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(Sidereals at Sea writeup)
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Revision as of 01:46, 12 May 2004

Sidereals at Sea\\ Sidereals are the glorious defenders of faith. From their posts in heaven the see the entire fabric of the world and adjust it according to their whims. They live lives of joy in the most fabulous city of Creation. Mere mortals cannot hope to fathom the power and joy of the Sidereals life. Well all Sidereals except you. Who did you piss off to get stuck out here?//

Sidereals at Sea a campaign of dysfunctional demigods. The characters are members of the Western Convention devoted to maintaining fate in the watery realm. They might even be able to succeed if they were funded well enough. Unfortunatly not only is the convention underfunded but only those who are under disgrace or otherwise undesirable are sent out here.

Game is being run at: http://www.livejournal.com/community/sids_at_sea/\\ Currently the game has no openings

Important notes for the game There are more exalted than given in the canon sources:\\ 1,000,000 DragonBlooded\\ 600 Solars\\ 800 Lunars\\ 200 Sidereals

Of those 200 Sidereals around 175 are in service of heaven currently. The others are as yet unexalted or not currently in the service of heaven. Some of them appear to be lost in the Wyld.

Arcane Fate has been nerfed. The more essence a being has the clearer their memories of you are and mortals remember you as your role. Also the more memorable you are or outside your established role the more people will remember you. In many convnetions there are identities that have been handed down through Sidereals for years each one taking on the role of the identity. Example: Valya the Chosen of Journeys operates a talisman shop on Abalone and lives in a manse outside of town. This has been a practice and a cover life of various Sidereals since the founding of the Scarlet Empire. The villagers think that it must be a family lineage because occasionally the shop owner changes and well no one can live forever, right?