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Revision as of 17:04, 24 April 2008

5 1/2 feet long, 3 feet tall, 175 pounds
S/D/S 2/4/3
P/I/W/W 2/2/2/3
Dodge DV 4
Soak 0L/3B
Health 0x1/-1x1/-2x2/-4/I
Kick: 2/2/2B/1
Athletics 2 (Run +1. Jump +2), Awareness 2, Dodge 1, Integrity 1, Investigation 1, Martial Arts 1, Presence 1, Resistance 3, Survival 2
Impalla have a short glossy tan coat covered by a red saddle. It has a white underbelly and markings around the eyes. An impalla's horns, found only on the male, are heavily ridged, lyre shaped and grow to 3 feet long. Like gazelle, impalla stott as well. They live in herds of up to 200 on the wooded savannahs of the Southeast.