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Revision as of 17:06, 24 April 2008

7 feet long, 4 feet tall, 350 pounds
S/D/S 2/3/3
P/I/W/W 2/2/2/3
Dodge DV 3
Soak 0L/3B
Health 0x1/-1x2/-2x2/-4/I
Kick: 2/2/3B/1
Athletics 2 (Run +3), Awareness 2, Dodge 1, Integrity 1, Investigation 1, Martial Arts 1, Presence 1, Resistance 3, Survival 2
A topi's coat is reddish to purple with black patches on its face, upper forelegs, thigh and hips with yellow legs. Both genders have ringed lyre shaped horns reaching 21 inches. They live in mixed herds of up to 40 on the open grasslands, chiefly in the Southeast, and actively intermingle with herds of other types of animals. Often they serve as lookouts standing on termite mounds and alert all herds to danger.