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Alchemical Charisma Charms

Entrancingly Decandent Aria possessed an otherworldly beauty, but the viceroy would not be swayed. Despite her demure dress, and perfectly fixed hair, and eyes that glowed like the Maker's blue flame. Those eyes... time seemed to pause. He caught his breath, a second later, and she was gone, as were his authorization codes.

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Idiomatic Cohesion Instrument</b>
<b>Author: Josh Bain, Zach Bush
Installation Cost: 2 motes
Cost: 3 motes
Duration: One Scene
Type: Simple
Min. Charisma: 2
Min. Essence: 1
Prereqs: None

An Idiomatic Cohesion Instrument is a tiny nodule of burnished silver at the base of the throat; it allows the Alchemical to bypass spoken language entirely by creating a series of sounds that directly stimulate the communications portion of the brains of those around them. This sounds like an odd humming sound to the ear, by somehow those in the area, simply know what the Alchemical means. This is not a particularly sophisticated form of communication and cannot be used to perform great epics or the like, but it is sufficient for 'Two gold coins for your daughter', 'Look out' or 'Back off'. Alternatively this Charm can be activated in such a way as to communicate soothing (or riling) thoughts into the primitive minds of animals, allowing the Alchemical to take a number of automatic successes equal to their charisma score on any roll to control or manipulate an animal, including ride rolls. This Charm can only be used on regular living targets in either mode, the Fae, undead, etc are immune.

Dogmatic Calibration Governor</b>
<b>Author: Josh Bain, Zach Bush
Installation Cost: 1 mote
Cost: 5 motes
Duration: One Scene or Instant
Type: Simple
Min. Charisma: 3
Min. Essence: 2
Prereqs: Idiomatic Cohesion Instrument

This appears as a tiny nacelle like protrusion on the Idiomatic Cohesion Instrument, it allows the device to calibrate itself to the Essence patterns of exoteric creatures such as Fae, Undead, Spirits, or Elementals allowing communication in much the same way that the Idiomatic Cohesion Instrument allows the Alchemical to communicate with living beings. Alternatively it can be activated to assess the targets cultural and personal code of politeness and etiquette allowing the Alchemical to 'Fake' the correct approach. As such the Alchemical may find herself assuming a strange posture or talking with an odd cadence to her voice. When used in this fashion it adds a number of dice equal to the Alchemical's Charisma to any roll to negotiate or deal with such creatures.

Mesmerizing Sub-Harmonic Array</b>
<b>Author: Josh Bain
Installation Cost: 1 mote
Cost: 5 motes, 1 willpower
Duration: Instant
Type: Supplemental
Min. Charisma: 4
Min. Essence: 3
Prereqs: Dogmatic Calibration Governor

This charm is a circular implant just left of the Idiomatic Cohesion Instrument and linked to it by a fine wire. When activated it produces sub-harmonic tones that induce feelings of acceptance and pleasure in those listening. The alchemical Exalted may add their Charisma in automatic successes to any roll that is based on performance, presence, socialize or Bureaucracy (if it is person to person). This Charm only functions on living targets. Spirits, Fair Folk and the Undead are immune.

Sub-Harmonic Dialogue Augmentation</b>
<b>Author: Josh Bain, Zach Bush
Installation Cost: 1 mote
Cost: 4 motes
Duration: One Scene
Type: Reflexive
Min. Charisma: 3
Min. Essence: 2
Prereqs: Idiomatic Cohesion Instrument

Alchemical's with the Sub-Harmonic Dialogue Augmentation have large, pointed ears wrapped tightly with copper wire to receive signals, while speech directed out diverts through the Idiomatic Cohesion Instrument. When activated, the Alchemical can communicate with any other Alchemical Exalted who has this charm within their Essence x 5 miles. The other Alchemical's need not have the Charm activated to hear, but must activate it to reply. The Alchemical can speak to a particular target or targets, or to anyone within range. Unless the target replies there is no way to know if they received the transmission. Alternatively it can be used to lock onto the 'brainwave patterns' of a target to which the Alchemical has line of sight, allowing them to transmit their voice telepathically to that target. The target cannot respond.

