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Latest revision as of 17:35, 10 July 2005

Character for StalkerofShadows Nexus Mafia

Eran Cordera
Air Aspect Dragon Blooded
Nature: Savant
Aspect Abilities: Linguistics, Lore, Occult, Stealth, Thrown
Favored Abilities: Craft, Melee, Athletics
Languages: Low Realm, High Realm, Old Realm, Riverspeak


Melee OOO
Athletics OOO
Stealth OOO
Craft First Age Weapons OOOOO
Linguistics OOO
Occult OOOOO

Artifact OOOO
Manse O
Reputation O
Connections Industry O

Compassion OO
Conviction OOO
Temperance OO
Valor OO

Essence OOO
Personal 8/8
Peripheral 14/14 (True Max 22)
Willpower 5/5

Base Initiative 7
Soak 14B 9L 7A
Dodge Pool 8
Health Levels -0 []
-1 [][]
-2 [][]
-4 []

Cloud Breaker Speed 11 Accuracy 8 Damage 5L Defense 9
Elemental Bolt Speed 7 Accuracy 10 Damage 4L per mote, max 4m

Cloud Breaker (Blue Jade Short Daiklaive w/ Elemental Lens)
Spd+4 Acc+2 Dmg+4L Def+3 Commit 5 Artifact OO

Blue Jade Reinforced Buff Jacket (Concealed Plates)
Soak 7/10 Mobility-1 Fatigue 0 Commit 3 Artifact OO

Hardened Spirit Gemstone (slotted in Cloud Breaker)
+1 dice to Conviction rolls to recover willpower each day

[Lore Charms]
Elemental Bolt Attack (1m per 2L)

[Craft Charms] (+1m due to out of element)
Shaping Hand Style (2m)
Stone Carving Fingers Form (1m per cubic foot)
Perfect Climbing Attitude (1m)
Flaw Finding Examination (1m touch, 3m sight)

[Melee Charms] (+1m due to out of element)
Stoking Bonfire Style (1m per 2 dice)

[Athletics Charms] (+1m due to out of element)
Effortlessly Rising Flame (1m)
Falling Star Maneuver (1m per 2 dice)

[Dodge Charms] (+1m due to out of element)
Flickering Candle Meditation (1m per 2 dice)
Safety Among Enemies (3m)

Total XP Earned: 35
Current XP: 1
1 spent on Linguistics (O to OO)
3 spent on Linguistics (OO to OOO)
10 spent on Stoking Bonfire Style
10 spent on Effortlessly Rising Flame
10 spent on Falling Star Maneuver

Eran, or ‘Shivers’ as a few know him, is a young member of the circle, perhaps the youngest at 14 years. Despite his age, he is quite capable and very experienced in his trade.

Eran got his nickname when he was just starting to dabble in difficult essence manipulation – an experiment went awry, leaving him a body which twitched rather uncontrollably on and off for several months, and as a side effect after that, he never could ‘twitch’ the same way again, or shiver, for that matter. Even when absolutely terrified – and Eran isn’t that much braver than your everyman on the street – he doesn’t tend to jump or react that violently, so appearing more fearless than he really is. A reputation Eran doesn’t particularly care for, but works for him in the long run.

The boy’s trade is in magical artifact – crafting and maintaining them. Eran grew up in a family where both his parents were learned scholars and thuamaturges. Based in nexus, they were killed in a rash of random violence one night when a solar went supernova fighting off nexus’ guards and a local wyld hunt. Eran did his best to pick up his life and teach himself, but that incident trigged the beginning of his hatred for the anathema.

Now, Eran was young, but he had a girlfriend to lean on when his parents were lost to him. Her name was Farah Ruhan, just another citizen in nexus like he was. Farah exalted. Her circle came for her, and she left without saying a word. Seething hatred for the Solars turned into outright rage when Eran found out what happened, though he secretly still loves her, and wonders what happened to her after all these years. He just wouldn’t admit it to himself.

Eran carries two artifacts with him, both simple creations of his own make. The first, Cloud Breaker, is a short Daiklaive fixed with a slightly curved single edge blade fixed with an elemental lens that Eran uses to focus some of his charms. The Daiklaive isn’t very long – it’s less than 2 feet actually – and it’s easily hidden in his casual wear, which consists of a loose-fitting buff jacket fixed with hidden lightweight jade armor plates.