Difference between revisions of "FixTheSolarCharmTrees/FistsOfIron"

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Revision as of 17:31, 28 February 2004

Original Version

Morpheus' Version

Fists of Iron Technique \\

Cost: 1 mote\\ Type: Reflexive\\ Min Brawl: 2\\ Min Ess: 1\\ Prereqs: Ferocious Jab\\

Essence courses through the exalt's fists and arms, giving them the strength and resilience of iron. For the remainder of the round, or until the character's arm or fist encounters the unarmored body of another, whether through successfully parrying a barehanded attack, or making a successful attack, he may block lethal blows without a stunt, and his strikes do lethal damage.

BrokenShade's Version

Make the Charm reflexive, lasting for the remainder of the turn.

Vote Tally

Original Version

Nobody Yet

Morpheus' Version

  1. Morpheus
  2. SilverMeerKat

BrokenShade's Version

  1. BrokenShade
  2. Domon

So, I know this is a little unwieldy, but I never did think that this charm measured up as a second tier solar brawl charm. This way, you can still only make one successful attack with it, but it's not draining nearly as much essence to block melee. What do you guys think? - Morpheus

I'm not sure why you are weakening this Charm ... it already lasts until your initiative count in the next turn anyway. The only positive change seems to be making the Charm reflexive? -- BrokenShade

I guess I must've misread the charm. It was my understanding that it just affected one action. But I have no problem with it lasting a turn, in which case, you're right, it should be reflexive. - Morpheus