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Latest revision as of 04:36, 19 January 2005

Name: Anduvalia
Caste: Endings
Nature: Savant
Anima: Violet colours
Concept: Paradox Hunter
Faction: Gold
XP Left/Total: 0/0

Strength 2, Charisma 2, Perception 3
Dexterity 5, Manipulation 2, Intelligence 4
Stamina 2, Appearance 3, Wits 4

2, Awareness 3, Bureaucracy 2, Craft 1, Dodge 3, Endurance 1, Investigation 3, Larceny 1, Linguistics 2, Lore 3, Martial Arts 3, Medicine 1, Melee 5, Occult 3, Presence 1, Resistance 1, Socialize 1, Stealth 3, Survival 1

Artifact 3(Starmetal Reaper Daiklaive, Starmetal Collar of Dawn's Cleansing Light)
Celestial Manse 3(Gemstone of Perfect Passage)
Connections 1(Threshold)
Salary 2
Savant 3
Sifu 2

The Corpse 1, The Crow 1, The Rising Smoke 2
Journeys: The Messenger 1
War: The Spear 1

2, Temperance 3, Conviction 3, Valour 2
Willpower 6
Essence 3
Personal 12
Peripheral 34/28

Health Levels -0*1, -1*2, -2*2, -4*1, Incapacitated

Merits and Flaws</b>

Prior Warning(6m)
Enduranc: Unswerving Juggernaut Principal(5m)
Martial Arts: Secrets of Future Strife(-)
Melee: Harmony of Blows(8m), Impeding the Flow(3m), Meditation on War(1m/die +1m/pen rem), Orchestration of Conflict(2m/tn), Serenity in Blood(5m, 1wp), Smiling at the Damned(5m), Perfection of the Visionary Warrior(10m, 1wp, 1HL)
Occult: Terrestial Circle Sorcery

Open the Spirit Door(15m, +5 per target)

Power Combat</b>
<b>Base Initiative
9, Soak 2B/1L/0A or 3B/4L/3A, Dodge 11, Mobility Penalty0 , Fatigue 0
Fist: Speed 9, Accuracy 9, Damage 2B, Defense 10, Rate 5
Starmetal Reaper Daiklaive: Starsinger Speed 18, Accuracy 14, Damage 8L, Defense 11, Rate 4

Though she does not look it, this slight, short girl with the silver hair is actually one of the Chosen of Saturn. Maybe 1.6m or 5'4" she is slim, dextrous, and almost seems to float as she moves. Light tan pants, tough soled boots, a dark blue undershirt, then her exceptionally crafted chain shirt with a light blue shirt overtop of it. She wears a light purple jacket, and dark gloves over her hands to keep her sword grip from getting sweaty. Her hair is in a short cut in no particular style, done by her own hand and with a natural silver colour. Her eyes have violet irises and if you look closely, hidden within her pupils are minute violet flecks. Around her neck is a gold scarf, which keeps her neck both warm, and hides her magic collar from prying eyes. At her right hip is her daiklaive, generally kept in a peace knot to unless she is expecting trouble. Her movements show her to be left handed instead of right.

For one of the Chosen of Endings, she smiles a lot. Perhaps it is because she is young still, or perhaps she has an inner enjoyment of life and Creation that will not be dulled by the tasks she is often assigned to. She was always apart from the other children as a child, and so doesn't talk too much, preferring the company of her own thoughts.

She was born to a kingdom south of Varsi, along the Grey Rivers. A place called Kesh. She was marked apart from birth, not by her social level, because she came from the common folk. Nor was it due to her looks, for she was average of look. No, there was nothing at all that set her apart, except that she was set apart. Her silver hair was an oddity, but in the magic world of the Scavanger Lands, not enough to set her apart. Her life was plain, boring, quiet, and alone. The one nice part of her life was a young boy who came once a season with his father as a trader. They were friends of her family, and she deeply loved the boy but nothing ever came of her affections. She did nothing to reveal them, and he did nothing to show his feelings for her.

She was 15 when the moment came. She had to make a choice. Her parents had been going through a run of bad luck. Her father wanted to move on, try their luck and fates in a new land. Her mother wanted them to stay. They argued for weeks before turning to her to let her decide since they could reach no descision. She felt they should move, their time in Kesh was clearly at an end, better to move on and try something new then stick to something that isn't working. The first step of a life of endings things whos time had pass was taken, and she was exalted.

The next day, as they began to pack, a learned sage approached them. He claimed that there house was at blessed spot and that here he would find his next pupil, to be the next keeper of his teachings. The parents were initially skeptical, but money and his calm manner, wise eyes and smooth tone convinced them to have their daughter go with him as a student. What parent doesn't want their child to become a wise savant afterall. She knew otherwise though, and saw in the mans eyes the truth of what he was. In a way, she had always known this day would come and went silently and without complaint with him into her new life.

Since she was born in the Scavanger Lands, the Gold Faction claimed her for their own faction and set to teaching her. Her mentor was Moyo, a truely ancient of the Sidereal. He had known her in her last life, they had been old friends and had sworn on her grave that in her next life he would personally see to her education. He was perhaps the third oldest of their people, and age was fast catching up with him. He also had a great deal of responsibility in the Bureau of Endings and while he did what he could, he only had so much time and so much life left in him. In truth, on the day she had finished her training and was ready to join as a proper servant of destiny, he died, perhaps having only remained alive to maintain his oath to an old friend.

So hunts paradoxs and solves them. It is her duty. The man who dies and doesn't, the girl who is married and leaves a man at the alter, the babe who is both born and dies in childbirth, these are the things she arranges an end to, these are the things she is sent to solve to help build her skills. On her first mission she met someone, someone that her superiors did not expect her to meet. The boy she once knew from those years ago. He too had changed, touched by a different Maiden of the sky altogether. The Maiden of the Moon, Luna. He helped her and she did not tell her superiors of it. Strangely on her next mission, leaving one of Heaven's gates he met her again, and helped. And then it happened again. Each time she did not tell her superiors, each time he somehow met her as she left.

Though she doesn't know it, one of her Bureau is addicted to the dreams of the Games of Divinity. One of Luna's court, feeds that addiction in exchange for information. This god in turn feeds it to the Lunar's who use the young boy to help her out and learn what he can of the Sidereals. She says little of what she does or her people, as does he, but the elders of the Silver Pact are patient and are willing to let things develop on their own...for now.

<b>Plot Hooks</b>

  • A lunar character might be the boy spoken of, and get used to learn something of what the truth of the sidereals is for the Lunar's.
  • Her superiors learn of what she has been doing and order her to cease, setting up a potential conflict where she must choose between her heart and her duty. If she disobeys, something more seriors will have to be done about it. Players might find themselves having to work to change her mind or even stop her from revealing things to her lunar friend.
  • A paradox has ended up giving his soul to the Yozi. This break in the proper order of things has given this person strange powers unknown of before. She has hunted this person for a month and now another group of Sidereals joins her to stop this deadly new menace.

== Comments ==