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Dreams of the First Age

Endless Chase's Dreams

Endless Chase's Dreams

Dreams of the First Age: Part 1

    *cue dream wibble*

You soar in hawk form, far above the stepped terraces of Meru, the center of Creation. Below you, you can see the spires of the Temple of the Sun, where the Solar Exalted have assembled to await the dawn, as they do every new year.

But this year is different.

The streets outside the temple are filled with the massed ranks of the Dragon-Blooded. Many of them are in warstriders, their enormous forms blocking out your view of many of the assembled soldiers. A good percentage of the remaining Dragon-Blooded are in Aspect Armor. They stand, without moving. Staring at the temple. Waiting.

You know why they are there. The Chosen of the Sun have bcome corrupt, betraying the mandate their have been given. They have lost the Mandate of Heaven and are no longer fit to rule. It has been debated among the Lunar Society's members endlessly, and you know that they are right. You will stand aside as the Dragon Blooded do what must be done, but you will not like it, or even enjoy it. You cannot.

Ruby is there, in the temple. She doesn't know what is coming--you haven't even seen her in almost five years. Alaethis warned her about what was coming months ago, but she didn't listen. It didn't surprise you. She has been affected by the corruption as well, though not as strongly as some. Shining Star immediately comes to mind, and her...experiments, but you push the thought away.

You almost stop circling as the discordant singing begins and the doors of the temple open, but you force yourself to watch. You watch as the Solars, their clothes aflame, come streaming out of the temple. You watch as the massed host of the Dragon-Blooded moves forward and brings its weapons to bear. You will mourn Ruby's fall, even if no one else will.

As the Dragon-Blooded move forward and begin to attack the burning Solars, the cry of a hawk fills the air above Meru.

    *end dream wibble*