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Aeryn Katriona, the Tide Breaker

Character Sheet
Character Image

See also: Aeryn's Family


Aeryn Katriona was the secondborn boy to Arslan Katriona, the Tri-Kahn of Chiaroscuro, and Altani Katriona, his first wife. Unfortunately when Aeryn was still little, she took up the grey and became a Dereth: someone who was born to one sex but professed to belong to the other and should be treated as such. To spare Aeryn many awkward moments growing up and to protect her from the vagaries of puberty she was castrated completely. When she reached the age of 11 she was put on a special diet of herbs and foodstuffs rich in estrogen to help feminize her body.

Unfortunately this was not the end of the Tri-Kahn's woes. While Aeryn was Dereth and thus a girl in the eyes of all Delzahn, she had a definite penchant for being a tomboy, much to the dismay of her older brother, mother and father. She was allowed this though, as she seemed very talented at martial things, specifically unarmed combat which she used to practice often with her brother Enqidai. Standing by your kin outweighing the traditional gender divide.

Aeryn was still schooled in diplomacy and bureaucracy, in an attempt to try and persuade her from her tomboyish activities. She displayed a knack for these as well, though again not quite in the way her parents had hoped.

When she came of age, Aeryn joined the Chiaroscuran navy. This relieved the Tri-Kahn and his family, because while she was away her behaviour would at least largely go unnoticed. Between her remarkable strength, penchant for leadership and martial prowess Aeryn was quickly assigned as a young officer on a ship run by a Dragonblooded captain who had been assigned there after embaressing his house in some debacle.

This went alright for a while. Aeryn could usually stave off the captain's recklessness and complete disregard for the mortals who served under his command. One day however the Dragonblooded captain had decided he had enough and would pay the price of a dead crew for the admiration of his house and promotion out of his backwater post. The captain had planned to sail his single ship against four known pirate vessels, anchored in a small bay. Aeryn objected fiercely, and the captain decided to make an example of his insolent officer.

Her torso was stripped bare and she was to be lashed a hundred times before being hung until death from the mast. As Aeryn bravely struggled against the first part of her death sentence punishment she could see the fear and resignation in the crew's eyes: they knew they were probably not going to live through this unless someone stopped the captain. Rage overcame her over her own punishment and the injustice this captain was going to commit towards his crew, in a burst of golden light she broke free of her chains, ripping them out of the deck. She blindly rushed the dragonblooded captain, caste mark of the Eclipse shining brightly on her forehead.

He barely had time to react and soon succumbed to Aeryn's furious attacks as she pummeled him again and again and again. The dragonblooded died a quite possibly miserable death, having every single both in his body broken while being flung around like a chewtoy by a raging solar, then beaten until death followed. While she saved the life of her crew and her own that day she still has vivid nightmares about the event, sometimes waking up in a cold sweat because of them.

She returned home with the crew after that. Many were relocated to other ships while a replacement crew was sought for the old one. The sailors owed Aeryn her life and swore never to speak of her exaltation, while six of them had become so loyal (five marines and one very talented commander) that they pledged an oath to stay with Aeryn for what she had done for them. The Tri-Kahn made sure whatever traces of his daughter's exaltation existed were hushed up properly so the Realm would never get wind of it. She was relieved of her service in the navy and given her own folding dunerunner boat - a hidden artifact that had long sat gathering dust in the Tri-kahn's treasury - and titled the Tide Breaker.

After this Aeryn started travelling around the world freely. Sometimes given tasks of running precious and sensitive packages or information for the Tri-Kahn and the Delzahn and occasionally as a political envoy. Most of the time though she was free to roam the world and find her fate. Which she did one day out in the West. They were anchored off a lush tropical island when Aeryn was summarily plucked off deck by a large tentacle. Pulled underwater by a lunar with a squid totem who figured he could use a good fight to brighten his mood.

Unfortunately for him, Aeryn proved more than a match for him using her solar charms and brawling prowess. Impressed with this Eclipse exalted, and partly to honor the old pacts, she and her crew were invited to stay on the island for a time. She was given a manse which she designed herself (see charsheet) and in the process discovered a pair of smashfists and god-kicking boots left there long ago, according to the lunar.

Aeryn has currently finished with most of her wanderlust and is back in Chiaroscuro. She has been assigned rather nice living quarters for her and her men in one of the less orderly parts of town and has taken the non Delzahn locals under her wing to protect them from local bullies and extortionists, and to keep a semblance of order in the small neighbourhood.

She normally keeps her orichalcum artifacts behind lock and key, hidden in a safe place, though makes sure to keep attuned to them. When not wearing her artifacts she instead opts to wear steel-toed boots, sometimes keeping her artifacts conceiled in a bag she carries with her.

As for her grey sash, indicating her as Dereth she keeps it tied around her waist. Although by her looks most would only know if they knew of the custom itself.