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Fair Folk Sword Charms by CrownedSun

Spike of Dissent

 Cost: 5 motes, 2 gossamer
 Duration: Instant
 Type: Supplemental
 Minimum Staff: 3
 Minimum Essence: 2
 Prerequisite Charms: Scourging Wind Raid, Unparalleled Terror Technique

The raksha throws a potent spike of dissent and disloyalty into the Wyld, leaving his foes scattered and alone, unable to coordinate themselves or work with others. Alone and powerless, they are easily cut down with the weapons of the staff. This charm enhances a Manipulation + Thrown shaping attack, doubling any Staff damage inflicted after soak is subtracted but before the pool is rolled.

When used against creatures with no Staff Grace, this charm functions as a work of glamour. The dissent-spike of gossamer lodges itself deep in the subjects Conviction-soul, poisoning his interpersonal relationships and slowly leaving him unable to stand up for anything or anyone. Every day, the target rolls his Conviction rating. On a success, there is no further effect. On a failure, the target looses one dot of Conviction (to a minimum of 1 dot), and one of his relationships is hopelessly ruined by strong suspicions and vibrant dreams of betrayal. The subject interprets every word or action in the worst possible way, and usually abandons the "traitor" over the next several days. Stunts or charms can overcome the paranoia this charm engenders for a short period of time, but until the effect itself comes to an end the subject's views of others will continue to erode without surcease. These individuals find themselves slowly sinking into a quagmire of social ostracism.

After one story, the targets' soul manages to excise the dissent-spike back into the natural essence of the world with no further ill effect. Conviction damage heals at a rate of one dot per year, and the character's slide into paranoia ceases (but does not reverse, without the use of stunts or charms). This charm is a work of Glamour, and targets whose Conviction + Essence is greater than the raksha's Manipulation are immune to its effects.
