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The Charms of the Farmer of a Bitter Harvest, cursed by Absol

Crimson Elixer
Cost: 4 motes, 1 Willpower, 1 Lethal Health Level
Type: Simple
Duration: Instant
Min. Medecine: 2
Min. Essence: 1
Prereqs: None

The Crimson Elixer transforms the Abyssal's blood into something else; a drink of such potent liquid strength that the imbier feels their mind expanding with knowledge and their limbs coming to life for the first time. They also feel a powerful, emotional bond with the Abyssal, regardless of if they've ever even met- although if they haven't, the drinker is likely to become fanatic with panic, wondering who is missing from their life.

Each drink of the Crimson Elixer provides a chance for the victim to become addicted to further draughts. To resist this, they must make either a Stamina + Resistance or a Willpower check (whichever is higher), difficulty equal to 2, plus for each additional time they have drunk from this particular Abyssal within the last year (max difficulty = twice the Abyssal's Medecine). Someone who is addicted must recieve at least 1 draught of the Crimson Elixer a month, or suffer a penelty equal to the Abyssal's Essence to all dice pools. Additionally, in order to resist any direct orders from the Abyssal, they must spend a Willpower and pass an appropriate Virtue check (Difficulty equal to the Abyssal's Essence), related to what they're trying to not do. If the Abyssal's orders do not conflict with any Virtues, they are unable to even try going against them.

This addiction will fade at a reducing the dicepool penelty and Virtue difficulty at a rate of one point a month, after two months of total abstainance. One drink will restore the full addiction without need of a check.

The Crimson Elixer remains potent outside the Abyssal for a number of days equal to the Abyssal's Medecine. The flavor of the Elixer is unmistakable, although someone unfamiliar with it's properties will gain no warning from such. Charms or other supernatural abilities that grant either freedom from mind control or immunity to posion negate the effect. Someone addicted to the Elixer need not drink from the Abyssal to whom they are bound, but if the difficulty to resist the original Abyssal's orders fades by 1 every month, and then rises by 1 for every month until it matches their new domitor.

Ever Boiling Font
Cost: Special
Type: Special
Duration: Permanent
Min. Medecine: 3
Min. Essence: 2
Prereqs: Crimson Elixer

The Ever Boiling Font transforms the very nature of the Abyssal's blood, infusing it forever with the addictive qualities of the Crimson Elixer. Although they must still spend a lethal health level to provide the blood for a victim, they need not spend any Essence or Willpower, nor does it count as using a Charm. An Abyssal with the Ever Boiling Font is incapable of deactivating the effect- if something else feeds on their blood (such as another Abyssal, or a ghost they summon), the being is affected by the Crimson Elixer.

(Type) Brew
Cost: 7 motes, 1 Willpower, 1 Lethal Health Level
Type: Simple
Duration: Instant
Min. Medecine: 3
Min. Essence: 2
Prereqs: Crimson Elixer

There are three types of Brew, each of which charges the Abyssal's blood with unique powers and gifts to grant to mortals. In all three cases, however, only a mortal without a natural Essence pool may be effected, and they may only be under the influence of the last type of Brew they drank. Further, in all cases, the mortal gains a pool of Personal Essence, equal to 3 motes for every feeding (maximum of 3 x Stamina motes), which decays at a rate of 1 mote a week. As long as they have even 1 mote in their pool, they also have the merit Longevity. These motes may be used to power Thaumaturgy normally.

The three types of Brew are...\\ Potent Brew: Grants the user the merit Flows of Essence for physical attributes.\\ Seductive Brew: Grants the user the merit Flows of Essence for social attributes.\\ Insightful Brew: Grants the user the merit Flows of Essence for mental attributes.

Each type must be learned as a seperate Charm. Blood charged with the power of a Brew remains potent for a number of hours equal to the Abyssal's Medecine.

Strength of (Type)
Cost: Special
Type: Special
Duration: Permanent
Min. Medecine: 4
Min. Essence: 2
Prereqs: (Type) Brew

Transforms the Abyssal's blood into one of the three types of Brews permanently. Although they must still spend a lethal health level to provide the blood for a victim, they need not spend any Essence or Willpower, nor does it count as using a Charm. Strength of (Type) comes in three versions.\\ Strength of Heart: Permanent Potent Brew\\ Strength of Spirit: Permanent Seductive Brew\\ Strength of Mind: Permanent Insightful Brew\\ If an Abyssal has multiple Strength of (Type), they may freely choose what sort they are shedding at any moment, but their blood always has the benefits of the Brew- it cannot be voluntarily deactivated.

