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Latest revision as of 19:01, 16 January 2006

Seeds of Agony</b>

<b>Cost:  2 motes
Duration: Instant
Type: Supplemental
Minimum Archery: 3
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisite Charms:: Harvest of the Hunter

By infusing his arrows with a charge of essence the Exalt employing this charm sparks a surge of accelerated growth in the dormant wood comprising their shafts. When these arrows strike their targets the rapidly growing vegetation quickly takes root in the target's flesh, inflicting tremendous pain. So long as the target takes at least 1 level of lethal damage from the attack he suffers a -1 penalty to all dice actions. Treat this as wound penalty for charms or effects which provide resistence to such. Penalties inflicted by this charm persist until the infused arrow is removed. This requires a dexterity + medicine roll at a difficulty equal to the Terrestrial's essence. Healing magics treat the penalties inflicted by this charm as individual levels of lethal damage, which will be healed before the actual level of damage which caused the penalty. Only attacks made by mostly wooden arrows may be supplemented by this charm. Raise the cost of this charm by 1 mote if it is placed in a combo with Crippling Fungal Bloom.

Crippling Fungal Bloom</b>

<b>Cost:  3 motes
Duration: Instant
Type: Supplemental
Minimum Archery: 4
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisite Charms:: Seeds of Agony

By modifying the principle behind Seeds of Agony, a Terrestrial is capable of inflicting a different kind of vegetative infestation upon his foes. Instead of causing accelerated growth within the arrow, the essence packet waits until it meets flesh, whereupon it immediately discharges causing a rapid growth of fungus, moss, and algae in the wounded tissue of the victim. Wounds inflicted by this charm heal as if they were aggravated.

Anima Strangling Creeper</b>

<b>Cost:  4 motes, 1 wp
Duration: One day
Type: Simple
Minimum Archery: 5
Minimum Essence: 4
Prerequisite Charms:: Crippling Fungal Bloom

Instead of infecting and overloading the flesh, Dragon Blooded who master this charm can strike at the core of their foe's strength. Tendrils of elemental essence take root in the target's anima, hampering their ability to regain essence. When activating this charm make a standard attack roll. If the attack hits, the character rolls his essence plus any extra successes he got on the attack roll against a difficulty equal to the target's essence. If successful, the target's essence resperation rate is reduced to 1/4, rounded down, of its former rate. This includes essence gained from stunting. Charms which allow the healing of magical diseases can remove the effects of this charm. if a difficulty is required, it is equal to the Terrestrial's essence.

Quarry Marking Shot</b>

<b>Cost:  1 mote
Duration: Indefinite
Type: Supplemental
Minimum Archery: 2
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisite Charms:: Spring Follows Winter

Through use fo this charm, a Terrestrial Exalted is capable of 'tagging' an opponent with a small spark of essence. "Tagging" a being makes it easier for the Dragon Blood to hunt it down if it escapes. Add 1 automatic success to all rolls related to finding the "tagged" entity. In addition, the character may always opt to attack the target, even if he can't see it. This charm does not negate environmental penalties or cover, nor does it enable the character to attack targets which are out of range or dematerial. A character may only have a number of "tagged" foes equal to this permanent essence.

Hound Scents the Prey Emulation</b>

<b>Cost:  2 motes
Duration: Instant
Type: Supplemental
Minimum Archery: 3
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisite Charms:: Quarry Marking Shot

A skilled hunter can instill the call to hunt in his very weapons, filling them with the enthusiasm of a hound which has caught the scent of its prey. Arrows seem to leap from the bow with a bloodthirsty vitality, eager to catch their master's quarry. Attacks supplemented by this charm ignore any environmental penalties. In addition, targets attempting to dodge this attack have their difficulty increased by one. This charm may only be used against beings who have first been "tagged" by the charm Quarry Marking Shot.

Parting the Sea of Leaves</b>

<b>Cost:  2 motes
Duration: Instant
Type: Supplemental
Minimum Archery: 4
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisite Charms:: Hound Scents the Prey Emulation

The Terrestrial Exalted are the favored children of the Elemental Dragons and are granted certain privlege over the basic elemtnal blocks which make up Creation . The very landscape itself will make adjustments to provide a clear shot for one of the Princes of the Earth. Attacks supplemented by this charm are never impeded or hampered by organic obstacles. Ignore all cover made up of wood, plant life, or even the bodies of animals or people with an unawakened essence. This charm will only bypass armor or shields made of wood or leather, not metal or stone.