Mental Pattern Sensing Array</b>
<b>Author: Josh Bain
Installation Cost: 2 motes
Cost: 5 motes
Duration: Essence in Turns
Type: Simple
Min. Charisma: 5
Min. Essence: 3
Prereqs: Sub-Harmonic Dialogue Augmentation

This device is attached to one of the Alchemical's temples, and is a crystal in a setting made of their caste material. When focuses on a single target, Iand this charm activated, the Alchemical attunes itself with that targets thoughts, rolling charisma + socialize, if successful they may read the targets mind for a number of turns equal to their essence rating. Alternatively the Alchemical may attune themselves with the lower parts of the targets brain allowing them to tap into their nervous system, making them aware of the targets movements before they have even made them. This is a tremendous advantage in combat, and ensures that any dodge or parry made against a non-charm enhanced attack during the period that this charm is active is automatically successful (Though it does not provide such a dodge or block).

Material Control Array</b>
<b>Author: MentalFloss
Installation Cost: 1 mote
Cost: 2 motes
Duration: Instant
Type: Simple
Min. Charisma: 3
Min. Essence: 2
Prereqs: None

This Charm allows the Alchemical limited control over the workings of mechanical and metal objects, the physical domain of the machine god. Objects with moving parts will quite literally bend to the will of an Alchemical using this Charm, functioning as if moved by some invisible hand.

In its first use, this Charm allows the Alchemical to control the workings of any small machine or object with moving metal parts within line of sight. However, no such object can be forced to perform any action outside of its range of motion: a crossbow can be ordered to fire, but cannot aim itself beforehand, and a pair of cutting shears will not turn on its wielder, but will open and close on command. The game effects of this Charm are largely up to the Storyteller to determine on a case-by-case basis, but if any question arises about the success of a command, a roll of Charisma + Essence should be called for, against a difficulty set by the nature of the task. Also note that this function of the Charm will not affect large objects. What constitutes a "large object" is up to the Storyteller to decide, but the character's Charisma should be taken into account when making such decisions.

The second use of this Charm is a metal detector of sorts, sensing small fluctuations in the magnetic field of the area to detect the location of any metal objects in a radius equal to twice the Alchemical's Charisma * Essence, in feet. Rather than a constant "sensor", this ability operates more like a sonar "ping", allowing the Alchemical to get several views of an area or object within a short span of time, but requiring reactivation each turn. Again, game effects of this function are largely left to the imagination of players and Storytellers, but possibilities include tracking someone by the metal they wear, gaining an advantage in disabling a trap or device based on knowledge of its internal layout, and anticipating surprise attacks (as long as such attacks are made with metal weapons).

This Charm is installed in an Alchemical's forehead, and is nearly invisible in most cases unless inspected closely.

Magnetic Flux Alteration Drive</b>
<b>Author: MentalFloss
Installation Cost: 1 mote
Cost: 3 motes
Duration: Instant or One Scene
Type: Simple
Min. Charisma: 4
Min. Essence: 3
Prereqs: Material Control Array

Based on the magnetic principles of the previous Charm, this Charm allows a greater degree of control over metallic objects. Objects composed primarily of metal can be carred through the air on waves of magnetic force, and manipulated to a degree not possible with Material Control Array.

The first use of this Charm is, of course, to move metal objects via manipulation of magnetic waves. Objects can be moved at a rate of the user's Charisma * Essence feet per turn, and any object in sight (or one sensed by the second use of this Charm or the previous) can be affected. If the object is currently being held by someone or something unwilling to relenquish it, roll the user's Charisma + Essence with a difficulty equal to the Strength of the person holding the object, or a difficulty assigned by the Storyteller in the event of an object (a sword stuck in a wooden door, for instance). If using this Charm to make an attack against someone, the attack roll is the user's Charisma + Essence, and the defender can defend in whatever manner is appropriate to the attack. On a successful attack, determine damage for the weapon as normal, substituting the user's Essence for Strength.

The second use of this Charm is to detect metallic objects, as with Material Control Array. This Charm allows a much greater range of sensitivity, as well as extending the effect to one full scene. Using this Charm, a character can sense metal objects within an area equal to five times her Charisma * Essence, in feet.