Gift of Undying Hate
Cost: 10 motes, 1 Permanent Willpower, 1 Lethal Health Level
Type: Special
Duration: Instant
Min. Medecine: 5
Min. Essence: 3
Prereqs: Ever Boiling Font, Strength of Heart, Strength of Spirit, Strength of Mind

Through the Gift of Undying Hate, an Abyssal is capable of turning a mortal into something... else. Superfisically, such creatures resemble Abyssal Half-Caste, and they do share much in common with the Shadewalkers. But there are also some important differences.\\ The Gift of Undying Hate may only be given to a mortal without a natural Essence pool and without the Priest or Holy Mien merit. Further, when the Gift is given, the mortal must be dying. The Gift transforms a mortal into functionally an Abyssal Half-Caste, with an inheritance equal to half their sire's Permanent Essence. They all gain the Merit Awakenend Essence at no cost, and gain the flaw Denizen of Beyond at no benefit. Their Sire then selects any additional Flaws (up to the limit of their Inheritance), and spends the Inheritance and Flaw bonus points how they want.\\ Merits Typically Include\\ Anima Power (3 pts; allows the Shadewalker to grow fangs for feeding)\\ Blurred Fate (1 pt)\\ God Body (3 to 10 pts)\\ Longevity (2 pts)\\ Unaging (7 pts; requires Longevity) (DariusSolluman/MeritsAndFlaws)\\ Deceptive Frailty (1 pt)\\ Mutation (variable points)\\ Flaws Typically Include\\ Affected by Wards (4 pts) Callous (2 to 10 pts)\\ Unusal Appearance (1 to 2 pts)\\ Sterile (1 pt)\\ Sun-Seared (2, 3 or 6 pts)\\ Dying (2 to 10 pts)\\ Disfigured (3 or 4 pts)\\ Derangement (3 or 1 pts)\\ Disturbing (2 or 3 pts)\\ Mutation (variable points)

This is not an exhaustive list, only the most common.

Additionally, if a Shadewalker learns this Charm, those they Gift do not have an Inheritance of half their Essence. Those they gift have an Inheritance of one less than their own. It is uncertain what would happen if a Shadewalker with an Inheritance of 0 were to try and give someone the gift- in all probability, they would simply die. Additionally, the choice of Flaws for these Shadewalkers is fixed- those they create will share their weaknesses, or a subset of their weaknesses if the Inheritance does not allow sufficent bonus points.

There are rumors of Charms which allow Shadewalkers to devour the soul of others of their kind, and through them their Essence, greatly increasing their own power- and perhaps even stealing the Black Exaltation from an Abyssal.. No reliable use of such a Charm has yet been confirmed, however.

Wound-Sharing Practice
Cost: 3 motes / level
Type: Supplemenal
Duration: Instant
Min. Medecine: 4
Min. Essence: 3
Prereqs: Wound-Absorbing Method

The Abyssal injured is of less use to his Masters. However, in pain, the Abyssal has a unique benefit- they can transfer their pain and suffering to another, some soul more deserving of the frailties of flesh than they.\\ When touching a target, the Abyssal may spend 3 motes per level of bashing damage they have taken. If the target is resisting, the Abyssal must also make a successful melee attack first, and the motes for the Wound Sharing Practice must be used before the attack is made. On a successful touch, two effects occur. One, the target takes a number of of Bashing Health levels, unsoakable, of additional damage. Additionally, the Abyssal rolls a number of dice equal to the number of Bashing health levels they are inflicting, and heal that number of bashing levels themselves.\\ Effects which perfectly prevent damage, such as Adamant Skin Technique, negate the Wound-Sharing Practice. Wound-Sharing Technique may be freely comboed with Charms of other Abilities.

This feels unclear. Basically, if Abby Bob has three levels of Bashing damage and one of Lethal, he can spend between 3, 6, and 9 motes and touch someone to both inflict one, two or three levels of bashing on a target, and then roll a like number of dice to heal himself.

Blood Soaked Dreams
Cost: 4 motes / level
Type: Supplemenal
Duration: Instant
Min. Medecine: 5
Min. Essence: 3
Prereqs: Wound-Sharing Technique

As with the Wound-Sharing Technique, except Blood Soaked Dreams transfers Lethal damage instead of Bashing.

Deft Surgeon's Way
Cost: 6 motes / level, 1 Willpower
Type: Supplemenal
Duration: Instant
Min. Medecine: 5
Min. Essence: 4
Prereqs: Blood Soaked Dreams, Five-fold Wound Absorbing Method

As with Wound-Sharing Technique, except Deft Surgeon's Way transfers Aggravated damage instead of Bashing.

Ruin of the Sound Mind
Cost: 10 motes, 1 Willpower
Type: Supplemenal
Duration: Instant
Min. Medecine: 5
Min. Essence: 3
Prereqs: Blood Soaked Dreams, Contamination of Mind

An insane Abyssal, although amusing, is not as useful as a full functioning counterpart for bringing the Death of Creation. With the Ruin of the Sound Mind, the Abyssal may transfer a Derangement they suffer from to another. To do so, they must strike the target, although they need not inflict any damage. The Derangement is permanent in the target, and will return upon the Abyssal within one week, unless additional steps are taken to effect a cure.