about specific arguments, although I can see why it would look that way.  :) Thanks again.<br>~ [[Shataina]]
I wasn't certain if you were, but I ''am'' certain that it's precisely that thing that sets me off. Cheers! - w
Thanks for the shoutout (yay!) ... although I'm sort of confused ... you think we don't always see eye to eye?  Is this a hint about me being too inoffensive and failing to articulate my points?  <grin><br>~ [[Shataina]]
There are few people who I always, unreservedly, agree with. - w
Fair enough.  By the way, that was the fastest response I've ever seen to a wiki comment, ever.<br>~ [[Shataina]]
You are so cool for actually writing a [[Lexicon]] entry!  And after all this time, too.  Yours were always particularly awesome and this is no exception.  :) <gratuitous flattery> If I knew you at all I'd send you a cookie or something, but take this happy note as a mark of my excitement.<br>~ [[Shataina]]
Thanks! I saw the note on your UserPage and thought, "Hey, Lexicon was fun back then." So, I'm going to try and write up an entry every now and then(: - w
Question: at some point I came under the impression that you started the [[Lexicon]] over here, but I can't remember how.  Did you?  People ask me about it sometimes and I'm not sure if I'm giving them false information or not.  I told [http://gamegrene.com/wiki/Lexicon_games this interesting new Lexicon group called Ghyll] that you did and updated their description of ExaltedWiki's Lexicon, so I figured I could kill two birds with one stone -- informing you so that you can change the description if you want and finding out if I'm lying to everyone. :)<br>~ [[Shataina]]
Yeah, I did. It caught my attention at one of the Nobilis Wikis...the one that did the 500 Lost Years (read this Lexicon! It is awesome) and thought it'd be great to do the same thing over here. I'm really glad it's been as successful as it has. - [[willows]]

Revision as of 04:22, 5 June 2006

  1. REDIRECT Willows/Archive