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The Player of Dangerous Games

The Player of Dangerous Games is a handsome young man who appears in all corners of Creation, frequently on his way out of a party. He has an easy smile, and a mop of pale grey hair that defies all attempts at control. He usually wears some sort of dishevelled formal gear and can frequently be found in the company of beautiful women (and men) and in the possession of some sort of local alcoholic beverage. He is especially fond of daiquiris.

The Player is easygoing and relaxed, and always unruffled no matter how crazy things get. He doesn't look for trouble: it just sort of happens in his wake.

Concept: International Man Of Mystery
Nature: Jester

Strength 3
Dexterity 3
Stamina 3
Charisma 4
Manipulation 4
Appearance 4
Perception 3
Intelligence 2
Wits 4

Compassion 3
Conviction 3
Temperance 1
Valour 3

Brawl 2 (improvised weapons +1)
Melee 1
Thrown 2
Athletics 3
Awareness 2
Dodge 4
Larceny 5
Stealth 5
Performance 2
Presence 4 (cool under fire +3)
Survival 1
Bureaucracy 1
Linguistics 5 (Old Realm, Oceantongue [native], Riverspeak, High Realm, Low Realm, Flametongue)
Ride 1
Sail 1
Socialise 4 (cool under fire +3)
Investigation 4 (blind luck +2)
Lore 2
Medicine 1
Occult 1

Contacts 5
Mentor 2 (Plentimon is his father, but Plentimon's power is only exceeded by his capriciousness)
Resources 3

The Player is able to warp chance with only a minor amount of concentration. All he needs to do is pick an event with a reasonable degree of chance that he wants to influence (e.g. the roll of a die, or some aspect of combat) and roll his Essence (2 dice). If he succeeds, things go his way. The die comes up in his favour, his enemy slips and falls, etc. If he fails, the event goes badly. He loses everything due to a freak die roll, or his enemy trips towards him, adding extra impetus to the blow. Final results are up to the GM. (This is a dice action rather than a simple action, but can only be used once per turn.)

Also, the Player has an uncanny tendency to show up wherever things are about to get messy. It is unknown whether he causes chaos and upheavals simply with his presence, or if he is merely drawn to these things by some aspect of his heritage. Either way, he gets around a lot.

Finally, the Player is always ready to adapt to new circumstances. In game terms, this gives him a humungous bonus to initiative in combat. He usually uses this head start to duck neatly behind the nearest solid cover.

Combat Stats

(All including magical materials bonuses, where approproiate)

Base Initiative: 17
  Punch: Spd 17, Atk 5, Dmg 3B, Def 5
  Kick: Spd 14, Atk 4, Dmg 5B, Def 4
  Thrown Knife: Spd 17, Atk 5, Dmg 5L, Rate 3, Range 15
Dodge Pool: 7
Soak: 3B/1L/0A
Willpower: 6
Health Levels: -0/-1/-1/-2/-2/-4/Incap
Essence: 2

An array of concealed throwing knives, a slightly dishevelled version of whatever the local formal clothing is, and some sort of cocktail.