This Charm is installed on the sides of the head, just behind both ears.

Automata Production Command Unit</b>
<b>Author: MentalFloss
Installation Cost: 2 motes
Cost: 5 motes
Duration: One scene
Type: Simple
Min. Charisma: 4
Min. Essence: 4
Prereqs: Material Control Array

This Charm allows the user to create simple automata from any available metal, controlling them with just a thought.

In its first use, the Charm creates automata from metal, according to the specifications of the creator. These automata can be controlled from a distance by their creator and last one full scene before needing to be reactivated (by using this Charm again). No roll is required for this; each activation of this Charm creates another automata. The automata may be assumed to have a dice pool of 4 (2 Attribute + 2 Ability) in any applicable action for which they're used, and function in all other ways as an Extra. Players and Storytellers are encouraged to be creative with automata created this way, changing Attributes and Abilities as it fits the needs of the scene and story.

The second use of this Charm is to attempt to take control of an existing automaton, overriding its existing settings and commanding it to act in whatever way the Charm's user desires. The user rolls Charisma + Essence against a Difficulty set by the Storyteller, depending on the complexity of the automata and the care taken in safeguarding its continued function. Automata controlled by this function of the Charm function within their normal limitations at the behest of the Alchemical Exalted that controlled them.

This Charm is visible as a small, blocky structure containing the control array required for its use, mounted on both shoulders and connected to the back of the neck.

Automata Production Coordination Process</b>
<b>Author: Josh Bain
Installation Cost: 2 motes
Cost: 5 motes, 1 willpower
Duration: One scene
Type: Simple
Min. Charisma: 5
Min. Essence: 3
Prereqs: Automata Production Command Unit

This Charm extends the effects of Automata Production Command Unit, by allowing the Alchemical to create permanent Automata. The have an attribute spread of (7/5/3) and 6 points worth of abilities. They can have no higher than 5 in a given attribute or ability, and have a base soak of 5L/5B + 1L/2B for each ability point sacrificed towards that point. They have no willpower or virtues and obey without question. The difficulty to take them over with Automata Production Command Unit, is equal to the essence score of the Alchemical that created them.

Sub Unit Interface</b>
<b>Author: MentalFloss
Installation Cost: 5 motes
Cost: N/A
Duration: Permanent
Type: Special
Min. Charisma: 5
Min. Essence: 5
Prereqs: Automata Production Command Unit

This Charm allows the character to designate special-purpose automata to store Charms and Essence. Generally taking the form of an orbiting ball with Charms attached wherever possible, and interfacing directly with the user's soul gem, this automaton maintains an almost symbiotic relationship with its controller.

In game terms, this automata functions like a lesser version of the character, with permanent Essence equal to half the character's, rounded up, and both types of temporary Essence calculated as normal (but the automata has no Willpower or Virtues to factor into that calculation). The automata can store a number of Charms equal to its permanent Essence, and the installation cost for these Charms comes out of the automata's Personal Essence as normal. The user of this Charm can utilize both types of temporary Essence from the automata as if it was their own pool, but also suffer the standard anima effects of using Peripheral Essence from the automata.

If the automaton is destroyed, the character immediately loses access to any of the Charms or Essence possessed by it. Targeting the automata is identical to a standard attack, and the automata is assumed to have Attributes and Abilities identical to the character for purposes of evasion, but it can only dodge (not parry) and soak, and it has only seven health levels, similar to a starting character (-0, -1, -1, -2, -2, -4, Destroyed). A destroyed automaton cannot be replaced until the character has the opportunity to be refitted with Charms (either in the Vats, working on her own, or under the attention of a trusted savant).

This Charm is installed visibly on the back of the cranium, near the base of the skull.

Voice Amplification System</b>
<b>Author: unknown
Installation Cost: 2 motes
Cost: 1 mote
Duration: One scene
Type: Simple
Min. Charisma: 1
Min. Essence: 1
Prereqs: None

Set in the throat, this allows the user to shout loudly enough to be heard on the other side of a battlefield. They can also, as a stunt, deafen and daze nearby foes, (roll Performance + Charisma - 3 dice, soaked by Stamina, does bashing damage) shatter glass, and so forth.

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