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Back to</b> Eldmar's Dragon Blooded Characters
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  • <b>Name: Nellens Tamul
  • Aspect: Air
  • Nature: Conniver
  • Concept: Scholar of forbidden lore


||<b>Str: 3||Dex: 4(5)||Sta: 4|| ||Cha: 3||Man: 2||App: 2|| ||Per: 3||Int: 5||Wits:3(4)||


  • <b> (A) Linguistics 3, (A) Lore 4, (A) Occult 4, (A) Stealth 5, (A) Thrown 5,
  • (F) Athletics 3, (F) Larceny 4, (F) Investigation 3,
  • Awareness 2, Endurance 2, Martial Arts 4, Dodge 5, Melee 4, Presence 4, Socialise 3, Archery 2, Medicine 1, Performance 2, Ride 2, Survival 3, Sail 2.


  • <b>Melee - 1H Swords 1
  • Lore - Immaculate Philosophy 1
  • Thrown - Knives 3
  • Occult - Demons 1
  • Martial Arts - Five Dragon Style 3

Backgrounds </b>

  • <b> Resources 2  : (Income from shares in a mining operation)
  • Artifact 3  : (Cloak of Shadows, +4 stealth, +2 diff to spot, allows use of charm - Shroud the body and mind. commitment 5)
  • Artifact 2  : (Blue Jade Dager of Winged Flight, treat as infinite jade chakrum, commitment 4)
  • Artifact 1  : (Hearthstone amulet, commitment 1)
  • Artifact 1  : (Black Treatise, Occult text)
  • Breeding 5
  • Mentor 2  : (Nellens Marovitch Torr, a Fire aspected collector of antiquities )
  • Reputation 1  : (5th ‘Chaos’ Fang)
  • Manse 4
      • Hearthstone - Gem of adamant skin (level 4)- all damage recieved is bashing.
      • Hearthstone - Windhands Gemstone (level 3) - reflexive Dodges v's ranged attacks.
      • Hearthstone - Stone of quick thought (level 1) - +1 wits and dex.

Charms </b>

  • <b> Martial Arts </b> : Five Dragon Fortitude
  • <b> Endurance</b> : Ox Body Technique
  • <b> Stealth</b> : Trackless Passage
  • <b> Stealth</b> : Distracting Breeze Meditation
  • <b> Dodge </b> : Flickering Candle Meditation
  • <b> Dodge </b> : Smoke Obscuring Effect
  • <b> Lore </b> : Elemental Concentration Trance
  • <b> Lore </b> : Elemental Bolt Attack
  • <b> Lore </b> : Elemental Blast Technique
  • <b> Thrown</b> : Seeking Throw
  • <b> Thrown</b> : Loyal Weapon
  • <b> Occult</b> : Spirit Detecting Glance
  • <b> Occult</b> : Terrestrial Circle Sorcery

<b> Spells </b>

  1. <b> Demon of the First Circle</b>
  2. <b> Terestrial Counter Magic</b>
  3. <b> Death of Obsidian Butterflies</b>

<b> Essence </b>  : 3

      • Personal : 13
      • Peripheral : 38
      • Committed : 10

<b> Virtues </b>

  • <b> Compassion </b>  : 2
  • <b> Temperance </b>  : 3
  • <b> Valour </b>  : 2
  • <b> Conviction </b>  : 3

<b> Willpower </b>  : 6

<b> Combat (pre charm use)</b>

<b> Soak </b> : 14 Bashing (reinforced buff)
<b> Dodge </b> : 10
<b> Base initiative </b> : 9
<b> Unarmed Punch</b> : Speed 9, Acc 12, Dam 3(B), Def 12, Rate 5
<b> Thrown (Knife)</b> : Acc 17, Dam 7(L), Def 14, Rate 5, Range 20

<b> Description</b> To come when time permits

<b> History</b> To come when time permits

<b> Image</b>
